[外絮] Brandon Roy談退役:感覺不像是球隊一員

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作者 manuginobii (做愛校 果真累人)
時間 2020-01-17 20:39:27
留言 82則留言 (61推 1噓 20→)

There are very few if any tales explaining Brandon Roy’s decision to part way s with the Portland Trail Blazers. To most, his surgically degenerates knees a nd a lack of cartilage were the main reasons he chose to call it quits after f ive seasons in the league, yet there was also the toll his absences had taken in his relationship with the team and his teammates. 關於Brandon Roy當時和波特蘭拓荒者隊分道揚鑣的事並沒有太多故事,一般認為他那多 次手術的膝蓋和已經不在的軟骨是導致他離開五個NBA球季生涯的主因。但其實他的經常 缺席導致他和隊友關係產生改變,也是他選擇退役的一個因素。 Though it’s been nearly nine years since he stepped away from the NBA before deciding to come back for a brief stint, the former Blazers guard still recall s the uncomfortable feeling of coming back to a team that had grown used to be ing without him. 雖然已經離開NBA將近九年了,這位前拓荒者後衛仍舊會想起一些當時的不好回憶----關 於回到一個隊友似乎已經習慣沒有他在的隊伍。 “I remember we were in Toronto, and it was almost awkward being around the te am,” Roy told喺ason Quick of The Athletic. “I’m not saying this in a bad wa y, I’m just trying to express how I was feeling at the time, but here I was, the highest-paid guy on the team, I was just an All-Star and All-NBA guy and l iterally the only person who talked to me was (trainer) Jay Jensen.” 「我記得我們在多倫多的時候,我在隊伍的處境非常奇怪。我不是想說什麼壞話,我只是 表達一下我當時的感受。當時我是全隊最高薪的球員,不久前也是全明星隊和最佳陣容的 球員。但不誇張,當時唯一會和我講話的只有訓練師Jay Jenson。」 The team flew to Detroit next and Roy took that as an opportunity to get a gri p on the locker room chemistry.㗒aMarcus Aldridge, always the introvert, kept to himself. Andre Miller did as well. Wesley Matthews was consumed with trying to prove he belonged in the league as an undrafted player, having inherited R oy’s spot as the starting shooting guard. 他們那之後的下一場比賽將飛往底特律,Roy將這視作一個改變的機會。但LaMarcus Aldr idge性格內向,不想和人來往。Andre Miller也一樣。Wesley Matthews正在努力證明自 己雖然選秀落選但仍屬於這個聯盟的一份子,而他的位置正是Roy原本的先發得分後衛。 I was just hanging out with the trainers working out, thinking, ‘Man, I don’ t really feel a part of this deal,’” said Roy. “Not that anybody was trying to do it, it just that you get bonds with guys when you have to go out there in games and count on them, rely on them, trust them, and I just wasn’t in on that bond. 「我當時想跟訓練師一起訓練。我當時心想『天啊!我完全不覺得自己是球隊的一份子 。』我不是說他們排擠我,只是感覺一起上場的夥伴有一種特殊的聯繫,互相依賴且互相 信任。而我沒有那種聯繫。」 “It just seemed like… have you ever been somewhere and it seems like, dang, time has passed me? It was like that for me. It just felt different.” 「這感覺就好像……你有沒有過到了某個地方然後感覺時間已經消逝的經驗?對我來說, 就是那種感覺,充滿了疏離感。」 Roy had four knee surgeries during his five years with the Blazers — two on e ach side. Couple that with a left knee surgery in high school and a right knee surgery during his time at the University of Washington, his operations at th e pros were no longer the regular kind, but arthroscopies that kept taking mor e meniscus tissue, more cartilage, like the tread on a tire. Roy曾經動過四次膝蓋手術,兩邊各兩次。加上高中時期左膝手術和大學時期的右膝手術 ,在職業生涯時他的手術已經不再是一般的膝蓋手術,而是用關節鏡磨去更多半月板組織 和軟骨,就像是輪胎的磨損。 By the time he was ready to call it quits, his knees were virtually grinding b one-on-bone, like tires almost氽own to bare metal. 到了他準備退役的時候,他的膝蓋實際上已經磨損到了骨頭,就像是輪胎幾乎磨到了輪框 一樣。 https://reurl.cc/M7Epo4 ----------------- 受太多次傷結果變成邊緣人 QQ -- 01/17 21:53
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1579264769.A.FC8.html

