[外絮] Kobe日:聯盟攝影師講到Kobe跟MJ的差別

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2020-08-25 15:35:57
留言 48則留言 (41推 0噓 7→)

來源: NBCsports 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yyralxnu Kobe Day: NBA photographer explains how Bryant, Michael Jordan differed Kobe日: 聯盟攝影師解釋Kobe跟Michael Jordan的差別在哪邊 It’s the first “Kobe Day” since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and fans across the country have shared their thoughts and memories about the Los Angeles Lakers superstar. Renowned NBA photographer Andrew Bernstein joined in on the celebration on the John Roa Show, by sharing some of his insights about Bryant, and his similarities to Michael Jordan. 這是在Kobe因直升機墜機喪生後第一個Kobe日。來自各地的粉絲們分享了他們對於這位湖 人超級明星的想法以及記憶。知名的聯盟攝影師Andrew Bernstein參加了節目,分享了一 些有關Kobe的內幕,以及Kobe跟Michael Jordan的相似處。 “I wasn’t around Michael as much, but they both had that look in their eye, that assassin’s look,” said Bernstein. “They relished, they absolutely relished at the most complex, the most nerve-wracking time. Just give them the ball.” 「我沒有跟Michael相處那麼多,但是他們兩個的眼睛都有著相同眼神,就是刺客的樣 子,」Bernstein說。「他們非常享受在最困難,最讓人神經緊繃的時刻,就是把球給他 們。」 Bernstein got his start shooting photos for the NBA at the 1983 All-Star game and recalls meeting Bryant when he was 17 years old. Over the course of his career he says he got to know Bryant pretty well and cited Tim Grover, a trainer for both Bryant and Jordan, for lighting on a key difference between the two players. Bernstein是在1983年全明星賽後開始替聯盟拍照,他回憶他第一次碰到Kobe是他17歲的時 候。在他替聯盟拍照的時間裡他說他有機會了解了Kobe,他引述同時是Kobe跟Jordan的訓 練員Tim Grover的話,讓大家了解了這兩個球員最主要的差別所在。 “They both worked out hard,” Bernstein said. “They both were religious workaholics in terms of their physical fitness and being in shape. The difference was that Michael didn’t care about the ‘why.’ Michael just wanted to get stronger, get bigger, and get in the best possible shape he could be. 「兩個人都很努力訓練,」Bernstein說。「在維持身體型態及狀況上,兩個人都是工作 狂。差別是在,Michael是不管"為什麼"的。Michael就只想變得更壯,更大隻,盡可能的 保持在最佳狀況。」 “Kobe was relentless about asking about the ‘why.’ Like, ‘Why are we doing this exercise? Why are we working on these muscles?’ And that was really the difference between the two of them.” 「Kobe則是不停的問"為什麼"。像是說,『為什麼要做這個訓練?為什麼我們要練這部分 的肌肉?』那就是這兩個人真正的差別所在。」 That story tracks with the narrative of Bryant being one of the game’s most dedicated students, in addition to one of the most talented players. In ‘The Last Dance,’ one episode explores the big brother/little brother relationship between the two players, and expands on Bryant asking tons of questions, trying to learn as much as he could from Jordan. Kobe除了是最有天賦的球員之一外,他還有著最專注投入的學生之一的名聲。在Jordan紀 錄片"Last Dance"裡,有一集講到這兩個人有如大哥哥跟小弟弟之間的關係,以及Kobe問 了Jordan一脫拉庫的問題,想要從Jordan那邊學到更多的東西。 “I had a question about shooting his turnaround shot so I asked him about it, ” Bryant recalled while discussing the first time he met Jordan at the 1998 All-Star Game. “He gave me a great detailed answer, but on top of that, he said, ‘If you ever need anything, give me a call.’” 「那時候我有關於他轉身跳投的問題,所以我就問了他,」Kobe回憶他在1998年全明星賽 第一次碰到Jordan時所討論的事情。「他跟我講得很仔細,而且,他說,『若你還有其他 問題,打個電話給我。』」 According to Jordan, Bryant made the most of that invitation. 根據Jordan的說法,Kobe真的好好利用了這個機會。 “He used to call me, text me, 11:30, 2:30, 3 o'clock in the morning,” Jordan said during Bryant’s memorial service. “Talking about post-up moves, footwork and sometimes, the triangle. At first, it was an aggravation. But then it turned into a certain passion. This kid had passion like you would never know. 「他以前在晚上11點半,凌晨兩點半或是三點打電話或者傳簡訊給我,」Jordan在Kobe的 告別式上說到。「討論有關背框動作,腳步,有時候會講到三角攻擊。起初,那有點讓人 惱怒。但是後來變成了像是種熱情,這傢伙有著讓人沒有見過的熱情。」 "Maybe it surprised people that Kobe and I were very close friends,” he said. “But we were very close friends. Kobe was my dear friend. He was like a little brother.” 「我跟Kobe是非常要好的朋友這件事或許讓人有點驚訝,」Jordan說。「但是我們是非常 好的朋友,Kobe是我很親密的朋友,他像是我的弟弟一樣。」 -- 老大!! --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1598340961.A.8EF.html

