[外絮] Rich Paul談論他對Bronny的選秀策略

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作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
時間 2024-06-20 02:47:37
留言 94則留言 (35推 8噓 51→)

https://reurl.cc/9vA3GV Sources from a half-dozen NBA teams have told ESPN that they've had difficulty securing workouts with 2024 draft prospect Bronny James, but the agent for the former USC guard confirms that James has worked out individually for just two teams at this point -- the Phoenix Suns and the Los Angeles Lakers -- and says that is by design. Agent Rich Paul, CEO of Klutch Sports Group, pushed back to ESPN on Wednesday on any notion that James has received different treatment than other players throughout the pre-draft process. 有半打的NBA球隊告知ESPN他們在邀請Bronny James試訓的時後遭遇到了困難,但目前這名 南加大後衛的經紀人承認他目前只安排了他試訓兩隻球隊--鳳凰城太陽與洛杉磯湖人--而 且這是刻意的。 Klutch Sport CEO 經紀人Rich Paul在星期三接受ESPN訪問時說他在選前策略方面並沒有 給James甚麼與其他球員不同的對待。 The Suns hold the No. 22 pick and the Lakers have Nos. 17 and 55 in the NBA draft, which will be June 26-27 in New York (ABC/ESPN/ESPN+). Other NBA teams have told ESPN they are interested in seeing James in a different context and workout setting than the one they scouted at USC. 太陽有第22順位選秀權而湖人有第17順位與第55順位選秀權,選秀即將在6/26-27在紐約舉 行。 其他NBA球隊告訴ESPN他們想要看到在南加大以外有關James的訓練與內容。 "This is nothing new," Paul said. "The goal is to find a team that values your guy and try to push him to get there. It's important to understand the context and realize that this has always been the strategy with many of my clients throughout the years, especially those in need of development like Bronny. My stuff is by design." Paul pointed to his track record of steering clients to preferable destinations, such as he did with Talen Horton-Tucker (No. 46 pick in 2019), Brandon Boston Jr. (No. 51 pick in 2021) and Chris Livingston (No. 58 pick in 2023) all landing guaranteed deals despite conducting few workouts and being picked late in the draft. Paul說:「這不是甚麼新東西。目標就是要讓你的人找到一隻重視他的隊伍並推動他去那邊 。理解前後的情況並認知這是我多年來對許多客戶的策略很重要,尤其是像Bronny這種還 需要培養的球員。我的東西都是設計好的。」 Paul連結到了他過往讓他客戶到他們想要的球隊的歷史,例如Talen Horton-Tucker(2019 #46)、Brandon Boston Jr.(2021 #51)與Chris Livingston(2023 #58)全都在只為很少幾 隻球隊試訓而只能在很後面被選中的狀況下拿到保障合約。 Paul said he also took similar strategies with the likes of first-round selections MarJon Beauchamp (No. 24 pick in 2022) and Darius Garland (No. 5 pick in 2019), shielding his clients from workouts and withholding medical information from teams, something that is now prohibited by the NBA's collective bargaining agreement. "Bronny is the same as my previous clients," Paul said. "I got the word out early to teams that if you plan on bringing Bronny in, here's what you need to know: If you won't give him a real deal, there's nothing to talk about. It's hard to get real development on a two-way deal. "I don't care about him going to the Lakers, or Phoenix, or about what number he gets picked. It's about fit." Paul added later: "If Bronny's name was Charles Jacobsen and he was my client -- I would do the same thing: identify teams that have real interest." Paul說他也為第一輪潛力使用了類似的策略,像是MarJon Beauchamp(2022 #24)與Darius Garland(2019 #5)都藉由不給出醫療報告給隊伍(現在被CBA禁止了)與限制試訓球隊的方式 來到達理想的隊伍。 