[外絮] 名人堂儀式逐字稿-跑車

看板 NBA
作者 TomasMao (毛叔)
時間 2023-08-13 19:57:24
留言 242則留言 (223推 2噓 17→)

文長警告。 又是我,只要是馬刺相關、也有長到哭的演講時你就會看到我。 這次有跑車、POP、Gasol還有貝琪姐,所以你可能可以再看到我三次。 廢話不多說,致敬我從小到大最愛的球隊。 以下正文: Tony Parker 拍謝,有很多法國同鄉在這啦,一大群法國的+9 (笑)。 Sorry, I have a lot of French people in town here. Got a big French mafia. 謝謝名人堂,有夠強的欸,2023屆... 真是難以置信。 Wow, thank the HOF, what a class, 2023… Unbelievable 我跟這一屆關係可深的。 I have a lot of connections with that class Gasol,我在馬刺的隊友。 Pau Gasol, my teammate with the Spurs. 是一個很強悍的勁敵:尤其是法國跟西班牙間。 Huge rivalry, France, Spain. Dirk,我去了你的球衣退休儀式,你是個很棒的朋友,德州之間的競爭關係可兇的呢。 Dirk Nowitzki. Dirk, I went to your jersey retirement, you’re a great friend, and Texas rivalry was fierce. D-Wade,我們在總決賽遇到兩次,但人們不知道的是:他是我弟弟最喜歡的球員。 D-Wade, we played twice in the NBA finals, and people don’t know that he’s my little brother favorite player. 每次他來家裡就會在那邊喊:Dwayne~~~ Wa~~~~de,每次都是。 So everytime he will come to the house and be like, Dwayne~~~ Wa~~~~de like all the time. 我就會說:老兄你夠了喔!你是我弟欸! And then be like, man, can you stop it? you’re my own brother! 但我們有贏一座,所以我們沒問題啦。 But we won one, so we’re good. Becky Hammon,大家不知道的是她就像我的大姊。 Becky Hammon, people don’t know that she’s like my big sister. 我們關係很好,謝謝妳這些年來的建議。 We had a great relationship, thanks for your advice to the years. 我真的很高興能跟妳一起獲選,真的很狂。 And I’m so happy to go to the hall with you, it’s crazy. POP,我聽說這是史上第一次球員和教練一起選進名人堂的,有夠酷啦。 Coach Pop, I was told that it was the first time that a player and a coach going at the same time to the HOF. That’s pretty cool. 至於其他嘛,對啊,就是擺脫不了他欸,真的扯。 For the rest, yes, I can’t get rid of him. It’s crazy. 還有其他的獲選者:能與你們一同選進名人堂是我的榮幸,謝謝你們。 For the rest of the inductees, it’s an honor to go with you guys into the HOF, thank you. ------------------------------------------- 我的引薦人:TD,我是從上周開始寫演講的...我一直試著想說,Timmy為什麼這麼特別. .. My presenters, Tim Duncan, I start writing my speech last week. And I was trying to think like why Timmy is so special… 也害我睡不著覺,這是一件很簡單、同時卻又難以表達的事情。 Like I couldn’t sleep, it’s easy and the same time it’s hard. 所以我從明顯的部分開始-對我來說,他就是歷史最強的大前鋒。 So I’ll start with the obvious. To me, he is the best power forward ever. 明顯的講完了,但對我來說,我知道他的眼神有一個特別的超能力-讓我娓娓道來。 That’s the obvious. But me, when I know he has a special, super power with his eyes. I will explain. 他從來不用講話的來要球,從來不會。他就只是看著我。 He never talk to get the ball. Never. He’ll just look at me. 當你是個來自法國的19歲小夥子,TD看著你是件超可怕的事。 And when you’re 19 years old, coming from France, it’s very scary when Tim Duncan looks at you. 我也和許多抱怨拿不到球的隊友共事過。 I played with a lot of teammates who will complain to get the ball. Bowen就會說:Tony我有空檔! Tony我底角有空檔餒!但... 喔嗨Bruce! Bruce Bowen like, Tony, I’m open; Tony, I was open in the corner! But.. hey what’s up Bruce! 但Timmy就是看著我。我就會去跟POP說:POP,他又給我那個眼神了。 But Timmy will just look at me. And I’ll go to Pop and like: Pop, he give me the look. POP就會回說:他真的看你了? 我就會回:對。 And then Pop will like: He really looked at you? And I was like: yeah. 你如果明天還想看到你的控球後衛,你就最好現在下給他的戰術喔。 If you want your point guard tomorrow, you call the play for him right now. 那就是為什麼TD對我來說很特別,也是我引薦人之一的原因。 And so that’s to me Timmy is special, and he is one of my presenters. ------------------------------------------- Manu。Manu很獨特。他是我最特別的隊友。 Manu. Manu is unique, he is the most unique player I ever played with. 他特別到連POP在前兩年都不知道拿他怎麼辦。 He was so unique, that Pop didn’t even know what to do with him in his first 2 years. 