[情報] 拓荒者和Devontae Cacok簽下訓練營合約

看板 NBA
作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
時間 2022-09-06 05:16:14
留言 6則留言 (5推 0噓 1→)

https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1566813959168065539 The Portland Trail Blazers are signing forward Devontae Cacok to an Exhibit 10 deal, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . Cacok has played 36 games over the past three seasons for the Spurs and Lakers. 拓荒者以訓練營合約 簽下Devontae Cacok 過去三年Cacok曾為湖人和馬刺效力 共出賽過36場 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1662412578.A.30A.html

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