[外絮] 名人堂儀式逐字稿-Gregg Popovich

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作者 TomasMao (毛叔)
時間 2023-08-15 21:02:12
留言 269則留言 (240推 0噓 29→)

跑車的演講15分鐘內,POP直接給我多10分鐘呢 再一次的文長警告(對 這次更長),獻給歷史最多勝的老頭 因為篇幅實在是太長了,有哪部分誤會或翻錯的請隨時在推文幫我指出 我很有可能漏掉,也再請各位指教 以下正文: Gregg Popovich 你們坐下啦 you guys sit down 不准講話,坐在那邊就好 don't speak, just sit there 我想過該如何用一個字去形容此刻的感受 I tried to think of a word that would describe what this might feel like 這種感覺是更.. and it feels even (觀眾鬼叫) 你惦惦啦。 shush 這種感覺跟我想像的有所出入 and it feels even different than I thought it would 對我來說這根本無法想像,我也不是在故作謙虛 but for me it's unimaginable and that's not an attempt to be humble 根本太難想像了。 this is unimaginable 有經歷、感受過這種事的人 and for anybody that's gone through this and felt it 這不是你在成長過程能想像到的事情 it's not something you think about as you're growing up 這是難以想像的。 it's unimaginable [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我想謝謝名人堂董事會主席Jerry Colangelo與John Doleva,還有所有投票給我、讓我獲 得這項殊榮的人 I want to thank Jerry Colangelo, John Doleva the Board of Governors the trustees, and all those who voted to make me part of this honor 當我放眼望去、並見到那些今晚與我共享榮耀的同事們 as I look around and meet my colleagues with whom I share this dice tonight 能身處其中,感覺真的很瘋狂 It’s a pretty crazy feeling to be included in that 當我在這裡看著,映入眼簾的是這些傳奇人物 when I look out here I'm looking at all these faces that are legends 我就... I just… 不是說不出話,是我很難用言語形容我現在的心情 I'm not speechless, but I find it hard to find all the words to describe what's going on in my chest right now 所有名人堂的照片、展品... all the pictures and the artifacts in the Hall of Fame 我在印第安納州東芝加哥的陽光城市長大,經過克萊因大道到富蘭克林小學-我投第一顆 籃的地方-從那一直到這裡,我走了好長的一段路。 it's a long way from growing up in Sunnyside in East Chicago Indiana and going under Klein Avenue to Franklin grade school where I shot my first basket 因為我們都記得我們愛上籃球的地方。 because we all remember where we fell in love with this game 對我來說,就是在那個鋪著柏油的場地上、及那個彎月形狀的籃板...我猜這讓我顯得頗 有年紀 and for me it was there with that asphalt ground and that Moon shaped backboard that kind of Ages me I guess 但我不記得有沒有網子、或是那個類似鐵網的東西,但那顆球就這樣進去、我也同時被這 吸引住了 but I can't remember there was a net or if it was that iron mesh thing, but it went in when it was done, I was seduced 在東芝加哥的市中心運球、去凱薩琳之家(Catherine House)打球,或者去印第安納州 蓋瑞市的體育館參加Doc James的青少年籃球練習 dribbling in downtown east Chicago and going to the Catherine house to play ball or going to the Gary Indiana Armory to practice with bitty basketball for Doc James 在39街和百老匯街的遊樂場上度過的日日夜夜,或者在蓋瑞市的格里斐斯公園度過的時光 all those days and nights out in the playground at 39th and Broadway and Gary or out at the Griffith Parks 這些種種都是在我站在這裡時湧上心頭的回憶,而我知道每個人都有專屬自己的故事,所 以我就先說到這 those are the things that came back to me as I was thinking about standing here, and I know that everybody has their personal story so I'll stop at that ------------------------------------------- 而這讓我想問一個問題 But it made me ask a question 我TM到底在這裡幹嘛? what the hell am I doing here? 這是怎麼發生的? how could this happen? 這真的難以形容 it's hard to describe 因為我是個三級聯盟(Division III)的球員 because I'm a division three guy 那些像Hicks教練的人是我的偶像,那是真正的籃球 Guys like coach Hicks are my idols. Those guys, that's real basketball [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我本來要穿我波莫納學院的衣服上台的,但我覺得Jerry會把我殺了,所以才做罷 I was going to wear my Pomona Pitzer shirt but I thought Jerry would shoot me, so I didn't do that 我搞清楚自己站在這裡的原因了 I figured it out why I'm standing here 我腦袋不好,花了我一些時間才想到,而我認為有兩個原因 I have half a brain it took me a few days and I decided there were two reasons 其中一個有點長,因為那包含了很多該說的感謝,另一個原因就快得多 one of them is a bit lengthy because it includes the thank yous that are appropriate and the second one is really quick 我想感謝Vermillion教練,在印第安那州梅裏爾維爾(Merrillville)的時候願意開體育 館給我練習 but I want to thank coach Vermillion who would open the gym for me in Merrillville Indiana 讓我從學校休假回來時得以維持體態 When I come back from leave from the Academy and so I could stay in shape 他甚至不是個籃球教練,是棒球教練、是理化老師 and he wasn't a basketball coach he was a baseball coach like chemistry and physics teacher 但他對我有信心、讓我相信我算是稍稍能打球的那塊料 but he had faith in me and made me believe that I could play a little bit 接著是大學期間 moving on to the academy 我有幸為Bob Speer教練打球,一個經典的、主打洗牌戰術的人 I had the opportunity to play for coach Bob Speer who was an iconic Shuffle guy 我學到了很多紀律 I learned a lot of discipline 我投得不多 I didn't shoot very much 他的洗牌戰術大概每隔一分半到兩分鐘就會要求出手一次 he took a shot about every one and a half to two minutes in the shuffle 但他是個好人,還有另一個很棒的人-名字叫做Hank Egan,一個非常被低估的教練 but he was a great man, and was followed by another wonderful man named