[外絮] 2020/03/01 LeBron賽後訪問翻譯

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作者 iamnotore (my way)
時間 2020-03-03 09:11:43
留言 31則留言 (25推 0噓 6→)

賽後訪問談到今天AD不在表現亮眼、對後起之秀的傳承看法、MVP的意義 原訪問影片:https://youtu.be/oLrYRWJSntE
R: LeBron, another masterful performance by you, your 13th triple-double of this season. How fun were… How much fun were you having out there? Look like you were having a ball. 記者:LeBron,又一次全能表現,本季第十三次大三元。多麼有趣…在場上打球多麼有趣 ?看起來你很開心。 L: Absolutely I love the competition. I love to compete. This is the team that has been playing extremely well. It was a playoff in type of … playoff type of atmosphere here because the fans knew they’re kind of almost at stake. These guys are fighting for the eighth seat and, you know, we don't like losing two games in a row so that intensity was here. LeBron:當然,我喜歡這種對抗。我喜歡競爭。這是一隻最近打很好的球隊。這像是一種 季後賽…季後賽的氛圍,因為球迷知道他們正處危急關頭。這些球員正在為第八名奮戰, 而我們不想連輸兩場,所以比賽就這麼激烈。 R: No AD tonight, you had an incredible game. Your teammates stepped up. What stood out to you the most? 記者:今天晚上AD缺賽,你表現依舊很傑出。你的隊友挺身而出,對你最特別的是什麼? L: No matter how many rounds that they had, no matter how much pressure they were putting on this with a fast-break in the offensive rebounds, we stayed poised. We stayed poised. We got defensive stops in the fourth quarter and we executed down the stretch. LeBron:不論他們有多少回合進攻,不論他們用快攻、進攻籃板對我們施加壓力,我們依 舊保持冷靜。我們很冷靜。第四節我們防守阻斷好幾球,在最後關頭順利執行。 R: This league, you've talked about it, is in great hands with Ja Morant, with Zion. You just had a conversation with him. What was that conversation like? 記者:你曾說過,這個聯盟現在在Ja Morant、Zion這好手手中。你剛剛跟Zion交談。交 談的狀況如何? L: That's up to him to tell you. I don't... I don't really do it for the publicity. I do It for the love of the game and I do it for the guys that’s coming after me. They have the same paths that I believe I had when I came up to, so, like I said, the league is in great hands of guys like Zion, Ja Morant, Luka Doncic, Trae young, Jayson Tatum, and the list goes on and on. So I'm just happy to be a part of it and be on the floor with those guys in their younger days. LeBron:這要由他來跟你說。我不…我不太喜歡對大眾談論這事。我跟他交談是因為對比 賽的熱愛,還有是因為了這些年輕後輩。他們正走在我曾經走過的道路,所以,就像我說 過的,這個聯盟現在在Zion、Ja Morant、Luka Doncic、Trae Young、 Jayson Tatum這 些好手手中,且名單可以繼續增加下去。所以我很開心能參與其中,能和這些年輕球員同 場競爭。 R: And lastly, LeBron, I know championships matter the most to you, but you're having an MVP-caliber season. I believe you could be the MVP. Maybe you should be the MVP. What would something like that mean to you at this stage? 記者:最後,LeBron,我知道總冠軍對你最具意義,但你這球季打出MVP水準。我相信你 可能成為MVP,也許你應該成為MVP。這對現階段的你有什麼意義? L: At the end of the day, I made you act team success. It means they are teammates putting in all the sacrifice just as much as you did and they went out and tried to play all that they could, tried to win because you can’t be a league MVP without team success of your teammates doing all the dirty work. So, you know, for me I'll try to be the MVP every single night for our team on both ends of the floor, offensively and defensively, with my command, with my voice, with my approach. And if that results in an award and so big, but I ’ll…At the end of the day that's... that's an award for all of us because we all sacrifice every day. LeBron:最終,我讓你取得團隊勝利,這代表他們是和你犧牲一樣多的隊友,他們在場上 用盡全力試著取勝,因為要是沒有隊友這麼成功做苦工,你就不可能成為聯盟MVP。所以 ,對我來說,我試著每晚透過我的指令、我的聲音、我的方法,在攻守兩端都成為我們球 隊的MVP。如果這能帶來聯盟MVP這麼大的殊榮,但我…最終這會是屬於大家的獎項,因為 我們每個人每天都為球隊犧牲。 R: LeBron, congratulations, thank you. 記者:LeBron,恭喜,謝謝你接受訪問。 L: I appreciate you. LeBron: 謝謝。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1583197906.A.428.html

REI3173 : how fun 03/03 09:13

lifesr : 辛苦翻譯 記者是HOW粉 03/03 09:15

abcde010710 : Young King名單 03/03 09:17

rockman73 : 得體? 03/03 09:20

Scubadive : 感覺跟zion很沒愛 03/03 09:20

a3221715 : 得體 03/03 09:21

a11011788 : 楊金呢 03/03 09:23

joeytoast : 得體 03/03 09:31

anoymouse : 泱king晚點名 03/03 10:15

sana113821 : 泱king <3 03/03 10:18

hyc0725zz : 沒有冊封 03/03 10:18

Taeja : 泱泱kid 03/03 10:22

Stat14 : 已訂閱 03/03 10:32

mike19981027: 還以為詹皇本人去訪問翻譯xd 03/03 10:36

leoncurry30 : 蛇丸被封建了 03/03 10:36

swimbert : 技安沒愛很正常啊,人們都會對另一個自己保持距離 03/03 10:56

ericlien0206: 得體 03/03 11:04

nastycurry : 泱kingXDD 03/03 11:31

neofish : 蠻得體,喇叭很會做人 03/03 11:33

sokalula : 好頻道 除了可以不用看記者斷章取義還順便學英文 03/03 12:11

sokalula : 已訂閱支持 03/03 12:12

lililu25 : J博士 大鳥 魔術 喬丹 老大 LBJ 下一位是? 03/03 12:15

yang5d2008 : 優質 03/03 12:18

Demonfake : 我記得appreciate後面不是不能加 you him me之類的 03/03 12:41

Demonfake : 受詞嗎? 03/03 12:41

iamnotore : 謝謝樓上,可是影片聽起來比較像是you不是it 03/03 13:06

wwf1588 : 他們正(主)危急關頭 03/03 13:55

iamnotore : 感謝提醒 03/03 14:12

minicoke : 這根本透露不想讓他們第8 03/03 15:23

iecdalu : 推翻譯 03/03 20:26

yeustream : 謝謝翻譯 03/04 02:47
