[外絮] 因為疫情 Joe Ingles可能不會回NBA打球

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2020-05-22 11:03:37
留言 42則留言 (35推 0噓 7→)

來源: Yahoo Sports 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybxc2hf7 NBA eyes Orlando; Ingles may not play 聯盟相準Orlando;Ingles可能不會回來打比賽 Ben Simmons, Patty Mills and Thon Maker could be heading to Disney World, although Joe Ingles and Matthew Dellavedova may not return to the NBA court. Ben Simmons,Patty Mills跟Thon Maker可能會去奧蘭多Disney打球,但是Joe Ingles跟 Matthew Dellavedova可能不會回到NBA場上。 Orlando's Walt Disney World Resort has emerged as the clear frontrunner to host the league if the season resumes. 若是聯盟本季要繼續比賽的話,奧蘭多Disney逐漸成為是比賽場的主要候選處。 The COVID-19 pandemic shut the NBA down on March 11. 在今年3/11聯盟因為武漢肺炎中止了賽程。 The Athletic reported on Wednesday NBA teams could be fully training in mid-June and playing games in Orlando by mid-July. 星期三The Athletic報導說聯盟球隊會在六月中的時候全面開始訓練,會在七月中之前開 始在奧蘭多打比賽。 NBA Commissioner Adam Silver had floated the possibility of dual sites - Orlando and Las Vegas - where teams could play in a "bubble" in an attempt to protect players, team staff and officials from the virus. 聯盟主席Adam Silver先前提過兩個可能比賽的地點--奧蘭多跟拉斯維加斯--球隊會在那邊 打閉門比賽,藉此保護球員,隊職員以及裁判,防止被感染。 Orlando, spurred on by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who last week called on "all professional sports" to practice and play in his state, is now favourite to be the sole site. 在佛羅里達州州長Ron DeSantis上週說"所有職業運動"可以在佛羅里達州開始練習及比賽 後,奧蘭多現在很有可能成為主要唯一的候選比賽地點。 "What I would tell commissioners of leagues is: 'If you have a team in an area where they just won't let them operate, we'll find a place for you here in the state of Florida'," DeSantis said. 「我要跟這些職業聯盟的主席說:『如果你們的球隊所在地不讓你們打,來我們這邊我們 會找地方給你,」DeSantis說。 If the NBA season is played out in Orlando it will likely be without spectators and under strict protocols and testing. 若NBA聯盟真的要在奧蘭多打,那會是閉門比賽,也會有嚴格的管制以及檢測。 Ingles, a key member of the Utah Jazz who sit in fourth place in the Western Conference, has said he is prepared to "walk away, fly to Australia and never play another game in my life and be very content with it" to protect his family from the virus. Ingles是目前暫居西區排名第四的爵士隊球員,他說為了保護他的家人避免感染,他已經 準備好要離開美國,飛回澳洲,這輩子再也不打比賽,這樣他也非常的滿意了。 His wife, Australian netball great Renae Ingles, is expecting their third child and four-year-old son Jacob has autism and a weakened immune system. Ingles的太太Renae Ingles是澳洲合球選手,正懷著第三個小孩,而他們的兒子Jacob有自 閉症,且有著免疫力低下的問題。 Ingles said last week he hasn't worked out at the Jazz's practice facility despite it opening up to players with strict guidelines. He has a gym and hoop at his home for workouts. Ingles說上星期爵士球團開放練習場館,但是他都沒去,但是他在家裡有健身房跟籃球架 可以練球。 Ingles will take a wait-and-see approach to playing games if the season does start. 若是球季真的開始,Ingles會採取觀望的態度。 "It's not worth it," Ingles, discussing practice at the Jazz facility, told Utah radio station 1280 The Zone last week. 「不值得這樣做,」Ingles在上星期接受猶他州當地電台訪問講到爵士場館練習時說到。 "I have a gym, I have everything I can do. 「我有健身房,我可以做所有事。」 "As for basketball, it's a bit more difficult, but I think that as we go ahead and find out more information about it, it will be easier to make a decision. 「但是關於打籃球,這就比較困難了。但是我認為隨著時間過去,會有更多的消息出來, 這樣會比較容易做決定。」 "But I am in no way willing to risk my children, and Renae, and everything else, to go play basketball." 「但是我是絕對不會因為打籃球而讓我的小孩,我的老婆Renae跟其他所有事冒風險。」 Matthew Dellavedova's Cleveland Cavaliers teammate Larry Nance Jr raised doubts about whether the tough Australian guard will play. Matthew Dellavedova的騎士隊友Larry Nace Jr也對於Matthew會不會打比賽有懷疑。 Dellavedova and wife Anna welcomed son Anders into the world last November. Dellavedova跟他的太太Anna去年11月剛生了一個小男嬰Anders。 "If I were him, no I'm not subjecting myself to that, because then I can bring it home to my family," Nance Jr told reporters. 「如果我是他的話,我是不會把自己暴露在那情況下的,因為那有可能會讓我把病毒帶回 家給我的家人,」Nance Jr跟記者說。 Silver is open to either playing out the regular season or heading straight into the playoffs. Silver目前對於是要把正規賽打完或者直接打季後賽保持開放的態度。 There is also the possibility teams outside the top eight receive an opportunity to compete for a playoff spot. 目前也有可能讓聯盟前八名外的球隊爭搶一席季後賽位置。 Ingles' Jazz and Simmons' Philadelphia 76ers (sixth place in the Eastern Conference) would be eligible. Ingles的爵士以及Simmons的76人(東區排名第六)就有機會了。 In the Eastern Conference the Cavs are last and Maker's Detroit Pistons are third last. 東區的騎士排名最後,Maker的活塞則是倒數第三。 In the Western Conference Mills' San Antonio Spurs are 12th and five wins behind the eighth-placed Memphis Grizzlies. 西區Mills的馬刺是排名第12,距離第八名的灰熊有5場勝差。 Aron Baynes' Phoenix Suns are one win behind the Spurs in 13th. Aron Baynes的太陽則是第13,與馬刺有一場勝差。 -- 可惜噴垃圾話不能防病毒 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1590116620.A.9F0.html