Hank Egan who's a very underrated coach 他接掌了軍校的兵符 he took over at the Academy 我也為他所執教的校隊第二隊效力 I played for him on the junior varsity team 在預備學校裡,他給了我作為總教練的第一份工作 and he gave me my first job at the prep school at the Academy as a head coach ------------------------------------------- 而且,你們可能難以相信 also this will be hard to believe 我剛進軍校時很愛耍小聰明 But when I got to the academy I was a little bit of a wise ass 我知道你們都明白,現在的我是個很成熟、受控的人 and I know you all know that now I'm a totally mature controlled individual 但他每隔十幾天至少會把我從練習中踹出去一次,叫我滾開 but he would boot me out of practice at least once every week and a half just tell me to leave 你要知道這在軍校裡可不是件好事 and at the military academies that's not a good thing for you 這會引來很多麻煩 it causes a lot of trouble 但他很特別 but he was special 他值得那些感謝 and he deserves those thanks 然後事情就變瘋狂了 then things get crazy 這不可能發生在任何人身上 this can't happen to anybody 但我猜這是從我得以在金塊試訓後開始的 but I guess it began when I actually was able to try out for the Nuggets ------------------------------------------- 當時我26歲,Larry Brown和Doug Moe是教練 I was 26 years old and Larry Brown Doug Moe were the coaches 我能夠說-當訓練營結束時 Suffice to say that when the camp was over Larry跟Doug告訴我,你最好還是準備一套領帶跟外套(別當球員了、當教練吧) Larry and Doug told me that it would be best if I got a coat in tie 他們原本就已有規劃了,我明白對他們來說要拋棄我並選David Thompson肯定是個艱難的 決定啦 and they had the vision I know it was a tough decision for them but they cut me and kept David Thompson so 我很快便知道,一切都結束了 I knew pretty quickly that it was over 然後踏上了那條道路 And started to on that path ------------------------------------------- Brown教練 Coach Brown 不知什麼原因,當他去聖城時也把我一塊帶上了。當時我是在皮策學院和波莫納學院,現 在就是叫波莫納學院 For some strange reason when he went to San Antonio he brought me along while I was at Pitzer and Pomona which is called Pomona Pitzer 你們可能不太清楚,但就是兩個三級聯盟的學校放在一起 people don't understand that but it's two division three schools put together 那是一個很好的三級聯盟計畫,我那時也是天真、但快樂 a wonderful division three program and I was fat dumb and happy 我在擔任籃球助教的初期遇到了幾名同樣身為助教的人 I had a couple of assistants there my first assistants in basketball Charlie Katsiaficas是塔夫茨大學的畢業生,而Lee Wimberly是史丹佛大學畢業生,他 在柏克萊大學的法學院就讀 Charlie Katsiaficas is a Tufts graduate from out east here and Lee Wimberley a Stanford grad who went to the law school at Berkeley 這兩個蠢蛋替我接受了一份每年一千美元的報價 these two idiots accepted an offer for me for a thousand dollars per year 說到仍舊是教練的Charlie-這樣Hickson教練之後就能找他算帳了 and Charlie who's still the coach so coach Hickson can get after him for this 我在他的合約中加上了一個條款,如果他在波莫納學院的宿舍進行粉刷,就能獲得額外的 津貼,而這兩個人都接受了這份工作 I also added to his contract if he painted the dorms at Pomona and Pitzer he'd get an extra stipend and these guys both took the job 我欠他們很多,他們帶我進來、也教了我很多 so I owe them a great deal started me out, taught me a lot 我們有很好的革命情感 And we had great camaraderie 但Larry帶我去那裏的理由,我想我永遠不會知道了 why Larry took me from there I'll never know 我沒有幫到什麽忙,但怪的是,在我休假一年之後 I didn't help him very much but the odd part about it was that it was after a sabbatical year 最不可思議的,是我在堪薩斯州和北卡羅萊納州與Larry和Smith教練共度了一整個賽季 where this is the incredible part I got to spend an entire season at both Kansas and North Carolina with Larry and Coach Smith 還有Roy,謝謝你...你在哪? and Roy thank you where are you 謝謝你在與我共事的那段期間那麼大方、並支持著我 thank you for being so kind and supportive while I was there 我們沒必要去細數過去發生的所有事,但與那兩個傢伙花上一整年的時光 we don't have to go through the details of where he put me and where I had to be but a whole year with those two guys 那大概是我幸運值的數十倍吧 that was like Serendipity times 10. 我對那段開頭真的很感激 And I'm very very grateful for that beginning. ------------------------------------------- 從那時起,從那些人身上 From there, from those purists 像Smith和Brown純粹、從早教到晚的教練 those people coach Smith and Coach Brown that would teach from morning till night 如果你用了搖擺步(rocker step)但有毫釐的偏差 and if you were in a rocker step and you were an inch off 他們就會追殺你 they were on your butt 之後我就去Nelly那邊做事,是個完全不同的世界 from there I went to Nelly, that's a different world 講到Nelly,因為一些原因,他現在人在夏威夷、人沒有危險。 