[情報] THQ不再,旗下開發商遭多家遊戲公司併購

看板 PlayStation
作者 likewindboy (Mr. Deschanel)
時間 2013-01-24 07:14:43
留言 43則留言 (26推 0噓 17→)

消息出處:http://tinyurl.com/asrgogz 重點整理: SEGA has agreed to purchase Relic, developer of Company of Heroes 2 and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. SEGA同意購買英雄聯隊2與戰槌殺無雙的開發商Relic Koch Media (owner of Dead Island publisher Deep Silver) has agreed to purchase Saints Row developer Volition as well as the publishing rights to the Metro franchise. (Update: According to a statement issued by Koch, "Deep Silver, Koch Media’s international publishing powerhouse, will lead all further development and marketing on the Saints Row and Metro franchises." The statement added that "Koch Media and Deep Silver will roll out future plans for each franchise in the coming months.") 死亡之島開發商的母公司Koch Media同意購買Volition (黑街聖徒系列、赤色戰線系列的開發商) 同時取得戰慄深邃系列的發行權 Crytek, who is currently developing Homefront 2, has purchased the rights to the Homefront franchise. 已正在開發Homefront2(烽火家園2) 且為Crysis(末日之戰)系列製作公司 Crytek 取得Homefront(烽火家園)系列的版權 Take-Two (parent company of 2K and Rockstar) has agreed to purchase Turtle Rock Studios’ project codenamed Evolve. (Update: While Take Two was initially rumored to have acquired Darksiders publisher Vigil, it has since been revealed that this isn't the case) Take-Two(2K與Rockstar母公司)購買了Turtle Rock Studios 而非先前謠傳的Vigil(Darksider的製作公司) Ubisoft has purchased the rights to publish South Park: The Stick of Truth as well as THQ Montreal, the current developer of Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Desilets’ project codenamed 1666. (Update: Ubisoft has confirmed the purchase, noting in a statement that "THQ Montreal will join Ubisoft’s development teams." Ubisoft also says that South Park: The Stick of Truth "is scheduled for release in calendar 2013.") Ubisoft 買了南方公園遊戲的發行權(2013年發行) 和THQ Montreal(目前正在開發刺客教條之母的新遊戲)。 Farewell THQ! -- ◆ From:
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1358982886.A.713.html

kawazakiz2:WWE系列咧...希望不要是EA 01/24 07:52

wing95035:還好騎士系列沒有被ea買走 01/24 08:22

likewindboy:睡眼惺忪時翻的,有部分是同意購買,不過對thq而言, 01/24 08:30

likewindboy:應該都是會賣的。之後會有update新聞 01/24 08:31

b2284446:DarkSider系列呢? 01/24 08:48

zero12242000:裡面我最在意的就是Vigil 誰會買走咧... 01/24 08:49

Runna:NOOOOOOOOOOOO...RELIC被SEGA買走... 01/24 08:54

Runna:應該說SEGA要買...STEAM要看不到Relic的作品了嗎? 01/24 09:00

gdsword:我還很好奇 他的英雄連隊2怎麼還可以2013預售中? 01/24 10:09

Runna:因為公司沒有停止活動 就只是這樣 01/24 10:10

Runna:THQ的宣傳一直沒有停止 01/24 10:11

efreet:SEGA很愛鎖區,TW系列都要從別處買才行 01/24 10:38

akilight:因為台灣的愛勝代理簽訂獨家代理合約,所以SEGA必須鎖區XD 01/24 10:50

tsairay:很鳥~要獨家,很多又不代理進來 01/24 10:53

Runna:只好找GG了 01/24 10:54

mikosara:Vigil聽說沒人要 01/24 11:16

faang:SEGA竟然有買@@ 01/24 11:17

steo:Darksiders好像還沒賣出 01/24 11:18

KYLAT:看來烽火園2的硬體需求會變得很高 01/24 11:21

sugizo0:THQ... 01/24 11:28

neotai41:Vigil...我想玩四騎士阿... 01/24 11:34

tsairay:Darksiders系列明明獨樹一格的啊... 01/24 12:03

RickyRubio09:我還想玩到戰鎚40K阿...... 01/24 12:22

alejandroW:SEGA自己不也有財務危機嗎 01/24 13:13

a83a83cjcj:白金好像對Darksiders有興趣 XD http://goo.gl/zD46J 01/24 13:21

albert7387:我烽火家園還沒拆 01/24 13:27

xebec:我第一個想到的是板垣老大的"DEVIL'S THIRD"...... 01/24 14:01

xebec:該不會因為這樣胎死腹中了吧...... 01/24 14:02

faang:如果白金真的出了 我必買XD 01/24 14:10

tsairay:Darksiders給白金很適合啊~ 01/24 14:11

dimrain:之前DEVIL'S THIRD版權好像早就還給板垣了 01/24 14:13

biglafu:Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War不是殺無雙吧? 01/24 14:15

biglafu:應該是破曉之戰 01/24 14:15

likewindboy:感謝提醒,不過這兩款都是Relic做的喔 01/24 15:13

clark24135:刺客教條之母....是啥? 01/24 15:18

likewindboy:因為他生了它XD應該說之父比較好齁! 01/24 15:28

efreet:白金快出手啊! 01/24 15:51

MADAOTW:因為刺客系列製作人是女性當然用母 01/24 17:48

talan:板垣的作品版權送給版垣的公司了 出不出的來 現在是板垣他們 01/24 19:08

talan:在負責 與THQ無關了 01/24 19:08

likewindboy:其實Patrice Desilets是男的XD另一個Jade Raymond才是 01/24 23:50

likewindboy:女的XD 01/24 23:50

sneak: Darksiders給 https://daxiv.com 10/06 18:33
