[外絮] 輸給鵜鶘後,LBJ :「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」

看板 NBA
作者 h1212123tw (der龜)
時間 2022-04-03 16:24:36
留言 181則留言 (135推 12噓 34→)

來源 :https://reurl.cc/8WKqab Los Angeles Lakers' LeBron James on critical loss to Pelicans: 'When it rains, it pours' DAVE MCMENAMIN ESPN Staff Writer Apr 1, 20224 Minute Read LOS ANGELES -- LeBron James' last-ditch 3-pointer found nothing but air, and t he Lakers' postseason hopes continued to vanish with Friday night's 114-111 lo ss to the New Orleans Pelicans. LBJ在最後關鍵時刻投了顆麵包三分球,也意味著在今晚湖人以114-111輸給鵜鶘後,湖人 隊進入附加賽的希望就越來越渺茫了。 "The big picture is that it pretty much was a must-win for us, and we didn't g et the job done," said James. "We had great opportunities throughout the night , and we didn't make enough plays down the stretch. So that's the big picture. " 「我的的目標很明確就是要拿下這場勝利,但我們沒有做到」LBJ說道:「我們整晚都有 很好的機會拿下比賽,但最後我們的表現並不足以獲得勝利,結果就是這樣。」 L.A. faced a crucial matchup against the Western Conference's No. 9 team in Ne w Orleans, two games up on the No. 11 Lakers coming into the night. The Lakers received a welcome lift from James, who returned from a left ankle sprain tha t cost him two games, and Anthony Davis, who was back in the lineup after an 1 8-game absence because of a right midfoot sprain. 湖人隊今晚對戰西區第九的鵜鶘的比賽至關重要,西區第11的湖人和他們目前有兩場勝差 。此場比賽湖人隊迎來LBJ的回歸,自從上次左踝扭傷後他已休息兩場比賽,另外AD也剛 從因右中足扭傷的18場缺席後回歸。 The pair was productive with James (38 points on 13-for-23 shooting) leading a ll scorers as he topped 35 points for his fifth straight game and Davis (23 po ints, 12 rebounds, 6 assists) making his presence felt on both sides of the fl oor. But things fell apart in the fourth quarter. LBJ 獲得全場最高38分(23投13中),是他連續第五場35分以上的比賽,AD得到23分12籃 板6助攻,兩個人的組合在場上存在感十分強烈,但一切都在第四節變了調。 The Lakers led by five with 5:07 remaining in the fourth quarter, and the Peli cans reeled off a 13-4 run over the next three minutes of the game. 湖人在比賽第四節剩五分零七秒的時候還保有五分領先,但鵜鶘在接下來三分鐘內打了一 波13-4的攻勢。 The last five minutes of the fourth were nightmarish. Davis went 0-for-3 from the field and 0-for-2 from the foul line; James went 0-for-3 from the field -- including the airball after using three fakes to try to free up space -- with a turnover; Russell Westbrook, missed two shots at the rim and fouled out. 第四節的最後五分鐘就像惡夢一般,AD三投零中,罰球兩投也落空;LBJ同樣三投零中, 包含最後做了三個假動作只為求空擋,但還是變成失誤的那顆空包三分;龜龜同樣兩次上 籃不進還犯滿出場。 "Just feels like you can't catch a break," James said. "No matter what's going on on the floor, it just feels like the ball bounces the other way. The ball doesn't always bounce in our favor. Or a call doesn't go in our favor. It's ju st like, when it rains, it pours for our year. It's just the way it's been goi ng." 「就好像你無法好好喘息一樣」LBJ說:「無論場上會發生什麼事,事情永遠不會往你預 期的發展,球不會如預期般進框,裁判的判決也不是我們想要的,就像屋漏偏逢連夜雨般 ,禍不單行。」 L.A. now trails the No. 10 San Antonio Spurs by a game with five games left to play. But by virtue of the Spurs holding the tiebreaker, the Lakers have to p ick-up two games on San Antonio before the season's end to steal the final pla y-in spot. They'll have to do it with a schedule that includes two games again st Denver, one against Phoenix, one against Golden State and one against Oklah oma City. 湖人隊目前落後第十名的聖安東尼奧馬刺隊一場勝差,而接下來還剩下五場比賽,湖人不 像馬刺還有握有領先優勢,湖人至少有領先馬刺兩場勝差才有機會在賽季結束前偷到附加 賽的名額。他們接著要面對金塊兩場,一場面對太陽,一場勇士,一場雷霆。 "I don't look at San Antonio at all," Lakers coach Frank Vogel said of the fin al stretch. "I mean, obviously, finding out what their scores look like. But o ur focus is going to be on what we can control and that's winning the next gam e." 「我不會一直想著馬刺」湖人總教練Vogel對於這最後關頭表示「我的意思是,這很顯然 的,我們不會一直想著他們會得幾分,我們要專注在我們能掌控的部分,然後贏下下一場 比賽。」 The Spurs have games against Portland, Minnesota, Denver, Golden State and Dal las remaining. 而馬刺接著要面對拓荒者、灰狼、金塊、勇士、獨行俠。 https://i.imgur.com/r6EeZhd.jpg
