[外絮] Larry Nance Jr.寫給克里夫蘭的道別信

看板 NBA
作者 willy911006 (小溫)
時間 2021-08-29 13:17:10
留言 51則留言 (38推 2噓 11→)

https://reurl.cc/lR8p4q Larry Nance Jr.: ‘Cleveland will always be home for the Nances, it’s in our blood’ CLEVELAND, Ohio -- After getting traded to the Portland Trail Blazers on Friday morning, Larry Nance Jr. reflected on his time with his hometown Cavaliers. 俄亥俄州,克里夫蘭--在週五早晨被交易到波特蘭後,小南斯回顧他在家鄉騎士的時光 。 He wanted to share those thoughts in his own words: 他想用自己的文字來分享這些想法: The Cleveland Cavaliers -- an organization that while I’ve only played for 3 .5 years, I’ve been a part of for each and every one of my 28. From being in my Dad’s arms as a 2 year old as I watched his jersey get retired at Gund Arena, to TeePeeing Shaq’s house with my family to “Welcome him to the neighborhood” when he came to the Cavs in 2009, and even playing 1-on-1 games with current Cavs GM and friend Koby Altman to get in shape for my high school basketball season, this organization has been a part of every stage of my life 「克里夫蘭騎士隊--雖然是一個我只在這裡打了3.5個賽季的球隊,但已經成為我整個 二十八歲的一部份。從我兩歲時在我爸爸懷裡看著他的球衣在Gund Arena退休、當Shaq 2009年加盟時我們家庭去他家*露營來歡迎他"加入社區"、我甚至為了保持我的高中賽季 健康狀態良好和騎士現任GM Koby Altman來了場一對一。這個球隊已經成為我生命中每 個階段的一部分。」 When I got traded here it was the best thing that could’ve happened to both me, and my entire family. I got to play with another pretty decent player from Akron, Ohio and be part of a team that went to the Finals, was fortunate enough to buy a house less than 10 minutes from where I grew up, and the greatest gift of all, my wife and I welcomed our new baby girl into our lives. 「當我被交易來這裡時,這對我和我的整個家庭來說都是最好的事情,我和另一位來自俄 亥俄州Akron的相當不錯的球員(LBJ)一起打球,並成為一支進入總決賽的球隊的一員, 我很幸運在距離我長大的地方不到 10 分鐘路程的地方買了一所房子,還有最棒的禮物 是,我和妻子歡迎我們的新女嬰進入我們的生活。」 Being born and raised here, I’ve always felt that Cleveland -- and the people who live here -- are so deserving of more. More love, more acknowledgement, more appreciation. While playing here I’ve tried to facilitate exactly that, and just because I’m moving on to a new team doesn’ t mean that will stop, this will always be home for me. 「我在這裡出生和長大,我一直覺得克里夫蘭--和住在這裡的人們--值得更多。」 「更多的愛,更多的認可,更多的欣賞。在這裡打球時,我一直在努力促進這一點,這不 會因為我去了新的隊伍而停止,這裡對我而言一直是家。」 The best way I can describe how this move happened is going back the 2018 playoffs. When I got traded here, I hadn’t played in many meaningful games before being thrust into a championship contender, and to be honest, I wasn’ t ready for it. To play in the playoffs and be successful, you have to be extremely confident in yourself, and I just wasn’t yet comfortable in my skin as a player. Since getting to taste that level of basketball and competitiveness, the desire to get back there has been growing and growing. Over the past 3 years since those playoffs I’ve gotten to learn more about who I am as a player and groom myself to be ready for the next time I’d be lucky enough to get the chance to play on that stage again. 「我可以描述的最好方式是回到2018年的季後賽。當我被交易到這裡、變成冠軍爭奪者前 ,我還沒有打過很多有意義的比賽。老實說,我還沒有準備好。要在季後賽中打球並取得 成功,你必須對自己非常有信心。作為一名球員,我對自己還不太滿意。自從體驗了那種 水平的籃球和競爭力以來,我重返季後賽的渴望一直在增長。那次季後賽後的三年以來我 更多地了解了我作為一名球員的身份,並訓練著自己,為下一次夠幸運再度踏上季後賽舞 台做好準備。」 As for the Cavs ... this team is going to be a problem for the Eastern Conference when this talented young core is ready to compete. Darius Garland, the charismatic floor general with the kind of polished game every point guard should aspire to have. Collin Sexton is already one of the most efficient scorers in the league, and the hardest worker I’ve ever been around. I wasn’t around Kawhi Leonard when he was a young player in the league, but I imagine he was quite like Issac. A defensive presence right away, with the tools and work ethic to develop an elite offensive game as well. 「至於騎士隊...當這些才華橫溢的年輕核心準備好參加比賽時,這支球隊將成為東區的 一 個問題。Darius Garland,這位魅力十足的場上大將,擁有每個控球後衛都應該渴望擁有 的那種出色的狀態。Collin Sexton已經是聯盟中最有效率的得分手之一,也是我見過的 最努力的球員。當Kawhi Leonard還是聯盟的年輕球員時我還不在,但我覺得Isaac Okoro 有點 像他,一個立刻成為防守存在的球員,並擁有開發精英進攻的工具和職業道德。」 Jarrett Allen, at 23, is already one of the best paint protectors in the league, and a center any team would be lucky to have. Really good player, even better person. I’ve played many times against Lauri Markkanen, so I’m all too familiar with the kind of matchup nightmare he is for defenses. While I didn’t spend too much time around Evan Mobley, I did get to watch a few workouts and he’s got the kind of potential that screams future star. 「Jarrett Allen,二十三歲,已經是聯盟中最好的油漆保護者之一,也是任何一隻球隊 想要的中鋒,他是個好球員,也是個好人。」 「我和Lauri Markkanen交手過很多次,所以我非常熟悉對位他時的防守噩夢。 「雖然我沒有和Evan Mobley花很多時間在一起,但我確實看過一些他的訓練,他有那種 讓未來之星驚訝的潛力。」 Koby and the front office have done an incredible job drafting and acquiring young talent. Unfortunately for me, I was the old man of the bunch with a desire to win now, and craving more of the big stage. 「Koby和決策組在招募年輕潛力方面做得很不錯,不幸的是我是渴望勝利的老人,渴望更 多的大舞台。」 My family and I couldn’t be more thankful to the Cavs organization and the entire Northeast Ohio community. Cleveland will always be home for the Nances, it’s in our blood. 「我和我的家人非常感謝騎士球團和整個俄亥俄州東北部社區,克里夫蘭永遠是我的家 ,存在於我們的血液中。」 “You can take the kid out of Cleveland, but you can’t take Cleveland out of the kid.” “你可以把孩子從克利夫蘭帶走,但你不能把克利夫蘭從孩子身上帶走。” -- 小南斯的爸爸在1995(小南斯2歲時)被騎士退休了22號球衣。 *查了一下TeePee好像是指印地安人搭的帳篷 另外我覺得小南斯講到Collin Sexton那一段怪怪的(突然提到可愛和Isaac?) 以上,如果有任何翻譯上的問題(錯字或者意思翻錯)請告訴我,謝謝~~ -- 謝謝,一時忘記他
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1630214234.A.244.html

