[外絮] 巫師八村壘會在兩星期內再次評估

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2020-01-06 10:18:01
留言 18則留言 (17推 0噓 1→)

來源: ESPN 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yeqoc3eg Wizards' Rui Hachimura (groin) to be reevaluated in two weeks 巫師八村壘會在兩星期內再次評估腹股溝狀況 WASHINGTON -- Washington Wizards rookie forward Rui Hachimura will be reevaluated in two weeks while he continues to recover from a minor procedure associated with a groin injury he sustained Dec. 16 in Detroit. 在12/16號面對底特律活塞腹股溝受到撞擊後,巫師菜鳥前鋒八村壘接受了手術,將會在兩 星期內再次評估恢復狀況。 Hachimura, the first player from Japan to be selected in the first round of the NBA draft, rejoined the team on the sideline Friday in the Wizards' loss to Portland. 八村壘是第一位來自日本的球員首輪選秀進入NBA的,他在星期五的比賽隨隊坐在場邊,最 後那場比賽巫師輸給了拓荒者。 "It's been kind of weird because I'm never away from basketball like this," Hachimura said Saturday. 「那真的很奇怪的感覺,因為我從來沒有因為這種狀況而沒辦法打球過,」星期六八村壘 接受訪問時說到。 "I watch the games on TV. Coach [Scott] Brooks and [general manager] Tommy [Sheppard] came to my house a couple days ago. I've been talking to my teammates." 「我一直有在看電視上的比賽,教練Brooks跟總管Tommy前幾天有來我家,我也一直有跟隊 友們聊天。」 Originally expected to be out five games, Hachimura has missed nine heading into Saturday's game against Denver. Washington has gone 2-7 without Hachimura, who averaged 13.9 points and 5.8 rebounds while starting all of the Wizards' first 25 games. 一開始本來以為只會缺席五場比賽,在星期六巫師面對金塊之前,他已經缺席了九場比 賽。巫師在八村壘不在的時候,戰績是2勝7負,八村壘在巫師先發的25場比賽場均是13.9 分,5.8個籃板。 The injury occurred when teammate Isaac Bonga accidentally kicked Hachimura in the groin while trying to grab a rebound. Hachimura said Bonga felt bad and apologized, and that they are both "cool." 那腹股溝的傷勢是因為比賽時隊友Issac Bonga要搶籃板的時候不小心踢到八村壘的腹股 溝,八村壘說Bonga覺得很抱歉,也有跟他道歉過,現在他們之間"很好"。 "I feel good," Hachimura said Saturday, three weeks after undergoing the groin procedure. 「我感覺很好,」八村壘星期六的時候說到,這距離他接受手術已經過了三個星期了。 "I'm just ready to play. I can't wait to play. I can't wait to get back to the team and play games." 「我已經準備好要打球了,我等不及了,我等不及要回到隊上打籃球了。」 -- 這訪問中間,記者問到八村要不要穿護襠。 影片聯結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Waz7ougudmU
"I'm thinking like something, wearing [a cup]. Like in football, everybody wears [a cup]. I think in basketball, we need to start wearing that type of stuff, too." 「我有在思考要不要穿護襠。像是足球界,每個人都有穿,我認為在籃球界,我們需要開 始穿那些類似的東西了。」 Reddit鄉民表示: ""I'm sidelined thinking about my balls a lot these days" - Rui" 「當我坐在場邊時,我好想念我的蛋蛋喔~~」 "Damn this mans whole world view is changed I feel so bad" 「X的,這傢伙對世界的看法就此改變了ㄟ,我替他覺得QQ。」 "Just tuck em in between the asscheeks. Works for me" 「就把蛋蛋塞在屁股縫裡就好囉,我都是這樣。」 "Marcus Smart has entered the chat*" 「Marcus Smart剛進入聊天室。」 "If you don't like getting hit in the nuts you don't like Draymond Green Basketball™" 「如果你不喜歡蛋蛋被攻擊的話,那你一定不喜歡嘴綠籃球™。」 "Draymond in shambles" 「嘴綠變掰咖」 "RIP Draymonds career." 「嘴綠的NBA生涯RIP。」 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1578277087.A.4A7.html

PanaS0Nic : ™ 01/06 10:24

bradpete : 救世主壘哥快上場吧 01/06 10:25

lens82801 : 嘴綠籃球那句是國王賽評的梗嗎 XD 01/06 10:25

leevarchu : 蛋蛋塞在屁股縫是殺小啦 XDDD 01/06 10:26

MK47 : 恐怖 01/06 10:26

EdgeOfPeople: 嘴綠快笑死 01/06 10:27

denny091883 : 嘴綠籃球XDD 拉人踢蛋戳眼基本功 01/06 10:28

qazqaz69 : 要請教一下水行俠怎麼做防護 01/06 10:36

tenka92417 : 蛋蛋掉回去了,一不小心會變成疝氣 01/06 10:37

ZachBritton : 把人家蛋蛋踢破 害日本籃球絕後怎麼辦 01/06 10:42

ksk0516 : 勇士嘴綠不意外 01/06 10:58

sasakihiroto: 嘴綠變掰咖也太哭了吧 笑死XD 01/06 11:08

zaza1128 : 幫QQ 01/06 11:14

mhfo3035 : 被隊友踢到破掉真的有夠慘 01/06 11:29

njunju : 蛋黃塞屁股縫XDD 01/06 12:48

somanyee : 好痛! 01/06 13:29

ThreeNG : 需要練一下縮陽入腹 XD 01/06 15:35

jimyit : 男人知道的痛 01/07 11:51