"Our mindset is to go 5-0 in these games, and let the chips fall where they ma y," Davis said. "We dropped this one. But, we've got five left to try to contr ol what we can control and hopefully things fall in our favor." 「我們的心態是要五連勝的,並且會實踐它」 AD說:「我們輸了這場,但我們還有五場 比賽可以把握,並希望事情能如我們預期般發展。」 L.A., which has lost five in a row and nine out of 11, will get its next chall enge at home against the No. 6 Denver Nuggets in a Sunday day game. 洛杉磯名門,最近五連敗,並在十一場比賽中輸了九場,下一場在週日,主場面對西區第 六的金塊也將會是場硬仗。 Davis vowed to play through any soreness he feels in his foot after playing fo r the first time since Feb. 16, but James said he wouldn't know his status unt il Sunday morning. "Hopefully it reacts the proper way for me in the morning when I wake up and I have no setbacks," James said. AD自從二月十六號因右中足扭傷後缺席了許多比賽,但他保證這場比賽無論如何都會上場 ,反而是LBJ直到週日早上之前他都無法確認自己是否能上場,他說:「幸好早上醒來覺 得狀況不錯 ,感到好哩佳在。」 Even though his team has now dropped two contests they called "must-win" games against New Orleans in the past week, James said the fight goes on. 儘管球隊這週輸了兩場對鵜鶘「非贏不可」的比賽,LBJ表示會持續努力。 "Until it says we're eliminated, it doesn't," he said. "Until that moment, we' ll know what our destiny is, but right now, we don't. So keep pushing forward. " 「除非我們確定被淘汰」他說道:「直到那個時候,我們就會知道這是命啊!但現在還沒 到那個時刻,我們還要繼續努力!」 Davis said L.A. can still make something special happen out of a season that h as been anything but. AD說洛杉磯還是以能力在逆境中創造奇蹟! "I think there is a lot of belief," Davis said. "We know what we're playing fo r. We know the position that we're in. We know we're playing against some top teams. So, I think we have to believe. 「我認為還有希望!」AD表示:「我們知道我們為何而戰,我們知道我們的處境,我們知 道我們在和一些頂尖球隊競爭,所以,我認為必須堅定信念!」 "I don't think it's hope. We don't play off hope and 'let's hope we win this g ame.' We have belief and I believe. ... We got to go out and get it done. It's that simple. We have to win these games and we have to have that approach." 「我不認為只是個幻想,我們不是靠幻想打球並贏下比賽的。我和整個團隊都保持著信念 ……我們我上場贏下比賽,就是這麼簡單!我們會努力實踐,贏下這些比賽。」 The ninth-place Pelicans swept the season series with L.A. and won for the six th time in eight games. 西區第九的鵜鶘本季面對洛杉磯球隊的比賽有八場,目前贏了六場。 Head coach Willie Green said the Pelicans found a little extra motivation afte r they went through "a good portion" of Friday morning shootaround at Crypto.c om Arena in the dark. 鵜鶘總教練Willie Green表示鵜鶘隊在星期五早上在湖人主場摸黑練球後,獲得了更多求 勝的動力。 "They didn't turn the lights on," Green said. "We talked to our guys about and we were like, 'Look, we've all played with the street lights out before. So l et's get after it.' I think it motivated us." 「他們沒把燈打開」Green說:「我和我的夥伴們說:『我們現在就好像以前在街頭靠路 燈打球一樣,所以讓我們贏下這場比賽吧!」我想這大大激勵了我們。 Pelicans forward Brandon Ingram felt the light snafu might have sparked Green just a little more than it did the players. 鵜鶘當家前鋒IG認為燈光的插曲比起球員,教練的反應來得更大。 "I ain't take it as personal as him," Ingram joked. IG開玩笑的說:「我覺得他反應比我們還大的多~」 On the court after the buzzer sounded, Green was as animated as he has been al l season, high-fiving with coaches and players as he walked off the court. Ing ram said that energy was felt before the game and after as well. 在比賽蜂鳴聲響起後,Green如往常般,和教練團和球員們在場邊擊掌,IG認為賽前賽後 你能感覺到教練的能量還是一樣。 "I like that," Ingram said. "Especially when you get energy from the coach lik e that. It shows how much he cares. Especially just the burst of emotion like that. It's good for our team. It builds confidence for our team." 「我喜歡這樣」IG說:「特別是當你從教練身上得到了這種能量,證明了他有多在乎這場 比賽,特別是這種負能量轉化而來的,我認為這對我們對很受用,給了我們更多的信心。 ESPN's Andrew Lopez contributed to this report. 心得 : 來看這場雨還會下多久囉~ --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1648974278.A.BCD.html