作為控球後衛,看到POP目睹Manu那些傳球的臉,那些時刻真的是有夠好笑。 It was very priceless as a point guard to see Pop’s faces to see some of his passes. 因為Manu的傳球有兩種: Cause with Manu, he has two passes. 一種是傳奇般的傳球,大家都會嘖嘖稱奇、不敢置信的那種。 You have the legend one, that everybody will talk about, it was unbelievable. 另一種是傳給粉絲、傳到看台上、POP最愛的那種。 And the one that go to the fans, to the stands. Pop’s favorite. 前兩年有很多第二種傳球,所以我們跟Manu在開始時有點慘。 Was a lot of those in the first 2 years, so we had a rough start with Manu. 跟阿根廷也是...應該說阿根廷媒體。 Rough beginning with Argentina…actually the Argentina media. 他們覺得我不喜歡Manu,我都沒有傳夠多球給他。 They thought I didn’t like Manu, I don’t pass the ball enough to Manu. 我就不懂啦,POP是教練欸?他叫戰術給TD不是我的錯吧? But I never really understand that, because Pop is the coach, it’s not my fault if Pop calls all the plays to Timmy. 最後都是TD出手的,我只是控球後衛欸! Timmy will take all the shots, and I’m just the point guard. 所以我剛開始時需要一個夥伴,Manu就是那個夥伴。 So I needed an ally, and Manu was my ally at the beginning. 雖然大家都知道了,但我還是要再說一次:在我的菜鳥年,TD是沒有跟我講話的。 So everybody knows that but I’m gonna say it again: my rookie year, Timmy didn’t talk to me in my rookie year. 當大家看到我說這句時,人們會覺得我瘋了,但這是真的:TD不喜歡法國佬! People think that I’m crazy when I said that but it was true. Timmy don’t like French people. 他不喜歡我的法國口音,一直到我對上了Gary Payton-我最喜歡的控球後衛之一- Payton你在哪? (看到)Gary!愛你喔。 He doesn’t like my French accent. It’s not until I play against Gary Payton, who is one of my favorite point guards… where is Gary Payton? Gary! Love you. 直到我在GP前面表現良好為止,他才跟我說了一個字...還是兩個還三個來著...忘了。 It’s not until I play good in my rookie year against Gary Payton, he finally said one word…actually two words..three words? I don’t remember. 我們沒問題了。一個小隻的法國佬、一個阿根廷小夥子、加上來自島上的泳者。 誰會知道呢?我們贏了四座總冠軍,能與你們一起並肩作戰是我的榮幸。 We all good now. The little French, the little guy from Argentina, and the swimmer from the island. Who knew? We won 4 championships together, and it was an honor to play with you guys. ------------------------------------------- 我的旅程是來自一個巨大的夢想-我也想做一個夢得勇敢。 My journey started with a big dream. I wanted to dream big. 我想打進NBA、我想成為第一個進入NBA的歐洲控球後衛。 I wanted to go to NBA, I wanted to become the first European point guard to make NBA. 我常常告訴我的孩子們要大膽作夢。當你告訴某個人你的夢想,而他沒有在笑你的時候- 這代表你做的夢不夠大膽。 I always tell my kids, dream big. When you say your dream to somebody and he’ s not laughing at you, you don’t dream big enough. 當我在法國時,他們常常嘴說你太小隻啦、你太瘦啦、你不可能會成功啦... When I was in France, they’re always saying you’re too small, you’re too skinny, you’re never make it. 嘿對,現在在笑的人是我。 Well, I’m the one who is laughing now. 我有很棒的家庭。我爸來自芝加哥、我媽來自阿姆斯特丹;我出生自比利時、但我是法國 人,供參。 I had a great family, my dad is from Chicago, my mom is from the Netherland, Amsterdam. I’m born in Belgium, but I’m French, so go figure. 我在兩個文化的薰陶下長大,我感覺自己有著兩個文化中最好的特質,這也在我的旅程上 幫助良多。 I grew up with both cultures, I felt like I have the best of both worlds, and it helped me a lot with my journey. 給我爸...我真的太愛你了 (泣) To my dad… I love you too much. 給我媽:她就像是醫生般,在延續我生涯方面幫助我很多。 To my mom, she was a health doctor helped me a lot for the longevity of my career 我真的很愛妳,謝謝妳為我做的一切。 I love you very much thanks for everything. 給我的兩個兄弟:TJ和Pierre。 To my two brothers, TJ and Pierre 那些傢伙會為了我做任何事,我愛你們。 Those guys will do anything for me. I love you guys 給我兩個孩子Josh和Liam:我愛你們現在的模樣,你們有著很善良的心。我等不及看到你 們在生命中做出的種種,我也了解那一定會很棒的。 