[徵才]BlueX Trade誠徵暑期實習 明天中央有活動

看板 Soft_Job
作者 hsienting (twotwo)
時間 2019-06-10 12:30:07
留言 3則留言 (2推 1噓 0→)

公司名稱:BlueX Trade https://www.bluextrade.com/ 公司地址:台北市中山區南京東路二段132號11樓 職缺:Data Engineer/DevOps Engineer 暑期實習 Summer Intern 職缺能力經歷要求:資訊工程系學生 明天下午在中央大學有說明會,資訊如下,請有興趣的同學們一起參加! 各位師長與同學們: 大家好! 很高興能有這個機會跟大家介紹我們這個神秘卻又一直重要的存在於全世界的 產業--Ocean Cargo Shipping industry 海洋運輸產業是一個歷史悠久的產業, 也因為如此, 一但它結合了迅速又方便的高科技, 將會產生什麼樣的火花呢?? 歡迎各位同仁, 在6/20 走進我們的演講廳, 一起來了解這個神秘又有趣的新藍海產業! ! 主題:Looking for your "ONE PIECE": 航向偉大的航道 活動對象:工學院/資訊相關科技或對此產業有興趣了解的同學 日期:2019.6.20 13:30-16:00 地點:大講堂多媒體教室 內容: 13:30 進場 14:00-15:00 產業簡介 與 新技術的應用 15:00-15:30 BlueX Trade 的公司文化與暑期實習介紹 15:30-歡樂的摸彩時刻 共3位幸運同學!每人致贈 500元悠遊卡一張!! 另外, 當天來現場參加講座的同學, 我們將致贈每人一瓶飲料喔!並且可以參加最後的摸 彩活動!!(要在現場喔) 參加講座報名方式:請填寫Google表單https://forms.gle/WB4rnFweUzWqqNuf9 我們將回回信給您摸彩序號喔! 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否 薪資(月薪):30000-35000 工時: 每日工作時間: 9:00AM~6:00AM (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: 1. Build platforms, systems and infrastructure with a large number of nodes running across regions around the world with strong background in distributed systems. 2. Maintain continuous integration and deployment pipeline. 3. Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software solutions. 4. Monitoring and evaluating the performance of services in different environments. 工作福利: What would you like to have for Benefits? Join us! We can work it out together, and will level up for sure! Currently, we have: -Lots of Wines, beers, snacks for you. Don't worry you will get hungry.. -Flexible work hours. You don't have to be trapped in the traffic jam. -Free and full of interesting work environment. Let's have fun in work!! -Unlimited floating holidays. We work hard, and play hard!! 公司介紹: BlueX is a B2B digital network for logistics freight forwarders and their SME shippers. We enable freight forwarders and their SME shippers to efficiently book, track, pay and finance ocean cargo shipments. Additionally, we aggregate their volume to provide better rates and priority shipping slots -- services typically only available to the largest shippers. 人資或徵才聯絡方式: Sandy Tseng <[email protected]> TEL:886-2-25007833#22 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1560141009.A.BEE.html

ruthertw: 薪資實在是... 06/10 19:44

godbye45: 實習來說應該不差了吧?! 06/10 22:22

DCTmaybe: 暑假沒事做去學兩個月還有錢拿不錯啊 06/11 17:11