MarcPolo : 這場雨 會不會下不完04/03 16:25

lp123gbaj : 老詹中文講的不錯欸 04/03 16:25

love1500274 : 姆斯中文真好04/03 16:26

alittleghost: 國外照旨好高04/03 16:27

xru03 : AD : 行船又遇對頭風 04/03 16:27

Tonyx599026 : 原文還真的是XD 厲害了老詹 04/03 16:27

wu19911009 : 中文造酯真好04/03 16:27

tia999 : 吃緊弄破碗比喻比較適合04/03 16:28

JMashburn : 中文不錯 有沒有興趣來攻城獅打球 04/03 16:28

lillardfor3 : 就是你讓屋漏的 04/03 16:29

b03902123 : 果然是rmbj, 普通話66604/03 16:30

Rivera : 打斷手骨 顛倒勇04/03 16:30

zlzooq : 中文很好欸 有學過?04/03 16:30

caesst85149 : 高中老師教過這句04/03 16:30

XXXaBg : 姆詩04/03 16:31

lafeelbarth : 好哩佳在04/03 16:31

mrtt2345 : 死之麵包還有臉說話 最大的破洞就是你04/03 16:32

JustBecauseU: 好詩好詩04/03 16:32

tomlee1130 : 洛城親友如相問,一片狼籍在你湖04/03 16:32

bradpete : 會講中文的LBJ 太牛了吧04/03 16:33

cloud0121 : LBJ連成語都會04/03 16:33

new1974 : 老羌無力,志在下季04/03 16:34

inuyaksa : 陳羌爛調04/03 16:35

TheoEpstein : 原文還真的是wwww 04/03 16:37

Yan5566 : 今天裝了中文晶片04/03 16:37

oasis1222 : 船遲又遇打頭風04/03 16:37

j3307002 : 屋漏偏逢連夜雨 ,船遲又遇打頭風 04/03 16:38

Zeka6721 : 水鳥 10ft FG% 75% (21-28) 兩隊差距很大的 就算三 04/03 16:38

lafeelbarth : 覺得關燈那段英滾好好笑 04/03 16:38

Zeka6721 : 分熄火照樣穩穩拿湖人 04/03 16:38

ARCHER2234 : 厲害 04/03 16:39

cloudyst : 一二三四五六七 04/03 16:39

kazzak16 : 是寶傑哥? 04/03 16:39

basala5417 : 應該要幫喇叭用成簡體中文 04/03 16:40

GordnHayward: 再搞小動作阿 還不是輸 爽! 04/03 16:40

Chanlin01 : 羌中文不錯喔 04/03 16:41

takechance : 翻譯:暑假即將到來,要去哪裡玩才好? 04/03 16:41

qsc3574151 : 學到了 04/03 16:41

FOB5566 : #陳羌爛掉 04/03 16:42

ginopun10477: 中文真好 04/03 16:42

ioioioaoaoao: 得分王 朕要定了 04/03 16:42

JustWinslow : 中文很好喔 04/03 16:43

hank7218 : 閱讀的力量 04/03 16:44

NuRaymond : 沒關係 分數有刷到就好 04/03 16:45

Harrison1814: 老羌:屋漏偏逢連夜雨。院長:要相信五連勝他們只是 04/03 16:46

Harrison1814: 僥倖。 04/03 16:46

a11011788 : 中文goat 04/03 16:48

jeffsu : 不虧姆斯 中文造詣這麼好 04/03 16:48

mikeneko : 我詹文學造詣就是這麼好 04/03 16:52

melzard : 羌雨眉歸 04/03 16:52

sky8171014 : 中文不錯 04/03 16:54

bakaka : AD:我本將心向明月,奈何明月照溝渠! 04/03 16:54

kaiye : 沒關係還有411 04/03 16:54

chenliu0716 : The抱怨...攤手觀音 04/03 16:54

black1219633: 「好哩加在」 連台語都會講 真厲害 04/03 16:55

karta0681608: lebron的中文怎麼那麼好? 04/03 16:55

abdgmnzc : LBJ中文真好 04/03 16:55

abc32521 : 姆斯是不是用了華為的晶片 04/03 16:58

ms0545173 : 英文有這種說法? 04/03 17:02

qwerty789 : 船遲又遇打頭風 04/03 17:04

s9220140 : RMBJ會中文也是合理的 04/03 17:05