To Josh and Liam. my two kids. I love the way you are, you have great hearts. I can't wait to see what you're going to do in life and I know it's going to be great. 我真的很愛你們。 I love you very much. 他們很享受鎂光燈,就跟Nash小孩一樣呢。記得嗎Steve? They love the camera just like Steve Nash kids, remember Steve? 我為了準備自己的演講,所以有看你的。對,他們也是。 I watch your speech you know to work on mine, yeah they're the same. 給我的愛Alize:謝謝妳的支持,我很喜歡妳照顧我和我小孩的方式,妳也有著很純粹的 心。 To my love Alize, thanks for the support. I love the way you take care of me and my kids, and you have a pure heart. 妳讓我日復一日都想成為更好的人,真的很愛妳。 You make me want to be a better person every day, love you very much. 我接下來要快速說幾件事,給我的法國死黨、朋友、以及球隊,謝謝所有人的支持。 I'm going to say some quick things to my French Mafia, my friends, my team thanks for all the support. (私人好友略) ------------------------------------------- 馬刺...真的是難以言喻的球團。 The Spurs man…what uh what organization. 一切是由RC Buford開始的。 It starts with RC Buford. RC,是你找到了我。 RC you find me. 謝謝你相信我,謝謝你說服POP再讓我做第二次試訓。我第一次的表現真的糟糕透頂。 Thanks for believing in me, thanks for convincing Pop to do a second workout, I was definitely terrible on my first one. 謝謝你說服他,沒有你我不會出現在這。 Thanks for convincing him, and I will not be here without you. 謝謝你RC,愛你啦。我也會把Presti歸在這,因為他那時也跟你一起,謝謝你。 Thank you RC I love you, and I'll put Sam Presti on the same group with you because Sam was there too with you, thank you. Chip,你可能是唯一一個,在我整段生涯一直關注著我投籃的人。當你決定要改變我的投 籃方式、讓我更穩定時,我真的嚇壞了。 Chip Englland, you might be the only guy, you watch all my shots my whole career, and it was very scary to me when you decided to try to change my shot to be consistent. 與你共事的第一年,我就打進了全明星隊,謝謝你做的一切。 And my first year working with you I made the All-Star team, so thanks for everything. 很明顯的我有很多很棒的隊友。上將-你是元老級的,你和冰人都是。Mills、Hill、 Smith...有好多隊友可以說呢。 Obviously, I had a lot of great teammates: David Robinson, you were the original. You and George Gervin, Patty Mills, George Hill, Steve Smith… I can say a lot of my teammate Bowen,你是我在法國時從小到大看著的英雄。我和我的兄弟們一直有在看你打球。( Bowen生涯初期在法國打球) Bruce Bowen, you are a hero growing up in France. We were watching you with my brothers. 你一直以來都對我很照顧,也一直支持著我。 You always took care of me and you always had my back. Finley,我忘記在球衣退休儀式時談到你了,我也有跟你說我絕對不會在名人堂時忘記。 Michael Finley, I forgot to mention you on my jersey retirement, and I told you I'm not going to forget in my hall of fame. 你站在小牛那邊沒問題啦,但要記得,你冠軍是跟我們、是跟馬刺一起拿的。 It's okay you're on the Maverick side, but remember, you won with us you won with the Spurs. 我來快速講個Finley的小故事,他是我最愛的隊友之一。 I will tell a quick story on Michael Finley, he is one of my favorite teammates. 2006年,他決定加入馬刺並衝擊冠軍-因為那是球員來馬刺時就會做的事情:想要贏得冠 軍。 In 2006 he decided to come to the Spurs to win a championship because that's what you do when you come to the Spurs: You want to win a championship. 啊在2006年我們輸給小牛,所以... And in 2006, we lost against the Mavericks, so… Dirk表現超殺,我們敗下陣來。然後我記得,也會永遠記得的是我們在更衣室的時候,看 到你在哭。 Dirk had a hell of a play and we lost and I remember, I will always remember we were in the locker room, and you were crying. 我將那一刻帶往心裏去,因為看到你在哭,我覺得...我們沒有做到。 And I took that to heart like you were crying and I was like, man we didn't… we didn't do it. 所以2007年,我唯一的動力,一整年下來都是-為你帶來一座冠軍。 So 2007, my only motivation, the whole year- it was to try to bring you a championship. 我記得當我們擊敗騎士的時候-抱歉啦LBJ-當我們擊敗騎士的時候。看到你表情的那一 刻真的值了,我們也帶給你一座金盃。 