Paul說:「Bronny跟我過往的客戶都一樣。我要告訴那些計畫得到Bronny的球隊一件事情: 如果你不給他一份真正的合約(指保障約),那我們就沒什麼好談的。球員只簽下雙向合約 是很難得到甚麼真正的發展的。」 「我不在乎他要去湖人還是鳳凰城還是他在幾順位被選中。適合才是重點。」 Paul又談到:「就算Bronny的名字是Charles Jacobsen而他是我的客戶--我也會做一樣的事 情--找出那些對他真的有興趣的球隊。」 LeBron James has said in the past that he would like to team with his son, but the Lakers star said after his final game this season that he hasn't "given much thought lately" to playing alongside Bronny. The four-time MVP and four-time NBA champion just completed his 21st season and could become a free agent if he opts out of his contract with the Lakers. "The young man will decide what he wants to do and how he wants his career to go," LeBron James said at the time. At the NBA draft combine in May, Bronny said his mindset wasn't on playing with his dad as much as it was "getting to the league." LeBron James過去曾說他想要與他的兒子同隊,但這名湖人球星在本季最後一場比賽時卻 說他最近「沒在想這些事情」(指跟Bronny打球)。這位4度MVP與4次NBA總冠軍球員剛打完 了他第21個賽季並可能在今年跳出合約選項後變成自由球員。 LeBron當時說:「年輕人會自己決定自己想要的東西以及他自己的生涯。」 在5月的NBA聯合試訓,Bronny也說他的想法並不是想跟他爸爸打球而是更想「進入這個聯 盟。」 "LeBron is off this idea of having to play with Bronny," Paul told ESPN on Wednesday. "If he does, he does. But if he doesn't, he doesn't. There's no deal made that it's guaranteed that if the Lakers draft Bronny at 55, he [LeBron] will re-sign. If that was the case, I would force them to take him at 17. We don't need leverage. The Lakers can draft Bronny and LeBron doesn't re-sign. LeBron is also not going to Phoenix for a minimum deal. We can squash that now. "There are other teams that love Bronny. For example, Minnesota, Dallas, Toronto. If it's not the Lakers, it will be someone else. Minnesota would love to get Bronny in, but I don't know who their owner is going to be. [Mavs GM] Nico Harrison is like an uncle to Bronny. If the Lakers don't take him at 55, Dallas would take him at 58 and give him a guaranteed deal. Masai [Ujiri, Raptors president,] loves him. They could take him without even seeing him at 31. Workouts aren't everything for these teams." Paul告訴ESPN:「LeBron沒有一定要與Bronny打球的想法。如果可以,他可以。如果不行, 他也不強求。目前還沒談好確定湖人會在第55順位選下Bronny的話LeBron就會續約。如果 有這種情況我會強迫湖人在第17順位就選下Bronny。我們不需要這種談判優勢。湖人可以 選下Bronny而同時LeBron也可能不續約。LeBron也不會底薪加入鳳凰城。我們可以不用猜 這種事情了。」 「還有其他球隊喜歡Bronny。例如明尼蘇達灰狼、達拉斯獨行俠、多倫多暴龍。如果不是 湖人也會有其他球隊選他。明尼蘇達很愛Bronny,但我不知道他們的老闆會是誰。獨行俠 GM Nicole Harrison對Bronny就像是個叔叔一樣,如果湖人沒在第55順位拿下Bronny他們 也會在第58順位拿下他並給一紙保障合約。Masai(Ujiri,暴龍總裁)很愛他,他們可能在 根本沒看過Bronny的狀況下在第31順位選下他。有沒有試訓對這些球隊來說不是一切。」 With the draft a week away, Paul says Bronny is likely done with workouts barring something unexpected. "Lakers and Phoenix, that was it," Paul said. "There could be last-minute stuff, if someone calls me late. We'll see." 選秀只剩下一周了,Paul說Bronny沒有意外的話已經不會再為任何球隊試訓。 Paul說:「湖人與鳳凰城,就這樣。如果有人很晚聯絡我,可能還會有一些最後壓線的東西 。我們就到時候再看看。」 心得: 其實Rich Paul講蠻好的 也把他的選秀策略講得很清楚 保障約>>>>>一切 順位不重要 然後比較有實質意義的乳摸大概就只有湖人不拿獨行俠會拿了吧 Paul其實蠻清楚Bronny就 是瞄準二輪的 -- 其實.....大家都是這樣玩的 不同選秀位置的人有不同的玩法而已
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1718822859.A.24A.html

