[情報] KCP:這支球隊每個人都喜歡防守。每個人

看板 NBA
作者 kakala99 (Fernando Torres #9)
時間 2024-10-09 22:03:50
留言 28則留言 (20推 0噓 8→)

How did you tell “him” you were leaving Denver? 你是怎麼告訴「他」你要離開丹佛的? Tell who? 告訴誰? The big man. 那位大個子。 Usually when I'm in free agency, my representation, my agent always advises me not to talk to anyone, to keep myself away from that so he can handle that side. I didn't get a chance to really talk to nobody in the process of making my decision. But after I did, everybody congratulated me. We're still brothers. 通常在我進入自由市場時,我的經紀人總是建議我不要與任何人交談,讓我遠離這一過程 ,讓他來處理那一部分。所以我實際上沒有機會在做出決定的過程中與任何人交談。但做 出決定後,每個人都向我表示祝賀。我們依然是兄弟。 When it’s your life, everything matters. How did you prioritize? For me, I prioritized my family, first. That's the main thing, putting me and my family in a great position. Also, just talking to my agent, getting all the numbers, that side of that. And the team and the organization, where I feel I fit in best, where I think I can make an immediate impact. A lot of that goes into choosing where I want to be. The relationship: Who wants me? I don't want to go underlooked. Orlando, they saw my value. And me, just looking at their organization, their coaching staff, I know some of their coaching staff. Some of the players, I know; I've played against for a while. Just watching them throughout the whole season, a lot of that came into play about picking where I wanted to land. 對我來說,家人是我的首要考慮。這是最重要的,確保我和我的家人處於一個很好的位置 。當然,我也與我的經紀人討論,了解所有數字,還有那一部分的考量。還有球隊和組織 ,我覺得我在哪裡最合適,我能在哪裡立刻產生影響。這些都是我選擇目的地時考慮的因 素。還有關係:誰想要我?我不想被忽視。奧蘭多看到了我的價值。而我,看著他們的組 織和教練團隊,我認識他們中的一些人。一些球員我也認識,我已經和他們對戰了好幾次 。整個賽季看著他們,這些因素都影響了我的選擇。 Were they at your door at 6:01 on the 30th (of June, the first minute of free agency)? My agent knows more of the details, but as soon as I hit free agency, Orlando was one of the first teams to reach out, which I respect so much. I really thank them for giving me the opportunity, to bring my value over here and my championship mentality that I have, and just be a leader for the young guys. 我的經紀人知道更多細節,但一旦我進入自由市場,奧蘭多是第一批聯繫我的球隊之一, 這讓我非常尊重。我真的很感謝他們給了我這個機會,讓我把自己的價值和冠軍心態帶到 這裡,並且成為年輕球員的領袖。 You could have gone pretty much anywhere. What stuck out for Orlando? The young core. These are most of the guys that they had last year, just adding new pieces. But that core they have, they already believe in each other, trust each other. Just watching them, the way they played, it was not ‘me, I.’ Everybody took sacrifices. For a young team to be able to grow up that fast says a lot about them and their organization. That made my decision easy. They were one of the best defensive teams last year, and that's what I like to do — defend. Natural fit. It was easy for me to just come in and fit right in and not try to step on anyone’s toes. When I talk to most of the young guys, it's about defense, them helping me and what I see and they don't see, and I'm telling them. Everybody is eager to learn, I would say. 年輕的核心。他們大部分都是去年留隊的球員,只增加了一些新面孔。但是他們的核心已 經彼此相信並互相信任。看著他們的比賽,沒有自私的表現。對於一支年輕的球隊能夠如 此迅速成長,這說明了很多,關於他們和他們的組織。這讓我的決定變得很簡單。他們去 年是聯盟中最好的防守球隊之一,而防守正是我喜歡做的事情。很自然的契合。我很容易 就能融入,不會試圖踩到任何人的地雷。當我與大多數年輕球員交談時,話題都是防守, 讓他們幫助我,看看我看到的他們沒注意到的東西,然後我告訴他們。他們都很渴望學習 Do they know what they don't know? That's a hard question. Everyone listens. Everyone is always entitled to their opinion, but most of the young guys here, they listen. They're coachable. A lot of young guys aren’t coachable, think they know everything, but I like that everybody listens to everybody. We have a dialogue with each other. One thing we wrote down at the start of training camp is communication. There's always room for improvement, but seeing everybody talk to each other, that’s going to help us out more on the court and off the court, just hanging around each other. 這是一個難回答的問題。每個人都在聽。每個人都有自己的意見,但這裡的大多數年輕球 員都很願意聽。他們願意接受指導。很多年輕球員不願意聽,覺得自己什麼都懂,但我 喜歡這裡的每個人都聽每個人說話。我們彼此之間有對話。我們在訓練營開始時寫下了一 件事,那就是溝通。當然,總有提升的空間,但看到每個人彼此交談,這將在場上場下 都幫助我們。 