Re: 真是抱歉,之前的標題就不適用了

看板 Soft_Job
作者 Kany (Kany Li)
時間 2007-11-15 23:22:34
留言 15則留言 (8推 0噓 7→)

Not everything is about "nationality", "defense" and "offense". Please take those succssful (well, not that successful) software companies in Taiwan for example. Like the 1st Ulead System (Now Coreal, *sad*), and Trend Micro, Cyberlink. Try to figure out how they get success. I believe the "mind", "insight" will make much difference than those "big company, big country" side. ICQ is originated from Israel, not USA. SkyPE is also not from USA as well. Too many samples there. PS: Well, listening to another different opinion about the industry is not that bad. :) -- 星星 是不是有很多秘密 ? 才神秘兮兮的 把眼睛眨個不停 ? -- ◆ From:
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alongalone:儼然又是一位大師出現.....XD 11/15 23:46

iincho:well, as I know, mind or insight in this company.. 11/16 01:04

iincho:is not much different...FYI....XD 11/16 01:05

iincho:英文太爛了用中文吧... 11/16 01:13

iincho:根據我對這些公司的了解, 他們的insight和mind不會比較強.. 11/16 01:13

iincho:模式大致上是有錢亂槍打鳥, 十發打到一隻就賺了.. 11/16 01:14

iincho:至於你要問為什麼他門有錢, 多半不會是天下商周上刊的那些. 11/16 01:16

abcdefghi:很多國際大公司都這樣,只要 10% 的計劃能成功,就賺翻了. 11/16 01:39

ledia:insight, mind 指的鞥該是前瞻的視野和胸襟 11/16 02:22

ledia:看得遠, 做出很多 prototype 出來, 總有一個會是之後熱門的 11/16 02:22

ledia:國內公司有這種眼光的大概都是金字塔最上面 11/16 02:24

ledia:決定公司走向的那些人... 11/16 02:24

Aurim:公司與客戶市場所在地本來就可以不同的,勿忘全球化啊 11/16 07:44

taroson:一樓的他算中肯的了 有必要那麼酸嗎 11/16 11:16

ggg12345:1.成立時間點看起2.市場目標3.團隊4.行銷模式5.敵手環境 11/16 11:58
