[外絮] Jordan Poole 在勇士隊崛起的幕後

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作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
時間 2022-05-03 09:45:58
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原標題:Inside Jordan Poole's ascension with the Golden State Warriors (Jordan Poole 在金州勇士隊崛起的幕後) 來源:https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/33839330/ 作者:Kendra Andrews 原文+翻譯: 第一部分 THERE'S A PAGE on Golden State Warriors assistant coach Chris DeMarco's Notes app dedicated to one of the breakout stars of the 2021-22 regular season -- and one of the most important players on the team's roster. 在金州勇士隊助教 Chris DeMarco 的「筆記本」APP中,就有這麼一頁,是專門為了 2021-22 例行賽賽季其中一位突破之星、同時也是球團陣容中其中一位最重要的球員而留 的。 Jordan Poole. 他就是 Jordan Poole。 It's been there since 2019. On it, you'll see guiding principles for the 22-year-old's development; you'll see plans on how Poole and DeMarco want to work together; and you'll see questions. 自二零一九年開始,就放著到現在了。從該頁面可見,引領著這位二十二歲球員發展的原 則、Poole 與 DeMarco 一起合作的計畫,最終會看到一些對自己疑問。 During Poole's rookie season in 2019-20, his primary question was: How do I get on the floor? 在 Poole 的 2019-20 菜鳥賽季中,主要問題是:我該如何爭取上場機會? Last season, it was: How do I stay on the floor? 上(2020-21)賽季時,變成是:我該怎樣守住先發機會? This season? How do I impact the playoffs? 本(2021-22)賽季則是:我該如何在季後賽發揮影響力? So far, Poole has answered all of these questions with aplomb. 至目前為止,Poole 以非常漂亮的表現,回應了該些問題。 Not that it was easy. 一切來得不容易。 Poole averaged 8.8 points in 22.4 minutes on 33.3% shooting from the field, including 27.9% from beyond the 3-point line, as a rookie. Drafted as a first-round pick and a guard who was supposed to enhance the Warriors' offense, Poole struggled to score. And he heard about it. 在菜鳥賽季時,Poole 場均上陣二十二點四分鐘,能得八點八分、百分之三十三點三的命 中率及百分之二十七點九的三分球命中率。作為選秀首輪的獲選者、來的目的本應是增強 勇士隊進攻的後衛,Poole 在得分上苦苦掙扎,而他本人也對此非常清楚。 "Everything they were saying -- he takes bad shots or he can't pass, he can't dribble -- I wasn't worried about that," Poole said. "Because I knew what I was capable of. It would just be a matter of how I would be able to incorporate my game into the team's. It will take some time, and I knew that." Poole 說: 「他們所講的任何話——他投籃不好、他無法傳球,甚至沒辦法運球——對於這一切,我 不感到擔心,因為我知道我能力所及的。這將只是『我如何將自己融入團隊比賽』的問 題而已。這需要一點時間,而我對此很瞭解。」 After completing a season in which he improved his statistical output in nearly every category -- and became part of the Warriors' new death lineup -- those external conversations have been silenced. Through six games in the playoffs, Poole is averaging 22.7 points on 56.1% shooting -- including 48.8% from beyond the arc -- and playing a career-high 33 minutes per game. 在完成了於每個類別的技術性統計中都有進步的賽季、並成為勇士隊新死亡五小的其中一 員後,這些流言蜚語都不再出現了。在季後賽首輪的流暢比賽中,Poole 場均能得二十二 點七分、命中率百分之五十六點一及三分球命中率百分之四十八點八,並上陣長達三十三 分鐘——這是他職業生涯最高的。 