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svchost6 : 還不如來台灣打勒,台大體育館免費借用 05/22 11:11

kevinduh4 : QQ 05/22 11:12

jackal44748 : 合理 美國現在還那麼嚴重 05/22 11:17

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op520ptt : 勇士kt回歸 外卡奪冠完美劇本 05/22 11:52

train2009 : 免疫力低下..好吧 這真的要考慮 05/22 11:53

RisingTackle: 沒有浪花叔伯,阿爵走不遠了 05/22 11:54

puma7pupu : SBL 很安全 05/22 12:11

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bluemei : 有小孩真的謹慎點好 05/22 12:14

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t1329kimo : 推阿伯 05/22 12:26

Bigcookie2 : 事實啊..為了錢配上家人的命?瘋了 05/22 12:41

Bigcookie2 : 他也不缺錢 幹嘛冒生命危險 05/22 12:41

love1500274 : 阿爵掰掰 05/22 12:44

lwy012018 : 這才是有正確觀念,懂得看長遠發展的球員 05/22 13:23

peter331 : 有孩子的比較冷靜 05/22 13:25

tailsean : 他之前也是因為怕家人中標所以超不爽狗貝 05/22 13:36

sam86716 : 推 05/22 13:39

MK47 : 小孩子有免疫力低下問題 是我也在家裡 05/22 13:42

thisismasonl: 因為小孩免疫力差,寧可放棄生涯QQ 05/22 13:57

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NanaoNaru : 反觀不顧死活的 準備好要開賽了 05/22 15:34

darren2586 : 小孩免疫力差真的不能賭 05/22 15:36

a55770 : 還有波蛋開刀爵士差不多要瓦解了,開打也是一輪遊 05/22 15:52

benson96968 : 孩子 而且還是要花心思 小心點為好 05/22 16:55

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juniorpenny : 可是我刺可能進不了季後賽,Patty Mills去Orlando幹 05/22 18:59

juniorpenny : 嘛?XD 05/22 18:59

dodo11060 : Push 05/22 23:58

JekyllHyde : 澳洲人很愛家的感覺 05/23 09:03

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