fack3170 : 中文真好 04/03 17:05

TnairB : 全能 GOAT 不是叫假的 04/03 17:06

holyhelm : 清明時節雨紛紛 04/03 17:07

Caball : 哈哈 04/03 17:07

st890284 : 中文真好 之後可以考慮去CBA賺RMB 04/03 17:09

star1234 : 喇叭中文真好 04/03 17:09

eastwest603 : 湖人加油 希望季後賽還有笑話看 04/03 17:11

bestrace : #破紀錄 #高齡 #goat 吹成這樣西區又零輪QQ 04/03 17:12

RieX : 看的出來LBJ對這季的湖人真的很失望 04/03 17:14

fatoil27 : 講得出這種中文是母語等級了吧 04/03 17:14

a22122212 : 中文真好欸 04/03 17:17

phoenix286 : 中文真好 04/03 17:19

FireStarman : Wu Lo Pian Fon Lien Yeah ui 04/03 17:19

BlauWal39 : 國文造詣高 04/03 17:21

wcc : When it rains, I shoot airball. 04/03 17:22

LesBleus : 無緣西8早就實質淘汰了…… 04/03 17:22

wcc : 山羌王:屋漏偏逢麵包球 (阿乾是我投的以為是龜龜) 04/03 17:23

pieceofcake : 雨一直下... 04/03 17:26

xjapan329 : 好溼好溼 04/03 17:26

k7202001 : when it rains, it is summer time! 04/03 17:27

zakijudelo : 要賺人民幣,會背幾句詩詞也不意外 04/03 17:30

TomBoHu : LBJ:屋漏偏逢连夜雨 04/03 17:33

spiriturl : os: 不舒服,想換隊了 04/03 17:36

Mezerized : when it rains,it pours算常用片語吧 04/03 17:39

vans24 : 羌 04/03 17:41

dda : 中文真好 04/03 17:42

skery3188 : 看金塊和勇士幫誰 04/03 17:46

bn5566 : 姆斯中文真好 04/03 17:52

BignoZe : 不虧是RMBJ 成語用的很好 04/03 17:53

QVQ9487 : 看來是準備前進RMB了 臨陣磨羌中 04/03 17:54

sunti0519 : 山羌中文真好 04/03 17:55

truegod000 : 君中國語本當上手 04/03 17:56

whhw : XDDD 04/03 17:57

qwertgfp : 垂死病中驚坐起 笑問客從何處來 04/03 17:58

linus : 屋漏偏逢連夜雨的英文怎麼說? 04/03 17:59

madeathmao : 第一段就是了啊... 04/03 18:05

benson60913 : 老詹大學念中文系嗎 04/03 18:10

louie0909 : 文章不是寫了 04/03 18:10

puppycanfly : LBJ中文真好,不愧是籃球史上最偉大的人 04/03 18:17

attpp : 學中文要來中國打球 04/03 18:17

ray6031515 : AD快出對子! 04/03 18:18

tupacshkur : When it rains, it pours!! 04/03 18:22

THEGASTBY : 「屋漏偏逢連夜雨,哨遲又遇打鐵封。」 04/03 18:29

stayforever : 中文真好 04/03 18:32

WeiMinChen : 其實詹皇中文講的很好欸 無敵的吧 04/03 18:33

AGODC : RMBJ會幾句中文過分了嗎? 04/03 18:40

Miracleyan : 適逢雨季,自家屋頂不修怪雨漏,活該呀活該~~~ 04/03 18:42

oboh : 雨 不停落下來 04/03 18:42

ohfae0728 : LBJ中文真好 04/03 18:43

sanxiao : 逼接的中文造紙真好 04/03 18:45

gundom : 有受訪給推 04/03 18:45

gju88888 : 鵜鶘僥倖我們沒打好才贏的 他們很清楚這點 04/03 18:46

nk10803 : 怎不是柳暗花明又一村 04/03 18:51

jasonwuton : Le詩人 04/03 18:53

WLR : 小樓昨夜又東風 04/03 18:55

hauwie : CHINA詹七步成詩 04/03 18:55

hydeliu : 中文真好,不虧是RMBJ 04/03 19:02

ocean0817 : 台灣山羌喔?中文這麼好 04/03 19:09

peanut910013: 跟中共很友好 當然要學幾句中文接地氣啊! 04/03 19:09

