[情報] 尼克去年對Jimmy Butler沒興趣

看板 NBA
作者 jimmy5680 (If Penguins May Fly)
時間 2020-09-27 08:27:38
留言 98則留言 (60推 4噓 34→)

消息來源: https://bit.ly/3kS3nqI CBS 內容: Knicks had no interest in Jimmy Butler during 2019 free agency, per report 尼克在2019年休賽季對Jimmy Butler沒有興趣 The 2019 offseason just gets worse and worse for the Knicks 尼克在2019年休賽季每況愈下 Just when you think the final chapter has been written in the comedy of errors known as the 2019 Knicks offseason, another gut punch manages to sneak its way into the script. Here's the latest: New York, after spending two years clearing cap space to pursue superstars in free agency, was not interested in Jimmy Butler last summer, according to the New York Post's Marc Berman. Butler went on to sign with the Miami Heat, where he is now one game away from the NBA Finals. 2019年的尼克修賽季已被認為是充滿錯誤的笑話,但是最新消息是在傷口上撒鹽, 有報導說尼克在花費兩年清理空間後,去年對Jimmy Butler沒有興趣。 Butler去熱火之後,目前只差一場勝利就能進入總決賽。 New York's dreadful 2019 offseason began in earnest at that season's trade deadline. The Knicks dealt away young star Kristaps Porzingis in order to clear the cap space necessary to sign two superstar free agents. The problem? The two stars they were most connected to, Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant, chose to go across the bridge and sign with the Brooklyn Nets. The stories since then have hardly been flattering. 尼克悲慘的2019年休賽季從交易截止日期開始,他們交易走Porzingis來清空間, 但是最有興趣的KD和KI都跑去籃網,後面狀況一路往下。 ESPN's Ramona Shelburne reported immediately after Durant chose Brooklyn that the Knicks were not willing to offer the former MVP a max contract because of his ruptured Achilles tendon. Soon after, Berman reported that the Knicks canceled a meeting with Kawhi Leonard, who went on to sign with the Los Angeles Clippers. In August, 2020, Kemba Walker admitted that he was initially very interested in signing with the Knicks, but that interest dissipated when a star teammate failed to materialize. 報導稱KD去籃網是因為尼克不願意給頂薪。 尼克接著取消可愛的會談,後者跑去快艇。 Kemba Walker今年八月說去年有興趣到尼克,但是尼克找不到另一個明星所以作罷。 Some of these reports sound more realistic than others. The idea that the Knicks truly wouldn't have given Durant a max contract, for example, seems like PR spin. If it wasn't, it was organizational negligence on a scale that would be hard to believe even by Knicks standards. There are some slight similarities with Butler. Yes, there were risks. His departures from Minnesota and Philadelphia were ugly. But it's not as though these reports were coming out before free agency, when the Knicks ostensibly would have been preparing to pursue these players. They leaked after the fact, as if to send the message that the Knicks never wanted the players who seemed uninterested in signing with them in the first place. 有些報導沒太大可信度。 尼克不會給KD頂薪可能只是在放風聲,若非如此那就是組織非常有問題, 比大家預期的尼克還要更糟糕。 Butler離開前兩隻隊伍都不好看,確實有風險, 不過目前的消息是馬後炮,可能只是自我安慰說尼克不想要這些沒有來的球員。 It's unclear if Butler would have considered the Knicks seriously. When he asked the Timberwolves to trade him in 2018, he listed the Knicks as one of his preferred destinations, but that came at a point in which their free-agent prospects appeared brighter. Then again, Butler signed with the Heat without an immediate second All-Star in place, so the idea of being New York's lone star and savior might have appealed to him. Still, most reports have suggested that Butler chose the Heat because of their culture of discipline and track record of success. The Knicks have neither of those things. In all likelihood, Butler would not have seriously considered the Knicks if for no other reason than the fact that most superstars in recent years have not considered the Knicks, and without evidence to the contrary, it makes sense to assume he would not have bucked that trend. 沒辦法知道Butler當時會不會認真考慮尼克。 他在2018年喊吹密時有把尼克列進名單,但是當時尼克簽下明星的機會更大。 Butler去熱火時沒有第二個明星,所以當尼克的單星可能有機會。 但是Butler去熱火是因為紀律和勝利的紀錄,尼克啥都沒有。 Butler大概沒把尼克放在心上,正如所有超級明星都沒打算去尼克。 (後略) 短評或心得: 所以尼克什麼時候才要完成重建? 要等老闆換人嗎? Butler去尼克會再喊吹密吧XDDDD --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1601166462.A.11B.html

