[新聞] 加拿大多倫多-魁北克高鐵要蓋了!

看板 Railway
作者 NipponKitano (かけかえのないもの)
時間 2024-10-29 11:03:53
留言 40則留言 (17推 0噓 23→)

原始標題 Federal government going ahead with high-speed rail between Quebec City and Toronto 加拿大聯邦政府正推進魁北克市與多倫多之間的的高鐵計畫 新聞網址 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/high-speed-rail-canada-1.7365835 發表日期 台灣時間2024年10月29日早上4時34分 全文完整內容 The Trudeau government will announce plans for a high-speed train linking Quebec City and Toronto in the coming weeks, Radio-Canada has learned. Proponents of the project hope the train will take passengers from Montreal to Toronto in three hours. By car, it takes about five-and-a-half hours to travel between the two cities. Sources told Radio-Canada the train will travel 300 kilometres per hour — double the speed of Via Rail's current trains. Ottawa announced plans back in 2021 to build what it called a "high-frequency" (HFR) rail corridor with stops in Toronto, Peterborough, Ottawa, Montreal, Trois-Rivières, Laval and Quebec City. Sources told Radio-Canada the federal government has now decided the Toronto-Quebec City link will be high-speed. The train would use a newly built, separate electrified track and run frequently. In addition to Quebec City, Montreal and Toronto, it would serve Trois-Rivières, Laval, Ottawa and Peterborough. Sources told Radio-Canada the federal government has chosen a winning bidder out of three competing consortia and is expected to announce the news in the next few weeks. A spokesperson for Transport Minister Anita Anand wouldn't confirm the news because the contract has not been awarded. Finalizing the contract could take several more months. "No contract has been awarded to a consortium for the rail project in the Quebec City-Toronto corridor," the spokesperson said. "Our Liberal government has an ambitious, transformative plan for Canada's future." At an economic conference in Toronto on Oct. 16, Anand said the federal government "is going ahead with one of three bids that we have now received for high-frequency, high-speed rail. "Rail is going to improve productivity, it's going to improve efficiency, it's going to lower carbon emissions, and it's going to allow for more housing to be built on these rail lines." The government selected three consortia to bid on a high-frequency rail project between Quebec City and Toronto. A source close to the file said the bidding consortia warned Ottawa that ridership would be lower with a high-frequency train than with a high-speed one, since customers are looking for the shortest possible trip. In addition, VIA HFR Inc., the Crown corporation created in November 2022 to develop a rail corridor between Quebec City and the rest of Canada, is expected to change its name to refer to more than just high-frequency trains. According to a government source, the consortia's work demonstrated that the high-speed rail option was "much less expensive than originally anticipated." Transport Canada initially estimated that the cost of a high-speed rail link between the two cities could be as high as $80 billion. The three consortia selected by the government are: Cadence, made up of CDPQ Infra, SNC-Lavalin, Systra Canada and Keolis Canada; Intercity Rail Developers, which includes EllisDon Capital, Kilmer Transportation, First Rail Holdings, Jacobs, Hatch, CIMA+, FirstGroup, RATP Dev Canada and Renfe Operadora; and QConnexiON Rail Partners, made up of Fengate, John