[外絮] Drummond: 我想以後都在活塞打球

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2020-01-05 21:29:05
留言 68則留言 (53推 3噓 12→)

來源: ESPN 網址: https://tinyurl.com/szcwjs5 Amid trade talks, Andre Drummond says he wants to finish career in Detroit 儘管身陷交易傳聞 Andre Drummond說他想在活塞打到生涯結束 SAN FRANCISCO -- As speculation regarding his future abounds, Pistons big man Andre Drummond reiterated that he wants to spend the rest of his career in Detroit. 儘管大家對Drummond將來會去那裡有眾多揣測,他再次重申他想生涯都留在活塞。 Drummond, who has spent his entire eight-year career with the organization, did not hesitate when asked why he would like to stay in Detroit. Drummond的生涯八年都是在活塞,當他被問到為甚麼想留在活塞時他毫不猶豫的回答。 "I'm not a quitter, for one," Drummond said after scoring 14 points and grabbing 18 rebounds in Saturday's 111-104 win over the Golden State Warriors. "I was never brought up to be a quitter. If I start somewhere, I try to finish there, try to complete the mission, which is to win a championship here. It will never be me that wants to go anywhere ... I love being here. I would love to play here the rest of my career." 「首先,我不是個輕言放棄的人,」在今晚面對勇士的比賽,活塞以111-104獲勝, Drummond拿下14分18個籃板,他在賽後訪問時說到。「我從小長大就被教育成不是會輕言 放棄的人,我從哪裡開始,我就會試著要在同一個地方完成任務,就是幫活塞拿下一座冠 軍。我從來就不是一個想去其它地方的人...我喜歡在這裡,我很愛在這裡打我之後的籃球 生涯。」 ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski reported Friday that the Pistons have engaged in "serious" talks with the Atlanta Hawks in a package centering around Drummond, and they are having conversations with several other teams as well. ESPN的Wojnarowski星期五報導說活塞很認真的在跟老鷹談交易包來交換Drummond,活塞同 時也有跟其他隊伍在討論。 Drummond has a $29 million option for next season that he can turn down and become a free agent. Drummond下一季有2900萬鎂的選擇權,若是他拒絕的話,他就可以成為FA。 The 26-year-old took the news of trade talks in stride on Saturday night as reporters asked about his reaction. He brushed off the idea that trade rumors had any impact on his game. 26歲的Drummond在星期六時被記者問到有關交易的傳聞,他的反應為何。他澄清說交易傳 聞不會對他打球有任何的影響。 "I've been dealing with this since the year I signed my contract so the trade rumors will always come around, so this is another year for me," Drummond said. "It's always that time of year around January where trade talks come. Nothing's happened. Obviously, the talks have started, so these questions will start to come. I've been looking forward to them coming, but for me, I'm just going to continue to play the game I play, play here in Detroit where I love to be, and whatever happens, happens." 「當我那時簽約之後就一直有交易的傳聞,我也一直這樣處理過來的,傳聞一直都會有, 所以對我來說跟其他幾年都一樣,」Drummond說。「每年總是在一月多的時候交易傳聞就 開始了,然後啥事都沒發生。很明顯地,有傳聞出來時,就會有一堆的問題出現,我一直 在等人來問這些問題,只是對我來說,我就是繼續打球,按照我一貫的方式打,繼續在我 愛的底特律打球。若事情發生了,那就發生吧。」 Pistons coach Dwane Casey said he spoke to Drummond about the news prior to Saturday's game. 活塞的教練Dwane Casey說在今晚比賽前他有跟Drummond討論到交易的新聞。 "I had a conversation with Andre, but I'm not going to talk about what it was," Casey said before the game. "But most of the players in this league understand there's always going to be rumors -- and if you're about anything, you're always going to have interest. If you're not producing or not getting the job done, nobody's going to be calling, you're not going to be seen in the rumors section. But if you're doing a good job or elite at what you do, people are going to call and have interest in you. There's always going to be rumors." 「我跟Andre有聊了一下,但是我不會跟你們說講到些甚麼,」Casey在比賽前說到。「但 是大部分球員都會知道永遠都會有乳摸--所以若是球員打得好,永遠都會有球隊會對你有 興趣。若是打得不好,沒人會打電話給你的,那些交易傳聞是不會有你的名字的。但是若 是你打得很好,大家就會打電話來找你,對你很有興趣。所以乳摸一直都會有的。」 While discussing the conversation, Drummond said he did not get the sense any deal was "imminent." 當討論到對話的內容時,Drummond說他沒有察覺到有任何交易是"迫在眉睫"的感覺。 "It wasn't really much to talk about," Drummond said. "He just said it's that time of the year again. It's nothing that's imminent. It's not like they're going to move me tomorrow. Obviously, they're listening. But I think I'm where I'm at." 「真的沒什麼可以講的,」Drummond說。「Casey只是說又是到了這個時候了,沒什麼是很 緊急的,不會像是明天我就不在這裡那樣子的。很明顯的,他們有在聽,我認為我就是繼 續做我自己。」 -- 想留不能留才最寂寞 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1578230950.A.6CF.html