and speaking of Nelly, he's in no danger out there in Hawaii for a couple of different reasons 但我的心與那裏的人同在,他們現在正在受苦,無疑身處在很糟的處境 but heart goes out to all the people out there that are suffering so much right now it's a tough situation for sure 他是熟稔籃球系統的大師 He was the master of gaming the system 問Riley教練很知道的,對吧? Coach Riley knows that right 他完全知道該怎麼處理對位 he knew what to do with match-ups 他懂規則、也知道要怎麼好好利用它們 he knew what the rules were and he knew how to use them 他就是得以掌控比賽的大師 he was a great manipulator of the game 當我想到他,我甚至還能想像到他把三或四個人留在半場、另一邊則有人在一對一的畫面 When I think of him I can still think he had like three or four guys standing at half court and somebody going one-on-one over here back in the day 他有點與眾不同,但我愛他,是個很棒的人 he was a little bit different in that regard but I love him he's a great guy ------------------------------------------- 我有幸從一開始就遇到了偉大的老闆 I've been blessed with great owners from the very beginning Red McCombs是極具標誌性的人物、慈善家、偉人,將球隊帶到了聖安東尼奧 Red McCombs an iconic figure, philanthropist, a great man brought the team to San Antonio 也是我的良師益友 and was a great mentor for me 雖然他已經不在了,但對我的影響非常深刻 he's no longer with us but the influence he had on me was tremendous 後來Robert F McDermott將軍買下了球隊,並在所有人都認為球隊將離開時將其留在聖 城 then General Robert F McDermott bought the team and kept it in San Antonio when everybody thought it was going to leave 球隊能留在這裡,David功不可沒 David had a lot to do with it staying in San Antonio so [掌聲] 然後球隊被Holt家族買下,也是我們現在的老闆 and then the team was bought by the Holt family our current owners Peter Holt 和Juliana Holt非常出色,他們為我們的文化定下了基礎,並提出要求和標 準。我們現在也持續努力著去遵循這些要求和標準。 Peter Holt and Juliana han holt were fantastic and they set the tone for our culture the demands the standards that we're still trying to live by 現在,他們把日常運營交給了他們的孩子:Peter John Holt和他的妹妹Corinna。我非常 感謝他們,他們如父母般信任我們、允許我們盡到該做的本分 at this point on a day-to-day operation they've turned it over to their children to Peter John Holt and his sister Corinna who I'm very grateful for in the sense that they've been just as trusting as their parents they allow us to do our jobs 我們也會隨時向他們通報情況 we keep them informed 但到目前為止,他們還沒給我發過越界警告之類的,我真的很感激他們 but so far they've sent me no out of bounds plays or anything like that I'm really indebted to them ------------------------------------------- 而我們的粉絲就跟其他城市一樣 our fans have been great just like in every city 啊你們是在這裡幹嘛啦 Now what are you people doing here 誰邀你們來的? who invited you 這座城市挺大,氛圍卻十分緊密 it's a pretty large town but it's a very small town atmosphere 他們覺得我們屬於他們 And they think we belong to them 我們挺喜歡這樣,因為我們覺得自己對他們有責任,所以,謝謝你們,我們會試著做到最 好的 and we kind of like it because we feel responsible to them so thank you all we're going to continue to try to do our best 謝謝你們一直支持著我 thanks for sticking with me ------------------------------------------- 我已經告訴過你們了,我站在這裡的第一個原因要花點時間解釋,但第二個真的很快,不 用擔心 I told you the first reason why I'm standing here to take a little bit of time but number two is that quick so don't worry about it 要特別感謝的人嘛 special thank yous 美國籃球隊 USA Basketball Jerry Colangelo Jerry Colangelo 讓我實現了一輩子的心願-信任我、並將2020東京奧運的兵符交給了我 Fulfilled a lifetime dream of Mine by having the trust in me to coach the Olympic team in 2020 in Japan 這並不容易,但就是發生了 and it wasn't easy, but it happened 我們贏了。對他的話,我下半輩子都會好好服侍他的,我對他充滿感激。謝謝你,Jerry 。 we won and for him I'm a servant for the rest of my life, I’m very grateful to him. Thank you Jerry. [掌聲] 除了Jerry外,還需要再提到一些人 along with Jerry, there are a couple people that need to be mentioned Sean Ford,是Jerry的左膀右臂。 Sean Ford, he's Jerry's right hand man 自從Grant Hill接管後,現在成為Grant Hill的左右手了,他會做得很出色的。 Now Grant Hill's right hand man since Grant Hill has taken over and he'll do a fantastic job 但講到Ford,那些認識他的人就會明白的;至於其他夠幸運、能遇到他的人 but Sean Ford, for those that know him this will make sense for those that you might be fortunate enough to run into him sometime 他可能會成為任何大學的體育總監 he could be the athletic director at any college 他可能會成為任何NBA球隊的總經理 he could be the GM at any NBA team 他甚至可能會成為TMD美國總統 he could be the damn president of the United States 他真的可以,他就是這麼特別、那樣努力 he really could he's that special and he works that hard 他現在正在隨隊中 he's with the team right now 我想他們今天會跟斯洛維尼亞打一場預賽吧 I think they played Slovenia today and in a prelim kind of deal 所以Sean Ford很重要 so Sean Ford is important Jim Tooley則是處理各種大小事,某種程度上在我們看不到的背後牽引著一切,幹得不錯 Jim Tooley is the bureaucratic guy he's the guy that guides the whole thing at some level like behind closed doors that none of us ever see, does a good job 最後,以美國隊而言,我要給我的好友Coach K一個大大的感謝 and then lastly as far as USA Basketball is concerned is a big thank you to my friend Coach K 他一直很支持我 he was so supportive [掌聲] 他有提早帶我進美國隊,確保我有理解一切如何運作、跟上進度 he brought me in early to make sure that I got up to speed knew what the heck was going on 整個過程中,他一直在我身旁給我建議、發問,我對他相當感激 and through the whole thing has always been there for advice and counsel and I appreciate him very much 還有所有球員,坐那邊的就是其中四個 all those players, these are just four of them 很多時候他們都讓我頭痛 and there were a lot of times where they were a pain in the ass