[花邊] CP3打小報告梗圖在推特上瘋傳

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2020-06-18 15:12:59
留言 17則留言 (13推 1噓 3→)

來源: ClutchPoints 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y76gyrat Chris Paul hotline memes go viral on Twitter Chris Paul打小報告梗圖在推特上瘋傳 The NBA will create an anonymous hotline that players and staff may contact to report protocol violations in the bubble location in Orlando. Upon hearing the news, basketball fans plagued Twitter with memes featuring Chris Paul of the Oklahoma City Thunder, who has built a reputation as a stringent, if not sneaky, enforcer of rules. 聯盟建立了一支不具名的專線,讓球員以及工作人員可以舉報在迪士尼打閉門比賽有人有 違反規定的情形。而在這新聞報導出來後,籃球粉絲們在推特上瘋傳雷霆CP3的梗圖,因為 他有對"按照規定"非常堅持的名聲在外。 圖片: https://imgur.com/DTtGMa1.jpg
Below is the play that made Paul more famous that already he is to basketball fans. But to players, he became known as a snitch. While seemingly a harmless play, take note that every point counts in a close game. 下面影片就是那件讓CP3在球迷中名聲更加響亮的事件。但是對球員來說,他成為一個抓耙 子。儘管看起來不是很有殺傷力,但是要注意的是當比數很關鍵的時候,每一分都很重 要。 水管影片: https://youtu.be/dEQ_UsvM5As
Echoing Paul’s sneaky tactics, Bay Area Sports Guy tweeted out what Paul might say if he catches a player not following the strict guidelines set by the league. 為了回應CP3的暗招,Bay Area Sports Guy在推特上寫了若是這次在閉門比賽有人違反了 嚴格的規定他可能會講甚麼話。 推特連結: https://tinyurl.com/y9vadxbm "“Operator? Mr. Harden’s nose isn’t tucked into his mask. That’s a tech.” 「ㄟ~~總機嗎? 鬍子的鼻子沒有包在他的口罩裡面,那是個技犯。」 Chris Montano believes that Paul is the mastermind behind the creation of the anonymous hotline. Chris Montano認為CP3就是想出告密專線的主謀。 推特連結: https://tinyurl.com/yavuralv "This is 100% Chris Paul’s idea" 「百分之百是CP3的主意。」 The Athletic reporter Fred Katz was more direct, hinting that Paul might be on the other side of the line once you contact the anonymous hotline. The Athletic記者Fred Katz更直接了,他暗示說打告密專線的時候,電話那頭可能就是 CP3。 推特連結: https://tinyurl.com/ydxon96l "The hotline is Chris Paul’s cell number." 「告密專線其實是CP3的手機號碼。」 Meanwhile, Rob Perez suggested or guessed the number of the hotline: Rob Perez猜說告密專線的電話號碼會是: 推特連結: https://tinyurl.com/ybnj5jkv "1-800-CALL-CP3" 「控八控控-打電話給CP3」 Inevitably, D’Angelo Russell of the Minnesota Timberwolves was pulled into the memes. To recall, Russell had a snitching incident with Nick Young when they were with the Los Angeles Lakers. The situation was so bad that the team had to separate the two via trade. 不可避免地,灰狼的DLo也被扯進來。那時,Dlo在湖人的時候爆料了老尖Nick Young的事 情,最後情況惡化到兩個人得要用交易的方式把兩個人給分開。 影片連結: https://twitter.com/i/status/1273088402276171776 "Chris Paul and D’Angelo Russell when they see each other calling into the hotline at the same time" 「當CP3跟Dlo看到彼此兩個人同時打告密專線的樣子。」 The creation of the anonymous hotline with Paul in the fold is definitely one of the many things that fans are looking forward to in the resumption of the 2019-20 season. 當粉絲們殷切期盼2019-20賽季重啟的時候,說CP3幫忙想出建立告密專線的情節鐵定是許 多粉絲所期待看到的事件其中之一。 -- 玩規則玩成精 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1592464385.A.3FA.html

cross980115 : CP3專線 06/18 15:16

MK47 : cp3+dlo抓耙子兄弟 06/18 15:18

keepstudying: 拿那影片來認定CP3是告密者,恐怕被接受度不高 06/18 15:18

keepstudying: 影片內容是第四節,差2分內,CP3去爭取是正確的 06/18 15:19

tottoko0908 : 抓耙子大師 06/18 15:20

xd987 : 太好笑了 06/18 15:21

KKyosuke : 梗圖創作而已 3F你太認真了 06/18 15:25

SCLPAL : 電話lol 06/18 15:29

allssddaa : CP3接電話超好笑XD 06/18 15:44

ZaneTrout : 就梗而已吧 06/18 16:11

LVE : 不要拿私德來嘴。控衛哪一個比她優秀? 06/18 17:25

entsai : 幽默 哈哈哈 06/18 17:27

azurewing : cp3球員拿不到冠的話 當總教應該蠻有機會 06/18 18:21

TWN56ers : 控衛比cp優秀的有啊 06/18 20:05

developers : 1-800-CALL-CP3 XDDD 06/19 01:06

tonyd : Gun 笑死 哈哈 06/19 07:32

sampsonlu919: 紅粉霹靂Call 06/19 23:47