Sunday's win over the Memphis Grizzlies to open the Western Conference semifinals was his best yet. He played a team-high 38 minutes off the bench and led the Warriors in points (31), rebounds (8) and assists (9). 在星期日贏下灰熊隊的西部準決賽比賽中,他拿出了最好的表現。他以替補的姿態上陣了 三十八分鐘,並以三十一分的得分、八個籃板及九次助攻的表現領航全隊。 "I've always made people eat their words," Poole said. "I never went to the media and said anything about anybody else. I just shut up, take it all in and let my game do the talking. It feels a lot better. Oh, my god, it feels so good." Poole 說: 「我往往會讓人們反悔說過的話。我從來不會想上媒體,然後說別人的閒言閒語。我只會 閉上嘴巴、接受這一切,讓比賽說話。如今感覺好多了。感謝上帝,一切感覺真棒。」 第二部分 TWO WEEKS AFTER COVID-19 shut down the NBA in March 2020, the league announced health and safety protocols that allowed players to get back into the gym, but with just one other person. Poole immediately picked up his phone to call DeMarco. 在二零二零年三月、因 COVID-19 疫情導致NBA停擺的兩個星期後,聯盟公佈了允許球 員回到體育館的《健康與安全準則》,但在只想起一個人的情況下,Poole 匆忙拿起電話 ,撥電給 DeMarco。 "I just knew that if I was able to get in there every single day for however long the pandemic was," Poole said, "I knew I would improve in some way or fashion." Poole 表示: 「我只知道,不管疫情大流行持續多久,只要能夠進入施設訓練,我會儘一切努力,改進 自己。」 The two worked out in the Warriors' facilities. No one else was allowed to be in there with them, they could only use one ball and they had to wear masks the entire time. 兩人在勇士隊的施設裡進行訓練。沒有其他人被允許和他們一起進入,他們只能使用一個 球,且在訓練期間要全程佩戴口罩。 They worked on Poole's defense. They drilled his shooting nearly every day, focusing on getting a quicker release, speeding up his footwork and being able to not only make catch-and-shoot jumpers but also those on the move. They emphasized his handles, his finishing at the rim -- and being able to do it with both hands -- and his midrange shot. 他們針對 Poole 的防守能力進行訓練。他們幾乎每天都訓練他的投籃,重點是讓他更快 地釋放自我、加速他的腳步,不僅能夠接球跳投,還能在場上移動時投籃。他們關注在他 的手感,他在籃下的終結能力——並且能夠用雙手完成——以及他的中距離投籃。 "It's going to be frustrating," DeMarco told Poole. "There are going to be days where it's not going in, but you need to be able to sharpen those tools." DeMarco 告訴 Poole: 「這會使人氣餒。有時可能會沒辦法命中,但你要準備好應付這一切。」 There was a stretch during that summer when Poole experienced precisely what his coach had warned him would happen. Poole lost his shot -- and struggled for weeks to find it. With just the two of them, every clank off the rim, every squeak of his practice-only shoes, echoed in those lonely, cavernous gyms across the San Francisco Bay. One day, after missing eight straight shots, he'd had enough. 在那個夏天,有一段時間Poole 正好經歷了他的教練警告他將發生的事情。Poole 不斷打 鐵——並掙扎了數個星期才找到命中的機會。在只有他們兩個人的情況下,每一個從籃板 上掉下來的叮噹聲,每一個他練習專用的鞋子的吱吱聲,都在舊金山灣對面那些孤獨的、 空曠的體育館裡迴盪。有一天,在連續八次投籃不中後,他已經受夠了。 He started kicking balls into the empty stands, letting an F-bomb fly with each ball. 他開始將球踢向空蕩蕩的觀眾席,每一次都伴隨著F字頭的髒話。 "That was the only way I could get my frustration out at the time," Poole said. "It was like, I was so invested and I wanted it so bad. I couldn't do anything else but kick the ball. Poole 說: 「那是我當時能夠發洩自身挫敗感的唯一方法。就像說我是如此地投入、我如此想要它。 除了將球踢開,我想不到其他辦法。」 "I had felt like I had worked so hard. I worked hard enough to not miss eight in a row. And I don't know, it really got under my skin, especially in workouts. Workouts, no one is guarding me. Why am I missing?" 「我感覺到自己已經非常盡力了。我已經努力地避免連續八次丟球了。我不知道,這真的 讓我很難受,尤其是在訓練期間。訓練時,根本沒有人守著我。為什麼我會這樣?」 He kept working. 他持續地努力。 "It ended up being like that for nine months, something like that, that's crazy," Poole said. "Usually you just get two months for the offseason. That's an extra seven months." Poole 說: 「類似這樣的事情,最後持續了九個月長,這很瘋狂。平常你只有兩個月的休賽季,而如 今還有額外七個月的休假。」 *編按:在 2019-20 例行賽賽季中,勇士隊因在西部聯盟墊底,所以無緣跟隨其他球隊 前往奧蘭多的泡泡區參與八月至十月的復賽。 Poole and DeMarco took a two-week break heading into the 2020-21 season, and then it was back to team training camp. Poole 和 DeMarco 在進入 2020-21 賽季後,休息了兩個星期,接著再回到了球團的訓練 營。 The work paid off: Poole bumped his season numbers to 12 points on 43.2% field goal shooting, including 35.1% from 3. 一切努力沒有白費:Poole 在例行賽的數據有所長進,場均得到十二分、百分之四十三點 二的命中率和百分之三十五點一的三分球命中率。 The Warriors sent Poole to the G League bubble in February 2021 so he could find some more minutes. 勇士隊在二零二一年二月將 Poole 下放至G聯盟泡泡(聖塔克魯茲勇士),讓他能爭取 更多上場時間。 Poole returned on March 4, 2021. Three weeks later, the Warriors traded Brad Wanamaker at the deadline. Kelly Oubre Jr. suffered a season-ending wrist injury the following month, giving Poole the opportunity he'd been waiting for. 在二零二一年三月四日,Poole 回到勇士隊。三個星期後,勇士隊在交易大限的一刻,將 Brad Wanamaker 交易出去。隔一個月後, Kelly Oubre Jr. 遭遇了導致賽季報銷的手腕 傷勢,這令Poole 得到了一直以來在期待著的機會。 The way Poole performed in the final 36 games of the season -- averaging 14.7 points on 43.3% shooting from the field, 35.4% from deep (including one 38-point outburst) -- sparked new questions for him, and the Warriors, coming into the 2021-22 campaign. Poole 在例行賽賽季最後三十六場比賽的表現方式——場均十四點七分、百分之四十三點 三的命中率及百分之三十五點四的三分球命中率(包括一場三十八分的大爆發)——讓他 自己及勇士隊在進入 2021-22 賽季時,增添了新的問題。 "We thought about maybe bringing him off the bench," Warriors coach Steve Kerr said, "but when we saw what kind of camp he was having, we said no, this guy needs as many minutes as possible. He had a great camp, the very first exhibition game he lit it up and it was obvious right away: We've got to get this guy on the court." 勇士隊主教練 Steve Kerr 說: 「我們曾想過讓他替補登場,但當我們看到他在訓練營中的表現時,我們說『不,這傢伙 需要盡可能多的時間』。他有一個很好的訓練營,第一場熱身賽他就把它點燃了,這很 明顯:我們必須讓這位傢伙上場。」 Kerr informed Poole of the decision to have him begin the campaign at the starting shooting guard spot about one week before the season opener. Kerr 在開季前一個星期告知了 Poole 本身的決定,讓他在得分後衛的位置上先發。 "All the work over the pandemic," Poole said, "I couldn't have done anything else to put me in a better position if the opportunity came." Poole 說: 「這是在大流行期間所做的一切。