Re: [新聞] 火箭老闆不爽「挺港莫瑞」耍小動作 堅決

看板 NBA
作者 munchlax (小卡比獸)
時間 2021-01-15 13:32:16
留言 21則留言 (11推 0噓 10→)

: 火箭老闆不爽「挺港莫瑞」耍小動作 堅決不將哈登送去七六人 : 記者林緯平/綜合報導 Chris Haynes 談論 Harden 交易的Podcast "After that, I was told that Tilman Fertitta he was just adamant that they not make a deal with Philly, obviously with Daryl Morey being the GM over there now." 這段話在Podcast 6分40秒處,整集談論到Morey與Fertitta的地方也就這一段 其他時間都在聊這次的四方交易、火箭的休息室、籃網的休息室 Fertitta先前對與香港事件的回應 Fertitta與川普開會 20/5/18 You know, it’s funny you brought up about China. I should have realized it was gonna be a bad year for China when my general manager tweeted out "Freedom for Hong Kong." 當你(川普)提到中國時這感覺真奇怪,我早該意識到當我的GM推了一條 "Freedom for Hong Kong."推特後,對中國來說將會是糟糕的一年 Texas Sports Nation 20/6/7 Q.The topic of the Hong Kong tweet has come up again lately. The President brought it up. It came up on your CNBC interview. What would you want people to know about your position about that issue? 關於香港推特的話題最近又再次被提起,總統談到了它,它出現在你的CNBC專訪中 你想讓人們知道你在這件爭議的立場是什麼? A.The tweet was seven words. There was nothing wrong with the tweet. That is why one hour later I told ESPN when I was asked‘Are you going to get rid of Daryl Morey,’I was like, ‘Are you crazy? Why would I get rid of Daryl for that tweet?’I think Daryl’is one of the best general managers in the league. Plus, we truly enjoy working with each other. To this day, we plan on working with each other, and I expect Daryl to be here for years to come.” Fertitta:「那條推特有七個字,那條推特沒有不對的地方,這也是為什麼一小時之後當 ESPN問我會不會趕走Morey時,我跟他們講,你們瘋了嗎? 為什麼我要因為那條推特趕走 Morey,我認為Morey是聯盟裡最好的GM之一,除此之外我們很享受一起共事,我們計畫 一起工作,我希望Morey能繼續待在這好長一段時間」 Fertitta談Morey離職 20/10/16 Tilman Fertitta reiterates Daryl Morey came to him with his decision to leave as Rockets GM:I was disappointed..We have been working thru it. And Fertitta says Morey controversial Tweet supporting freedom for Hong Kong had nothing to do with this situation: “Absolutely not” Fertitta重申Morey辭職火箭GM一事「我非常失望....我們正試著解決目前的情況」 他也提到現在的處境與Morey的香港推特沒有任何關聯「完全沒有」 Fertitta與Morey在球隊的營運上理念有差異 就先前Russ交易案,Morey對於交易龜龜到火箭明顯消極 I was in Europe, and so I was six or seven hours ahead of them. So I’m talking at 2, 3, 4 in the morning. And we just decided to do it. They ran different statistics by me. 當火箭要交易CP3與Russ時我人在歐洲,我的時間比他們快六、七個小時,所以我在凌晨 2~4點與我的團隊對話,當我們決定促成這筆交易時,他們秀給我不同的統計圖表 My basketball ops (Morey) got maybe a little weak at the end, and I just said, ‘We’re doing this. We are going to make the change. We’re going to go after it and roll the dice. We’re going to find that 5 percent. 我的球團營運或許有點遲疑,而我就跟他說「我們要幹這件事,要做出改變,在此之後 出發、擲出骰子,找出那5%的機率」 Morey先前就跟Fertitta說過想要回到東岸,Fertitta也知道他回歸NBA 將會加入東岸的球隊 如果他們倆人有所嫌隙,那最大的原因或許不是香港或是跳槽76人 而是對球隊營運方向的歧見所導致 --
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mose56789 : 推 01/15 13:44

nonavailable: 推 01/15 13:44

Tabrisyang : 所以龜龜來火箭反而是老闆想推動的嗎? 01/15 13:47

peter627 : 感覺莫雷當時的想法是對的 01/15 14:00

ivo88114 : 龜龜本來就是老闆想推的啊 01/15 14:01

nonavailable: 鬍子推動,老闆拍板 01/15 14:07

nonavailable: 當時報導已經講很多了... 01/15 14:08

aegis43210 : 莫雷是魔球理論,怎可能找西河 01/15 14:09

nonavailable: 就PG交易掉以後,威少就便可以交易的 01/15 14:10

nonavailable: 這裡面鬍子跟老闆都有一半責任啦 01/15 14:10

aegis43210 : 哈登加cp3就是最有效率的組合 01/15 14:10

nonavailable: 2018的CP3啦,你不能不去看CP3 2019確實打不好這件事 01/15 14:11

matsuwu : 推釐清!!!! 01/15 14:44

Mits5190 : Morey當時不想拆那個陣容吧但是鬍子很堅持加上老闆 01/15 15:15

Mits5190 : 怕鬍子不爽跑掉所以積極安撫他就產生問題了 01/15 15:16

magamanzero : 是老闆兒子...以這件事來說 要修正的是副手太高級了 01/15 15:17

magamanzero : 壓過原本的老大 會使得化學效應變糟 01/15 15:18

magamanzero : 贏球都沒有問題 輸球就會質疑 01/15 15:18

raku : 莫雷看到龜的低效數據頭就痛了 01/15 15:21

Aggro : 其實就耐心問題 CP3一年低效沒耐心 神龜一年低效沒 01/15 15:32

Aggro : 耐心 最後就拆光了 01/15 15:32