too 但人數還有更多,有些球員也有在現場 but there's a whole lot of them, some of them are here tonight 對那些球員 but to all those players 對那些與我共事的教練們,有些甚至是今天一同獲選的人 all the coaches that have been there some of the my fellow presenters here 尤其是那些跟我一樣上了年紀的 Especially those that had a little bit of age on them like me 我們遇過很多球員、助教、物理治療師... we've seen a lot of players, a lot of assistant coaches, physio people 對所有人,至上無比的感謝 a huge thank you to all of you 我不想犯下忽視誰的錯誤 I don't want to make the mistake and omit 但沒有他們的話,一切都不會發生 but without them, nothing would have happened 他們都與這個成功息息相關,那些人、以及他們付諸的努力、忠誠及支持都是難以置信的 ,我非常感謝他們 they had a little bit to do with it, but all those people the work that they put in, the Loyalty, the support is beyond comprehension and I'm very grateful to them ------------------------------------------- 有三個人從我上任的一開始就與我共事到今天,甚至是現在,整個馬刺球團只有三個這種 人 three people that have been with me from the beginning from my first day until tonight right now there are only three in the whole San Antonio organization 第一個人應該要是站在這裡的 and the first one is a person who should be standing right here 沒有他,就不會這麼成功-他就是R.C Buford without him there would have been much much less success and that's R.C Buford PJ因為我沒講他的名字森七了 PJ is angry because I didn't say his name 愛你啦 oh I love you 第二個人是Will Sevening the second one is Will sevening 就是世紀最強的訓練員 simply trainer of the century 還有我們的公關主管-信不信由你,他真的一直擔任到現在-Tom James and our PR director believe it or not from then until now Tom James 他有一項極為困難的任務-叫我管好自己的嘴 he has the unenviable task of muzzling me 當我不論在哪裡開始嘴的時候,他都會先給我建議,並要我收斂一點、告訴我會有怎樣的 麻煩 when I get on one of my soapbox deals here and there, he counsels me and tries to hold me back and tells me how much trouble I'm going to be in 他是..是個很特別的人 but he's a he's a special guy ------------------------------------------- 我有個家庭 I have a family 我有家人的好嗎,你們都覺得我只有籃球 I have a family people think that I just do basketball 我才沒那麼喜歡勒,籃球有也愛我們嗎?有嗎? I don't really like it that much, I mean you know what what basketball does it love us back does it? 它就是很枯燥,只是它幫我們繳帳單、給我們亮麗的生活 we use it like a bar of soap right it pays our bills it gives us a wonderful life 但我真的不記得它有說什麼:愛你喔POP but I don't remember it saying I love you Pop 你懂的,這就不一樣嘛 You know it's different 家人才是一切,我的妻子Erin,42年來都是我們生活的重心 the family that is the deal and my wife Erin of 42 years was our center of gravity 她是我們的基石,讓一切變得值得、並富有意義 she was our Rock and made everything worthwhile and meaningful 現在頂上她位置的,我的家人,也有好好地將此延續下去 in her place now my family has done a great job of keeping it going 我的兒子Mickey也來了,他是西雅圖的音樂藝術家 my son Mickey is here, artist musician from Seattle 我有做過一個夢 and I had a dream I thought there should is there a chance there's a team in Seattle? is there a history in Seattle that we're missing? Gary (Payton)在哪? where's Gary? 對吧對吧? am I right? 西雅圖喔拜託一下!  come on man Seattle! 我可能有麻煩了,可能啦 I'm probably in trouble, I don't know 我的女兒Jill,扛起了責任並讓一切步上正軌 my daughter Jill who was taking over the mantle and keeps us all on the straight and narrow 她不會像我老婆一樣討論交易的東西 she doesn't talk to me about trades as much as my wife did 當老婆的人們都很討厭交易欸 wives hate trades you know 她們都會結識朋友,只要你說什麼 they make friends and everything you say :我剛剛交易了某某某 :I just traded Joe Blow :你個蠢蛋,你幹嘛那樣做啊?他們是好人欸! :you're an idiot, why would you do that? those are great people! :啊一切就是商業啊,你懂的吧 :it's the business you know :我才不管你的商業勒 :I don't want to hear about your business 就類似那樣的事情 these are people that kind of thing 但Jill,妳做的很棒,Micky我也愛你愛到死啦。 but Jill you're doing a great job you and Mickey love you, love you to death [掌聲] (詳細家人部分略) ------------------------------------------- 第二個原因只有一個詞,所以肯定會很快啦,很棒吧? the second reason involves one word so it's going to be quick that's great huh one word 那個詞就是:廢話! and that word is duh (主持人進來) 我還沒結束啦(揮手趕走) I'm not done 我等這個時刻很久了欸 I've been waiting for this a long time 我可還沒結束勒 I'm not done 這才不是結束勒,我只是說有一個字可以解釋我在這裡的原因,那就是:廢話,就那些傢 伙啊 I didn't say duh was the end I just said there's one word to describe why I'm here and that's duh those guys 你們有看我叫你們仔細聽的影片嗎?聆聽很重要的好嗎! did you hear the little video where I said listen? listening is important! 我被派了一個任務,去創造一個我們能夠成功的環境 I was tasked with the job to try to create an environment so we could have some success 有一群很好的球員,所以你必須做點什麼,而我這邊就要給自己功勞了 you've got some good players you got to do something and I'm going to give myself credit 我做了啊,我就在那兒 I did you know what I did I was there 我就看著他們,我有圖片可以證明他們奪冠時我在場喔,不要想把這功勞搶走欸 I watched it all I saw it and I have pictures to prove that I was there while they won championships and you can't take that away from me ------------------------------------------- 我有跟上將聊過 I mean I I talked to David. 