bangch : 推小南斯 很難討厭的球員 08/29 13:20

s27052705 : 好感動QQ謝謝小南斯08/29 13:21

ClownT : 最後一句好感人08/29 13:21

tim19990312 : Issac那個應該是指Okoro吧 08/29 13:22

hanson90244 : 他這邊的Isaac 是Okoro,Issac Okoro08/29 13:22

s880303 : 可憐前期都在陪Kobe扮家家酒08/29 13:22

hanson90244 : 所以他應該是想表達Okoro有可愛的防守潛力 08/29 13:23

kuofish : 要酸也看一下時間軸阿 他的菜鳥年已經是kobe最後一 08/29 13:24

kuofish : 年了 08/29 13:24

scatman : 第一次對Nance有印象是新聞報導他以前是kobe黑 08/29 13:25

fahrenheit : 曾經發文指責kobe的惡行 08/29 13:27

rex9999 : 不分牌面點名留言 很有誠意的告別信 08/29 13:30

Joey1999 : 前期 講得好像小南斯是什麼10年老將 08/29 13:30

whathappen : 說的很好了,充滿正能量,婚禮到底去了沒XD 08/29 13:31

bkai377 : 怎麼沒有講到Love 08/29 13:31

yoji520 : 趕回家寫信缺席了婚禮感人 08/29 13:33

t340081231 : 曾經住過克城附近 真的對那邊蠻有感情的 08/29 13:34

Nobodyesi : 希望之後可以再回來 08/29 13:39

w3955931236 : 小南斯讓人喜歡 08/29 13:49

sxzc : *沒有Love 08/29 13:51

matsuwu : 居然沒有LOVE XD 這做人有夠失敗 08/29 14:03

e920528 : QQ 情感上好難接受 08/29 14:11

ffxx : QQ 08/29 14:27

qaz13579 : LBJ只稱作很不錯的球員嗎XDDD 08/29 14:37

qaz13579 : 他跟LBJ的感情不錯吧 通常會給面子史上最偉大的球員 08/29 14:37

qaz13579 : 之一之類的吧 08/29 14:37

jason930502 : 只寫年輕人沒有LOVE滿合理的啊 08/29 14:39

SuikaJasper : 這篇也寫太好,應該要鑲起來當教材 08/29 14:51

matsuwu : 故意不寫LBJ不然整篇直接歪樓,這篇文真的寫的很 08/29 14:52

matsuwu : 棒 08/29 14:52

chris0112 : 謝謝小南斯!去外面闖完等騎士變成季後賽球隊後再回 08/29 15:11

chris0112 : 來吧 08/29 15:11

wewe44556 : 陪Kobe家家酒? 南斯什麼咖?當時把這新人當看板 08/29 15:15

wewe44556 : 打喔? 真有事 08/29 15:15

outsi : 不知道他紅包有沒有包 08/29 15:22

Toy17 : 有情有義小南斯 之後再回克城打球吧 08/29 15:25

mrif : 你不能把克利夫蘭從孩子身上帶走 那自己選擇走的呢 08/29 16:14

bill6613 : 稱LBJ是相當不錯的球員 笑死 08/29 16:30

hanslins : 渴望勝利大概是運動員的基因吧 08/29 16:42

raven30019 : 啊不就上一句 樓上是哪裡沒看懂 08/29 17:38

ericiap : 推小南斯 08/29 18:03

DeAaronFox : 推 小南斯 老了再回來克城 08/29 20:41

frank901212 : 推 08/29 22:24

tworpg12 : 克里夫蘭把可能是隊上唯一喜歡這支球隊的給送走了 08/30 00:49

slimak : 他真的是克城的孩子 08/30 01:49

kkjjkkjj : love??? 08/30 03:51

asd860079 : 翻譯有些句子不太順 但還是推 08/30 04:40

mygapawa : 寫得很好 翻譯的也很好 08/30 11:18

iqafo : 謝謝你 08/30 14:47

gggger : 推 08/31 11:47

GBF8U572 : Ball Don't Lie!! 08/31 12:44