What do you try to pour into Paolo Banchero and Franz Wagner? For me, just try to get them easier shots where they don't have to waste as much energy offensively. Down the stretch, the ball’s going to be in their hands. For us, as their teammates, (our job is) to find them easier shots throughout the game. … I’m trying to get (Banchero) to see his window. It's a small window that he has. That can turn into big windows. Just playing with two championship teams, LeBron, Joki?, A.D., (Rajon) Rondo, all them guys, Jamal … it’s spacing. They made an emphasis on that. The better our spacing is, the better the offense will be. The more we can space the ball, it’s harder to defend when the ball is moving. That's the hardest thing. Most of what I talk to him about, pretty much everybody about, is defense. Offensively, I know they can hoop. They can play basketball. They can put it in the basket. But a lot of players don’t like to defend. This is one team (where) everyone loves to defend. Everyone wants to get out there. 對我來說,就是讓他們在進攻端輕鬆得到得分機會,不用消耗太多體力。在關鍵時刻,球 會在他們手中。對於我們這些隊友來說,(我們的工作是)在比賽過程中為他們創造更容 易的投籃機會……我試著讓Banchero看到他的機會窗口。那是一個很小的窗口,但可以變 成很大的窗口。與兩支冠軍隊伍一起比賽過,像LeBron、Jokic、AD、Rondo、Jamal…… 他們都強調場上空間。我們的場上空間越好,進攻就會越流暢。當球在場上流動時,防守 起來會更難。這是最難的事情。大部分我與他們,幾乎與每個人談論的內容,都是關於防 守。進攻方面,我知道他們會打球。他們能打球,能把球投進。但很多球員不喜歡防守。 而這支球隊,每個人都喜歡防守。每個人都想上場去防守。 They've been talking about Game 7 against Cleveland all summer. I like that they have that mental in their head, that bad taste. In my opinion, (they) should have won. Down the stretch, they made shots, and a lot of mistakes started to happen. That's what this year, in training camp, we've been talking about — communicating at both ends and focusing, locking down. Being able to trust each other, knowing my teammate is in the right spot. We can go as far as we can take ourselves if we just talk to each other and communicate, stay together. 我喜歡他們有這種心態,記住那種失敗的滋味。依我看,他們應該贏下比賽。比賽最後, 對手投進了關鍵球,我們開始犯了很多錯誤。這就是今年我們在訓練營中討論的——雙方 溝通和專注,鎖定目標。信任彼此,知道隊友會在正確的地方。如果我們彼此溝通,團結 在一起,我們可以走得很遠。 I remember when Detroit drafted you and how much Joe (Dumars) thought you fit their mentality. I haven't talked to him in a minute. I saw JD, saw his son, and we chopped it up. Detroit gave me my opportunity. I’ll never forget that. I'll always give props to Detroit. They started my career off, made me who I am, made me humble. The love. And going into a team like that, the Bad Boys era, knowing that history, getting an opportunity to play in The Palace before they changed it. I had Chauncey Billups, Tayshaun Prince. I had a piece of the Bad Boys that I played with. Rasheed (Wallace) was on our coaching staff. So, some of that was still in there, that mentality. That kind of shaped me to this day, that hustle mentality, that grit, just being hungry. 我已經有段時間沒和他說話了。我看到JD,看到了他的兒子,我們聊了聊。底特律給了我 機會,我永遠不會忘記。我會永遠感激底特律。他們啟動了我的職業生涯,塑造了現在的 我,讓我謙卑。那份愛。進入那樣一支球隊,「壞孩子軍團」的時代,了解那段歷史,有 機會在他們換場館之前在「宮殿」打球。我與Chauncey Billups、Tayshaun Prince一起 打過球。我有幸與「壞孩子軍團」的成員一起打過球。Rasheed Wallace是我們的教練組 成員。所以,那種精神依然在場上,那種心態。那種拼搏精神,那種韌性,那種飢餓感塑 造了今天的我。 When you talk with a young guy, what do you tell him about how he can still be here in 10 years? I try not to preach to them. Just tell them the more you can simplify this game, the better it's going to be. Coaches, they throw a lot of stuff at you. For me, I'm a great defender. If I know that's going to be a long run for me, how can I simplify it while I'm here, but it's a shorter run? How can I break this down where it will be simple for everybody? There's a lot of confusion when coaches throw a lot of stuff at you. The more you can simplify it, being patient and just staying after it … everybody wants to work, everyone wants to be here, and that’s always good. 我盡量不去說教。只是告訴他們越能簡化比賽,事情就會變得越好。教練們會向你灌輸很 多東西。對我來說,我是一名出色的防守者。如果我知道這將是我長期發展的方向,我會 想著如何在這裡簡化這個過程,同時還保持短期的高效?如何把它分解成簡單的步驟,讓 每個人都能理解?當教練們向你灌輸太多東西時,往往會讓人困惑。越能簡化,耐心點, 並堅持下去……每個人都想努力工作,每個人都想留在這裡,這總是一件好事。 What are you gonna do after you’re done playing? Golf. I don’t even want to think about it. My wife, she wants me to play 20 years. 打高爾夫。我甚至不想去想這個問題。我的妻子,她希望我能打到20年。 Twenty? That's what she’s seen. She says I've got it in me. She must see something I don’t see. I told her we’ll reconvene in Year 15. We'll see how I feel then. 那是她看到的。她說我能做到。她一定看到了我沒看到的東西。我告訴她,我們等到第15 年再討論。到時候我們再看看我感覺如何。 消息來源:https://reurl.cc/939XNx 短評或心得:看好新一季魔術KCP+Suggs的後場 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1728482633.A.0A3.html