johnwu : 尼克也不需要他 09/27 08:28

cecil60735 : 以尼克的狀況,JB去一定會怪聲阿 09/27 08:28

qmaning : JB才對你沒興趣吧 09/27 08:29

teasy : 認真求勝的就不適合尼克的建隊方針 09/27 08:31

highwayshih : 士官長怎麼可能想去尼克 76都待得這麼不爽了 09/27 08:31

mark0912n : 去尼克不怪聲的才奇怪吧 09/27 08:32

evilraistlin: 尼克不就是去領錢養老的地方嗎... 09/27 08:33

toast1521 : 哼 人家才對你沒興趣呢 水面哦 哼 09/27 08:33

hua0122 : 尼克賣票賺錢就好 不想贏 士官長去那會氣瘋 09/27 08:34

Xgaoifcc : 吉巴在灰狼就想去熱火 就當時交易到哪他還是去熱火 09/27 08:35

gn00945822 : 尼克還是想辦法把龜龜拿到手吧 至少能進季後賽 09/27 08:35

hua0122 : 所有球星應該都知尼克愛擺爛只顧賺錢 連KD都不想去 09/27 08:35

hua0122 : 吉巴是有說想去湖人 但湖人在等可愛 不鳥吉巴 09/27 08:36

owhfr69c : kd去藍網不是因為離住的點比較近嗎 09/27 08:37

hua0122 : 不是 前些日子KD才出來講 去尼克連考慮都沒考慮過 09/27 08:38

gaiaesque : 人家才對你們沒興趣... 09/27 08:38

vltw5v : 是吉巴沒興趣吧… 09/27 08:41

MstVic : 尼克這種爛陣容士官長也不想去吧 09/27 08:41

MK47 : KD之前有說根本不考慮尼克啊 尼克根本JOKE 正常想贏 09/27 08:43

MK47 : 的人哪會加入這種隊伍= = 09/27 08:43

kyle5241 : 吉巴:我只想學爸爸征服麥迪遜啦! 09/27 08:44

hanslins : 說不給 kd 頂薪這個就不可能,而且士官長去尼克不 09/27 08:44

hanslins : 出怪聲才怪! 09/27 08:44

friends29 : 尼克你意外嗎 09/27 08:44

cayalst : 去年JB的確不會是自由市場球星首選 但尼克不給KD頂 09/27 08:45

cayalst : 薪滿蠢的 省來簽一堆B級球員 09/27 08:45

KarlTowns : 尼克不意外 09/27 08:46

hua0122 : 不給頂薪是找臺階下 KD從頭到尾不給招 忍到9月才爆 09/27 08:47

kobedalanpa : 尼克到底是甚麼情況啊?感覺重點不在贏啊 09/27 08:49

mesenchymal : KD是想住在 Brooklyn,Manhattan不考慮 09/27 08:50

together57 : 士官長也不屑去那 09/27 08:51

azazazaz : 熟悉的尼克最對味 09/27 08:56

rs6000 : 不請大牌球員... 賺更多 09/27 08:59

highwayshih : KD根本不想去 尼克說不給頂薪只是找台階下吧 太難看 09/27 09:00

SlamKai : 士官長還好沒去這個爛隊 浪費時間 09/27 09:01

heavensun : 甜瓜的下場 幾年內沒大牌敢去吧 09/27 09:09

heavensun : KD要奪冠的 不可能去尼克 09/27 09:10

stocktonty : 又沒差 票房還不是爽賺 09/27 09:11

k102asdf : 尼克趕快去收龜 照雷霆龜的打法能進一輪吧 09/27 09:17

YU0158 : 又不是湖人對每隻FA都流口水 09/27 09:19

hughjetman : JB去尼克大概會氣到吐血 09/27 09:26

CW4 : 大尼克只想搶那種生涯在走下坡的肥約 09/27 09:31

c222ssss : 最好爛到老闆換人為止,把我瓜巔峰期浪費掉的球隊 09/27 09:35

drcula : 現在根本沒人想去尼克,只能期待龜龜了 09/27 09:37

timkuo86 : A-Rod,你不是想買球隊嗎,拜託你把尼克隊買走好不 09/27 09:37

timkuo86 : 好 09/27 09:37

gundam01 : 尼克問題是想買大球星 但是大球星看不上 09/27 09:38

gundam01 : 太久沒競爭力了 09/27 09:39

