[情報] 賽提雙探花 JB和Tatum互相慶祝彼此的成功

看板 NBA
作者 Myosotis (・8・)
時間 2020-02-27 00:28:07
留言 88則留言 (63推 1噓 24→)

消息來源: https://reurl.cc/jdXWKn 作者:John Karalis | [email protected] Boston Celtics Jaylen Brown & Jayson Tatum celebrate each other's success: " You've got to want for your brother what you want for yourself. " 賽爾提克雙探花 Jaylen Brown 和 Jayson Tatum 互相慶祝彼此的成功 「你要像期待自己一樣 去期待你兄弟的表現」 PORTLAND, OR - The Boston Celtics beat the Portland Trailblazers in a game that was a bit of a microcosm of the season for Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum. https://youtu.be/c4iPJO2v3NQ  Tatum 36分 8顆三分&12投8中(66.7%) 0罰球
https://youtu.be/p-RBvdBtPME  Brown 24分 7籃板 2助攻
For a while, they were playing about even. In fact, Brown went into halftime with a better-looking stat line of 15 points, 4 rebounds, and 2 assists. (Tatum had 10/5/0). Then in the second half, Tatum started to separate himself. By the time the game was over, the conversation had become almost entirely about Tatum’s ridiculous shooting night. "He's playing unreal. He's playing the best ball of his career. So let's keep going," Brown said after the game. "Let's see how we can keep feeding it to him. If he keeps making shots like that, I don't see why not, right ? Just keep playing basketball. That's it." It can be easy to think there's some sort of internal rivalry between the two of them. People tend to pick one favorite over the other, which is fine. People like to have favorite players. The reasoning, though, comes off as criticism of one or the other. However people feel, it doesn't seem to exist in the Celtics locker room. 然而在賽爾提克的休息室當中,並不存在人們的這種想法。 "It's a lot of fun," Tatum said. "We get grouped together a lot... it's our third year playing together. We both took leaps this year, so it's been fun, and he's been playing great all season." "He's a guy that is establishing himself as we're all witnessing, we're all watching," Carmelo Anthony said. "I love his game, I love watching him play." 而今天的對手 Carmelo Anthony 說: 「我愛他的比賽,我喜歡看他打球。」 「我們見證了他一步步成長起來,我們都是見證者。」 "You've got to want for your brother what you want for yourself," Brown said. "So as we go out here and are playing basketball games and Jayson gets it going, just keep going to him. That's how I see it." 杰倫說:「你要像期待自己一樣 去期待你兄弟的表現」 "He's a lot more aggressive and I feel like he's a lot more comfortable out there," Tatum said of Brown. "Last year was tough for everybody and he still had his confidence. That's what we need from him." Tatum說:「杰倫變得更有侵略性了,我覺得他在場上舒服多了。」 People have a tendency to focus on the brightest light in front of them in the moment. Right now, it's Tatum. In the past, it has been Brown. It's also been Kemba Walker, Gordon Hayward, and to a lesser degree, even Daniel Theis. This is a Celtics team built to succeed as a group. Even as one or two players ascend or take turns in the spotlight, the 2019-20 Celtics still need those guys to play together. "That's what we have to be as a team," Brad Stevens said. "We all need Jaylen Brown to be great. We all need Jayson Tatum to be great. We all need everybody else, to be great. We all just need that." "Our team's only chance of going where we want to go is all those guys are good. Not just one guy, not just two guys. We need everybody." 「不只是一個人,也不是兩個人,我們需要每一個人。」 ----- 如果有翻譯錯誤的地方還請不吝嗇指正 謝謝 最後附上簡單的懶人包吧 杰倫 說:「你要像期待自己一樣 去期待你兄弟的表現」 Tatum說:「這是我們在一起的第三年你覺得舒服多了」 教練 說:「不是一個人也不是兩個人我們需要每一個人」 Tatum 在最近的進步速度可以說是快的嚇人,轉捩點差不多就是二月份之後 尤其是最近兩場比賽接連對上 03梯的大前輩 LeBron James 和 Carmelo Anthony 使他在比賽過程中又再度進化了 賽後也和他心中排名前三名的偶像甜瓜交換球衣 https://i.imgur.com/N6mDNev.png  他們兩個都是 Jordan Brand 旗下的球員
為什麼這樣說呢 是因為他在整個二月份 打了10場 曾經有一個全明星的鋒線球員拿到過類似這樣的成績 場均:28.0分 8.2籃板 4.1助攻 2.2抄截 0.4火鍋 三圍命中率 44%、39%、84% 這個人是去年雷霆的 Paul George  他在去年同時拿到年度最佳陣容第一隊 和 年度最佳防守陣容第一隊  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ LeBron James 封他為 Young King (ps.不知道是不是滿了,今天Zion沒得到稱號) Carmelo Anthony 稱自己為 見證者 一個月前大家還在討論 Tatum 能否入選防守二陣, 現在已經開始探討 Tatum 入選最佳陣容的可能性 未來賽爾提克要煩惱的可能不只是 25% 頂薪續約而已 而是他很有可能會符合 30% 頂薪 Rose條款 的條件 (新人合約內 有2年進入前三隊) 不過如果他能符合的話其實也算是對他的一個肯定 希望他可以繼續保持進步,他還年輕未來很有希望 -- https://i.imgur.com/2gn4Hwi.gif
-- 02/27 00:28
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1582734489.A.F60.html