他是個好人啦 David he was he was good Blair教練有提到了"人際關係",我會談到的,因為那個很重要。 coach Blair mentioned the word relationships and I'm going to get to that because that's what's important 所有戰術版上畫的戰術...大家都懂啊,這又不是什麼認知科學 all those O's and X's, everybody knows the O's and X's it's not brain science 打個比方嘛,你什麼時候聽說過有創新的擋拆戰術了? like you know when's the last time you had a new pick and roll Play 都是TM一樣的東西嘛 It's All the Same Damn stuff Sloan連續77次跑了同一個戰術,都還是沒有人能擋住Karl (Malone)跟John (Stockton) 啊,所以那些都是胡扯啦 Jerry Sloan ran the same play 77 times in a row and nobody could beat Karl and John. so that's all baloney 最重要的是人際關係 it's about relationships ------------------------------------------- 跟David的話就 and with David, it was 好啦,我會罵人 okay I curse 我本不想這樣做的 I don't want to curse 我知道這很跩 I know it's ignorant 但你總得做自己 but you got to be who you are 因為他們會-聽好了 Because kids, hold your ears 球員們能輕易地聽懂你在鬼扯 Because players have great BS antennae 如果你不是發自內心的,他們會馬上聽出來 and if you're not genuine they know it in a second 就做你自己吧 just be yourself 你就不能同時有著Johnny Wooden跟Bobby Knight或任何人的特質 you can't be Johnny wooden or Bobby Knight or whoever 你就是無法 You can't do it 你得做自己嘛 you just have to be yourself ------------------------------------------- 所以我和David做了項交易,他這麼說 so I made a deal with David and he said :Pop,只要你別亂扯到上帝,我會試著合作的 pop as long as you don't take the name of the Lord in vain I'm going to try to put up with you 我想感謝你這麼做了,因為這成功了 and I want to thank you for doing that, because it worked [掌聲] Tony的話,我就是要他成就完美 with Tony, I just asked him to be perfect 對一個19歲的人來說,這很煎熬 and at 19 that was tough 比起過去那段日子,如果當時有現在的社交媒體環境 if you could switch the social you know situations that we have now compared to back then, 如果我現在用以前的方式來執教他,我是會被上銬的,認真不騙。我肯定會進去蹲的,對 吧Tony? if I coached him now the way I did then I would be in handcuffs, seriously, I would be behind bars don't you think Tony? 但我變得很溫和啦。 but I have mellowed right. 他告訴我我現在很溫和了,我總不能變回之前那樣吧?你總得做出改變的 He tells me I'm soft now, so I can't go back to those days, you got to change Timmy…講到他,我們的關係就是我只想著-至少偶爾一次-聽我的話吧,或著點頭示意 就好 Timmy with Timmy the relationship was I just wanted him, once in a while, to listen to what I said or just not his head 這樣我才知道他有聽進去 so that I knew that he heard me 我只是想要自我滿足啦,我想要對自己感覺良好 I just wanted some self-satisfaction, I wanted to feel good about myself 我想要抱持著我真的有在執教這支球隊的想法 I wanted to think that I was really coaching this team 只要他偶爾默許一次或點個頭 and once in a while he acquiesced and he'd give me a nod 我就很慶幸了,真的感激那種。 And I'm thankful for that I really am 看,那就是他會做的事啦 see this just like that that's what he does [掌聲] Manu Manu 就跟Tony說的一樣,我花了兩年才知道要怎麼辦 like I think Tony said it took two years for us to figure it out it 真的有那麼久喔? was it that long? 但我從Manu身上學到的 but what I learned from Manu 某天他來找我,畢竟我在對他怒吼、噴他 once he came to me one day he says you know I'm moaning and groaning at him :POP!我Manu欸,我就都這樣做啊 :POP! I am Manu this is what I do 故事百分百還原,真的這樣講 true story, quote unquote 從那刻起我就知道要閉嘴、讓他發揮了 at that point I learned how to zip it and just let him play 有的時候這就是我們做為教練能做的事情-讓他們發揮 and sometimes that's the best thing we can do as coaches is just to let them play ------------------------------------------- 我最後想講的是:贏球、輸球...那些都是屁 so my final message is just the wins and losses are all crap 什麼高潮低潮都是騙人的,都是幻想的,它們根本不存在 the highs and lows are all crap that's illusory it's it doesn't really exist 重要的是看著這些人、還有他們的孩子們 what exists is seeing these guys and their kids 與助教的關係、與所有人,包含同事、朋友之間的關係 those relationships with your assistant coaches, everybody else you're with your colleagues, your friends 那些才是會與你一同前進的事物 because that's what you take with you as you move along 輸贏最終都是會消逝的,那些關係才會伴你一生 all those wins or losses they fade away they fade away but those relationships stick with you forever 那些才是自尊、及自我滿足的泉源 and that's where the self-esteem and the self-satisfaction comes 我們活在一個充滿挑戰的時代,我不會談得太深 and we live in challenging times I'm not going to go into it 但在我們活著並有所需求的時代...它要我們與彼此有比現在更好的交流 but the times we live and require…they require that we relate with each other a whole lot better than we do right now 願你們安好,謝謝你們。 I wish you all well, thank you 其他篇待續。 來源:Gregg Popovich | Full 2023 Hall of Fame Enshrinement Speech 影片連結: https://rb.gy/k2nos -- 08/15 21:03 Fixed,感謝 那年POP還是以球員去試訓,算是開個玩笑啦 就像我今天說 要在我跟富二代帥哥天菜選一個肯定難 一樣的道理(淚 Fixed,感謝
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1692104540.A.557.html

