[閒聊] (代po)有人寄過自己電腦/玩setup給國外yo

看板 PC_Shopping
作者 nkc0105 ()
時間 2017-02-20 21:32:04
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(代po)有人寄過自己電腦/玩setup給國外youtube頻道嗎? 原po吉哥登入次數未滿90次,代po之。 前情提要在此 https://goo.gl/vuDo2F 由於國外youtube頻道主打的是PC的setup,故發在此板,本身為PTT新手及輕度使用者,如有不妥歡迎告知刪除,謝謝。 繼上次前情提要後,礙於預算問題,目前只有把線整一整,以及添購一組羅技的Z200電腦喇叭,和一副雷蛇的MANO'WAR 7.1耳麥。 http://i.imgur.com/8OsOSsk.jpg
長期follow國外兩個我蠻喜歡的介紹電腦/玩setup的youtube頻道,分別是techsource的setup wars專輯,和swashin的pimp my setup專輯,推薦給還不如道的板友。 https://goo.gl/JLCGIo https://goo.gl/2vGDGu 我的感覺是setup wars比較專業而嚴格,而pimp my setup比較業餘而親民,考量我的setup比較業餘,加上很喜歡swashin肥仔主持人Matt Philie的幽默風格,所以我鼓起勇氣剛打完英文草搞,正要把自己的setup寄去,但還沒寄出,想請板友給點建議。 以下是我寄去寫的內容,他要寄件者寫類似自介的東西,但我的英文不是很好,獻醜處、有誤處,歡迎指正。 I'm both Biotechnologist and Bioengineer from Taiwan. I really enjoy seeing how other people pimp their setups, so I have followed your channel for near 1 yr. I really appreciate the shows, which give me many ideas. However, unlike many American and European style rooms, in Taiwan, our rooms are almost constructed by reinforced concrete, which makes drilling holes on the wall to conceal cables almost impossible. Consequently, I can just use cable ties, cable boxes, cable bags, and 3M hooks to make my setup as clean as possible. Even Signum horizontal cable management from Ikea is unavailable in Taiwan, so very sorry for my cable management. For only the room itself, I spent about 20,000 USD to build this Japanese style room called washitsu to play video games, watch movies, and sometimes just surf the Internet in my leisure time. This room originally is built to let my customers have a place to relax, so there is a really big square table, which afterwards I think isn't suitable to put my four consoles on. As for the desk I put my one of PCs and 27" monitor on, it was firmly attached to the wall when this room was built, which makes hiding the cables under the desk totally impossible, so again I apologize for my cable management. The following are about my gears. Because I'm a loyal console gamer, my two PCs aren't that good; however, they are enough for gaming excluded purposes. The 22" monitor beside my Ikea sofa is mainly for searching game guides and recording gameplay videos when playing video games. I use 65" CHIMEI TV for console gaming, though it isn't a very high class TV, which only supports Full HD resolution, but It's enough for me, for now. For gaming capture card, I use Avermedia CV710, which is of barely good quality. I also use SM58 microphone to record my voice, and my audio interface is M-Audio Fast Track MK2, which help me make youtube video and record my music. I have two speakers, one is Logitech Z906 under my square table for console gaming and watching movies, the other one is Logitech Z200 for normal computer usage. My webcam is an out-of-date Logitech C525, which only suports 720p resolution. Now I'm saving my money for some good cameras, so I can just use my Zenfone 3 to record videos. I also have an out-of-date printer EPSON CX5500, which still works fine. Another out-of-date gear is my fax machine, which is Panasonic KX-F126, which helps me get information even when I'm playing video games. Last but not least, as a Xbox achievements lover, I even use a tablature rack to put some gameguides printed from my EPSON CX5500 if in essential cases. Sorry for my poor English. Thank you very much. 以上,謝謝大家撥冗過目。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z012DA. -- 好的,謝謝大家,英文部分我再自己想辦法好了,非常感謝。 抱歉用詞沒注意,還沒寄出啦~ 光蓋房間本身不含一切3c設備就花了台幣60多萬,原po身為一個30歲年輕人真的盡力了。 更正,是313 主持人回我了,請期待pimp my setup episode 131 http://i.imgur.com/Qrw02Qp.jpg
光蓋房間本身不含一切3c設備就花了台幣60多萬,原po身為一個30歲年輕人真的盡力了。 https://goo.gl/ZEZvSI 因為原po一直被酸窮酸到怕了
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1487597527.A.541.html

