[情報] Rick Fox 談到他與KOBE同班機的謠言

看板 NBA
作者 handsomecat3 (毋忘在嘉)
時間 2020-01-29 19:12:21
留言 31則留言 (22推 0噓 9→)

消息來源: https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/rick-fox-recounts-false-reports-that -he-died-in-kobe-bryant-helicopter-crash/ 內容: Rick Fox recounts false reports that he died in Kobe Bryant helicopter crash FOX講述新聞錯誤報導他死於KOBE的直升機墜毀意外。 Kobe Bryant’s former Lakers teammate Rick Fox addressed false reports that he was one of the nine people that perished in Sunday’s helicopter crash that killed the NBA legend. KB前隊友FOX 談到有錯誤報導指出他是9人的直升機墜毀死亡意外中的其中之一。 Fox discussed the reaction of his family after several early reports suggested Fox was on board the chopper at the time of the crash. Initially, five people were believed dead in the wreck and it wasn’t until NBA TV’s Jared Greenberg tweeted he communicated with Fox that the NBA veteran was ruled out. FOX聊到他的家人在當時收到這死亡謠言的反應。 起初,有5個人被認為罹難了, 並且直到NBA TV的JG推特說已與FOX聯繫後,FOX才被排除於名單之外。 “My family went through, in the midst of all this, something that I couldn’t imagine them experiencing,” an emotional Fox said Tuesday during TNT’s NBA coverage. “One of my daughter’s greatest fears is finding out that one of her parents has been lost through social media, instead of from a loved one or a family member. And she fortunately called me and we were just talking and crying about the news of Kobe.” "我的家人們在這事件之中歷經了我無法想像的經歷" FOX 激動的在TNT電視說著。 "我女兒最害怕的事情之一就是,藉由媒體而得知父親不見了,而不是從自己家人 得到消息。之後很幸運地,她打給我,我們開始聊,也為KOBE的事情哭泣" Fox spent seven seasons as Bryant’s teammate with the Lakers, guiding L.A. to three NBA championships in the early 2000s. The duo remained close following Fox’s retirement from basketball in 2004. The 50-year-old said he was talking to his daughter — who was unaware of circulating reports her father died – when his phone became inundated with calls. Distraught by the news of Bryant’s passing, Fox said he did not answer calls until he noticed close friend and basketball coach, King Rice, reaching out. FOX在湖人隊與KB當了七個球季的隊友,在2000年初期一起帶領球隊拿了3個總冠軍, 在FOX退休後,他們兩人仍有密切的聯繫。 這位50歲老將跟他女兒講電話時,而她這位女兒並不知道新聞錯誤的謠言 (附註:從上下文推論,FOX此時應還不知道媒體的錯誤報導) ,並在此同時,FOX的電話被一堆來電淹沒了,而因為被KB的死訊搞得心煩意亂, 所以他並沒有接這些電話,直到他注意到他的好友也是教練KING RICE 打來的電話。 “I’m seeing King’s number repeatedly going and going and going, and so I think he’s worried about me, so I said, ‘I’m gonna talk to my best friend,’ so I answered and said, ‘Hey man, this is crazy about Kobe,’ and he just was bawling,” Fox said. “He was like, ‘You’re alive!’ And I was like, ‘Well, yeah. What do you mean?’ And it was in that moment that my phone just started going, and my mom and my sister and my brother [were calling]. "我看到K的不停重複來電,我想他是在擔心我吧,我要跟這位最好的朋友聊聊"FOX說。 FOX接起電話就說 "HI兄弟,KOBE的事情太離譜了" 接著就聽到電話那頭K放聲大哭。 K的反應感覺就像,你還活著!! 而我回應說:"恩是啊,你這什麼意思啊?" 接連地 電話開始不斷進來,母親兄弟姊妹都打來 “I’m glad [the rumor] is over with, but it was hard to deal with because it shook a lot of people in my life.” FOX說:很慶幸這個謠言結束了,然而這整個過程卻是很艱難的,因為它震驚了我身邊 許多人們" Fox was part of a star-studded panel on Tuesday which included hosts Shaquille O’Neal, Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley, and Ernie Johnson. Dwyane Wade and Derek Fisher also made appearances to discuss Bryant’s legacy and passing. FOX是參加了一個眾星雲集的緬懷KB的節目,包括歐尼爾,史密斯、老巴、強森 WADE 、老漁等人。 After re-living Sunday’s traumatic experience, Fox was given a playful warning from his former teammate “Shaq.” “I’m glad you’re alright,” O’Neal said to Fox. “But the next time I call you and you don’t call me back I’m gonna put these hands on you. 在講完了這創傷的經歷之後,前隊友歐尼爾也給了FOX一個幽默式的警告: "很高興你沒事,但下次我打給電話給你,你不接的話,我會用雙手去壓制你, 讓你逃不過我的手掌心! " 短評或心得: 經歷了這些才知道平常的幸福,看節目FOX也50歲了,外表也老了,要多珍惜身邊的人 們啊~ 歐尼爾也開了FOX一個甜蜜又沉重的玩笑。 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1580296344.A.694.html

a11011788 : 到底哪裡傳出來的 01/29 19:13

Childishan : 還好他沒事~ 01/29 19:14

hoberg : kobe最難纏的副手 01/29 19:14

Childishan : 不過台灣倒是沒有誤傳 01/29 19:14

earldunn : 岳父也有出場,怎麼沒寫到 01/29 19:15

f51 : 哪沒有誤傳 當天半夜一開始就有傳FOX在機上 01/29 19:15

dkl1027 : 全世界媒體都一樣爛 01/29 19:16

a7v333 : 先前有看過FOX打LOL,那時候看他就覺得變好老 01/29 19:17

CKNTUErnie : 假新聞關三天 01/29 19:17

Yui5 : 中間那段,他不接電話其他人會嚇死吧QQ雖然情有可原 01/29 19:17

GANZ : Fox這球真的犯規了 01/29 19:20

puro : 那時間也是每個人都想知道最快的消息吧 假消息就也 01/29 19:21

puro : 沒審核就先發了 01/29 19:21

tindy : 哪有沒誤傳..還傳去LOL板咧 01/29 19:22

LiamMcMorrow: 哪没誤傳? 我也記得有看到 01/29 19:25

chrisplash : Kenny Smith在今天的節目上講這段很催淚 01/29 19:26

Mochizou : 被罹難... 01/29 19:28

swayoung : 我也是看新聞才知道我罹難了 01/29 19:29

makilaifan : 他不是去演片片的那位 01/29 19:48

BigBaby11 : 他不是去拍AV了? 01/29 19:49

hass231470 : 當時是我發文闢謠的 01/29 19:54

wakayama : 一開始有消息說他在機上 01/29 19:57

ng1life1 : 當初一開始推文就有看到有人說fox在上面... 01/29 20:12

bobyhsu : 幹 板上還有一個說什麼為什麼死的不是他 01/29 20:31

KKyosuke : 所以洛杉磯警方才會說不希望媒體亂報沒證實的消息.. 01/29 21:02

Knicksmelo : 典型被罹難 01/29 21:03

cado0824 : 被罹難qq 01/29 22:12

salkuo : 今天看到節目也覺得fox老好多.... 01/29 22:30

astimber : 帥哥殺手髒球情 01/30 00:48

KKyosuke : 其實Fox之前有投資LOL戰隊.. 當時就覺得他好老 01/30 00:55

stevenchou19: Echo Fox之前把Rick Fox踢走 然後好像解散了... 01/30 01:17
