[外絮] Lowry在賽後跟騷擾者對嗆:來找我!

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作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2019-12-09 17:15:15
留言 40則留言 (32推 1噓 7→)

來源: ClutchPoints 網址: https://tinyurl.com/sgpx7wa Raptors star Kyle Lowry has heated exchange with heckler after Toronto’s loss to Sixers 暴龍明星Kyle Lowry在賽後跟騷擾者有過火爆對話 After their frustrating loss to the Philadelphia 76ers on Sunday, Toronto Raptors guard Kyle Lowry had a heated exchange with a heckler. Lowry was so tense that he told the heckler where he lived so they can have a go at it. 今天晚上暴龍輸給了76人後,暴龍後衛Kyle Lowry跟一個騷擾者有過火爆的對話。Lowry非 常怒,怒到他跟騷擾者講他住在哪裡,然後他們可以讓事情有個結果。 Per Marcus Hayes of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Lowry — a Philadelphia native — yellowed out his address seven times. 根據Philadephia Inquirer記者Marcus Hayes報導,費城出身的Lowry喊出了他的地址7 次。 Marcus Hayes推特: https://tinyurl.com/u7bh696 "Kyle Lowry, exiting into the tunnel after loss, responds to heckling fan: “Come see me!” About 7 times. Restrained by teammate (lightly). “I live at 20th and Lehigh. Come see me!" 「Kyle Lowry在比賽後從通道要離開時,對著一個騷擾的粉絲說,『來找我!』大概七 次。他的隊友輕拉著他,他說,『我住在20街跟Lehigh路交叉口那,來找我啊!』」 In his post-game interview, Lowry was asked if he’s surprised that he’s getting some hate even in his hometown. Lowry, however, emphasized he was not shocked at all and claimed that he loves the tension between players and fans, especially from Philly fans. 在他的賽後訪談,Lowry被問到對於他被他家鄉的粉絲憎恨會不會感到驚訝。然而,Lowry 強調說他不會感到震驚,他宣稱說對於球員以及粉絲之間有些緊張,尤其跟費城粉絲,他 是很喜歡的。 In the 110-104 loss, Lowry finished with 26 points, six rebounds and five assists. This is the Raptors’ third straight loss, which brings their record to 15-7 for fifth place in the Eastern Conference. 今晚暴龍110-104輸給76人,Lowry拿下26分,6個籃板,5個助攻。暴龍目前三連敗,東區 排名第五。 Prior to dropping three straight, the Raptors were on a seven-game winning streak which served as an exclamation point that they are still the defending champions. 在這三連敗之前,暴龍剛完成了7連勝跟大家宣告他們仍舊是那支衛冕軍。 While there is a ton of games left to play, these losses are alarming as it came in the hands of contenders namely, Miami Heat, Houston Rockets and Sixers. 雖然還有很多比賽要打,暴龍這三場輸球也是輸給有能力爭冠的隊伍--熱火,火箭跟76 人。 As such, the Raptors need to head back to the drawing board, figure things out, and regain their championship mettle — the most valuable thing that sets them apart from all the other teams. 因此,暴龍得要回去重新想想,搞清楚發生了甚麼,然後重拾他們的冠軍氣慨--那也是讓 他們跟其他隊伍不同的最主要原因。 -- 氣到講地址... --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1575882920.A.7D1.html

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CycleEnergy : 來找我阿 拎北住重慶南路一段122號 12/09 17:19

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King5566 : 球迷:計畫通 12/09 17:40

MiCross : 上一個這樣嗆的他家被炸翻了耶.. 12/09 17:44

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o0991758566 : 上一個講的 家裡已經被炸爛了 12/09 18:13

LaoDa5815566: 誰啊 12/09 18:38

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SelTek : 強者如鋼鐵人報完地址 家就沒了 12/09 20:42

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