GordonRamsay: 先推再看 08/15 21:05

wai0806 : 我manu欸! 08/15 21:08

guezt : 他和超音速/手套之間有什麼故事嗎? 08/15 21:11

guezt : 還是只是順便嘴兩句拖時間? 08/15 21:13

love1500274 : 他介紹孫女和孫子那段 蠻溫馨的 08/15 21:14

kkscout : 推~~ 08/15 21:15

mangojocker : 推 08/15 21:16

RicFlair : 先推再看 08/15 21:16

Fanicom : 推推~ 08/15 21:17

Blackie9211 : 先推再看 08/15 21:17

yiche : 必須推 謝謝翻譯 08/15 21:17

ken720331 : 很溫馨 08/15 21:18

gandalflee : 超猛 感謝大神 08/15 21:20

a1ibooda : 心目中最偉大的教練 08/15 21:22

CSFV : 推推 08/15 21:23

tucker : 推 08/15 21:24

some1likeu : "不准講話坐好" 直接笑出來XD 08/15 21:24

tiefu : 推 08/15 21:25

teayaegg : 推 08/15 21:26

Tonyx599026 : 推,題外話Pop的孫子女真的很可愛,難怪他對自己兒 08/15 21:29

Tonyx599026 : 子女兒沒耐性XD 08/15 21:29

Altair : 謝謝翻譯! 08/15 21:29

Ikaruwill : 這老頭不講幹話時就是一堆話啊 08/15 21:32

thno : 毛叔推推 08/15 21:33

just811 : 推 08/15 21:35

wowojojo : 推 感謝翻譯 08/15 21:37

davids0614 : 推 08/15 21:39

anderson1979: 推 08/15 21:41

jim052 : 推 08/15 21:42

dogpa : 推 08/15 21:44

brettxxxx : 在一個用社群軟體來建立人際關係的年代,popo這次 08/15 21:45

brettxxxx : 的演講給了現今這個年代一個舒服的調劑 08/15 21:45

Notif520 : 我manu欸! 08/15 21:51

Kein545 : 推 08/15 21:55

Nagumo : 推 08/15 21:59

stand1234 : 推 08/15 22:01

pneumo : 先推再看 08/15 22:01

ctchen : 推推推 coach pop 08/15 22:03

justptt978 : 講的好 翻的好 08/15 22:03

ztsc0304356 : 推 08/15 22:04

cross980115 : 成熟 受控XD 08/15 22:05

AkashiNatuko: 四個名人堂球員在台上被他命令閉嘴坐下超好笑。 08/15 22:05

AkashiNatuko: 希望波波退休後馬刺這種文化也能傳承下去 08/15 22:05

AkashiNatuko: 我是說講幹話的文化 08/15 22:05

cross980115 : 幫抓個錯 08/15 22:06

cross980115 : 我在堪薩斯州和北卡羅萊納州與”Riley和Smith教練 08/15 22:06

cross980115 : ” 這邊前者應該是Larry? 08/15 22:06

kk9517 : 推 08/15 22:08

cross980115 : 提到夏威夷應該是這幾天那邊發生野火 數百人死亡、 08/15 22:09

cross980115 : 還有更多的人失蹤 08/15 22:09

ppp93410 : 先推,晚點再來看,辛苦了 08/15 22:12

ImMACACO : 推波波 真傳奇教頭 08/15 22:14

yychiuchang : Popo真的超強,又超會養人,真是神奇的教練。好牌 08/15 22:16

yychiuchang : 爛牌都會打 08/15 22:16

yychiuchang : 最厲害的是現在越來越嘴,歡樂 08/15 22:16

cross980115 : 我Manu欸 這段超好笑 08/15 22:17

addert : 推 08/15 22:20

Accross : Popovich必推 08/15 22:21

muvowen : 推推 08/15 22:27

at90027 : 推 謝謝翻譯 08/15 22:28

Myosotis : 推毛叔 感謝翻譯 08/15 22:28

badotise : 雖然不求勝就失去競技的意義 但輸贏真的不是最重要 08/15 22:31

badotise : 的 這句話真的很感動 現在被媒體渲染成不奪冠籃球 08/15 22:31

badotise : 人生就失敗了balabala真的很可悲 那個過程所得到真 08/15 22:31

badotise : 的的才是真正的收穫 冠軍終究只是一個頭銜 08/15 22:31

fuym : 感謝翻譯! 08/15 22:33

wplinwp : 他一次講這麼多喔 08/15 22:33

sinben : 推翻譯 真的很愛POPO 每交易老婆必噴也很感人 08/15 22:33

sinben : 推薦看影片 跟文字很不一樣的感覺 POPO超調皮 08/15 22:34

hsy1107s : 太棒了,我愛波波 08/15 22:35

imrich : 推 08/15 22:37

frank836 : 推 感謝翻譯 Popo真的很會講 08/15 22:38

k987412365 : 推 08/15 22:39

Happyman20 : 推 08/15 22:41

KirkSynder : 先推再看 08/15 22:42

dusted : 看完了,感恩 08/15 22:45

friends29 : 好難得講這麼多 「我馬奴啦」 08/15 22:46

aspired : 眼眶濕了 軍神一生推 08/15 22:54

reallen : 推 感謝翻譯 08/15 22:54

KelSierSoH : 優文必須推! 08/15 22:55

kuaiphoto : 推!感謝翻譯 08/15 22:56

inuyaksa : 推 08/15 22:59

mictoaety : "拋棄我並選David Thompson肯定是個艱難的決定"這句 08/15 23:01

mictoaety : 怪怪的,應該反過來吧 08/15 23:01

rabbit38381 : 推 08/15 23:01

juniorpenny : 大推 08/15 23:02