如果機會到了,我會盡一切努力,讓自己處於一個更好 的位置。」 第三部分 SIDELINED WITH A left foot injury, Stephen Curry felt like he was watching himself from the bench. 由於左腳受傷而無法上場,Stephen Curry 感覺到自己像是在板凳上自我目視。 During the third quarter of the March 22 game against the Orlando Magic, Poole brought the ball up the floor. As he began to drive to the paint, he drew four defenders, so he passed it back out to Draymond Green, who was standing outside the 3-point line. As soon as he got rid of the ball, Poole relocated behind Green, who dished the ball back to him on the dribble handoff, and Poole knocked down the 3-pointer. 在三月廿二日對陣奧蘭多魔術隊的第三節比賽中,Poole 把球帶到了場上。當他開始衝向 禁區時,引來的是四名後衛,所以他把球回傳給站在三分線外的嘴綠。在後者擺脫球的當 下,Poole 就轉移到了嘴綠身後,嘴綠在運球時將球回傳給他,普爾拿下了一個三分球。 Poole said he has studied Curry's game closely. Same with Thompson's. DeMarco had Poole watch film on his teammates, as well as other NBA players such as Kyrie Irving, Chris Paul and Damian Lillard. When it comes to Curry's game, and learning from it, Poole's main focus was how the two-time MVP moves off the ball. Poole 說他緊緊地盯著 Curry、K湯在場上比賽的表現。DeMarco 給Poole 看了隊友在賽 場時的影片,其他諸如KI、CP3和小李球員的也讓他看過了。正當來到Curry 的比賽 影片、並從中學習時,Poole 的主要關注點在於這位兩屆MVP得主如何在沒有球的時候 跑動。 Now, he has Curry seeing double. 如今,他讓 Curry 像是看到了分身。 "It's the essence of it in terms of movement without the ball," Curry said. "I could tell by his reaction that he realized and recognized that those patterns are stuff we do, me and Draymond. He realized how easy it could be if he built that chemistry." Curry 說: 「就無球跑動而言,這就是其本質。我可以從他的反應中看出,他意識到、並認識這些模 式是我們在做的東西,我和嘴綠。他意識到,如果自己能建立起這種化學反應,一切就 會變得簡單多了。」 Because of injuries to Curry and Thompson, Poole has played with Green the longest among Warriors players. When did the 2017 NBA Defensive Player of the Year realize Jordan Poole could be Jordan Poole? 因為Curry 和K湯遭遇傷勢,Poole 在勇士隊所有球員中,和嘴綠一起上場最久的時間。 這位二零一七年最佳防守球員在什麼時候意識到,這位Jordan Poole 已經今非昔比? March 10, vs. the Denver Nuggets: Eleven of Poole's 21 points that night game in the fourth quarter -- six of which were scored on two wide-open 3-pointers to seal the win for the Warriors. 三月十日對陣金塊隊:到了第四節時,Poole 拿下二十一分以上的第十一場比賽——其中 六個還是靠三分球拿下的——這讓勇士隊在該比賽中獲勝。 "Backs against the wall, needed to get the win, someone needs to step up in that moment and gets us over the finish," Green said. "Steph and Klay was on the floor, but who took on the role? Jordan took on the role. In doing that, what that did was it allowed everyone else to gain confidence in him. I don't just have to go look for Steph. I don't have to look for Klay. Let's go to Jordan. That's a very, very, very powerful tool to have." 嘴綠說: 「在背對著牆、亟需獲得勝利的時候,有人需要在那一刻挺身而出,讓我們越過終點。 Curry 和K湯都在場上,但誰承擔了這個要角?Poole 擔起來了。在這樣做的時候,所 做的是讓其他人在他身上獲得信心。我不再需要找Curry 或K湯,只要找Poole 就可以 了。這是一個非常、非常、非常強大的工具。」 