And I remember when we beat Cleveland, sorry LeBron, when we beat Cleveland. it was priceless to see your face and that we got you a championship. ------------------------------------------- 給POP:一切因他而起。你真的棒到難以置信。 Coach Pop: It starts with him. Coach pop you're unbelievable. 我可以說很多你的事情,像是你為了鞭策我、對我咒罵時說的話啦。但我小孩在這,所以 我就長話短說。 I can say a lot of stuff about you Popo, the way you cursed on me and the language that you used to push me, but I have my kids here so I'm just gonna keep it simple. 歸根究柢,你把我丟進了火坑,一個才打了不過五場比賽的19歲年輕菜鳥。你把我拉到飛 機後面跟我說:你明天要打先發喔。 At the end of the day, you threw me into fire, I’m 19 years old in five games into my rookie year, you put me in the back in the plane you call me and you was like: you starting tomorrow. 我回:認真? I was like really? :啊你有跟Timmy說嗎? I was like: did you talk to Timmy? 因為我還是覺得他不喜歡法國人,所以我有點怕。 Because I was still thinking he didn’t like French people, so I was like a little bit scared. POP就回說,你沒問題啦,你打先發。 接著你們都知道了。 Pops like, you'll be fine, you starting, and the rest is history. 你對我而言一直都是我第二個父親。你為我及我的家人所做的一切...我都很感激。 謝謝你POP,愛你。 You're always being the second dad to me pop, everything you did for me and my family I appreciate everything. Thank you Pop, I love you. ------------------------------------------- 給法國國家隊:我們兩周前就慶祝過了。我們慶祝我們首枚金牌的第十周年,也是我們法 國國家隊贏下的唯一一枚金牌。 To the French national team, we celebrated two weeks ago. we celebrated our 10-year anniversary of our first gold medal, the only gold medal we won with the French team. 感覺很棒,我一直認為如果我沒有和他們一起贏得金牌,我的生涯就不會那麼成功。 It was a great feeling, I always thought that if I didn't win with the French national team, my career was not going to be successful. 我很渴望拿下一個金牌,所以確實有時候我會希望Gasol沒有出生過,不然我早就拿更多 金牌了。 I was obsessed with winning a gold medal, so it's true sometimes I wish that Pau Gasol was not born because I would’ve won a lot more gold medals but sooner but because of you. 但也是因為你,是你每年都促使著我回來為國效力。 You pushed me every year to come back with the national team. 我有一些很好的隊友:Gobert、Batum、Mahinmi...還有我兩個最狂的隊友:Diaw跟 Turiaf。 I had some great teammates: Rudy Gobert, Nicola Batum, Ian Mahinm, but my two partners in crimes: Boris Diaw and Ronnie Turiaf. 你們讓每個夏天都很值得,你們讓這些時光值得了。 You made it worth it. Every summer, you made it worth it. 給黃蜂球團,我想感謝MJ,他是我從小到大仰慕的偶像。 To the Hornets I want to thank Michael Jordan, he was my idol growing up. 他是我想打球的原因,是我的理想,我整個房間都掛著他的海報。 He's the reason why I wanted to play basketball, he was my inspiration, I had posters in my whole room. 人們常說永遠不要親身遇見你的偶像,但我則是相反。 People always say never meet your Idol, but for me, it was the opposite. 能和MJ有很好的關係並能稱他為朋友,是一件很難以置信的事情,謝謝MJ和黃蜂球團。 It was unbelievable that now I had a great relationship with him and I can call him a friend so thanks for Michael and thanks for the Hornets organization. ------------------------------------------- 最後,我覺得自己很幸運,這段旅程仍舊難以置信。 To finish, I feel very blessed. It was an unbelievable journey. 我從來沒想過像我這樣的人能體驗到那些種種。 I never thought somebody like me can experience something like that. 所以致那些在觀看的孩子們:勇敢作夢吧。 So for all the kids who are watching: keep dreaming big. 非常謝謝你們,我很感激、並愛你們大家。一起享受美好的夜晚吧,謝謝你們。 Thank you very much, I appreciate and love you all. Let's have a good night, thank you. 其他篇待續。 原文影片:https://rb.gy/v3rd9 --
08/13 21:37
其實那句前面跑車有說是I was like: if you want... (略) 只是我沒有放進去而已喔! fixed, 謝謝 我那段的理解是 跑車小孩跟跑車一樣都看Nash(跟他小孩)的影片做準備 謝謝你指出疑慮!
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1691927849.A.D64.html