h916041 : 尼克滿適合龜龜養老~前提他不要冠軍了~ 09/27 09:42

CaoBao : 笑死,季前板上還一堆人說尼克操作好棒棒,一堆短 09/27 09:48

CaoBao : 約進可攻退可守,結果又混了一年,總裁下台負責。 09/27 09:48

luna2000sea : 沒有決心的球隊 用不了士官長 09/27 09:50

darkdixen : 士官長對萬年爛尼也沒興趣吧 09/27 09:51

jeffsu : 誰會對你尼克有興趣啊 笑死人 09/27 09:52

xxx45625802 : 真的是阿斗隊 09/27 09:52

CaoBao : 士官長又不是負責賣票的,怎麼會想去尼克,真的去 09/27 09:53

CaoBao : 了怕會氣死 09/27 09:53

sampsonlu919: 咖啡店老闆就算不去熱火 應該也不會去紐約窮的只剩 09/27 09:57

sampsonlu919: 錢隊吧 09/27 09:57

PRINCE711529: 尼克爛了快30年了吧! 09/27 09:59

liafree : 尼克:爛泥不需要精實 09/27 10:02

drcula : 重點是尼克爛了這麼久,還是聯盟最賺錢球隊啊 09/27 10:09

kkjjkkjj : JB:?? 09/27 10:15

allmygod : 說真的 KD 自己就說連去都不想去 事實上就是管理層 09/27 10:21

allmygod : 爛到靠北 09/27 10:21

allmygod : JB 去到這種放著爛 一定各種氣氛 他最恨人擺爛的 09/27 10:22

heavensun : 好不容易請到禪師 又沒珍惜 會管理總管也不想去 09/27 10:23

nkfcc : KD很不爽媒體和尼克迷一直炒作他會去尼克。很吵。 09/27 10:25

asidy : 反正墊底也是爽賺啊,沒球星有差嗎 09/27 10:28

holywent801 : 尼克只愛水貨 09/27 10:31

vgil : 士官長也不會去 管理層那麼鳥 09/27 10:32

cvsd04957 : 不夠高薪低能的尼克不愛 09/27 10:38

a9527a : jb也對你沒興趣 09/27 10:39

answermangtr: 我大吉巴也不想去尼克好嗎 09/27 10:45

raku : 尼克正常阿 只想要買那種一般認為S級的球星 09/27 10:58

funcky0116 : 尼克正常吧不想打季後賽怎麼會有興趣 09/27 11:01

ciafbi007 : 吉巴:?????? 09/27 11:03

Butterdog06 : 以士官長的態度去尼克 只會把Knox嘴到退役吧 09/27 11:05

k952gfjk : Knox我看不用嘴也要退役了 09/27 11:06

Butterdog06 : 別啊QQ 我覺得他還是可教化的 09/27 11:07

j12358962 : 你各位太散漫了 09/27 11:09

neos042 : 尼克根本變大家消遣的笑話了 09/27 11:25

yurikim : JB也不想去尼克吧 == 先講先贏嗎 09/27 11:35

Scherzer31 : 反正尼克也對贏球沒興趣 09/27 11:38

KAPPAK184 : JB:真巧 我也是 09/27 11:41

EX37 : 士官長去尼克也沒季後賽可以打 09/27 11:42

andrexie : 尼克先搞定自己的管理層吧 09/27 11:54

Rayshief : 尼克紐媒可不可以不要誰打得好就又在那嘴 09/27 12:03

Childishan : 誰他媽要去尼克 09/27 12:15

erosha : 尼克到底會爛多久啊? 09/27 12:30

kplpop : JB:密吐= = 09/27 12:36

jerrys0580 : 尼克真的腦X放掉一堆球星 09/27 12:39

jzbobby : 士官長如果去尼克 只會賽後氣得找肚蘭輸贏吧 09/27 12:45

jacky77437 : 龜龜很適合尼克吧,一個想賣門票,一個想刷數據 09/27 13:50

linjim86 : 最黑的營區遇上鐵血是班長 好想看 09/27 14:43

horstyle0411: JB去尼克 球員也不一定合得來吧 去尼克感覺就要玩 09/27 15:19

vking223 : 我大妮可隊的制服組,總是不會讓人意外啊,任何最糟 09/28 03:37

vking223 : 糕的選項,他們都願意挑戰 09/28 03:37