And on March 23, vs. the Miami Heat: It was the day after the Warriors had suffered a humiliating loss to the Magic. Curry was out with a left foot sprain. Green and Thompson were resting. 到了三月廿三日對陣熱火隊時:這是勇士隊在對陣魔術隊、遭遇恥辱性敗仗後的隔一天。 Curry 因為左腳扭傷而無法上場,而嘴綠和K湯則在休息中。 "I said to him, here's the point of the game where you get whatever you want," Green said of Poole. "If you decide this is what I am trying to get to every time, you're going to get good-enough looks where ultimately it all comes together." 提到 Poole 時,嘴綠說: 「我跟他說,『這裡是比賽的重中之重,你可以得到你想要的任何東西。如果你決定這是 我每次都想達到的目的,你就能得到夠好的表現,到頭來一切都會實現。』」 Poole finished with 30 points on 10-of-18 shooting, including seven 3s. He grabbed four rebounds and had nine assists. Poole 在該場比賽中,得到三十分,並在十八次投籃中命中十次,包括七個三分球。他也 獲得了四個籃板及九次助攻。 "For them to take me under their wing and walk me through this process ... and giving me confidence, it's awesome," Poole said. "Coming in, that's all you want, to have their trust. So they can go out there and they don't have to worry about covering for Jordan. Just go out there and play your game, and we'll play with you." Poole 說: 「他們把我帶到他們的羽翼下,帶我走過這個過程……並給我信心,這真是太棒了。來到 這裡,這就是你想要的,得到他們的信任。所以他們可以去那裡,不必擔心為Poole 打 掩護戰術。只要能上去打你的比賽,我們就和你一起打。」 第四部分 POOLE'S FIRST PLAYOFFS have served as a red-carpet introduction to the basketball world. He became the 16th player in NBA history to score at least 25 points in each of his first three career playoff games, and his 86 total points are second most through a player's first three postseason contests, behind only 106 from Wilt Chamberlain. Poole 的第一次季後賽以紅地毯的方式,在籃球世界中登場。他成為聯盟歷史上第十六位 在職業生涯頭三場季後賽比賽中,得到至少二十五分的球員,而其八十六分的總得分更是 是全聯盟的第二多,僅次於一百零六分的張伯倫。 On Sunday, his 31 points set a career best, and he added a playoff-best five 3s. 在星期日的比賽中,他創下了職業生涯最高的三十一分,並拿下了季後賽最佳的五個三分 球表現。 "We know the opportunity we have. It's special," Poole said. "You don't want to be the player to mess that up." Poole 說: 「我們知道所把握的機會。你不會想要變成是那位把一切搞砸的球員。」 And as for all those questions? He's asking more now. 至於先前的疑問呢?如今問得更多了。 "They used to be, 'How do the playoffs feel?' Like, 'Man, how was playing on that stage?' No, no, no. He's passed that point," Green said. 嘴綠說: 「以前曾是『進入季後賽的感覺怎樣?』、『夥計,在季後賽場上的表現怎樣?』如今大 可不必,他已經闖過了那個關頭。」 "He's at the point of, 'What am I going to do when this stage happens? How should I combat that? If they do this, what should I do here?' It's a totally different space. It's like, I understand what they are trying to do. Help me figure out what I need to do." 「他已經到了這樣的地步:『當來到這個階段時,我應該要怎樣做?我應該如何應付是好 ?如果他們這樣做,我應該在這裡做什麼?』這是一個完全不同的空間。這就像是我明 白他們想要做什麼、幫助我弄清楚我需要做的事。」 Finally, for Poole and the Warriors, the answers are coming to light. 到頭來,對於 Poole 及勇士隊而言,一切問題終有其解答。 短評: 能持續進步、不斷提昇自我,未嘗不是一件好事呢…… -- 05/03 09:53
05/03 10:49
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651542361.A.EC6.html

