Re: [花邊] LBJ每年花100萬鎂在"恢復身體以及心理"上

看板 NBA
作者 azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)
時間 2020-11-06 09:44:29
留言 34則留言 (27推 2噓 5→)

: 來源: SportsRush : 網址: : ‘LeBron James spends $1 million/year on just body and mind recovery’: How : Lakers star remains injury free at 35 : "僅光在身體及心理恢復上 LeBron James每年花100萬鎂": 這位湖人明星如何在35歲時仍 : 舊保持健康 : Superstar athletes such as LeBron James and Russell Wilson spend more than a : million dollars to help keep themselves in shape. : 超級明星運動員如LeBron James跟Russell Wilson每年花超過100萬鎂好讓他們的身體維持 : 在健康狀態。 : Sports such as basketball and American football are some of the most taxing : on an athlete’s body. There is a reason as to why there are only around 400 : players concurrently in the NBA at any one time. : 像是籃球以及美式足球這類運動對於運動員的身體是很耗損的。這也是為何在NBA在任何一 : 個時間點只有約400個球員在打球。 : Many people around the world possess the skills to make it to the NBA, but : their body just cannot keep up with them. This is why any athlete who is : considered a superstar, is probably considered that due to his longevity. : 這世界上有很多球員有足夠的技能可以打進NBA,但是他們的身體會跟不上。這也是為何有 : 些運動員被稱為超級明星的原因,很可能是因為他們的身體機能的持久性。 : There is no athlete in the world at this moment who has sustained a longer : prime, than LeBron James. : 這世界上現在大概沒有一個人可以維持他的生涯精華年比LeBron James還久的了。 : The NBA requires a very fast paced style of play, which usually results in : all sorts of injuries to players during a season. Everything ranging from ACL : tears, to intense back spasms. : NBA比賽需要非常快的步調,這些通常會導致球員在季中有各式各樣的傷害,從ACL斷裂, : 到嚴重的背部痙攣。 : The fact that LeBron James has never suffered anything close to a career : ending injury, just goes to show how meticulous he is when it comes to body : recovery. : 從LBJ從未受到接近任何可能終結他生涯的傷害這件事就可以看出當講到恢復身體這方面, : LBJ有多麼仔細。 : Back in 2018, Maverick Carter revealed how much James spends to help his body : be in shape. Carter said, “James spends $1.5 million per year on his body.” : 在2018年,Maverick Carter透露LBJ花了多少錢讓他的身體維持在良好狀態。Carter說, : 「LBJ每年花150萬鎂在他的身體上。」 : He confirmed the 4x MVP uses all sorts of devices such as hyperbaric chambers : and NormaTec leg boots to help his body recover. : 他說這位4屆MVP用各種方式來幫助他身體恢復,像是高壓氧艙,NormaTec氣壓式循環機 : 等。 : LeBron James is just as influential off the court, as he is on the court. The : NFL, which is perhaps a much more physical sports league than the NBA, : requires athletes to invest even more into their bodies. : LBJ在場上以及場外都一樣有影響力。另外一個可能比NBA更需要體能的運動-美式足球,也 : 需要球員花更多的錢在保養他們的身體。 : Seattle superstar Russell Wilson is currently going through a historic NFL : season, breaking all sorts of QB records. When asked about his training : regimen, Russ said he too invests in hyperbaric chambers and cryotherapy. : 西雅圖超級明星Russell Wison本季目前正打出歷史級別的表現,打破各個四分衛的紀錄。 : 當被問到他的訓練菜單時,他說他也有投資在高壓氧艙跟低溫療法。 : Safe to say that LeBron investing his wealth back into his body, has rubbed : off on other superstar across leagues. : LBJ把他的財富投資在身體上的這件事可以說也影響到了其他領域的明星身上。 其實之前看到這個新聞就對高壓氧艙有興趣 最近在跟醫生討論家人開刀的問題 結果醫生突然請護理師跟我們介紹高壓氧艙療法 簡單說就是置身在密閉空間,使用2-2.5倍大氣壓力,然後充滿濃度是普通空氣8-16倍的氧氣之下 然後休息15min到2小時 家人面對的情況是痛風石開刀,普通作法是直接切一刀大的 但是新療法是切10-20個小傷口 缺點是傷口太密集,不易癒合 但此高壓氧療法可以增強體內白血球更強壯、加快壞死細胞代謝,讓紅血球攜氧更有效率 我自己google其實有好有壞,也爬到有一派未經證實的說法,認為細胞換代有其次數 順便一提,台灣已經引進好幾年了,像醫美診所會搭配於雀斑雷射治療加快回復、台中榮總還配有多人使用的類太空艙(坐密閉公車廂帶呼吸器) 而且某些病患在醫生評估後,還可以用健保支付 --
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phoenician : 自費一次不知道多少 11/06 09:47

HaHaPoint : 16倍!!! 就算2大氣壓也接近純氧了吧 11/06 09:49

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