xo1100 : 看成雙系花 02/27 00:30

bbbyes123 : 年三隊有機會吧 02/27 00:30

takechance : 排X成功 02/27 00:31

ghchen1978 : 檳榔姐妹花 02/27 00:31

SwissMiniGun: 兩人的鬍量換成頭髮應該足夠當耳下三公分的雙系花 02/27 00:32

iphone7ss : 我賽必推 02/27 00:35

HellFly : 懶人包有夠申 02/27 00:35

pipiwinlena : 看著kobe跟tatum的動作對比忍不住難過惹 02/27 00:35

roger2623900: Tatum今年表現那年好 應該有三隊吧 02/27 00:36

f22313467 : 還以為是JB 原來是JB 02/27 00:39

Muma5566 : 有沒有懂合約的解釋一下如果今年簽了新秀延長 明年 02/27 00:40

Muma5566 : 觸發羅斯條款 會怎麼算 02/27 00:40

dwiee : 雙探花真的猛!! 02/27 00:41

lickllll : 兩個人都沒到頂,都不會壓縮到對方 02/27 00:44

lickllll : 然後也都在成長,不會有人態度差,扯後腿 02/27 00:45

louisxxiii : GIF真的看得我雞皮疙瘩都起來了 腳步有夠舒服 02/27 00:48

Tawara : 杰倫這話怎麼像聖經裡面的話 02/27 00:49

ling843286 : Gif那腳步 好爽 02/27 00:49

notype : 太舒服啦! 02/27 00:50

adidasair1 : 先推簽名檔! 02/27 00:51

yeustream : 哇!50%命中率!猛 02/27 00:54

raywilly : gif好猛 02/27 00:56

yentrovert : Young king滿了xD 02/27 00:58

kyrie77 : 推 02/27 00:58

GGGGH : 老大欽點 02/27 01:03

josephpu : 推簽名檔 02/27 01:05

kobe222 : 看到簽名檔,忍不住會想念kobe 02/27 01:11

hellohayeah : Jaylen Brwon 02/27 01:11

kkjjkkjj : 那到底去年為什麼買KI 02/27 01:13

Coetzee : KI是前年的事了,買KI的時空背景是手上選秀籤太多, 02/27 01:22

Coetzee : 加上又不想給IT太多錢,剛好KI喊吹密,所以就交易了 02/27 01:22

NLchu : 是簽了才會觸發,合約寫的不是金額是百分比 02/27 01:26

dream1285201: Kanter:那個...我也是探花呀 02/27 01:26

NLchu : 簽了是25%,之後公布前三隊後觸發Rose條款變30% 02/27 01:27

Coetzee : Rose條款懶人包 02/27 01:31

Coetzee : #1Qq63G3d (NBA) 02/27 01:31

shinwind : IT跟KI二選一 沒理由不選KI 02/27 01:38

theBATMAN56 : 喝碗排骨酥湯吧小將不董奪冠 02/27 01:47

merkx051 : 如果IT健康的話KI不一定比較好 02/27 03:07

QoGIVoQ : 排毒成功 02/27 03:30

colan8 : 這兩人的成功反而讓盤來KI跟海娃的交易變得毫無效果 02/27 05:00

colan8 : 球終究只有一顆 02/27 05:01

colan8 : kemba來到青賽也是出手數下降 釋出了一定的球權 02/27 05:04

colan8 : 出手權重從 上季黃蜂接近1/4 下降到僅次於菜鳥年的 02/27 05:06

colan8 : 下降到0.18 02/27 05:08