EVAisThirSky: 我看過很多說這種話的球員 01/05 21:30

nono1127 : 通常講完這個就會被交易了 01/05 21:30

heyjude1118 : 翻譯:我走了請別燒我的球衣 01/05 21:31

chi12345678 : 既視感 01/05 21:32

IngramBrando: 翻譯:我沒有想要被交易喔~ 01/05 21:32

AngelNo13 : 這叫通關密語 翻譯就是吹密 01/05 21:33

mhkt : 活塞想改變… 抓猛想留隊… 這齣戲還有得看 01/05 21:33

aaron97 : 我無法想像 活塞拿冠的樣子 01/05 21:35

SwissMiniGun: 要被賣了 趕緊放話 有像韓劇金牌救援劇情 01/05 21:35

dalipkid : 還太年輕ㄌ 01/05 21:36

u9596g12 : 活塞 : 但是我拒絕 01/05 21:39

cool9937 : : 東吹密 01/05 21:43

WinShot : 有些人就是不愛搬家,對冠軍戒指隨緣 01/05 21:43

highwayshih : 年輕人就是年輕人 01/05 21:44

heyjude1118 : 如果代價只有首輪,水鳥可以嘗試一下 01/05 21:45

roytenpura : dejavu 01/05 21:45

www90173 : 掰掰 01/05 21:47

heyjude1118 : 抓猛只要在防守上貢獻一下,就可補上水鳥的軟勒 01/05 21:48

jim12441 : flag已插 01/05 21:49

peanut910013: 又一個年輕人 01/05 21:49

blackorblue : 看的出來他在底特律蠻開心的 但是球隊已經到瀕臨重 01/05 21:49

blackorblue : 建的地步了… 01/05 21:49

lens82801 : 只要Favors健康鵜鶘就不缺中鋒 01/05 21:53

js52666 : 看來是個不強求冠的球員 01/05 21:54

ronbaker : 上一個這樣說的已經… 01/05 21:54

jack19931993: 想想DDR 01/05 21:58

SuperBMW : FLAG 01/05 21:59

matsuwu : Flag立起來 01/05 22:02

ikeepcool : 既視感很重啊 01/05 22:06

deanisme : 想看他在活塞退休 真是超級籃板魔人 剛才發現他的 01/05 22:10

deanisme : 生涯籃板率已經史上第一了 01/05 22:10

jimyit : 肯定吹密啊 01/05 22:12

tomlo : 球季開打前裝猛就這樣說過想留在活塞了 01/05 22:18

SEVEnMonth : 不知不覺抓猛都8年了 01/05 22:20

LnZhen : 我想以後都做活塞運動 01/05 22:32

bkai377 : 希望抓猛還是被交易了能夠找到生涯第二春 01/05 22:38

NSYSUheng : 講完被交易就尷尬了XD 01/05 22:41

mrWillyyang : 翻譯:走了別燒我 01/05 22:46

appleshawn : 幫森、lee、JJ+首輪單換抓猛 快實現吧 01/05 22:47

doiverson : 講這種話的都.... 01/05 22:59

horou : 太早 01/05 23:01

a3221715 : DDR: 01/05 23:13

jefflin0824 : 原來抓猛才26! 01/05 23:35

sam123343 : 不是..猛哥你們打的勇士是坦隊不是嗎.. 01/06 00:06

jxxnlaihong : flag... 01/06 00:24

firedeath : 每天在那邊亂運球亂傳球 誰要留你... 01/06 00:37

BallDontLie : 我也不想分手啊 結果還是被甩 01/06 00:39

cUpAndDown : 可是每次逆風的時候你在場上就一副已經放棄的樣子 01/06 00:41

nt880245 : 別講這種話比較好 01/06 00:51

BL4CK : DDR:我講完就被賣了 01/06 00:53

ptt821105 : 忠誠能當飯吃嗎? 01/06 01:07

jinx55123 : 講這種話的都是差不多要趕人了 01/06 01:25

Ten6666 : 看來要走了 01/06 01:26

strongrain : 感覺真的要被交易了 01/06 01:34

MarcPolo : 現在拿他是不是也很抖啊 可能租半季就跑了 01/06 02:39

eh07 : flag立起來 01/06 02:49

kuaiphoto : 活塞只剩裝猛跟Rose能看,交易掉是看啥 01/06 06:50

LKN555 : 活塞:乾 你有問過我嗎 01/06 07:02

kuchibu : 意思應該只是想說大方點給我頂薪 01/06 07:39

AJStyles : 靠邀 才26 覺得他打超久了說 01/06 07:51

blackkeys : 不要就是要 01/06 08:14

Benjamin901 : 有一種要被交易的味道出來了 01/06 08:21

takay : 通常說過這種話的球員都...... 01/06 10:32

kobe9527 : 88囉 抓猛哥 01/06 10:40

bee12 : 我以為他跟幹籃哥差不多歲 01/06 10:48

stja : 01/06 11:45

martinshi : 來了來了,確定要走了 01/06 12:42

BallDontLie : 可是你被巴到不成人樣 01/06 17:30
