[徵才] 傳倍順科技 徵Web/iOS/Android Developer

看板 Soft_Job
作者 popodidi (皓)
時間 2016-07-18 16:25:36
留言 9則留言 (5推 1噓 3→)

公司名稱: 傳倍順科技股份有限公司 SendBest Technology Co., Ltd. 公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市內湖區新湖一路86號 Vacancies 1. Web Developer (Front-End or Back-End or Full-stack) - Development of new products or new requirements based on current products 2. iOS Developer - iOS Application Development of new products or based on current Web products 3. Android Developer - Android Application Development of new products or based on current Web products Requirements 1. Web Developer - Having one or more of these skills: - Front-end JavaScript, able to make XMLHttpRequest API calls and utilize one or more of popular JavaScript libraries: - jQuery and DOM manipulation - ReactJS/Redux Single Page Applications - NodeJS: - ExpressJS routing - Database drivers (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite) - Python language, python standard library, and object oriented progra- mming basics. - Git version control - Eager to learn and work, careful consideration and capable of working under pressure - Able to work independently - Basic in SQL, especially MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite implementa- tions.(Back-End) - Understand and capable of applying concepts of Web 2.0 (Front-End) - PREFERABLEs - TOIEC/ TOFEL/ ELTS .... - With development Experience in Facebook API or Google Map API - Basic in Linux distributions (CentOS, Ubuntu) - Basic System Analysis and the Management of System Requirements, Project Managing and Coordination & Communication Skills - Great bonus to demonstrate your work at interview 2. iOS Developer - Swift or Objective-C language - iOS SDK and Xcode IDE - Git version control - Practice of network mechanism - Eager to learn and work, careful consideration and capable of working under pressure - Able to work independently - PREFERABLEs - TOIEC/ TOFEL/ ELTS .... - Third party libraries management (ex. CocoaPods, Carthage, SPM) - Developmenet experience with Database, Location Based Servic, Facbook API, Google API - Great bonus to demonstrate your work at interview 3. Android Developer - Java language - Android SDK and Android Studio/Eclipse IDE - Git version control - Practice of network mechanism - Eager to learn and work, careful consideration and capable of working under pressure - Able to work independently - PREFERABLEs - TOIEC/ TOFEL/ ELTS .... - Third party libraries management (ex. Gradle) - Developmenet experience with Database, Location Based Servic, Facbook API, Google API - Great bonus to demonstrate your work at interview 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否 (公司提供Macbook pro retina) 薪資(月薪): - Web Developer 40~80k (依經驗面議,無經驗可) - iOS/Android Developer 40~80k (依經驗面議,無經驗可) 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 14 個月 年終獎金計算方式:底薪計算/全薪計算 工時: 每日工作時間: 8小時,彈性工時(09:00~18:00 / 10:00~19:00...) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 加班費制度: 比照勞基法 工作環境: 我們是個年輕充滿活力的開發團隊,不定期有技術分享 公司設有站立工作區及冰箱、咖啡機、電鍋和零食 公司介紹:http://www.sendbest.cc 工作福利: - 不扣薪事假 - 預告性自主給薪休假 - 三節禮金 - 不定期聚餐 - 每月生日蛋糕趴 人資或徵才聯絡方式: - 聯絡人:洪小姐 - Email: [email protected] (代po 勿站內信) --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1468830338.A.E64.html

Deltaguita: 這官網有夠......,公司是不是還沒請設計師? 07/18 16:28

robler: 與期搞什麼 預告性自主給薪休假 還不如多給幾天特休 07/18 16:33

ringo543: 官網陽春又不吸引人... 07/18 17:13

chershen: 看來樓上是高手耶! 07/18 17:29

ringo543: 不用是高手也看的出來吧 就真的很陽春啊 07/18 17:42

ringo543: 像是做了現在流行的滿版設計,文字和重要訊息卻擠在中間 07/18 17:43

ringo543: 還有...那些色彩圓圈到底是? 意義不明的符號也是問題 07/18 17:45

ringo543: 其他更多的就留給高手說吧 07/18 17:45

BLGreenTea: 又發徵才文,上一篇被虛的推文不打算回應了? 07/19 14:23
