Re: [徵才] 台北 外商SpoonRocket 徵軟體工程師

看板 Soft_Job
作者 yuhuai (revolution)
時間 2014-06-02 23:26:03
留言 7則留言 (5推 0噓 2→)

上一篇徵才文大家熱烈的回覆,SpoonRocket都聽到了 SpookRocket很有誠意在台灣找尋共同享受創造價值的工作夥伴 看到有些版友提到福利的問題,這一點大家不用擔心,公司福利絕對是很好的 包括每個人都是坐高腳椅 (美國很多公司都是站著工作,長期下來比較舒適) 以及一進去每個人就各標配一台15"macbook pro retina,外加兩台27"大螢幕 公司還有大電視、大冰箱、咖啡機、零食、可樂.......很多都是比照美國總部規格 Justin想要把美國SpoonRocket的辦公室文化帶到台灣 非常歡迎對startup有興趣的夥伴加入! 台灣區team leader回覆如下 (擔心我翻成中文有些文字會曲解team leader原本想要表達的意思,所以以原文代po) 以下為代po --------------------------------------------------------- "Hi my name is Justin, and I'm the leader of the Taiwan Branch. In regards to some of the questions, Working overtime is not an obligation. In the case that people do work late for dinner, they are provided costs for an extra meal. In regards to the large salary range, I included it low enough to hopefully attract people at various experience level. I believe there are people with high potential but rather lower experience and will offer salary that matches a more junior role vs more experience senior role. Next time I put this post up, I will separate these out to have a smaller range for Junior vs Intermediate vs Senior developer role. Hopefully, the key isn't regarding the salary, but I hope to find people who are passionate about doing a startup and being part of one that has the potential disrupt an entire industry. And we should be able to pay enough to make people not be concerned about this area. Let me know if you guys have any more questions, thanks!" --
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TwoSeam5566:請問正要退伍的0經驗的社會新鮮人會有機會嗎QQ 06/03 00:08

yuhuai:主要還是看你的專業技能,有興趣還是非常歡迎投履歷 06/03 00:32

sedgewick:好奇舉手發問, software engineer 的作業平台是什麼啊? 06/03 02:26

saladim:沒面試機會會寄感謝函ㄇ XDD 06/03 07:18

aacs0130:推27吋雙螢幕,對工程師來說很棒! 06/16 00:47

Allyssa:站著上班好羨慕啊....工作多年,坐久了腿真的受不了 07/15 22:50

Allyssa:美國很多公司都可以作調整式桌面,站著坐著工作都行 07/15 22:50
