[新聞][外鐵] 美鐵新型長程機車頭持續掙扎著

看板 Railway
作者 t7101271328 (HPY)
時間 2023-01-24 00:17:07
留言 7則留言 (4推 0噓 3→)

原始標題 Amtrak’s New Long-Distance Chargers Continue to Struggle 新聞網址 https://reurl.cc/EXxglg 發表日期 2023/1/18 全文完整內容 CHICAGO — Nearly a year after they made their main line debut, Amtrak’s new Siemens Mobility ALC-42 “Chargers” are still having teething issues, especially in cold weather. 自從在美鐵的中長程幹線更換西門子ALC-42新型機車頭“Chargers”近一年,仍然發生了一些原始問題,尤其是在寒冷的冬天。 This winter, the Empire Builder connecting Chicago with Portland and Seattle has been plagued by delays and even cancelations. Some of the delays have been caused by weather and freight train interference, but perhaps the biggest issue has been with the ALC-42 locomotives, which have been running on the route since last February. Issues with the locomotives losing power have resulted in hours of delays for passengers across the route. In some instances, BNSF Railway has even had to provide freight locomotives to get the train over the road. 今年冬天,連結芝加哥與波特蘭/西雅圖的帝國建造號(路線偏北)一直被延遲或取消,除了天氣因素或是貨物列車導致,另一個最大原因或許就是去年二月才投入的ALC-42機車頭了。原因是動力喪失所導致客運列車幾個小時的延遲,更甚者需要BNSF的機車頭來把該列車脫離。 Kara Evanko, a spokesperson for Siemens Mobility, has said the units have lost power during “unusually extreme circumstances where the locomotive experiences drastic changes in temperature.” 西門子發言人指出:這些車頭的動力喪失是因為急劇的天氣變化所造成的異常極端狀況。 Siemens officials say that hardware and software issues are impacting the locomotives, but both are being addressed. New software is being installed and hardware — specifically a pipe — is being replaced. Siemens officials didn’t comment on what exactly the pipe in question did or why it needed to be replaced. However, they tell Railfan & Railroad that the work is happening on the locomotives that are already on Amtrak property and that it does not require them to go back to Siemens. 西門子公司則表示:不論軟硬體的問題都已經在做調整,軟體正在更新,硬體上尤其是幫浦也在做更換。雖然西門子並沒有明確說明幫浦的什麼問題所導致的,但他們表示這個更換計畫正在進行,因此也不需再送回西門子處理。 This isn’t the first time that cold and snow have challenged Siemens products. The SC-44 locomotives used on Amtrak’s Midwest service have also had issues in winter, but when Amtrak announced it was purchasing Chargers for long-distance services, officials said those problems would be addressed. 其實風雪交加的寒冷日子並不是第一次對西門子機車頭造成問題,另一款在美鐵中部地區服務的SC-44機車頭在冬天也同樣的有類似的問題,但美鐵自從說要為中長途客運購買Chargers時,表示這些問題都能被解決。 Presently, a number of ALC-42s are in service on the Empire Builder, usually paired up with P42 locomotives that they will eventually replace. Amtrak expects to acquire 125 ALC-42 locomotives as part of its current order. 目前,由部分ALC-42牽引的帝國建造號,還會再掛上原本要替代的P42機車頭來共同牽引,而美鐵總共採購了125輛的ALC-42機車頭。 心得感想 當初機車頭亮相時就有部分人士認為西門子機車頭的換氣窗有點太大 冬天可能造成引擎室過冷而運轉不利 不過新車還沒原本GE製造的舊車可靠 可能這幾年瘋狂買西門子新車的北美各鐵路業者也想像不到吧~ ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony XQ-AS72. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Railway/M.1674490629.A.938.html

jk189: 西門子的車到哪都會水土不服 01/24 06:30

willy1215: 隔壁版有個挺西門子挺到不行的,挺到想拿車床加工證照 01/24 08:58

willy1215: 考捷運司機員 01/24 08:58

t7101271328: 西門子的車不是不好 但對那種嚴峻氣候的耐受性有點差 01/24 11:24

a5mg4n: 美鐵也是直流機車比交流機車可靠嗎?XD 01/24 12:30

t7101271328: 這款是柴電機車頭 電力機車頭ACS-64反而好像沒啥問題 01/24 12:35

komachi275: 進氣口大省油效率高啊... 01/24 15:20