xxxrecoil : 崛起的原因就是豪門弟子 05/03 09:47

castle1011 : 也是苦練出來的 05/03 09:49

a509170123 : 感謝翻譯 05/03 09:49

liefuchen : 印象中勇士當初也算是跳選他? 05/03 09:50

leo255112 : 在勇士的後衛真的就學Curry 跟KT怎麼跑的就好了 05/03 09:50

questioner : 苦練的重要性!! 05/03 09:50

WIGGINS22 : 這賽季罰球命中率聯盟第一應該不單是練出來的,天 05/03 09:50

EEzionT : 太長 我只知道有豪鬼靈氣 05/03 09:50

WIGGINS22 : 生手感也很好 05/03 09:50

leo255112 : 持球突破這個當對手緊緊貼著你的時候相對簡單很多 05/03 09:51

cool41723 : 印象中是在g聯盟跟書豪當隊友後就開竅了 05/03 09:51

st890284 : 反觀EP 05/03 09:51

nashQ : 苦練決勝負 05/03 09:51

nick1628 : 天時地利吧,第一年丟發展聯盟修基本功,剛好第二年 05/03 09:51

nick1628 : 主力報銷讓他有犯錯的機會一直練,而且去年路人爆發 05/03 09:52

nick1628 : 他要扛的壓力不大 05/03 09:52

adhere : 那本手冊上面寫的應該是複製人技術... 05/03 09:52

benboy : 金洲製藥仿生淚滴可以量產嗎? XD 05/03 09:52

tailsean : 借轉勇板 感謝! 05/03 09:52

hiyuhfeng : 推 05/03 09:54

Max7169 : 還不是始於豪有料 05/03 09:54

Max7169 : *書豪 05/03 09:54

poeeyterry : 感謝翻譯 05/03 09:54

xjapan329 : 推翻譯 05/03 09:54

SC30mvp : 太長了還沒看完 有提到恩師豪神嗎? 05/03 09:55

k38382288 : 推 05/03 09:55

amimimi : 西門:我往往會讓人們更堅信他們嘲笑我的話 05/03 09:56

laptic : 放心,沒寫 05/03 09:57

xbit : 希望久美子也能快點成長. 05/03 09:58

THEGASTBY : https://i.imgur.com/4Dvw6NU.png 05/03 09:58

laputaca : 仿生淚滴製作筆記 05/03 09:58

LukaDoncic77: 當初預估是二輪,但好像有消息說馬刺有意想提前選 05/03 09:59

ukcm : 西門欠缺的其實是豪鬼靈氣buff 05/03 09:59

LukaDoncic77: 勇士才出手的 05/03 10:00

cv120345 : 翻譯有些地方怪怪的,不過還是感謝分享 05/03 10:00

EQUP : 擁有這樣的投射、跑位、籃下終結能力,無論在哪裡都 05/03 10:00

EQUP : 能打得很好 05/03 10:01

pneumo : 翻譯辛苦了 05/03 10:02

danms : 他有6-5?看起來比Curry矮啊 05/03 10:02

md3q6e : #加入豪門 05/03 10:02

pneumo : 第二段you'll see questions,是指那個小本本上面 05/03 10:02

danms : 看錯 是190cm... 05/03 10:02

pneumo : 普爾問自己的問題 不是會想起問題 05/03 10:03

pneumo : 「我只知道,如果我能夠每天進入該施設」應該是打錯 05/03 10:04

laptic : 感謝提醒,已修正 05/03 10:04

cloudyst : 圍巾你罰球去練練好嗎?不要偷渡 05/03 10:04

SC30mvp : 普洱第一年的成績,如果不是剛好在主力倒光擺爛年、 05/03 10:05

SC30mvp : 薪資又爆炸需要新秀紅利的勇士,現在真的不一定還在 05/03 10:05

SC30mvp : NBA,天時地利加上自己努力才有現在的成績 05/03 10:05

pneumo : "Poole lost his shot" 那應該是跟後面說他有段時間 05/03 10:05

pneumo : 練習開始不停打鐵 所以比較像是普爾開始投不進球 05/03 10:06

pneumo : 應該不是失去投籃機會 05/03 10:06

kaihsin : 他當年在發展聯盟的打法有點Clackson的感覺 05/03 10:06

pneumo : 翻那麼長很辛苦 感謝分享 05/03 10:07

kevin9841 : 如果這隻在其他隊 05/03 10:09

dalinman : 原來是休賽季偷練!! 05/03 10:09

sky070650 : 感謝分享 05/03 10:10

laptic : :( 05/03 10:10

spurs2120 : 應該是僅次於106分的張伯倫而不是比張伯倫少106分啦 05/03 10:10

spurs2120 : XD 老張的前三場應該不是平均60分吧... 05/03 10:10

THEGASTBY : 190是磅數吧 05/03 10:12

xjapan329 : 成功絕對不是偶然的,當大家讚嘆普洱今年突出表現的 05/03 10:12

xjapan329 : 同時,往往都忽略休賽季低潮期付出的的苦練與努力, 05/03 10:12

xjapan329 : respect! 05/03 10:12

Erishcross : G1失誤沒吹到 下場大哥一定也不好過 05/03 10:12