Laing, Bechtel, WSP Canada and German Rail. It's not known which of the consortia won the tender. As the project office owns all the bids, it could use elements from each one in the final project. The project will be jointly developed by the federal government and the private consortium. It's expected to take four to five years to design the future high-speed line. Funds are to be allocated at the end of that time period, so it's possible a future government could modify or cancel the project. High-speed rail could pay for itself: expert Pierre Barrieau, a lecturer in transportation planning at the Université de Montréal and consultant with the firm Gris Orange, said a high-speed rail link could help pay for itself by eliminating the need to build new highways and airports. "We're building a project like this for [the next] 150 years," he said. "Canada deserved better than a high-frequency train." Barrieau said he also believes a high-frequency — but not high-speed — train would not have brought about "a transformation in mobility" and customer demand would have been too low. He also said he wouldn't be surprised if the project ends up costing $120 billion. Paul Langan, founder of the advocacy group called High Speed Rail Canada, said he hopes the pending announcement means Canada is at "a turning point." "I think it'd be like the U.S.A., where once you finally get it somewhere, another corridor all of a sudden springs up," Langan said. He suggested that a high-speed rail project between Edmonton and Calgary would likely be the next best option. Countries with economies less developed than Canada's already have high-speed trains. Turkey has the YHT and Poland the PKP, which can reach speeds of 250 km/h. Morocco's Al Boraq peaks at 320 km/h. Indonesia has just inaugurated the Whoosh, which goes up to 350 km/h. Brazil has a high-speed rail project underway and India is importing the Japanese Shinkansen model. 概略翻譯: 根據CBC所獲得的資訊指出,加拿大執政的杜魯道(Justin Trudeau)政府即將在數週內 宣布多倫多—魁北克市高鐵計畫。該計畫將新建獨立於在來線的電氣化路線,營運速度預 計達到每小時300公里,並提升服務密度。目前該高鐵計畫有三方競標,得標者預計將在 數月內出線。加拿大交通部尚未證實此一消息。 加拿大政府於2021年宣布將打造「高班次密度」(High-Frequency,HFR)的鐵路廊道, 計畫中的停靠站包括安大略省多倫多、彼得堡(Peterborough)與渥太華;魁北克省拉瓦 爾(Laval)、蒙特婁、三河市與魁北克市。消息來源指出,聯邦政府近日拍版,本計畫 將以高速鐵路規格建造。 加拿大政府先前粗估,建設成本可能高達加幣800億元(約台幣1.85兆元)。另設計料需時4至5年。 三家政府揀定的競標廠商為: 1.Cadence CDPQ Infra, SNC-Lavalin, Systra Canada and Keolis Canada 2.Intercity Rail Developers EllisDon Capital, Kilmer Transportation, First Rail Holdings, Jacobs, Hatch, CIMA+, FirstGroup, RATP Dev Canada and Renfe Operadora 3.QConnexiON Rail Partners Fengate, John Laing, Bechtel, WSP Canada and German Rail. 心得感想 看到這新聞真的是痛哭流涕 加拿大國內線航空把乘客當盤子肥羊 VIA鐵路則是毫無競爭力的票價跟速度 客運精美四排座真的是謝了 加拿大城際交通真的是任航空業宰割 另外這幾年減碳成為趨勢 加拿大也是卯起來蓋都會區鐵路 無論是東岸的蒙特婁、渥太華、多倫多 或是西岸的溫哥華、卡加利、愛德蒙頓 每座大城都有計劃正在進行 希望台灣也能多多推進適合本地的大眾運輸 附圖: 多倫多鐵道博物館一隅 扇形車庫變餐廳轉車台只能想像 https://imgur.com/fkMkQSB 多倫多市中心根本路電天堂 但駕駛水準也是...絕非個案 https://imgur.com/G44vIE5 #PTTRailway -- 這條高鐵沿線大約是加拿大一半人口居住的廊帶 確實是早就該蓋了 但明年大選沒意外是會政黨輪替 保守黨應該會執政 雖然他們大本營Alberta省也說要蓋高鐵 不過不確定現任黨魁會對高鐵計畫是否有興趣 還要看聯邦政府怎麼跟安省、魁省喬財源 未來還是有許多變數 目前還沒看到細部規劃的內容 但CBC有張比較圖標示大概是900公里 專家是認為造價應該會到1200億加幣(約台幣2.75兆元) 如果能蓋到溫莎真的是最好 但沒經過Kingston有點可惜(雖然是繞路) 加拿大常見的是龐巴迪、西門子、阿爾斯通這幾家 倒是多倫多機場快綫是用日本車輛的柴聯車 整個就是集集線、平溪線的感覺(?) VIA客運列車必須待避生意興隆的貨運列車 (擁有路線所有權與優先權) 誤點時間跟驚喜包沒兩樣 真的不是出門的好選擇
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (加拿大)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Railway/M.1730171035.A.567.html