usmangaruba : 推 謝謝毛叔 08/13 20:03

pneumo : 翻譯推 08/13 20:03

Wardyal : 這可以拆成10篇外絮捏 08/13 20:04

linlittlehan: 有翻譯有推!! 08/13 20:05

tiefu : 推 08/13 20:07

kidolin : 推 08/13 20:09

freezeraven : 推,感謝翻譯 08/13 20:09

mangojocker : 推 期待 其他篇 08/13 20:10

wwwson1256 : 推跑車 雖然有些人會說是靠TD跟可愛拿冠 08/13 20:11

s891234 : 感謝翻譯 08/13 20:12

abc31216 : 鬼禿的第二種傳球 popo最愛的那種 笑死 08/13 20:14

JAvLEMcGeE : 推 法國人講話就是浪漫 08/13 20:14

Blackie9211 : 推 08/13 20:14

asword : 推 08/13 20:14

reallen : 推 08/13 20:15

IchiWei : 推小跑車,雖然不是刺迷,但一直都覺得GDP超厲害 08/13 20:16

hayate1143 : 推 08/13 20:16

gem0816 : 推 08/13 20:19

shadowcare : 推 08/13 20:21

JH2527 : 推 08/13 20:23

palapalanhu : XD 08/13 20:23

Kein545 : 推 08/13 20:25

CSFV : 推 08/13 20:32

rr8907010 : 請問鬼禿傳球有人有影片嗎 謝謝 08/13 20:32

godamnumb : 推 08/13 20:33

number666 : 感動 08/13 20:33

Lutoucar : TP的老婆們都超正!! 08/13 20:34

e8e88 : 推跑車 08/13 20:35

e8e88 : 提到老婆也有傳言當年FMVP是做給跑車的,畢竟當時跑 08/13 20:41

ROXSMEB : 推我刺 推跑車 推毛叔! 08/13 20:41

e8e88 : 車已經求婚成功,而且老婆是身材很好的名模or演員 08/13 20:41

Melson : 推 08/13 20:44

ag007470 : 感謝翻譯 08/13 20:45

johnmayer111: 馬妞傳球高光YT上很多 08/13 20:45

petehui : 請問好市多的是哪款感謝翻譯 08/13 20:47

MattiaPasini: https://youtu.be/VG3O5ZxDfNA 08/13 20:50

MattiaPasini: 禿子的籃球 08/13 20:50

peiqua : 推 08/13 20:54

Toy17 : 推翻譯 08/13 20:55

alanjiang : 推翻譯 08/13 20:57

k2215777 : 推一個 4冠1fmvp的明星後衛! 08/13 21:01

sirenkim : 推 08/13 21:05

kk9517 : 推 08/13 21:06

AIcrossover : 推 08/13 21:08

love1500274 : 偷臭姆斯 08/13 21:09

poopoo5225 : 推推 08/13 21:11

jsstarlight : 推 08/13 21:12

pecib : https://youtu.be/wfcu_iPjVmI 08/13 21:14

cwebb : 推 08/13 21:17

bewd3000 : 被低估的TP 每次討論頂尖的PG都沒他的份... 08/13 21:17

s66449 : 推 08/13 21:18

yukowolf : 感謝翻譯 08/13 21:20

TonyParker : 這篇怎麼能夠不用力推呢! 08/13 21:21

kkscout : 推 感謝翻譯~ 08/13 21:22

SpursDynasty: 推 08/13 21:22

TonyParker : 真心感謝毛叔的翻譯,不然應該沒機會看到這麼完整 08/13 21:23

TonyParker : 的內容。 08/13 21:23

t22251974 : 他很愛虧Bowen哈哈哈 08/13 21:24

yesjimmy62 : 推推 08/13 21:35

