[花邊] LBJ幫CJ打氣:"你不只是棒...是超級棒!"

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2021-03-27 14:24:15
留言 49則留言 (38推 1噓 10→)

來源: Newsrush 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ymhf77xp “CJ McCollum, you aren’t just nice, you’re super nice bro”: LeBron James compliments Blazers guard after CJ said he’s indifferent to whether he ever makes an All-Star Game 阿拓後衛CJ說他對於是否能參加全明星賽不在乎後 LBJ給他打氣:"CJ,你不只是棒,你是 超級棒!」 The Portland Trail Blazers emerged from their conflict towards the Heat final evening with a hard-fought victory. The sport was a detailed affair all by means of its length, and it took some clutch play from CJ McCollum to shut it out for the Blazers. 阿拓昨天跟熱火有番激戰後拿下勝利。雙方都使盡全力,而CJ McCollum拿下幾個關鍵得分 後幫助阿拓鎖住勝利。 CJ completed the evening with 35 factors on 14-of-25 capturing from the sector. This determine included his 6-of-14 figures from downtown. McCollum is taking part in his manner again from a leg damage he suffered in January, and this sport was a large enhance. CJ該場拿下35分,25投14中,其中三分球是14投6中。自從一月因為腳傷後,CJ再度用自己 的方式打球,而且表現大幅提升。 Following the sport, CJ said this in an interview: “If I never make an All-Star Game, I won’t be sad about it because I know I’m nice.” 在比賽後,CJ接受訪問時說:「如果我都沒入選明星賽,我不會感到難過,因為我知道我 很棒。」 CJ訪問影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1375305416637300742 James appears to have seen CJ’s scintillating post-game interview. Having seen CJ up shut all by means of his profession, LeBron understands just how good the combo guard could be. James posted this message to his Instagram tales. LBJ似乎有看到CJ妙語如珠的賽後訪問。看到CJ用他的專業表現讓所有人閉嘴後,LBJ了解 到這位後衛的能力,然後LBJ在他的IG上PO了這段話: LBJ IG截圖: https://i.imgur.com/GSryfRS.jpg
"“You ain’t nice...you super nice bro 「兄弟,你不只是棒....你是超級棒!」 -- Reddit鄉民表示: "LeMotivator" 「The打氣」 "Magic fined $50000 for tampering" 「魔術違規招募罰5萬。」 "Joe Kelly suspended another 8 games." 「Joe Kelly再禁8場。」 "Boogie just got another technical foul" 「表弟技術犯規再加1」 "LeBron is cool with both of those guys, Dame too." 「LBJ對阿拓雙槍都很好。」 "Lebron is cool with most players." 「LBJ對大部分球員都很好吧~」 "LeBron is cool" 「LBJ很好。」 "Lebron ain’t cool...Lebron super cool bro!!!" 「LBJ不只是好...他是超級好!!!」 "LeCool" 「The好」 "LeBron to the Blazers confirmed" 「LBJ要去阿拓了。」 "LeCompliment" 「The讚美」 "LeGM Tampering" 「The違規招募總管」 -- LeCool --

※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1616826261.A.A9F.html

qwe88016 : 把天賦帶到拓荒 03/27 14:24

bemjamen123 : The 稱讚 03/27 14:25

SwissMiniGun: LeGM Tampering XD 03/27 14:26

nnkj : KCP out 03/27 14:26

msdie911545 : LBJ+CJ+DL+瓜哥 03/27 14:26

handfox : Joe Kelly 躺著也中槍笑死 03/27 14:26

akko76815 : 欸 西街 我姆斯 來我湖啦 03/27 14:27

loveless01 : Young king +1 ? 03/27 14:27

kano2525 : Joe Kelly:??? 03/27 14:30

MG1211 : 表弟那個我笑出來 03/27 14:32

Russ : https://i.imgur.com/iN2anQS.jpg 03/27 14:32

qw30404224 : 暖姆 03/27 14:33

candbilly153: http://i.imgur.com/Dax0FPT.jpg 03/27 14:34

e49523 : 未來是你的 03/27 14:34

ginopun10477: 偷招募? 03/27 14:35

f92174 : the 招募 03/27 14:38

foolishbi : 挖 曇花老大對我拓雙槍青睞有加啊 03/27 14:42

linyi520 : 詹牧師 03/27 14:42

a1773042 : 你好bang 03/27 14:54

pejawade : CJ在東區就明星賽了 03/27 14:56

Edison1174 : James棒的 03/27 14:57

SwissMiniGun: 其實是因為他受傷缺賽 到明星基本都有打個25-30場 03/27 14:58

SwissMiniGun: CJ只有打13場該怎麼進去 03/27 14:58

WSzc : 棒 真是棒 03/27 15:00

roger2623900: Le棒 03/27 15:05

jtch : 北爛XDDD 03/27 15:06

leevarchu : the 打氣 03/27 15:07

yuiop358 : 阿不就好棒棒 03/27 15:07

Spinner3 : the好棒棒 03/27 15:15

a222317168 : 羊king人選加一 03/27 15:17

wwwxxx1999 : The打氣 03/27 15:26

gginin007 : S級品腿師認證 03/27 15:33

semicoma : 昨晚你好棒 03/27 15:33

coin330 : LBJ確實對阿拓雙槍都很多讚譽 03/27 15:37

mmchen : 品腿界的GOAT認證 03/27 15:41

s9300093 : The讚姆士 03/27 15:48

eno03 : The 品 03/27 16:05

matsuwu : 啊拓雙槍 vs 蘿莉毒龍鑽 7戰4勝 誰贏面大呀~ 03/27 16:09

matsuwu : 老詹超愛雙槍但對暴龍那兩隻似乎無感 03/27 16:10

skylion : the 交際 03/27 16:19

Hsan : Le棒 03/27 16:29

wx190 : 好棒棒 03/27 16:42

fwiller : LBJ + 雙槍 太美了...LBJ愛小李又愛CJ?! 03/27 16:54

fwiller : AD ♥-1 03/27 16:55

HellFly : 姆斯+CJ+小李+瓜哥 幾冠 03/27 17:04

parkerlived : 湖人:我的 03/27 17:16

edwinrw : 棒 真是棒 03/27 17:28

bwnzer : the 吹 03/27 18:43

gintamancf : 魔術罰5萬XDD 03/27 18:43