lf2597 : yo什麼yo 02/20 21:35

tomsawyer : 直接end 02/20 21:35

tomsawyer : ((誤 話說有些空格沒空到 02/20 21:36

tomsawyer : 還有非常臺式英文的味道xD 02/20 21:36

ltyintw : 好像懂這篇文的意思又好像不懂 02/20 21:37

tomsawyer : "is" almost impossible 02/20 21:38

baka : 中上 來 下一位來~ 對 號碼牌給我就好 02/20 21:39

damnedfish : 上來找免錢英文老師的意思 02/20 21:39

ltyintw : 感覺是想寫信跟外國人討教菜單的意思 02/20 21:41

tomsawyer : 有點看不下去了 分明是中文轉英文一字一字翻 02/20 21:41

suyuan : 你花那麼多錢弄房間,一篇英文花少少錢就可以找人 02/20 21:42

suyuan : 好一些,這篇英文實在是,很像google翻譯那種感覺 02/20 21:43

suyuan : 建議你花些錢找人幫你翻譯的好一點 02/20 21:43

suyuan : 看到這麼多 I 就可以知道這是國中生水準的英文 02/20 21:44

knowhile : 這跟電蝦什麼關係? 02/20 22:15

qilin5100 : 不用太管信件ㄅ 把設備寫一寫 丟照片就好 02/20 22:21

CB34 : 從推文感覺到本版英文水準極高 02/20 22:24

panex0845 : 句點後面要空兩格 02/20 22:34

kyan820815 : 開玩笑 ,版上都TOEFL 120,TOEIC 990 02/20 22:50

starbops : 我看 SIGNUM 台灣有賣啊 02/20 23:40

starbops : 看得懂欸,由此可證我只有國中生程度,幫 QQ 02/20 23:42

starbops : 我是覺得不用一直感到抱歉啦,畢竟你都投稿了 02/20 23:43

starbops : 噢我是指 cable management 的部分 02/20 23:44

kuninaka : 看得懂比較重要吧,跟國中生關聯在哪? 02/21 00:39

kuninaka : 考作文逆 02/21 00:39

TheIronMan : 推 國外玩家真的有用心在布置play room 02/21 02:50

KasperTW : techsource訂閱很久了,你的style會被噓... 02/21 04:24

INGNI : 你的程度跟別人差太多了吧,根本像是老人對上現代 02/21 06:11

INGNI : 裝潢 02/21 06:11

INGNI : 等人家辦窮人特輯的時候再投稿好不好,太丟臉了 02/21 06:13

Nexus5X : 想投就投 老外不會care的 頂多就選不上 加油 02/21 09:02

acebruce : 窮人特輯的布置超爛XD 但還是看的出來很愛電玩 02/21 09:16

nkc0105 : http://i.imgur.com/0QUzO5I.jpg 02/21 11:15

nkc0105 : http://i.imgur.com/717degQ.jpg 02/21 11:16

nkc0105 : 老外討論出乎意料的熱烈 02/21 11:18

dororoxz : 這房間我看過 好像在巴哈有PO過的樣子 02/21 11:18

dororoxz : 但不得不說跟國外的水準真的落差蠻大的.... 02/21 11:20

DK0405 : 推 02/21 11:47

school4303 : 就是出來曬的啊XD 最近看到跟房間有關的都是他的文 02/21 12:04

school4303 : 他之前好像是Po在PS版 我記錯了 02/21 12:12

atony8155 : 為什麼一直強調花60萬/20000usd? 重點是房間整體感 02/21 12:14

atony8155 : 吧,我倒是覺得日系風跟3c很不搭。 02/21 12:14

lsslss : 光污染用起來不是大好就是大壞 這稱不上金玉其外 02/21 14:15

dororoxz : 我沒有要潑冷水的意思 我自己也力求這個方向在前進 02/21 17:43

dororoxz : 果你常看國外的 其實它們的風格都是盡量簡約好看 02/21 17:44

dororoxz : 而原PO的感覺只是把所有的配備供在桌上而已 02/21 17:44

v5270 : 電蝦還附帶英文文章驗證功能喔 02/21 17:46

v5270 : 把所有配備放在桌上,就只是為了愛現而已,灰塵不 02/21 17:48

v5270 : 天天清,之後所有東西都一層灰塵 02/21 17:49

miacp : 只是把自己的硬體都晾在桌上而已,實在是不好看。 02/22 16:26