Hayate07 : 感謝 08/13 21:35

RicFlair : 推 08/13 21:41

YCChen : 毛叔就是推 08/13 21:47

justaID : 推逐字翻譯 很辛苦 看內容也滿感動的 08/13 21:47

justaID : 56樓本尊出來感謝了lol 08/13 21:48

StODf : 推 08/13 21:53

chaulove : 推!!! 08/13 21:53

yukionly : 推跑車! 08/13 21:54

ForeverFun : 先推再看 感謝大大 08/13 21:59

esysnfex5566: 推 08/13 22:00

owei0404 : 感謝分享 08/13 22:02

eink : 推 08/13 22:02

HJoe : 推!! 08/13 22:03

liang2030 : 推 08/13 22:05

KirkSynder : http://i.imgur.com/OspB7Ym.jpg 感謝毛叔辛苦的翻 08/13 22:05

KirkSynder : 譯。請問一下這一句從前文的脈絡是不是pop回 If you 08/13 22:05

KirkSynder : want your point guard (position )tomorrow 會比 08/13 22:06

KirkSynder : 較通順一點? 08/13 22:06

KirkSynder : 像是 你明天如果還想當控衛 乖乖打TD戰術 這樣? 08/13 22:07

angel92849 : 推翻譯逐字稿 08/13 22:10

rabbit38381 : 推 08/13 22:16

mmarty : 推 08/13 22:19

peanutman : 推,感謝翻譯 08/13 22:22

KSflyaway : 感謝分享 08/13 22:24

hot413 : 推 08/13 22:24

blacklash : 推 08/13 22:28

longoneroro : 感謝翻譯 08/13 22:35

yuhjia : 推 08/13 22:40

yuhjia : 希望接下來有POP的翻譯XD 08/13 22:40

fuym : 感謝翻譯 08/13 22:41

Austinhumn : 推 08/13 22:50

Euniceumi : 感謝翻譯 08/13 22:50

edwardkao98 : 推TP9 08/13 22:53

KelSierSoH : 優質文必須推 08/13 22:54

wydada1207 : 推 08/13 23:03

fredcandy : 感謝!推! 08/13 23:04

Qorqios : Y 08/13 23:05

RamenOwl : 好讚…馬刺真的是個感人的大家庭 08/13 23:12

flyintmtc : 大推,以湖迷來說,永遠懷念湖人和馬刺GDP的競爭, 08/13 23:16

flyintmtc : 可惜傳說已然無法重現 08/13 23:16

RamenOwl : 禿子的籃球有夠靠北XD 他的傳球真的超藝術 08/13 23:16

flyintmtc : 不過現在的馬刺已看到未來,但湖人仍擺脫不了快40 08/13 23:17

flyintmtc : 歲的老人,唉 08/13 23:17

webberfun : 推 08/13 23:19

wisdomcowcow: 推 08/13 23:20

enred : 推 08/13 23:21

takeda0727 : 推推 08/13 23:25

girlkissme : 推 08/13 23:26

geniusblack : 推 08/13 23:31

manpower9 : 推 08/13 23:31

TakeMyUltra : 超讚 08/13 23:37

JJRICH : 推 08/13 23:38

hohosamuel : 感謝翻譯 08/13 23:42

feng990719 : 推 08/13 23:51

Dick144 : 推! 08/13 23:52

s29961091 : 推啊 08/14 00:01

hank0921 : 推翻譯 08/14 00:03

jyekid : 連槍蜥都進不了頂尖控衛討論串了 08/14 00:07

efefang : 推 08/14 00:21

markholden : 推 08/14 00:33