briant207 : 老爸要不是LBJ 你連二輪的機會都不會有 06/20 02:50

ctttttt : 蠻屌的經紀人 黑臉我來當 強勢做到主導者的位置 我 06/20 02:57

ctttttt : 對我的客戶負責 所以是拿出保障約再來說話 然後做 06/20 02:58

ctttttt : 各種對球員最大獲利的行動 lbj 的發言應該富保羅有 06/20 02:58

ctttttt : 一起討論過 然後開盲包就是保障球員的權益的做法 06/20 02:58

qaz13579 : 這經紀人真的不錯 這種強硬說法不但不招黑基本上還 06/20 03:05

qaz13579 : 真的一定有保證約而不是雙向 06/20 03:05

wewaJamesla : 亂源 06/20 03:05

kai08130623 : 『Bronny也說他的想法並不是想跟他爸爸打球而是更 06/20 03:15

kai08130623 : 想「進入這個聯盟。」』 那你只試訓兩支球隊是怎樣 06/20 03:15

kai08130623 : ???還不是靠著名號 06/20 03:15

hsnuoscar : 他有說他有好幾個客戶都只試訓一兩隊也拿到保障約啊 06/20 03:41

s9414h : 經紀人會操盤就好 酸酸有比經紀人更懂怎麼拿到好約 06/20 03:50

s9414h : 嗎? 06/20 03:50

ButterflyBao: 團隊一定是覺得布朗尼進太陽或湖人才是最好的 06/20 03:52

ButterflyBao: 湖人可以理解 但為什麼另一隻是太陽? 06/20 03:52

EZ78 : 可能只有這兩隊給出保障約的保證吧 06/20 03:59

EZ78 : 湖人#55比獨行俠早就沒必要去獨行俠了 06/20 03:59

EZ78 : 太陽據說是會把首輪賣掉 所有二輪可能比湖人前面 06/20 04:00

EZ78 : 所以* 06/20 04:00

EZ78 : 暴龍跟灰狼聽起來只是抬價用的 06/20 04:01

ooplus : 重點是經紀人的手段啊 那個經紀人不希望自己的球員 06/20 04:21

ooplus : 拿到好約?操作很正常吧 06/20 04:21

loserloser : 照片看起來真壯 06/20 04:35

cross980115 : 只去湖人跟太陽試訓吧 06/20 04:41

cross980115 : 就富堡方針,這他還真的沒亂說,以往其他客戶他也 06/20 04:42

cross980115 : 這樣操作 06/20 04:43

CountingStar: 5884lbj 06/20 06:24

xiao07 : 說實在怎麼感覺有點像在耍些小手段?好聽點是策略沒 06/20 06:43

xiao07 : 錯,但控制只給太陽跟湖人試訓然後製造一些風聲給 06/20 06:44

xiao07 : 其他球隊聞香?沒什麼意見但只能說老漢的附加價值 06/20 06:44

xiao07 : 真的很大... 06/20 06:44

sapc87952 : 先不論Bronny到底夠不夠格打NBA 以經紀人來說他的 06/20 06:52

sapc87952 : 工作做的是真的沒錯阿 你讓他去一堆球隊試訓可能也 06/20 06:52

sapc87952 : 不是什麼好事 只要在哪邊表現不好傳開來或是大多數 06/20 06:52

sapc87952 : 球隊試訓後都覺得他不夠格被前兩輪選 他的身價就直 06/20 06:52

sapc87952 : 接崩了 06/20 06:52

windsp0419 : 靠爸仔 06/20 06:55

asn2819 : 太子打完新秀合約就會離開NBA了吧 06/20 06:56

j3307002 : 你錯了太子號稱哈勒戴,會首輪之後頂薪續約xd 06/20 06:59

gaiaesque : 笑死 你自己玩就好 06/20 07:03

sapc87952 : 不過話又說回來 他上面講的那些案例都... 06/20 07:05

BronyXrG : 2輪末就福袋阿 他經紀人直接說要抽這福袋起碼保障約 06/20 07:09

ffflllyyy : 有老爸就夠了 06/20 07:10

Aretimis7345: 就算沒試訓過2輪多的球隊還是有可能選阿 06/20 07:14

LukaDoncic77: 藏拙吧,畢竟實力就落選等級,只是湖人會考量,也 06/20 07:17

LukaDoncic77: 只是單純因為884LBJ,多此一舉 06/20 07:17

TEM : 很意外Bronny 這麼熱門 06/20 07:58