Xliao : 果然是RMBJ 中文說的蒸蚌 04/03 19:10

TFK822 : 得分王然後沒入季後賽 04/03 19:10

NanaoNaru : RMB使人好學 04/03 19:13

KiniroMosaic: 成語之王 04/03 19:16

daniel50508 : 姆斯中文真好 04/03 19:21

f77928 : 姆斯中文比想像中好 04/03 19:27

Bonjwa : 以後要去CBA和兒子一起出賽,當然要先學好中文 04/03 19:27

YouGot5566 : 中文系的? 04/03 19:28

ymsc30102 : 喇叭果然喜歡念書 連中文成語都用的這麼精準 04/03 19:36

shooooooboom: 山羌中文造詣真高 04/03 19:37

vinsh : 沒達成我們贏球的目標,但還好有達成我刷分的目標 04/03 19:37

wewaJamesla : 羌:我們輙畯泭我們輙畯泭我們輙畯泭 04/03 19:39

ljk476820 : 還真的是這句 04/03 19:40

ma54092 : 山羌還會講成語? 04/03 19:41

spitwind : 路上湖人欲斷魂 04/03 19:41

ma54092 : 樓上這個我笑了XDD 04/03 19:42

chris0112 : 諺語晶片已安裝 04/03 19:44

AceID : 沾畝詩,好詩好詩 04/03 19:47

NotUniqueSol: 原文哪有屋漏? 04/03 19:47

fromia : 你沾中文造詣太好了吧 04/03 19:49

ac197 : 喇叭的中文真好 04/03 19:50

holyseraph : 姆斯: 屋漏偏逢連夜雨,路上湖人欲斷魂 好詩好詩~~ 04/03 19:50

donkilu : 中文真好 04/03 19:51

nplin : 裝羌作詩 04/03 19:59

foolishbi : 路上湖人欲斷魂。XDDDD 04/03 20:03

roytenpura : LBJ:七步成詩,略懂略懂 04/03 20:04

kevinacc084 : 姆詩 04/03 20:04

heybro : 姆斯的中文應該NBA的T1了吧,小輸姚明ㄤ 04/03 20:10

AsheGnar : 雨一直下 氣氛不算融洽 04/03 20:10

jingle870524: 國文造紙真好 04/03 20:14

lyk191947 : 姆斯中文程度也太好 04/03 20:19

rothanlin : 身為一個商人,會一點中文是必須的 04/03 20:26

muxmux : 中文造脂不錯 04/03 20:28

xian : 羌淋澹雨 04/03 20:38

skypeoss : 荒羌走板 04/03 20:44

THCxyz : 不是姆斯的中文,是記者的英文程度 04/03 20:45

slimu0001 : 姆斯中文真好 04/03 20:45

n88713117 : Rmb詹 中文學得不錯 04/03 20:49

gtor7923 : 看來有選修過中國文學哦 04/03 21:02

Kulodi1002 : 為了賺人民幣 學點中文俚語也是必要的 04/03 21:12

Skycrane : 老詹是那屋還是雨? 04/03 21:27

HsienCoCo : 好哩佳在 笑死 04/03 21:41

zsp40773 : LBJ中文造詣比華人厲害耶 04/03 21:57

geniusw : 中文真好 04/03 22:10

ksk0516 : house rain night 04/03 22:11

ciafbi007 : 哇靠可以 中文真好 04/03 22:12

jickey : 還會說台語 不愧是goat 04/03 22:14

cury : 雪上加霜 04/03 22:25

Tawara : AD:船遲又遇一波連勝的開始 04/03 22:29

Ives20130 : 人民幣鬥士會一點中文也是很正常的吧 04/03 22:39

tailau0 : 屋漏偏逢連夜雨 追分郤投麵包球 04/03 22:43

Kin3Flash : 人民幣真香 香到中文都變好了 04/03 22:55

nashQ : 中文不錯捏 04/03 23:15

KANGTA23 : RMBJ 04/03 23:33

ko373328 : 不愧是人民幣詹 中文真好 04/04 00:33

KingChang711: NBA如果有考中文的話,湖人早就保底附加賽了 04/04 00:45

C00L : 姆斯會說中文成語 哇靠 04/04 00:58

fanny0825 : 推RMBJ 04/04 03:16

misomochi : 老詹有裝speech translation晶片嗎 04/04 05:46

sgheart : 去拍戲吧 04/04 07:44

ssisters : 中文好好喔 04/05 20:34
