[外絮] 小李因下腹部疼痛明天對陣金塊將缺席

看板 NBA
作者 ocean0817 (砍柴人)
時間 2021-11-14 09:55:20
留言 25則留言 (17推 1噓 7→)

Portland Trail Blazers star Damian Lillard out vs. Nuggets with lower abdominal pain 小李因下腹部疼痛明天對陣金塊將缺席 Portland Trail Blazers star Damian Lillard has been ruled out for Sunday's game against the Denver Nuggets with lower abdominal pain. 拓荒者的全明星控衛小李因為下腹部疼痛,在星 期天對陣丹佛金塊的比賽將不會參賽。 Lillard has struggled to start the season, shooting below 40% from the field and below 30% from 3-point range. 小李開季以來的狀況十分掙扎,投籃命中率低於 40%,三分球命中率低於30%。 The Blazers officially ruled Lillard out with "lower abdominal tendinopathy." He had been dealing with an abdominal problem while playing for Team USA at the Olympics this summer but maintained that an injury is not the reason for his recent stretch of poor play. 拓荒者以「下腹部肌腱炎」將小李排除在出戰名 單之外,今年夏天代表美國隊參加奧運時,小李 就一直被下腹的傷勢所困擾,但他堅持認為傷病 不是他近況不佳的原因。 Lillard is averaging 20 points and 8 assists this season. Sunday will mark the first game he has missed this year. 小李本賽季場均貢獻20分8助攻,週日將是他今 年錯過的第一場比賽。 https://reurl.cc/MkLn54 奧運期間小李帶傷上陣的消息出自Shams https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1423881163689582597 Sources: Damian Lillard played through an abdomen injury during Team USA’s Tokyo Olympics run, which will require further testing upon return to the States. Lillard wanted to continue playing to help USA capture the gold medal. 小李在東奧期間帶著腹部傷勢上場,回國後還需 要進一步診斷治療。小李想繼續上場幫美國隊奪 得金牌。 -- 11/14 10:00
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1636854923.A.0D0.html

leoncurry30 : 躲強隊? 11/14 09:59

kobe30418 : 躲人隊 11/14 10:00

brian21201 : 75大球星 11/14 10:01

tailsean : 狀況真的滿糟的 11/14 10:24

vltw5v : 有傷就不要硬上 硬上沒表現還可能加重傷勢 11/14 10:30

amo0717 : 2樓.... 11/14 10:30

lillard000 : 涼了 11/14 10:31

jyekid : 原來傷勢一直沒好 難怪之前烙賽 11/14 10:41

windsp00 : 遮羞布總算找到了 11/14 10:53

grimnir158 : 應該是真的有傷 溜馬那場只拿4分太扯 11/14 11:23

lowsan : 理由 11/14 11:28

iso903306 : 疝氣 11/14 11:44

coco543961 : 小李認為不是低迷原因 鄉民:理由找到了 11/14 11:50

aegis80728 : 如果有傷 養好再打啊 硬打對自己和球隊都沒好處 11/14 11:53

MyTHz : 下腹部,算是該邊附近?拉到真的不舒服 11/14 12:15

ShawDie : 是上一場傷到的吧,第四節有看他一直摸那邊 11/14 12:30

callme76 : KD:你還來阿 11/14 12:50

killuaz : 小理 11/14 13:11

therealntu : 一樓完美體現勇粉素質 11/14 13:25

ailveyx1020 : 一樓嘴完魔術後又來嘴小李 11/14 13:50

chopper0811 : 有人又在扣帽子了 11/14 13:51

mumimumimumi: 某樓完美體現勇黑素質 扣帽子很會 11/14 14:29

betkuz : 我射太多的時候也會這樣 11/14 14:37

sam188321 : 排 11/14 17:05

GBF8U572 : 好慘 11/15 02:09