yuhjia : 先推再看影片 08/15 23:03

mictoaety : 北卡羅萊納州與Riley和Smith 這應該是Larry 08/15 23:06

handlesome : 推 順便學英文 08/15 23:13

goddioshaha : 推 08/15 23:18

REI3173 : 質感、高度,這就是馬刺 08/15 23:22

mictoaety : 籃球有也愛我們嗎 也有* 08/15 23:23

monmo : Thompson那個是黑色幽默吧 08/15 23:23

JH4748 : 推 08/15 23:25

mermaidhan : 推波波 也推原PO翻譯 08/15 23:28

mictoaety : 那個done好靠北 08/15 23:28

nbcb : Pop真的是充滿智慧的 幹話王XDD 08/15 23:29

running711 : 已經是NBA活化石了 跟萊里都是傳奇 08/15 23:30

fredcandy : 推!感謝! 08/15 23:34

kobelou : 推 08/15 23:36

frank901212 : 推 08/15 23:37

waijr : 妙語如珠 08/15 23:41

cpu885 : 感謝翻譯 08/15 23:41

s891234 : 推,感謝翻譯 08/15 23:42

AStigma : POP比較愛上將 08/15 23:43

chaulove : 推!!! 08/15 23:44

vans24 : 波波必須推,未看先猜滿滿幹話XD 08/15 23:45

Colorswind : 推 08/15 23:55

mark30204 : 波波的人格令人倏然起敬 08/15 23:56

NakedSnake : 推 有空來看影片 08/15 23:56

Leonux : 推 08/15 23:56

nfsong : 推 08/15 23:57

hower111 : 推! 08/15 23:58

spurs9721837: 推推 08/16 00:01

jon38041 : 推個用心 08/16 00:01

AriesC : 看完推 08/16 00:08

chccang : 最偉大的教練 08/16 00:11

yaobj : 看完全文,很感人也生動,波波是喝了紅酒上台的吧. 08/16 00:15

Xliao : 智者 08/16 00:16

TanahashiHFF: 推推 08/16 00:16

john556556 : 推 08/16 00:19

f1426871 : POPO的幹話,讓我開始看NBA,也才認識了馬刺三老。 08/16 00:22

DM1984 : 有看有笑有推 08/16 00:23

coachyan : 推毛叔,辛苦了 08/16 00:29

barry0227 : 波波教練真的是NBA的國寶了 08/16 00:31

gameking5036: 贏的夠多才能說輸贏都是個屁啊wwww 08/16 00:32

ralpoph : 推 08/16 00:40

RAY1203 : 淚推 08/16 00:43

xzpplloo123 : 愛Popo~~~ 08/16 00:44

Timmy21 : 大推毛叔精彩反應 還有我們軍神波波 好感動 08/16 00:46

l04 : 推 08/16 00:46

Timmy21 : *精彩翻譯 08/16 00:46

kevinacc084 : 淚推 也感謝翻譯 08/16 00:47

webberfun : 推 08/16 00:49

aquacake : 推波波 08/16 00:50

manic7058463: 推 08/16 00:50

aegis80728 : 愛波波 08/16 00:51

wahaha303 : 默默看完 感謝翻譯 08/16 00:54

DRCandle : Extraordinary deserved. 08/16 00:58

liVinci : 感謝大神 看得心滿意足 08/16 01:01

e920528 : 推 08/16 01:02

jeter8695 : 推 08/16 01:03

manpower9 : 推 08/16 01:05

harry881210 : 推Pop教練 08/16 01:08

astutmomo : 可惜,可愛不懂這一切。 08/16 01:10

jack31335 : 推 08/16 01:10

belili : 推推 08/16 01:14

brotherin : 幫毛叔推推,自己聽一堆沒聽懂QQ 08/16 01:20

xru03 : 推 08/16 01:32

Trulli : 推翻譯 推POPO 08/16 01:35

ronald0000 : 推 感謝翻譯 08/16 01:52

philxiao : 提醒not => nod. 推Popo也推用心的翻譯 08/16 01:53

qq955166 : 感謝翻譯 08/16 01:57

gn00419464 : 感謝翻譯 08/16 02:16

justaID : 推辛苦翻譯 開場好鬧lol 有些平淡的話以pop的年紀 08/16 02:30

justaID : 和資歷講出來感受不一樣,他真的走了很長一段路 08/16 02:31

Christybeck : 感謝翻譯,Pop好偉大 08/16 02:32

sk6 : 推 08/16 02:36

lkjhgfdsa681: 推翻譯 08/16 02:54

tzengagan : 感謝翻譯 08/16 02:54

truejoker : 馬刺大家庭讚啊,好險有著這種球隊文化的球團終究 08/16 03:04

truejoker : 狠狠了教訓了那些投機求冠的 08/16 03:04

zwe1428 : 推 08/16 03:16

j2c3 : 好愛波波 08/16 03:41

RamenOwl : 最棒的教練 好愛馬刺大家庭 08/16 03:49

narniaplus : 先推再看 ,感謝翻譯 08/16 04:03

EvanChien : 推翻譯 08/16 04:12

NicholasTse3: 感動推 08/16 04:43

LongoriaLin : 軍神Po只能推了,集幹話跟智慧一身的傳奇 08/16 05:14

bloodruru : 早早就球員轉教練 這種資歷也不是每個教練能有的 08/16 05:32

palapalanhu : 講好多 08/16 05:44

shiyuu : 推,感謝毛叔翻譯! 08/16 05:48

wang1209 : 推推!感謝翻譯! 08/16 06:33

Pushyong : 推! 08/16 06:43

hot413 : 推 08/16 06:49

nostar : 推 謝謝你的分享 08/16 07:14