darkskyaa : MIKE哭哭 08/25 15:38

clonecd : 老大! 08/25 15:38

wayne0215 : 把goat當工程師on-call XD 08/25 15:39

louisxxiii : 爆哭 08/25 15:40

jsai : 老大! 08/25 15:40

shy801020 : 三樓xd 08/25 15:41

yokan : 老大!! 08/25 15:41

boyf410 : on call 耶穌 08/25 15:41

Bainite : QQ 08/25 15:42

monocyte123 : 老大!!! 08/25 15:45

corlos : 黑色耶穌在告別式也是嫌他hen吵wwwww 08/25 15:53

newtypeL9 : KOBE...QQ 08/25 15:53

newtypeL9 : 還記得KOBE問MJ十歲的時候在幹嘛,他要當教女兒的 08/25 15:54

newtypeL9 : 參考,MJ回答他十歲時還在打棒球,KOBE就LOL 08/25 15:54

newtypeL9 : 他們交情真的很好 08/25 15:54

dwyanelin : 黑耶穌可以加入台積電了吧 08/25 15:55

southernwood: QQ 08/25 15:57

bengowa : QQ 08/25 15:58

romeomonkey : 感動 08/25 16:00

scoutpioneer: QQ 08/25 16:00

Wind781013 : 告別式MJ也說要帶好弟弟要忍受深夜電話跟傻問題XD 08/25 16:03

kuaiphoto : MJ:幹!你們不知道當時on call超累的 林北已經是老 08/25 16:04

kuaiphoto : 人了 08/25 16:04

Nuey : 笑死 半夜是打過去順便提醒MJ起床上廁所嗎 08/25 16:08

xxxrecoil : 所以跟攝影師有什麼關系,後面不都喬丹講ㄉ? 08/25 16:08

siegfriedlin: 像小弟弟一樣 08/25 16:10

hau7341 : 老大!! 08/25 16:15

Toy17 : 這個故事MJ在告別式講過 08/25 16:16

blairchief : 真的是水瓶跟處女的差別 08/25 16:21

bobon0921 : 睡飽了,來打給哥哥聊天 : ) 08/25 16:26

ganhua : 老大!! 08/25 16:40

gn0028526 : 起床尿尿啊光頭哥 08/25 16:41

dcoog7880 : 深夜來電 08/25 16:43

OyAlbert : Landa QQ 08/25 16:54

dndqjsmp : 好文QQ 08/25 17:07

s8900117 : QQ 08/25 17:28

rojjujj : 老大 對籃球好有熱誠的 08/25 17:29

TrueTears : 老大! 08/25 17:31

SEVEnMonth : 能on call神的也只有老大了吧 08/25 17:33

p5319 : 三樓這太傳神 08/25 17:48

yellowboy : 挖靠 不是隨便的人可以這樣CALL喬神的 08/25 18:35

jo3m6 : 哭哭MJ梗圖 08/25 18:53

formosanus : 喬丹:什麼訓練,我全都要。喬丹強大的原因 08/25 18:55

lovebean : 聽MJ在追思會上淚流滿面講這個, 聽得我都噴淚了 QQ 08/25 19:01

kuoshenghsu : 3樓毋湯哦 08/25 19:23

eric20 : 退休還要 on call ... 08/25 19:49

nicsutian : 兩個神 08/25 23:31

Watersmanpow: 腿褲 推哭 08/26 03:29