MARVELHERO : The Big 10/09 22:14

mjkblbjboth : 推個心態正確 10/09 22:18

FromD : 推 活塞出品 10/09 22:20

Cuchulainn : 冠軍價值 10/09 22:25

ZIDENS : 我們家胖子是什麼佛地魔嗎 10/09 22:27

love1500274 : 很多年輕球員不願意聽,覺得自己什麼都懂 ( 誰啊 10/09 22:31

ninaman : 你們是不是忘記什麼時候該生氣了....XD 10/09 22:43

Mipan5566 : 那個不能說的肥仔 10/09 22:44

TEM : 打灰狼時他就有點退化了 10/09 22:50

brucestyle : 我很意外推文竟然沒有:是不是反觀誰誰誰不放手 10/09 22:56

brucestyle : *防守 10/09 22:56

k7202001 : 金塊對離隊的BB跟KCP都是祝福 10/09 22:59

e8e88 : 哭啊 10/09 23:04

ABSound : 很明顯在說誰 不用反觀啦 10/09 23:29

Satomisan : 鐵桶陣 10/09 23:30

c27932589 : 推KCP 10/09 23:32

tyrone0923 : 在魔術有Suggs扛第一線防守,他壓力不用這麼大 10/09 23:54

NetsFan : kcp+suggs??這也期待 10/09 23:58

lovecszoo : 很難不喜歡這樣的球員 好用又不貪功 10/10 01:03

EZ78 : 不願意聽難不成是那個氣氛到跑去快艇的XD 10/10 01:13

jojozp06 : 嗎呀 竟然跟壞孩子軍團打過球 10/10 01:45

gm79227922 : KCP以前沒那麼成熟吧 記得以前在活塞超想打第一持球 10/10 03:23

gm79227922 : 點 10/10 03:23

joulin : $$$$$才是重點 10/10 04:26

meipialoha : 推翻譯 10/10 05:19

clkdtm32 : 成不了氣候啦 10/10 07:07

abbei : Jok-you-know-who-ic? 10/10 07:35

JoshSmith : kcp+suggs??這也期待 10/10 07:48
