[外絮] 高風險嗎?勇士GM認嘴綠禁賽不損球隊

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作者 usnavyseal (usmarine2008)
時間 2023-11-18 00:27:18
留言 50則留言 (30推 2噓 18→)

https://tinyurl.com/yc2hr6z3 Monte Poole, Nbcsports bayarea Dunleavy's faith in Draymond suspension not derailing Warriors is risky While those in the Warriors’ locker room are hoping and those on the coaching staff are praying, the general manager still believes. That Draymond Green’s latest transgression is no more than a temporary bump for the Golden State express. That there is no sense the harmony said to be built in training camp is threatened. 儘管勇士隊更衣室裡的人在希望,教練團隊在祈禱,總經理仍然相信。 Draymond Green 最近一次的錯誤僅是金州勇士的一次短暫顛簸。 在訓練營建立起來的和睦氣氛沒有受到影響。 “Honestly, not at all,” GM Mike Dunleavy said on NBC Sports Bay Area's "Warriors Pregame Live" on Thursday, before tipoff of the Warriors-Oklahoma City Thunder game at Chase Center. “We’re in a really good place. Our group is connected; they’re tight.” It’s a risky statement coming after the events of Tuesday, when Draymond’s conduct resulted in a second consecutive ejection – and, this time, earned a five-game suspension from the NBA. GM Dunleavy 在 NBC《勇士賽前直播》中說到 「老實說,完全沒受到影響,」 「我們處於一個非常好的狀態。我們的團隊聯繫緊密;他們非常團結。在週二發生的事件之後,發出這樣的聲明是件冒險的事 當時 Draymond的行為導致他連續第2次被驅逐出場 - 而這一次,他因此被 NBA禁賽五場。 Coach Steve Kerr conceded that Green “crossed the line” when he came from the rear and wrapped his arm around the neck of the Timberwolves center Rudy Gobert and began pulling him backward. The league studied the video, investigated the incident, and decided that the Warriors would lose one of the core veterans until Nov. 28. “Obviously not great for us, disappointed for him, disappointed for our team, ” Dunleavy said. “But life goes on. The league ruled what they did, and they have their reasons. We’ve got to move forward.” Kerr承認,當 Draymond從後面上來,用手臂纏繞灰狼中鋒Gobert的脖子並開始將他往後 拉時,Draymond「越過了界線」。 聯盟仔細看了影片,調查了這起事件,並決定讓勇士隊失去這位核心老將直到 11月28日。 「顯然對我們不利,對他感到失望,對我們的球隊感到失望,」Dunleavy 說。 「但生活還得繼續。聯盟做出了他們的判決,他們有自己的理由。我們必須向前看。」 It was Green’s conduct that in large measure prevented the Warriors, coming off an NBA Finals victory, from reaching their potential last season. The team fractured and there was no way to repair it. Which is what prompted Dunleavy to trade Jordan Poole, whose entire presence was diminished when victimized by a Draymond preseason punch. With Poole going out and wily veteran Chris Paul coming in, the Warriors figured to rebuild the brotherhood that made them great. Draymond 的行為在很大程度上阻礙了勇士隊,他們2年前贏得 NBA總冠軍 ,去年則未沒發揮2021賽季的潛力。球隊產生了裂痕,無法修復。 這正是 Dunleavy交易 Poole的原因Draymond 季前賽的一拳後,Poole 的存在感就變得 黯淡無光。隨著 Poole離開和狡猾的老將 CP3加入,勇士隊打算重建昔日的團隊精神 Draymond, the team’s spiritual center, is a crucial ingredient to the mix. And he can’t lead if he’s not doing things that keep him not only off the floor but entirely out of the building. He’s too valuable. 作為球隊精神中心的 Draymond,是不同陣容中不可或缺的成員。 如果他不停止那些讓他不只是被逐出賽場,甚至是被趕出球場的行為,他就無法發揮 領袖的作用。 他太有價值了。 “I talked to Draymond,” Dunleavy said. “He understands. Unfortunately, he’ s been in this situation before. And we have, too. We expect our guys to respond. We’ll give some other guys opportunities to step up in the next few games while he’s gone. “The benefit of this is we have a very deep team. We have an opportunity to fill in and replace what we’re losing with Draymond, perhaps, but we’ll see how that goes. But it’s not great news on our end.” 「我跟 Draymond談過,」Dunleavy說。「他明白。不幸的是,他以前也遇到過這種情況 ,我們也是。我們期望我們的球員能有所回應。在他離開的這幾場比賽中,我們會給其 他球員站出來的機會。 「這件事的好處是我們有一支非常有深度的球隊。我們有機會填補 Draymond離開所造成的 空缺,或許吧,但我們會看看情況如何。但對我們來說,這不是好消息。」 It’s awful news for Golden State’s offense because Green is a terrific playmaker. It’s worse news for the defense because he’s an elite defender in every facet. As for the locker room, well, it’s hard to say how Draymond’s absence, due to his inability to maintain composure, will be perceived. 這對金州的進攻來說是糟糕的消息,因為 Green 是一個出色的進攻組織者。 對防守來說更糟,因為他在每個方面都是頂尖的防守者。 至於更衣室的氛圍,難以判斷大家會如何看待因失控而缺席的 Draymond。 “For Draymond, he walks that line of aggressiveness,” Dunleavy said. It’s hard to ask him to tone it down and dull it. If he gets too dull, then he’s not the great player that he is. That’s the challenge.” That challenge, particularly now, is daunting. The Warriors are without Stephen Curry (right knee soreness) and Green, two men with complimentary leadership styles. Gary Payton II left the game Thursday night with a sprained left ankle. X-rays were negative, but he could miss some time. 「對 Draymond 來說,他走在侵略性的邊緣,」Dunleav 說。要求他降低調子和減弱這 一點很難。如果他變得不活躍,那他就不是他,那位偉大的球員了。這是個挑戰。這個挑戰,特別是現在,是令人畏懼的。勇士隊缺少了 Stephen Curry(右膝疼痛)和 Green,兩位具有互補領導風格的人。Gary Payton II 在週四晚上的比賽中因左腳踝扭傷 離場。X光檢查結果是陰性,但他可能需要休息一段時間 Dunleavy is betting it will all come together – that Draymond will exercise better self-control – and the Warriors will reset and develop into a team with a chance to win big. The GM believes what he believes. Even if it is at odds with Draymond’s history. Even if it requires a miraculous emotional adjustment. Dunleavy正在賭,一切都會橋到船頭自然直 - Draymond 將會更好地控制自己 - 勇士將會重置並發展成一支有機會大獲全勝的球隊。 總經理堅持自己的看法,即使這與 Draymond 過往的行為相悖,即使這需要巨大的情緒 轉變。 備註 Draymond是MVP嗎? Most Warlike player 最好戰的球員? --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1700238440.A.36E.html