JerrySloan : 之前有分析說過 對於球員 落選比二輪好 06/20 08:00

EZ78 : 落選比二輪好是過時非常非常久的資訊了… 06/20 08:04

GleybeTorres: 落選比較好是上一版的制度啦 06/20 08:12

RushMonkey : 重視他的隊伍 太陽沒話說 湖人哪有他的上場空間.. 06/20 08:13

parkerlived : 拉基最大化的例子,拿老爸招牌謀個職位,真是Low 06/20 08:13

iamaq18c : 布朗尼說的話跟做的事 相反 06/20 08:19

vgil : 我陽可能想換幾個二輪來填格子吧 06/20 08:29

shingo135r : 如果不是皇子,能這樣操作? 06/20 08:30

limitlesscit: 這一家子就噁心阿,機關算盡 06/20 08:36

kw003266 : 富保不就只有一招,媒體聚焦直播帶貨 06/20 08:44

gameow1124 : 他之前不是皇子也搞差不多操作啊,阿是沒看文章喔 06/20 08:54

gemm : 為啥不能 多用眼睛看文章 06/20 08:56

cloki : 富保舉的例子還有THT,那就是打著拿幾年約就退下去 06/20 08:58

cloki : 或者底薪的想法來安排吧 06/20 08:58

gogorice : Bronny應該沒那麼不堪啦,選他的GM也是要承擔臭掉 06/20 09:00

gogorice : 的風險,一般二輪爛掉根本不會有人記得,但是選了Br 06/20 09:00

eineFrage : 二輪簽本來就免洗淘寶。這群無名球員中,沒有人比小 06/20 09:00

gogorice : onny後來爛掉應該會被嘲笑很久 06/20 09:00

eineFrage : 皇子更能幫助球隊(不管是球場上或是媒體流量) 06/20 09:00

benson1212 : 場均4.8分 就只是靠著天父選隊而已 呵 06/20 09:01

YOYOISGOOD : 實力不夠蓋牌就蓋盤 講這麼多廢話XD 06/20 09:15

ilanese : 直接講因為他爸是LBJ,這很難嗎? 06/20 09:23

idlewolf : 換個說法就是我蓋牌啦 沒看到的人自己去猜啊 這樣 06/20 09:36

cor1os : 想太多了,想吹成首輪17or22根本當nba經營者都白痴 06/20 09:39

cor1os : 二輪亂選又不會浪費 06/20 09:39

JKjohnwick : 連兒子都可以護航厲害了 06/20 09:43

jerrylin : 太多人試訓就被看穿沒料了 當然要保持神祕感 06/20 09:46

jerrylin : 現在跟你說有1/2LBJ的基因 還不簽爆 06/20 09:47

ponkd : 究竟是LBJ先還休還是布朗尼先先在NBA 消失呢 讓我 06/20 09:59

ponkd : 們繼續看下去 06/20 09:59

alittleghost: 客戶利益最大化,這本來就是經紀人該做的 06/20 10:13

Ereinion9895: 專門幫球員簽溢價大約,以球員的角度真的厲害 06/20 10:40

moksonline : 也別太酸這就是經紀人的工作 今年本來就小年了 06/20 10:50

moksonline : 從話題性上 跟實力也差不多是二輪 不至於會落選 06/20 10:51

andrew1357 : 有些酸酸是不是沒看清楚內文啊?就算不是LBJ的兒子 06/20 11:10

andrew1357 : 他也是盡力操作讓球員拿到保證約,把球員的利益最 06/20 11:10

andrew1357 : 大化本來就是經紀人的工作,這方面Rich Paul操作得 06/20 11:10

andrew1357 : 很好啊,難怪球員都找他當經紀人 06/20 11:10

DonDon0712 : 以經紀人來說他這個講法真的為他的客戶取得一定程 06/20 11:14

DonDon0712 : 度的保障跟包裝 工作手腕是值得稱讚的 06/20 11:14

leophior : 他的目的就1.提高選秀順位 2.有上場時間而已 06/20 11:24

leophior : 只試訓兩隊沒什問題 06/20 11:24

swingingbear: 畢竟會投胎嘛 06/20 12:13

bores : 打那麼爛還在那邊假鬼假怪 06/20 15:40

ppt12527 : 只讓兩隊測試是在藏拙? 06/20 20:24

nabel250 : 5884 06/21 02:31