zxcv987654 : 推! 08/16 07:18

pddog : 推! 08/16 07:19

dongkee : 先推再看 ,感謝翻譯 08/16 07:29

Tabris157 : 推 感謝翻譯! 08/16 07:35

greenonion7 : 推 感謝翻譯~ 08/16 07:36

naoe1560 : 推 08/16 07:38

jkduke : 對波波感覺很複雜,髒苞那段怎麼也繞不過去 08/16 07:41

edwei : 推 感謝翻譯 08/16 07:43

uuuujoe : 推推 08/16 07:49

tan2 : 西雅圖we are missing 是我們懷念的西雅圖 08/16 07:54

blueballer : 感謝翻譯 08/16 07:59

arc332890 : 推 08/16 08:05

s29961091 : 推 08/16 08:06

ym60606 : 推 08/16 08:09

theonlytome : 這真的太讚了 08/16 08:11

iorittn : 推 08/16 08:12

greatone : 推,感謝翻譯 08/16 08:30

mjonask : 推 08/16 08:35

soleil99 : 偉大 08/16 08:39

peter78963 : 感謝毛叔翻譯! 淚推幹話老頭 08/16 08:41

yyyyyyy : 推 08/16 08:58

amuro0 : 推推 08/16 08:59

Tassadar250 : 推推 08/16 09:00

seiya1201 : 史上最多勝說輸贏都是屁毫無說服力啊XDDD 08/16 09:02

johnney : 給我滿滿的幹話啊... 08/16 09:08

oa6771 : 未看,先推再看 08/16 09:09

ddog1010 : 先推 08/16 09:10

takemehome : 感恩翻譯 08/16 09:11

nctuDuncan : 推 08/16 09:22

kobei008 : 未看先推 08/16 09:30

gchee : 推翻譯! 08/16 09:31

Sanco : 怎麼沒提到TD 他應該最感謝他啊? 08/16 09:33

Sanco : 看到了 原來暱稱Timmy 只是好像沒啥爆點 哈哈 08/16 09:36

tgenie : 推個 08/16 09:38

ForeverFun : 先推在看 辛苦了 08/16 09:56

qttcortex1 : 推,精彩的翻譯 08/16 10:02

linchunan : 期待老頭的新賽季! 08/16 10:06

DonDon0712 : 推 真的是從學生看到現在都覺得很棒的波波 08/16 10:06

a816142002 : 推推,我大POP滿嘴幹話 08/16 10:23

wynton : 推 08/16 10:24

ck910078 : 推 看到很感動 08/16 10:26

hiaries : 這致詞有料,感覺如果POP願意,他也能是雞湯大師 08/16 10:29

user1120 : 推 08/16 10:31

ian15579 : 謝翻譯 08/16 10:40

Denny224 : 推 08/16 10:44

ctw01 : 被公關要求管好自己嘴巴超好笑 08/16 10:49

rr8907010 : 請問有更詳細的介紹嗎 關於 08/16 10:52

rr8907010 : 我是會被上銬的 tony 謝謝 08/16 10:53

rr8907010 : Sanco大大 我猜是Timmy 08/16 10:56

peekeer : 感謝翻譯 08/16 10:59

kidolin : 一代宗師 08/16 10:59

marvelgod : 推 08/16 11:00

shanyaochung: 推 08/16 11:02

abbei : 推 08/16 11:12

rr8907010 : https://rb.gy/k2nos 23:25 08/16 11:17

ccchenny : 推 謝謝翻譯 08/16 11:18

birdskingla : 推 08/16 11:22

tweence : 08/16 11:23

qpqq : 感謝翻譯~推 08/16 11:35

blazers08 : 推 08/16 11:59

ovaka : 感謝翻譯~ 08/16 12:06

PaulOneil1 : 珍惜老頭還在執教的日子 08/16 12:24

neooil : 推,感謝翻譯 08/16 12:36

pennymarkfox: 腿個y 08/16 12:36

ben91lin : 結尾收得真好 08/16 12:39

yourmmaa : 難得講很多真話 08/16 12:40

jimmytaipei : 真的偉大 08/16 12:40

gerg : 感動,恭喜波波! 08/16 13:00

grant79823 : 推 08/16 13:09

jacobjaja : 推! 08/16 13:18

fighterss : 推 08/16 13:20

gwalker : 推 08/16 13:32

tactical : 感謝翻譯推 08/16 13:44

enjoythegame: 推,感謝翻譯,還蠻有趣的內容 08/16 13:57

WindSuan : 感謝翻譯 08/16 14:00

mekiael : 幹,最後的話害我直接眼淚掉下來 08/16 14:14

Leo0923 : 推翻譯 08/16 14:26

hh123yaya : TP跟POP都多次提過TP被管很嚴 可能類似KIDD對字母? 08/16 14:57

lightpisces : POP!我Manu欸 08/16 16:08

italyrb : 推 感謝翻譯 08/16 16:10

SureHappy : 推 超級感謝 08/16 16:12

Lycoris1290 : 推 感謝翻譯 08/16 16:31

ke1210 : 推個翻譯 08/16 16:48

kazureyesean: Pop話匣子一開也是很會聊的,他有說不完的故事 08/16 18:22

kazureyesean: 只不過平常媒體比較喜歡報導他的幹話 08/16 18:23

DMW9527 : 我Manu啦 08/16 19:30

XenonFat : 感謝分享 08/17 00:11

sm801101 : 推 08/17 00:22

alex1888 : 推翻譯 08/17 00:56

dtonepd : 偉大 08/17 01:33

KimchiGoose : 推 08/17 08:01

forgetwen : 波波也是滿會講幹話 08/17 08:07

ichaelm88 : 推! 08/17 08:25