sezna : K湯: 11/18 00:29

ebv : 偉大的鎖喉球員? 11/18 00:31

kkk900100 : 勇士文化會在乎禁賽? 11/18 00:31

TB89 : 藍色那段是認證不髒就不會打球嗎? 11/18 00:31

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chiky : 第一句我就看很久看不懂 後來看英文加前後文才看懂 11/18 00:35

usnavyseal : 記者想表達勇士GM的信心是件冒險的事 歡迎提供更好 11/18 00:35

ojizz4u : 偉大的MMA球員(誤 11/18 00:36

usnavyseal : 標題有更好的翻譯 但沒想到 11/18 00:36

jack34031 : 看中文翻譯以為自己是文盲 11/18 00:40

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ArSaBuLu : 嘴綠跟安全帽一樣 戴了騎馬不會變快 不戴很危險 11/18 00:46

BorisGhost : 剛贏得總冠軍的球隊?我去年看錯年份嗎 11/18 00:54

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conqueror507: 狗貝:修旦幾勒 11/18 00:54

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ymsc30102 : 一通 還不檢討自己反而去怒噴菜雞 11/18 00:59

L1ON : 打人文化的球隊 11/18 01:04

Sessyoin : 確實不損 畢竟球隊文化 ... 11/18 01:19

SCARHSCARL : 打人文化 11/18 01:20

GHowPan : 勇士老闆:別說5場 50場都ok 11/18 01:22

HotSauce : 勇士當然團結,都一起打人 11/18 01:23

q210216 : 摳連無恥爛蛹高層真綠師傅鐵粉畢竟是死忠的齁!悲哀~ 11/18 01:23

yajam : 全聯盟最操的球隊,連主場裁判也不佔優勢,現在看 11/18 01:32

yajam : 成績太早了。我是覺得勇士蠻慘的被針對。 11/18 01:32

NiuBi5566 : 確實 昨天剛補強一位mvp球員 Xi8 11/18 01:40

f77928 : 確實 嘴綠在不在都是Warriors ▼ 11/18 01:50

kart : 翻譯好怪,這篇是記者認為勇士高層認為嘴綠禁賽不影 11/18 01:58

kart : 響球隊內部是件很危險的事。但是翻譯得好像是變成 11/18 01:59

kart : 勇士高層的口吻....重點是有前車之鑑很危險 11/18 02:00

ruiun : 講的好難過喔,那為什麼一直放任嘴綠整骨別隊 11/18 02:07

adway : because he doesn’t like playing without Steph 11/18 05:30

lafeelbarth : 當然不損不是說省了幾百萬 11/18 06:16

PaulPierce34: 偉大的格鬥家 11/18 06:16

jalsonice : 真的想看看有沒有人會用勇士魔法對付勇士 11/18 07:06

olin7745 : 嘴綠上場沒屁用,不如禁賽還省錢 11/18 08:06

linyi520 : 雀食不損,因為沒咖哩+有沒有上嘴綠都是輸球,這次 11/18 08:11

linyi520 : 禁賽還能省錢,何樂而不為 11/18 08:11

Maupassant : 沒事兒沒事兒 11/18 08:27

pzztt : 沒有咖喱 哪有差 就是墊底的球隊 11/18 09:20

B9907143 : 有一說一普爾看他現在的狀況,嘴綠那拳他一樣膨脹 11/18 09:55

B9907143 : 沒打 11/18 09:55

baller0allen: MVP most vicious player 最邪惡的球員 11/18 10:38
