[徵才] KRONO徵才:Quant Researcher & Trader

看板 Soft_Job
作者 Raphaecaro (Raphaecaro)
時間 2018-08-19 23:11:02
留言 4則留言 (3推 0噓 1→)

>公司名稱:KRONOS(麒點科技有限公司) >公司統編:50787692 >公司地址:臺北市信義區忠孝東路5段68號29樓 >公司網址:https://kronostoken.com/ >公司介紹:  KRONOS will revolutionize the hedge fund industry through the development of  a multi-strategy, transparent, and democratized trading and asset management  ecosystem to facilitate investments into cryptocurrency and other digital  assets. KRONOS provides a technological bridge between two wanting parties:  cryptocurrency investors, and portfolio managers (or traders). Investors hold  cryptocurrency and other digital assets and seek a diverse set of returns;  traders have the ability to manage such assets but lack the resources to  obtain and administer it.    KRONOS is a platform and multi-strategy ecosystem for the asset management  industry. The KRONOS platform is powered by two types of tokens: an ERC20  utility token for the core KRONOS platform, and security tokens to be minted  and issued for each of the child strategies implemented on the platform.  Eventually, we anticipate KRONOS to move past cryptocurrencies towards  disrupting the traditional investment management space as well. Through a  decentralized approach to asset allocation and fund management, we can  address some of the industry’s core deficiencies. >職缺:Quantitative Researcher & Trader >職缺能力經歷要求:  * Strong knowledge of probability, statistics, and machine learning.  * Creativity is key: we need to constantly be coming up with new solutions to  old problems.  * Intermediate programming skills in C++, Python, or similar.  * Effective communicator and eager to work with others.  * We would like to see some background in machine learning, data analysis, or  financial markets for applicants in this role.  * Fluent English speaking is required. >員工是否需自備工具:否,使用公司電腦 >薪資(月薪):NTD150,000~NTD250,000(根據能力決定) >薪資(保證最低年薪):12個月(最低年薪:NTD1,800,000~NTD3,000,000) >年終獎金計算方式:Based on performance >每日工作時間:  * 建議上班時間09:00~18:00,中午休息一個小時(12:00~13:00),八個小時  * 上班/下班時間彈性,可以依據個人需求前後調整   >每週工作時間:8(小時/日) * 5(日/週) = 40(小時/週) >加班費制度:加班費比照勞動基準法辦理 >工作福利:  * 優於勞動基準法的彈性休假制度  * 公司供應午餐 >人資/徵才聯絡方式:  * 英文履歷  * 歡迎高手們將履歷寄至:[email protected](Li Wen Huang) --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1534691464.A.161.html

Souseasou3: 貴公司的合約是走哪個鏈呢? 08/19 23:23

barrycai: 看erc20 應該是乙太 08/19 23:38

Souseasou3: 喔喔看到了 ERC20 ETH沒錯 08/19 23:51

sayha8451: 推推 08/20 10:50
