Re: [情報] 湖人下週面試教練 人選:Atkinson、Redd

看板 NBA
作者 yowhatsupsli (賣火柴的小女孩)
時間 2024-05-11 16:36:16
留言 0則留言 (0推 0噓 0→)

: According to The Athletic's Shams Charania, James wants to play for two more sea : sons in the league and the Lakers want him to spend them on their roster, playin : g alongside his own son after drafting him in the second round this summer. : Shams報導: 老詹想要多打兩年,然後湖人希望這兩年都給湖人。在夏天湖人用二輪選布朗 : 尼後,跟他兒子一起在湖人打球。 : “LeBron James wants to play up until two more NBA seasons," revealed Shams. "Th : e Lakers want to bring him back, and want to bring in Bronny James in the second : round. They are going to start coaching interviews next week. I would look at n : ames like Kenny Atkinson, Reddick, and David Adelman. LeBron wants to see what m : oves the Lakers make before his player option.” : 湖人下週會開始面試教練,人選有Kenny Atkinson、Reddick跟David Adelman。老詹想在執 : 行PO前看湖人會做什麼動作。 : : 湖人要考慮Bleacher Report提的交易方案嗎 : 不過這應該不可能 太搶了 :
David Adelman是之前國王五虎時期名教練矮豆人的兒子,02年高中畢業後就開始從事籃球教練的工作,之前擔任灰狼球員發展教練,五年前加入丹佛金塊教練團,目前是首席助理教練。 湖人普林斯頓再加上熟悉金塊戰術,有搞頭嗎? 不得不說,那時候的國王普林斯頓真的好好看,跟湖人跟馬刺小牛互轟真的精彩。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone --
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