tapiola : 第二部分倒數第三段off the bench應是從替補席出發? 05/03 10:12

otaku690 : bringing him off the bench是從板凳出發 05/03 10:14

xxwhoareyuxx: 感謝翻譯!有錯字—Wanamaker交易「吃」去 05/03 10:16

manic7058463: 第四部分 behind only 106 from應該不是差106分,而 05/03 10:18

manic7058463: 是張伯倫的106分。 05/03 10:18

laptic : 從早上七點多弄到九點多才發,有錯誤的話再請告知 05/03 10:18

padbear : 豪門弟子! 05/03 10:18

soso0316 : 僅次於張伯倫的106分比較順? 05/03 10:19

benboy : 看影片JP比curry高一點沒錯XD 05/03 10:19

tapiola : 感謝轉文及辛苦翻譯! 05/03 10:19

korgh413 : 寒冰射手到普洱大哥 05/03 10:19

laptic : 也對 XD 05/03 10:20

tapiola : 拿出最好表現的關鍵是"以替補的姿態上陣"!!! 05/03 10:21

silvermoon : he has Curry seeing double意指咖哩看到自己分身 05/03 10:22

dutch14 : 真的還好沒長成JC 05/03 10:24

alex0203cool: 訓練手冊標題:How to copy a CURRY 05/03 10:29

lightmei : Poole比KT還會傳球,空手跑位也很認真 05/03 10:29

Oskar : 普爾加油! 05/03 10:33

Carsr : 咖哩接班人 普洱大哥加油 05/03 10:34

SeanSherry : 看到他季後賽表現真的感動 05/03 10:35

basketone : 會不會到時候拿到fmvp 05/03 10:36

tapiola : 他能拿FMVP也很好啊!目前看起來在相同表現數據下 05/03 10:38

tapiola : Curry的影響力還是比較大,(對防守方的)credit是 05/03 10:39

tapiola : 需要累積的。 05/03 10:39

dream6789 : 感謝分享! 05/03 10:46

gmp654 : 非常感謝分享跟翻譯,小小建議,數據類採用阿拉伯數 05/03 10:54

gmp654 : 字比較直覺 05/03 10:54

piquar : Curry:沒人守投不進不是正常的嗎? 05/03 10:55

xru03 : 推 05/03 10:59

tapiola : 沒人守投不進正常......所以罰球是正常化嗎? XDDD 05/03 11:03

firstkiki : 豪鬼恩師的部分呢? 05/03 11:05

kobe7785075 : 大哥真的強 05/03 11:05

Hard1980 : 推翻譯 另外建議用阿拉伯數字即可 不用硬翻一二三四 05/03 11:12

Hard1980 : 這樣反而不易閱讀 還有英文全部半形即可 05/03 11:13

laptic : 收到 05/03 11:16

killuaz : 真的是一路被罵上來的 當初有逆風挺他的一定超感 05/03 11:18

killuaz : 動 05/03 11:19

s5689 : 加油 05/03 11:23

bigwhiteis02: 成功不是偶然 05/03 11:38

forever920fv: 苦練決勝負 打出來真的是他自己夠努力 05/03 11:51

yayiisme : respect 05/03 12:00

StanShit : 敬佩! 05/03 12:07

qqq1202 : 謝謝翻譯!! 05/03 12:07

lynndodo : 感謝分享 05/03 12:12

GrayMan : 那本書是咖哩食譜吧 05/03 12:17

nancy0803 : quicker release應該是指「更快速的出手」而非「更 05/03 12:22

nancy0803 : 快地釋放自我」 05/03 12:22

dixsion : 謝謝分享 05/03 12:25

yesjimmy62 : 推用心翻譯 05/03 13:03

YCkuku : 勇士算是很用心跟耐心栽培他了 05/03 13:15

Endranoe : 感謝翻譯 05/03 13:26

kaede0711 : 推翻譯 但是真的建議數字的部分用阿拉伯數字 中文 05/03 13:26

kaede0711 : 數字閱讀上會比較沒這麼通順 05/03 13:26

allen7257 : 球隊有沒有耐心是關鍵,當然小河流是另一個課題 05/03 13:33

ccjack310424: 感謝翻譯 05/03 13:44

Jerry9453 : 也不是每隊都願意這樣給新人練,看看某湖 05/03 14:06

roy384921 : 普洱可能過幾年要練出防守跟破包夾能力 05/03 15:04

amo0717 : 好勵志... 05/03 15:13

whhw : 推 05/03 15:24

kona0103 : 推一個,感謝翻譯 05/03 15:42

mark0204 : 05/03 16:42

malain : 推。謝謝翻譯 05/03 17:51

bowwo : 自己苦練加上有機會上場才養得出來 05/03 18:08

bowwo : 在某些隊早就丟了 05/03 18:08

karmel : 他的跑位真的很像咖哩 05/03 21:42

karmel : 他苦練真的有成果 感動 05/03 21:42

hichunchs : 勇士真的很會養SG 05/03 22:01
