[徵才] 新加坡LARC誠徵研究工程師(68.7k up)

看板 Soft_Job
作者 margies (margies)
時間 2017-11-30 17:56:26
留言 6則留言 (4推 0噓 2→)

*公司名稱: 新加坡管理大學全息數據管理中心 Living Analytic Research Centre, Singapore Management University https://larc.smu.edu.sg/ *公司地址: School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, 80 Stamford Road, 178902, Singapore *職缺: Research Engineer 1. Develop new data analytics and crawling capabilities 2. Develop and maintain real-time data analytics services and systems 3. Create prototype/application to showcase centre's analytics capabilities 4. Showcase LARC's applications at conferences 5. Assist other researchers to collect and extract relevant data *職缺能力經歷要求: 1. Bachelor/Master in Computer Science or relevant disciplines 2. Good knowledge on databases, data mining, distributed computing, operating systems 3. Proficient in at least one or more of these programming languages: Java, Python, C#, C++, C 4. Experience in the following technologies is a plus: Elasticsearch Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce), HBase, Hive using Cloudera Apache Storm RabbitMQ Redis MySQL Tomcat, NodeJS, Apache, nginx Bootstrap, D3, SigmaJS Maven Nix environment (CentOS 6.x), bash scripting Puppet Virtualization (VMWare, KVM, Vagrant) *員工是否需自備工具? : 否 *薪資(月薪): Salary for these positions will be based on the candidate's relevant experience and qualifications. The following scale is for your reference: PhD-level: S$5000+ Master-level: S$3500+ Bachelor-level: S$3000+ *薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 13 個月 In additional, up to two months bonus may be given out annually based on good performance. *年終獎金計算方式: 全薪計算 *工時: 每日工作時間: 08:30AM~5:45AM (9.5小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 彈性上下班,不打卡 每周工作時間: 9.5*5=47.5 *加班費制度: 無加班風氣 *工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC) is an innovative research centre funded by the National Research Foundation of Singapore to create new solution and analytics techniques to address societal scale social computing problems. These problems are characterized by data inspired applications and rich social and urban science backgrounds. LARC is also a joint initiative with Carnegie Mellon University. 我們有跟新加坡政府合作的計畫,也有中心自己的食物辨識、工作地圖、大眾交通規劃等 等有趣的專案 中心目前有一台DGX-1,最近會再購入兩台配備V100的DGX-1 對於深度學習相關有興趣的人應該會很有一展長才的機會 這裡也有滿地的PhD,工作有任何問題的話不用擔心,每個領域都有人可以討論和詢問 我自己認為這個位置適合剛畢業,有意願未來繼續進修的學/碩士,這裡除了有機會參與 各項專案,也有很多發paper的機會,未來申請學校時應該會有很大幫助。 中心的Director是新加坡管理大學的林一平教授,是為了成立LARC而從南洋理工過 來的的,在這裡工作也可以從他身上學習到很多。 *工作福利: 依照新加坡管理大學規定: http://careers.smu.edu.sg/benefits-welfare 依照我的經驗(目前在職Research Engineer),首年帶薪年假21天,一年增加一天 一周一小時運動假 除了團體勞健保,還有依照薪資提供的Flexible Benefit額度可以用於加保其他類保 險,或者用於度假、消費性電子等生活休閒花費 *公司分紅與獎金: 如上述,依據表現一年可能有最高2個月獎金 *人資或徵才聯絡方式: To apply, please send your CVs to Professor LIM Ee-Peng at [email protected] (Director of Living Analytics Research Centre) 有問題也可站內信或透過[email protected]聯絡我 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1512035789.A.4F7.html

robler: 3000....? 11/30 18:12

senjor: 用學歷分薪水應該是要找新鮮人吧? 11/30 19:10

makyan: Singapore dollar 11/30 21:09

famas2200: 推不用自備電腦 12/01 00:41

content71: MS連EP簽證的底線都沒到啊 12/01 00:54

touhsiang: 大神學姊推個 12/01 10:07
