Fw: [情報] 刺客教條電影上映日 2016 12/21

看板 PlayStation
作者 nicetree (nicetree)
時間 2015-01-06 11:51:51
留言 24則留言 (13推 0噓 11→)

作者: nicetree (nicetree) 看板: XBOX 標題: [情報] 刺客教條電影上映日 2016 12/21 時間: Tue Jan 6 11:50:52 2015 FOX 福克斯昨天1/5宣布,刺客信條將於2016年12月21日上映。 導演Justin Kurzel 原文網址: http://comicbook.com/2015/01/06/assassins-creed-release-date-announced/ Fox announced today that Assassin’s Creed will hit theaters on December 21, 2016. The film will star Michael Fassbender and director Justin Kurzel has been tapped to helm the movie. Both Fassbender and Kurzel previously collaborated on the film, Macbeth. In the film, a bartender is captured by a large corporation and is forced into a machine, named "The Animus", allowing him to relive the memories of his ancestors -- Most of whom are Assassins -- to retrieve powerful and dangerous artifacts. Assassin’s Creed is based on the popular Ubisoft video game series of the same name. 2016 is shaping up to be a very busy year for Fassbender. In addition Assassin's Creed, the actor is set to reprise his role as the Master of Magnetism, Magneto in X-Men: Apocalypse which hits theaters May 27, 2016. --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1420516313.A.1F9.html

Kamikiri: 24FPS 忠於原作! 01/06 11:58

e04su3no: 有五千個路人! 01/06 11:59

belion: 1F....XDDD 01/06 12:01

NicolasX: 大螢幕將以900P史詩格局上映 01/06 12:04

NintendoGC: 1F XD XD XD 01/06 12:05

FengLiDon: 台譯: 刺客教條 霸革命 01/06 12:09

windmilll: XXXXXXXXD 01/06 12:10

windmilll: XDDDDDDDDDDD 01/06 12:11

hidexjapan: 電影本來就24張XD所以ubi才會主打電影般的體驗做暗示 01/06 12:15

PlayStation3: 立馬想到24FPSXDDDDDDDDD 01/06 12:29

PlayStation3: 路人會閃現嗎? 01/06 12:30

TETUO: 片商:上映前半年母帶只能以8FPS運行,能後製到24FPS是奇蹟! 01/06 12:32

kodwsg: 會有5000個路人嗎 01/06 12:35

PlayStation3: 上一個月後之後惡評如潮緊急宣布外傳免費入場 01/06 12:44

kyo2001: 會有隱形路人嗎? 01/06 12:54

bruce513: 體驗五千個臨時演員的劃時代革命鉅作 01/06 13:02

music120: 電影裡的人潮都是複製貼上..不會真的找5000個 01/06 13:46

eiw123: 霸革命 01/06 14:41

peatle: 感覺不用太期待... 01/06 16:36

LeftVision: 電影看到一半還要等下載更新嗎? 01/06 20:55

tonyii: 推樓上......隨著Ubi這一代的霸革命 造成玩家各種看衰~~~ 01/06 21:38

tonyii: 主角跑酷翻牆的時候 會掉到無底黑洞裡面摔死 =The End= 01/06 21:40

spfd: 導演:剪接錯誤的部分將另外在youtube放更新影片 01/07 02:56

joe6304105: 這導演IMDB沒一部超過7分 不期不待 01/07 03:47