ckTHU: 這長度如果建成,美國東北角各大都會說不定也會有意願串連 10/29 11:46

geesegeese: 早該蓋了吧,兩個城市大眾運輸是加拿大最優 10/29 13:00

geesegeese: 中間還有首都渥太華與蒙特婁,簡直加拿大大動脈 10/29 13:02

s880st: 倘若臺灣糖業鐵路沒被政府放棄,保留改善為其他大眾運輸 10/29 13:39

s880st: ,就能造福更多鄉鎮地區且較不會有公車缺少司機的問題, 10/29 13:39

s880st: 及未來科技進步,軌道運輸能轉變為無人化、降低人事成本 10/29 13:39

Harrychou: 糖鐵就別想了,路線走向是原料取向,作為客運並不適合,再 10/29 14:50

Harrychou: 者當地公車乘坐率幾乎慘不忍睹,路線更繞/速度相當或更 10/29 14:50

Harrychou: 低的糖鐵會比較好? 10/29 14:50

Slzreo1726: 糖鐵大部分路線都不好 只有少數幾條比較有潛力 但也 10/29 15:22

Slzreo1726: 都拆光了 10/29 15:22

Slzreo1726: 這條高鐵是多長啊 多魁兩市直線距離七百多公里 蓋起 10/29 15:27

Slzreo1726: 來估計也要八九百公里 以1.8兆除下來 一公里要價大概 10/29 15:27

Slzreo1726: 20億? 10/29 15:27

ethanNTP: 期待美國也有高鐵 10/29 15:37

jerry8432: 最好還能往下連結溫莎或底特律 10/29 16:20

jerry8432: 美國就看加州那條什麼時候蓋完吧... 10/29 16:21

ThomasWei919: 不知道到時候會用哪國的系統,到時候應該很精彩,日 10/29 16:21

ThomasWei919: 、德、法、中不可能不去搶這塊大餅 10/29 16:21

ethanNTP: 希望美加系統有機會直通 未來串連五大湖和東岸城市群 10/29 16:50

ethanNTP: 之前看到新聞說加州高鐵要拚洛杉磯奧運前完成 不知道實 10/29 16:50

ethanNTP: 際進度怎麼樣了 10/29 16:50

TaiwanXDman: 這感覺可以往西再延伸到底特律 終於芝加哥? 10/29 19:43

lions402: 搭VIA新車160就感覺像要散架了 10/29 19:47

Richun: 從公司來看,第一家看不出來,第二家大概是阿爾斯通的,第 10/29 20:42

Richun: 三家,德鐵。考慮到美加直通的可能性,阿爾斯通比較有機會 10/29 20:46

SakuraHana: 反觀大陸,建設領先美加20年 10/29 23:58

zonbytai: 第一家可能是西門子嗎?反正北美客運列車市場幾乎都是那 10/30 07:38

zonbytai: 幾家在輪流,西門子在北美也有brightline的經驗 10/30 07:38

t7101271328: 何止Brightline? Amtrak除了Acela新購車輛整個天下幾 10/30 14:47

t7101271328: 乎都被西門子吃掉了 10/30 14:47

timmyhsu2: VIA真的很爛 10/30 16:47

gogoguide: 比較好奇 這種很容易下大雪的地方 高鐵要怎麼營運 加拿 10/30 17:20

gogoguide: 大應該比北海道更容易暴風雪吧 10/30 17:20

toast520520: 魁北克到多倫多約800公里 渥太華到多倫多400公里 10/30 19:12

toast520520: 正好是高鐵的最佳距離 10/30 19:12

guest0926: via 真的不行啊… 10/30 23:52

ThomasWei919: 隔壁美鐵的長途列車也是很容易一整個晚上都在待避貨 11/01 10:59

ThomasWei919: 列,尤其是在CSX 的地盤上.... 11/01 10:59

geesegeese: 推原po詳盡解說,希望有生之年能搭到美洲高鐵 11/01 13:11
