Re: [新聞] 外文好優先拔擢 韓國瑜:高市推公務警消

看板 PublicServan
作者 requiem (Babi Yar)
時間 2019-02-24 02:20:34
留言 16則留言 (7推 0噓 9→)

: ※ 引述《lifestream (咪路貓與黑黑兔)》之銘言: : : 其實語言這東西天天看天天用,很快就上手, : : 只要高雄市長敢帶頭,把公文通通改成全英文~~ : 單純博君一笑+腦力激盪,畢竟板上990的公務員也不少 : 補完班轉換個心情,動動腦等等比較好睡,迎接明天美好的週日 純粹拋磚~ : 一、請將以下字句轉換為英文(一題2分);並以該題幹照不短於20英文字之句子(一題8分) : a. 台端 Distinguished Mr./Ms. (thou比較會翻成"汝"(^__^)) : b. 陳請鈞長鑒核 respectfully present the following.... to Your Honor for approval : c. 知悉,文存 well received/noticed/informed filed : d. 公告周知 publicly informed/public announcement : e. 如擬 agreed/approved/imprimatur : f. 檢陳 annex/enclosure presented : g. 抄送 with copy sent/forward to : h. 依據高市XX字第OO號辦理 In/with reference to no. oo /xx of K-s City : i. 職OOO I, your humble desk officer 職小科員000 : j. 文到三日內見復 R. S. V. P. in three days. Response desired within 3 days upon receiving the present letter. 諒達 XXXX should be acknowledged. 請查照惠復 Please take note and kindly respond. : 其實要翻成白話英文不難,但要翻的有韻味就難翻了 : 大家試試吧XD Distinguished Mr. Grass Citizen, 草民先生您好, your email dated 0000 is well received and transferred from the chamber of Mr. Mayer with his command to respond serenely. 您00月00日來郵敬悉,並奉市長室交下敬復。 We take note of your proposition that the pension of public servants should be reduced in line with the minimum wage. Your precious suggestions will be filed for further reference, with copy sent to the Department of Civil Service, the branch in charge. 本府敬悉台端有關將公務員退休金調 至與最低工資看齊之建議,您的寶貴提議將予存參,副本並抄送業管機關銓敘部。 We wish you the best time. 敬頌 時祺 Note: The sector in charge drafts this response to Citizens' Petition and respectfully presents it to Your Honor for approval. 謹註: 職科所擬之人民陳情案回函,謹陳鈞長鑒核。 --

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XZXie: 明天到市長室上班 02/24 09:02

roy147yo: 我只會 how do you turn this on~XD 02/24 09:05

cooxander: 99分,市長應為mayor,小扣一分XD 02/24 09:44

fcz973: 恭喜明天立刻生殖 02/24 10:29

MrSteve: 菲律賓講英文經濟也沒比較好,日本人超怕講英文國力就是強 02/24 10:44

MrSteve: 廣設大學畫各大餅,提倡的人升官發大財,教育的成果在哪? 02/24 10:47

dexmanlau: 怕講不表示英文不好 02/24 14:21

talesb72232: 不符合書函格式 重擬 02/24 14:24

TEYU21: 好屌 02/24 15:07

chungrew: 最低工資XDD 02/24 16:18

toborxp: 02/24 21:50

toborxp: 02/24 21:50

marmalade: 日本科技公司用外來語跟上面有7、8分像。哈哈。也不是 02/25 08:26

marmalade: 台灣獨有。 02/25 08:26

cooxander: 如果是日語的話,那些詞早已內化成日語的一部分了 02/25 21:05

cooxander: 天差地遠的東西說成7、8分像orz 02/25 21:05
