Re: [情報] 刺客教條:大革命 重要消息!!

看板 PlayStation
作者 scarofwind (Peter)
時間 2014-06-20 17:28:39
留言 62則留言 (46推 0噓 16→)

: 『本中文版產品與日文版共用相同版本,遊戲內容將符合日本 CERO分級規範之相關規定』 : 完 幹 我受不了了 先是河蟹智障 然後又是河蟹狗 現在又來個河蟹教條 請大家直接寄信給ubisoft Dear Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Unity developers, I am from Taiwan, Asia, and I have been a loyal fan of Assassin's Creed series. I enjoyed every game of the series. Recently Ubisoft Taiwan had started censoring a bunch of games including South Park: Stick of Truth, Watch dogs, and now Assassin's Creed!!! Please, I beg you to STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING. It is ridiculous that violent contents did not exist in French revolution. We learned in textbooks that this is one of the most violent revolution in history! All we Asian players want is the same content that American and western gamers paid for. We don't want gaming experience like watching Teletubbies. If I were to say I learned something from playing Assassin's Creed, it will be: "Nothing is true, and everything is permitted." But your Taiwan branch is acting like a freaking templar and is getting in our way of true Assassin's Creed experience. Please do not make the pirate online copy to be our only way to access the uncensored version of this awesome game. Best regards, Peter, Uplay account:scarofwind 感謝 RuinAngel網友幫我修校正 這篇錯別字應該很少了 我已留言在刺客教條:大革命的粉絲團 自己的遊戲自己救 如果什麼都不做以後我們就只能完天線寶寶教條了 歡迎大家 轉寄或轉貼 -- 06/20 17:30
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pusufu:我也可以選擇不玩 06/20 17:33

nightdragen:要不要提醒一下最後署名要改XDD 06/20 17:33

strangechu:虧你敢把這錯字連篇的po上來 06/20 17:41

scarofwind:至少我有去爭取 如果英文爛就什麼都不做結果只會更慘 06/20 17:43

jerryklu:沒正常中文版就當作盜版理由?你美版被鎖? 06/20 17:45

PTTfaggot:有心推一下 06/20 17:48

faang:我剛還在想 I "bug" you 是啥意思= =" 06/20 17:50

SGBA:推 你爭取 06/20 17:58

TETUO:推有心 06/20 17:58

fhjqwefs:不管什麼事有去付諸實行就是要推 06/20 18:03

igarasiyui:你對"開發者"講有用嗎......訂決策的又不是他們 06/20 18:10

muds:開發者有機會進而影響決策的人啊 06/20 18:19

tn:推行動派,酸人英文不好的實在該反省 06/20 18:32

OGoTTe:推一下 06/20 18:39

Tearsptero:推有心 06/20 18:40

sugizo0:不錯的方式啊,自己的權益自己救 06/20 18:51

sunlockfire:請某樓英文小助教發一篇超正確的文章吧~~ 06/20 18:51

jackyiou:英文好沒行動誰知道你英文好? 06/20 18:57

cbahsasn7250:有行動有推 06/20 19:28

a83a83cjcj:推行動派 06/20 19:35

kevin0733:loyal Watch Dogs regards 06/20 20:12

kevin0733:ridiculous 06/20 20:13

TaipeiKindom:有心,大推一個 06/20 20:44

peacedove:英文蠻好的啊 06/20 20:45

chikasa:有心推 06/20 20:51

mindsteam:  06/20 21:18

GunGunGun:想請問為什麼是用"I am from"而不是"I come from"? 06/20 21:45

torukumato:推有心 不然嘴砲誰不會 06/20 21:52

KingKingCold:大推,自己的權益自己救 06/20 21:56

j2squared:就直接嗆說"FXXX You why you make us eat river crab?" 06/20 21:56

fhjqwefs:樓上也中式英文過了頭= =""" 06/20 22:05

h51206yk:推 06/20 22:08

igarasiyui:河www蟹wwwwww 06/20 22:11

Elivanta: I am from 跟 I come from都可以啊 06/20 22:19

j778012:推行動派 06/20 22:39

godrong95:推行動派 06/20 22:58

cloud7515:river crab是三小XDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/20 23:02

kaizea:寫得出這樣一篇我覺得比那種在那邊抓小錯誤的強多了 06/20 23:14

KingKingCold:寫出這樣一篇比那種在那邊抓三小錯誤的強多了+1 06/20 23:16

Cruel2:推! 06/20 23:26

Cruel2:我要問一個笨問題 我找不到ubisoft的email... 06/20 23:28

Cruel2:google只找到他們的Q&A support處? 06/20 23:29

scarofwind:只有粉絲團.. 06/20 23:49

chiyosuke:推 06/21 00:22

sillymon:fxxking japan river crab!! 06/21 01:03

shama:river crab XDDDDD 06/21 01:07

kazushige:推行動力 06/21 01:32

Ray1985:寫出這樣一篇比那種在那邊抓三小錯誤的強多了+1 06/21 01:44

mathafaka:river crab我大笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/21 02:14

SHwEE:river crab好像很好吃...秋天還沒到啊 06/21 03:36

CALLING:推行動派 拒絕遊戲河蟹! 06/21 08:25

oprt13:有心推 06/21 09:14

blitz1991:river crab! river crab! river crab! 06/21 09:56

steelballrun:不想河蟹,可以玩英文版? 06/21 10:38

awon:river crab 真的很有梗 XDDDD 06/21 11:16

MichaelRedd:推"FXXX You why you make us eat river crab?" 06/21 12:10

eiw123:ˋ直接不要買抵制比較快 06/21 13:33

win828485:river crab XDDDD 06/21 20:25

mhsaru:請問該寄到哪啊? 06/22 00:18

smallwhite30:寫出這樣一篇比那種在那邊抓三小錯誤的強多了+1 06/22 03:08

monkeywind:有心給推 都有人幫忙了 如果到時候成功 大家都是受益者 06/23 08:22

x69toki:有心幫推 06/23 22:29