wwf1588 : 黃曼巴 01/17 20:42

ianasd : 永遠記得他對獨行俠那場神蹟 01/17 20:43

willy911006 : QQ 01/17 20:46

crash121 : 學學我們怕爽死 以倫球隊的錢去玩女人享樂找到樂趣 01/17 20:47

crash121 : 倫一次倫兩次就上癮了 01/17 20:47

yeustream : 剛回歸當然會有疏離感呀,再多磨合一段時間就好了吧 01/17 20:50

oadas : 可惜了... 01/17 20:51

ignativs : 受到傷病影響的球員,多少都有這些問題 01/17 20:52

qscwdvefb : 團體就是這樣,沒辦法 01/17 20:55

stkoso : QQ 01/17 20:57

smithjr : 職場看到常常病假的同事,也會不想套交情 01/17 20:57

may60524 : QQ 01/17 20:59

XD051 : 很現實很殘酷...但也沒辦法 01/17 21:03

f22313467 : 這隻加上歐登 和拓荒雙槍應該很猛 01/17 21:06

jordanlove : 說好不提 01/17 21:08

JhoYng420 : 羅伊戰士。 我永遠尊敬 01/17 21:09

je321654 : QQ 01/17 21:11

osvaldo4040 : 拓荒者一直被傷兵困擾...... 01/17 21:11

k8952000 : 不到九年吧 印象中不是還要再灰狼打幾場 01/17 21:12

bestteam : 都傷成這樣就算隊友間沒隔閡也沒辦法打球啊 01/17 21:13

iifz32 : 那幾年拓荒者沒傷兵,真的會超可怕 01/17 21:13

iifz32 : 聯盟也會更加好看..,覺得很可惜 01/17 21:13

vasia : 他的事蹟已經變成已經變成傳說了 01/17 21:14

birdskingla : 說好不提qq 01/17 21:16

Milliez : QQ 01/17 21:21

zego41 : QQ 老大認證單打最難守的球員之一 01/17 21:29

TexasFlood : 就是小李1.0,貴古大賽又來了 01/17 21:29

Ayanami5566 : 反觀怕爽死 01/17 21:35

xm3k0828 : 說好不....QQ 01/17 21:42

dengjyun : 有Oden +Roy可能就不會有雙槍好嗎 01/17 21:44

o0991758566 : 有了隔閡就會變這樣 01/17 21:46

s27052705 : 幫QQ 01/17 21:47

evedder : 說好不提 01/17 21:49

TimmyJiang : 拓荒者的傷兵魔咒是可怕到總教練麥克米蘭下去湊人數 01/17 21:54

TimmyJiang : 打5對5全場練習都能受傷的程度 01/17 21:54

MarcPolo : 你我約定.. 難過的往事不許提 01/17 21:55

TimmyJiang : 是說,小李跟核心雙人組受傷無關吧,又不是他們受傷 01/17 22:02

TimmyJiang : 阿拓戰績爛掉拿到的,選小李用的那支第六順位的籤是 01/17 22:02

TimmyJiang : 用G蛙跟籃網交易拿到的 01/17 22:02

TimmyJiang : 那年阿拓自己的籤是第11順位的小賈Meyers Leonard 01/17 22:06

isaiah2727 : 說好不提qq 01/17 22:08

tw1019 : 應該是說有她應該就不會選小李了有一點關係啦 01/17 22:09

jason7462 : 推 01/17 22:14

godtim : QQ 01/17 22:15

encorek01231: 小李 CJ 健康Roy Oden 樓下幾冠 01/17 22:20

TimmyJiang : 還好啦阿拓那時的PG是肥頓+Jonny Flynn,籃網送這麼 01/17 22:20

TimmyJiang : 好的順位補強PG位置也合理,小李也是12梯第一個被選 01/17 22:20

TimmyJiang : 上的PG 01/17 22:20

DirkMavs : 正常吧 時不時就受傷真的很難讓人有好交情 01/17 22:25

a125567365 : 誰跟你說好不提這過譽仔 01/17 22:36

NSYSUheng : 說好不提這個梗講久就多了 01/17 22:39

MotleyCrue : 這膝蓋……天啊…… 01/17 22:54

dynamis : Oden AGG 巴頓 Roy 小李幾冠 01/17 22:59

Xeraphlolz : Lillard CJ Roy Oden AGG 幾冠? 01/17 23:00

julianscorpi: 保底三連霸 01/17 23:03

randy2903 : 學怕爽死整天休假去海灘尬小模就好 01/17 23:03

w9 : qq 01/17 23:05

Tawara : 怕爽死:? 01/17 23:10

ken720331 : QQ好可惜 01/17 23:11

BrandonRoy : 可惜 01/17 23:12

shitsucker : 四樓羨慕到爆,可憐 01/17 23:46

kevinire0113: 小李比較強 01/18 00:00

WADE0616 : 強者 01/18 00:08

starchiang : Roy比較全能,但受傷就沒輒了 01/18 00:10

davidtai12 : 早已成傳說 01/18 00:11

tw1019 : 小李我是覺得單打絕殺比較強,但控場帶隊我推Roy。 01/18 00:18

dw1012 : 拓荒者從Roy入隊後每年選一個PG 直到選了Lillard 01/18 01:01

jerry761031 : QQ 01/18 06:07

CW4 : 還相對健康的時候很棒 看他打球很舒服 01/18 07:52

joker00507 : 主要還是馬修吧…他前一年還是爵士的菜鳥,史總給他 01/18 09:23

joker00507 : 機會證明自己,來阿拓也證明自己了…領袖氣息小李穩 01/18 09:23

joker00507 : 穩贏AGG跟Roy阿~同時也證明健康在聯盟是很重要的事 01/18 09:23

joker00507 : 情,當時五虎剩下小李還能維持球隊 01/18 09:23

freeroce : 拓荒者隊醫.... 01/18 10:57

LillardTime : 科普一下 當年Roy-Oden-AGG同時出賽的場次 我拓戰 01/18 11:18

LillardTime : 績是50勝11敗 01/18 11:18

hannocps : 幾乎是當時C-PF-SG聯盟前三在同一隊吧! 01/18 12:53

eipduolc : 英雄命,但英雄氣短 01/18 14:05

eipduolc : 拓拓從Roy後的G都很有氣勢 01/18 14:06

jojozp06 : 拓荒真的很可惜,當時每年帳面都超強…… 01/18 18:06

dyehairboy : 很喜歡他。也是那種沉默殺手。真的是太可惜 01/18 21:02

iamaq18c : QQ 01/20 12:47
