[外絮] Kelly Oubre Jr因為沒坐上隊巴被罰坐板凳

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2020-02-12 00:25:09
留言 34則留言 (24推 1噓 9→)

來源: SB Nation 網址: https://tinyurl.com/w4577vo Kelly Oubre Jr. benched Monday for missing team bus 太陽Kelly Oubre Jr.因為遲到沒坐上球隊巴士被罰坐板凳 You may have noticed that Kelly Oubre Jr. was not in the starting lineup on Monday night in Los Angeles against the Lakers. 在今晚太陽作客湖人戰,大家可能會注意到Kelly Oubre Jr.沒有在先發名單上。 Not only were the Suns without breakout phenom and third-leading scorer Deandre Ayton (sore ankle, from turning it in the second half against Denver), they also started the game without their second leading scorer in Oubre. 太陽今晚不僅沒有他們爆發的第三得分手Deandre Ayton(腳踝痠痛),他們先發名單還少了 第二得分手Oubre。 The Suns lost by 25 to the Lakers, their third 20+ point loss in the past three weeks since a full handful of their veteran players started missing games together to injury. Aron Baynes, Frank Kaminsky and Dario Saric were also out, along with Tyler Johnson going from injured to released. 太陽最後輸了25分,這是他們過去三周以來第三場輸超過20分以上,因為剛好他們一堆老 將球員剛好都因為傷勢沒辦法上場。Aron Baynes,Frank Kaminsky跟Dario Saric也沒辦 法上,Tyler Johnson則是因為傷勢最後被太陽釋出。 That left the Suns with a starting lineup including 23-year olds Cheick Diallo and Cameron Johnson around Mikal Bridges, Devin Booker and Ricky Rubio. Rubio was the only player over age 24 in the game for the Suns, and no Phoenix Sun was taller than 6’8”. Going up against the West-leading Lakers behemoth front line and veteran bench. 那讓太陽最後排出的先發陣容,一群23歲的Cheick Diallo,Cameron Johnson,Mikal Bridges,Devin Booker跟Ricky Rubio。Rubio是唯一大於24歲的球員,太陽球員沒有身高 超過6呎8吋的。他們面對的是擁有身高優勢的先發及板凳老將的湖人。 Oubre’s absence turned out to be a one-game demotion to the bench for missing the team bus heading over to the arena. Oubre因為沒搭上往球場的球隊巴士被罰一場板凳。 Missed the team bus? In 12 months as a Phoenix Sun, I don’t recall Oubre missing the bus or being disciplined any other time. 沒搭上巴士?在過去一年中,不記得Oubre有沒搭上巴士或者有被處罰的事情。 Oubre, the source of so much pure Suns energy, was not good in the game and finished with his worst production since in 6 weeks, a 12/27 loss at Golden State. Oubre had 11 points on 4/16 shooting, including 0/4 on threes, plus 3/6 from the free throw line. Blech. He was -34 on the scoreboard. Oubre是太陽隊上能量的來源,今晚的表現也是不佳,是過去六周以來最差的表現。拿下11 分,投籃投16中4,三分是4投0中,罰球是6投3中,正負值是慘澹的-34。 Seems like the problem was bigger than just missing the team bus. Monty Williams called the benching an ‘internal’ problem and would not elaborate. Oubre himself said he missed the bus. 看起來問題似乎比單純沒搭上球隊巴士來的嚴重,總教練Monty Williams稱這次罰坐板凳 是"內部問題",不會多做說明。Oubre自己也說是沒搭上巴士。 The Athletic記者Gina Mizell推特: https://tinyurl.com/tptggqy "Oubre on not starting b/c missed team bus: "Coach had to do what he had to do, in order to kind of keep the discipline going. That's not something that we pride ourselves on. I always try to be on time. I'll just take it on the chin & learn from it & not allow it to happen again" 「Oubre解釋為何沒先發是因為沒搭上巴士:『教練得要做他該做的,來維持球隊的紀律。 那不是我們覺得很光榮的事情。我會試著要準時的,我願意接受處罰,並從這次經驗學 習,並且不會再犯同樣的錯。』」 Good that Oubre admitted the mistake. Oubre承認錯誤是好事。 Hope it’s not something bigger than the good old fashioned murican version of the “corona virus” that cures itself after about 24 hours. 希望這次就像是傳統美式的那種"冠狀病毒",過了24小時就會好的那種,而不是有更嚴重 的事情。 -- Corona Beer表示: --

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1581438319.A.513.html

kilmmy149 : 帥哥先推 02/12 00:27

peter89000 : Jeff Teague: 02/12 00:27

dstory : 所以14天之後會再發作嗎? 02/12 00:28

KellyOubre : QQ 02/12 00:29

AterPin : 沒事 反正又是一季坦克 怕贏球而已 02/12 00:29

f22313467 : https://i.imgur.com/gerCdV2.jpg 02/12 00:32

sxzc : 他本季三場扛LBJ 只有第二場有打出東西 但那場還是 02/12 00:35

sxzc : 太陽正負最差的 簡單來說對位LBJ被打爆三場 02/12 00:35

zombierick : ㄟㄟㄟㄟㄟ~司機!我還沒上車啊! 02/12 00:37

KillLakers : 就不要是武漢那種的 XDDD 02/12 00:38

Kazmier : 又有場外問題? 02/12 00:43

jerrys0580 : 4F你是不是不滿球隊輸球啊 02/12 00:44

STRO : 記得有人之前是沒上巴士還沒有隊友發現? 02/12 00:44

SEVEnMonth : 老司機,我還沒上車啊 02/12 00:47

FatalLuna : □ [花邊] 巴士開走了才發現McCaw還沒上車 02/12 00:52

Knicksmelo : Teague和McCaw都有被丟包過 02/12 00:52

Knicksmelo : Larry Saunders之前本來要跟騎士進季後賽但是因為 02/12 00:53

Knicksmelo : 遲到沒搭到隊巴就被裁了 02/12 00:53

FatalLuna : □ [花邊] 老鷹將Teague丟在了活塞主場 02/12 00:54

OPPAISuki : 老司機載載我 我要去北京 02/12 01:00

zaq851017 : 厲害了 02/12 01:02

Ensidia : 說沒搭上是婉轉說法 就氣氛起來自己走了吧 02/12 01:12

nash3000 : 想說今天為何沒先發 02/12 02:03

poscal : 防守LBJ的不是他吧,但LBJ守的是他 02/12 03:58

bypetty : 可憐那 02/12 04:58

starburs : 求..求上車 02/12 07:24

turkiali01 : 老實說...我還真的蠻想上車的 02/12 07:41

kkk900100 : 4F還敢不準時 02/12 07:51

KiniroMosaic: 梗很硬我喜歡 02/12 07:53

nickyyyy : 4樓ID XDD 02/12 08:28

MarXXXX : 司機我還沒上車阿 02/12 08:35

akanishiking: 其實這原因挺好霸凌人的 就叫司機故意不載他 再說 02/12 09:26

akanishiking: 他不搭巴士 一直冰他板凳就好了 02/12 09:26

yusuke362 : 感覺有隱情 02/12 11:13