stpmouse : 推 08/14 00:38

asdfzxc987a : 推 08/14 00:47

vanson37 : 都忘了Gasol有加入過馬刺 08/14 00:50

harry881210 : 推 小跑車 08/14 00:53

supreme0731 : 本屆名人堂 入選的 真是精彩 08/14 00:58

wenyebin : 推 08/14 01:02

mashiroro : 跑車讚 08/14 01:06

Myosotis : 推毛叔 感謝翻譯 08/14 01:10

ian15579 : 推 08/14 01:10

IAMGRICE : 推,謝謝翻譯 08/14 01:11

okichan : 讚讚 謝謝翻譯! 08/14 01:13

iuiuisme : 推 08/14 01:29

ian93 : 推 08/14 01:35

miniwish : 推 08/14 01:38

MickeyKG : 謝謝分享 08/14 01:40

Trulli : 推翻譯 08/14 01:47

hermes018 : 感謝翻譯,馬刺是我最愛的球隊 08/14 01:52

hipnos : 推推 謝謝翻譯!! 很有愛<3 08/14 01:56

b622llk15 : 推 08/14 02:26

cmid05 : 推 08/14 02:37

yusuke362 : 馬刺三人真的足已流傳後世的典範 08/14 02:39

vince0729 : 推 08/14 02:58

Caspar5566 : 推 08/14 03:16

hsgreent : 大推 感謝翻譯 一個小隻的法國佬、一個阿根廷小夥子 08/14 03:29

hsgreent : 、加上來自島上的泳者 08/14 03:29

asnf87217 : 推 08/14 03:56

dalipkid : 推 08/14 04:25

ctes940008 : 三人組跟鬼一樣強 08/14 05:26

mekiael : 感動到哭 08/14 06:12

f1426871 : 他們四個真的很有趣,能一起共事十多年也是罕見了。 08/14 06:15

floatbear227: Paker切入大轉身真的猛 08/14 06:24

odom0413 : 太感謝啦 08/14 06:29

f77928 : 再也不會有下一組GDP了 史上最佳三人組合 08/14 06:39

DogTaro : 推 08/14 06:48

KENGI : TP讚 08/14 07:10

F12NLargo : 我的青春 嗚嗚 08/14 07:42

cloudenvy : 推 08/14 07:58

windboy612 : 類推 我愛馬刺大家庭 08/14 08:06

yuran : 推跑車 08/14 08:07

vupcjo0001 : 推推 08/14 08:09

frappe : 翻譯推 08/14 08:19

armania : 必須推 真摯動容 08/14 08:27

fangjoe24 : 推,翻譯辛苦了 08/14 08:30

kafn853345 : 推 08/14 08:33

leonmarsman : 推 08/14 08:34

gchee : 推翻譯! 08/14 08:39

roudolf : TP後來的命中率都是跟中鋒比的…五成上下 08/14 08:41

Tassadar250 : 推 08/14 08:41

crazyag : 推毛叔翻譯 08/14 08:46

iamalexnotjo: 刺迷淚推 太愛這些人 08/14 09:02

nwohippo : 推 08/14 09:03

AirRider : 推 08/14 09:04

jason930502 : 推 前幾天跟親戚小朋友聊天他竟然不認識GDP QQ 08/14 09:07

landlice : 推 08/14 09:08

KBchen : "明天還想打控衛的話,你最好把戰術做給他" 08/14 09:13

NTUDrAndy : 他媽媽是模特兒怎麼可能是醫生 應該是說在健康上的 08/14 09:15

NTUDrAndy : 像醫生一樣照顧自己 08/14 09:15

eric74658 : Eva Longoria有來嗎 08/14 09:15

dennisda : 淚推...時代的眼淚 08/14 09:22

nin64 : Nash那段的They're the same應該是說兩篇講稿都一樣 08/14 09:23

