Re: 英文自傳求批

看板 Salary
作者 vosser (二的四次方)
時間 2019-07-09 19:00:09
留言 1則留言 (1推 0噓 0→)

非常感謝aXr2大大的關心,讓小弟甚感惶恐。 先做個澄清,我的留言沒有拿來做武器、也沒有不尊重任何人的意圖。但我沒有說明白也 是事實,謝謝aXr2大您的指教。 我原述的「好像沒看過這樣的格式」是因為我看到原原po及aXr2大在履歷羅列的第一段用 自介講了學歷背景;第二段開始,使用條列的方式舉出自己的經歷、技能和獎項,這樣的 寫法確實不符合美式resume或是英式cv的寫法。 如果要英文的自介(同英式履歷的cover page),還是建議維持第一人稱的方式扼要闡明 自身的優勢,強烈建議不要超過2/3頁。再多的話,HR或用人主管也看不下去。 倒是在resume或cv頁,再使用條列的方式寫出自己的學經歷、技能、得獎情形及其他社團 活動等等。這部分可以適時的一兩句描述在該獎項或活動中自己有什麼貢獻或收穫。 既然aXr2大都願意拋磚引玉了,我也改個cover page給原原po參考。 I am XXX, a junior student at Chiayi University, currently majoring in Marketi ng and Tourism Management. I am interested in your long-term internship posit ion for Social Marketing, in which I can contribute my knowledge to and develo p a further comprehension of the industry. Studying in College of Arts and Letters, I have prepared myself very well in u tilizing Microsoft Office tools in various tasks. For example, I developed a p lanning tool to help plan a cherish event in 2013 and a book-keeping tool to m aintain revenues and expenses for Kid Castle in 20XX. Not only that I gained a sense of achievement in these occasions, but also these changes saved xx% an d xx% of workforce, respectively. Besides technical knowledge with computing tools, I also have professional exp eriences from participating in Social Network Relationship Podcast, winning th e championship for National Universities of Green Tourism Creative Travel Plan ning Competition, and joining Foxconn student internship program. One precious take-away from these extracurricular programs was that I had to cooperate wit h others, combining our interpersonal and interpersonal skills, to achieve a c ommon goal. I have a great passion for this position, and my schedule is flexible after Ju ly 7. Please kindly consider me as a potential candidate; with adequate traini ng, I can provide a great value for the Company. 想討論可以提出來沒關係,畢竟有討論才有進步。謝謝。 --
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anr2: 前幾天有點激動了 抱歉 07/11 16:01