colan8 : 如果沒清掉MM跟活佛 砍巴這季的球權會更慘 02/27 05:10

colan8 : 把罰球算進去 出手權重還更低 02/27 05:10

colan8 : 跟火箭隊完全兩回事 XD 把罰球權重算進去 02/27 05:11

colan8 : 火箭雙衛獨到爆 02/27 05:11

ooxxman : KI在,雙探花球權也不會太多,符合釋放球權爆發預測 02/27 05:20

Chekk : 3分球50%命中率好神 02/27 05:21

kingroy : Hayward 能代控能無球 狀態好時也是能防守 02/27 06:21

seekforever : Hayward對這支球隊很重要吧,少了他球的流動變很差 02/27 07:02

goodblessu : 排 02/27 07:02

DPP48 : JJ連線就是強 02/27 07:12

o0991758566 : Tatum不愧是Kobe弟子之一 那些動作都好熟悉 02/27 07:19

qazwsx879345: 說GH毫無效果的 是沒看過GH受傷的時候我們控場多慘 02/27 07:35

qazwsx879345: ? 02/27 07:35

ODFans : 杰倫和他兒子 02/27 08:02

qazwsx879345: 而且活佛還在的話 KW根本沒薪資空間來 到底在瞎說啥 02/27 08:24

MoWilliams : 至少排成功了 恭喜 02/27 08:25

toolittle : 雙探花大於雙榜眼 02/27 08:32

narutotha : 推 02/27 08:32

scatman : 星海哥&砍巴對BOS都很有幫助吧 在休息室也是好隊友 02/27 08:37

kgding : 海娃的控場明明很重要 02/27 08:41

KiniroMosaic: JB防守貢獻真的好高,雙探花良性競爭真棒 02/27 08:44

seahao : 有活佛就沒有砍巴 可以回頭去看一下當下背景 02/27 09:13

seahao : 全隊組織最順的就星海 他的問題是晚兩年才健康吧 02/27 09:14

Acehole : 真的猛 02/27 09:26

morgan840612: 說ki交易無效果是正確 但說GH無效果就顯露無知了 02/27 10:08

matsuwu : Tatum真的是KOBE真傳人 02/27 10:48

matsuwu : 不過好希望Tatum剃掉鬍子 02/27 10:51

asd1238456 : Tatum與老大練過 JB與tmac練過 良性競爭 02/27 10:58

iecdalu : 又有人在不懂裝懂當鍵盤球評XD居然說Hayward來沒效 02/27 11:07

iecdalu : 果,神邏輯 02/27 11:07

MettaTwPeace: 這組真的讓我想到Pierce+Walker 02/27 11:09

zaza1128 : 簽名檔!老大的逝世讓泰姆認真了 02/27 11:31

bj6vup : 想說青賽 提著雙探花要幹嘛.... 02/27 11:34

guitarcho : 把我星海哥當塑膠? 02/27 11:56

SkY86888 : 排 02/27 12:17

Myosotis : 在當時(暑假)的時空背景之下 球隊剛結束動盪不安 02/27 12:43

Myosotis : 的賽季 當你有機會簽到Walker這種在場下對於休息室 02/27 12:44

Myosotis : 有正面幫助的球星而且是他主動想來 這不簽才奇怪吧? 02/27 12:45

Myosotis : 2020暑假的FA市場很冷門 所以才在去年早早買好球星 02/27 12:46

Myosotis : 安吉連去年的選秀都是考慮個性優先就是不想重蹈覆轍 02/27 12:50

Stevenchow : 雙J 02/27 13:03

dalipkid : 原來JB是探花 02/28 00:15

darkdixen : 雙系花 02/28 10:53