rr8907010 : Ma pc大謝謝分享影片 08/14 09:33

frank901212 : 推 08/14 09:44

abc1231qa : 推 08/14 09:48

DonDon0712 : 推,看的很舒服 08/14 10:01

oa6771 : 推 08/14 10:05

blazers08 : 推 08/14 10:07

TanahashiHFF: 謝謝翻譯 08/14 10:09

hsupohsiang : cool 08/14 10:17

f1995812 : 推 08/14 10:17

benben0112 : 推 08/14 10:35

joeytoast : 推 翻得很好也推跑車 08/14 10:56

cattle7 : 推 感謝毛叔! 08/14 11:01

kobemyking : 推 08/14 11:13

BC0710 : 推 08/14 11:14

suckmanisme : 推 08/14 11:15

TimerGsL : 推 08/14 11:21

coiico : 感謝分享 08/14 11:32

NTUDrAndy : 推回來 08/14 11:46

smallopen : 感謝分享 08/14 11:49

wynton : 推 08/14 11:50

gerg : 推 08/14 11:58

steveparker : 推 法國跑車 08/14 11:59

ho1234 : 跑車的演講好感人 08/14 12:05

polomarco159: 感謝推 08/14 12:18

smilecola123: 推 08/14 12:19

waterspinach: 推演說也推翻譯 史上最強三人組+POP 一代強權啊 08/14 12:32

RAY1203 : 推 辛苦了 毛叔 08/14 12:32

windid : 推 08/14 12:41

yyyyyyy : 推 08/14 12:47

umyiwen : 神串,推! 08/14 12:48

ctw01 : 推 馬刺GDP+Pop真的代表了一個時代 08/14 13:11

jty02 : 推 08/14 13:12

dongkee : 刺迷淚推 真喜歡GDP 他們太強大了 08/14 13:27

darkreborn : 推 08/14 13:32

Spurs07 : 推 08/14 14:03

PengMatt : 淚推 08/14 14:17

ovaka : 感謝翻譯! 08/14 14:50

ray18363 : 推逐字稿,除OK跟Kobe+Pau外,最喜歡GDP三人組 08/14 15:02

ding810908 : 推 08/14 15:09

chiou3df : 推 08/14 15:10

evaliao : 推翻譯 08/14 16:20

praceo9 : 推 超愛TP 08/14 17:07

BOV5566 : 推史上最強三人組 沒有之一 08/14 17:44

zangif : 好啊 08/14 17:47

ztsc0304356 : 推 08/14 17:47

hpfan : 推 08/14 18:30

sd747678 : 跑車的演講好感人 08/14 18:34

gwalker : 推 08/14 18:55

jabbar308 : 推!! 08/14 18:57

aDesperado : 從被罵的菜鳥到總冠MVP 真的不簡單 08/14 19:03

willysue : 好感人 哭 08/14 19:58

yiche : 推推 謝謝翻譯 期待更多發文 辛苦了 08/14 20:20

ajfever : 推 08/14 20:25

Happyman20 : 推 08/14 20:50

hank80513 : 馬刺黃金十年淚推 08/14 21:05

cress0128 : 翻得真好,淚推GDP馬刺王朝 08/14 21:36

vo7878 : 跪求Wade的翻譯 好人推推 08/14 22:05

IAMLPG : 很動人 感謝翻譯 08/14 22:20

asq176 : 推 08/14 22:32

GreedyBian : 推翻譯 08/15 07:43

ReinerBraun : 可憐 標題連個本名都沒 08/15 08:23

s8900117 : 推 08/15 08:37

lihsiangchen: 推 08/15 08:42
