[外絮] Bradley Beal與巫師達成協議的背後

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作者 lens82801 (開始QQ的見習生)
時間 2019-10-17 21:19:20
留言 35則留言 (22推 0噓 13→)

Beal, Wizards agree to 2-year, $72M extension https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/27864309 by Adrian Wojnarowski In a commitment carrying league-wide ramifications, Washington Wizards All-Star guard Bradley Beal has agreed to extend his deal for two years on a $72 million maximum contract, agent Mark Bartelstein of Priority Sports told ESPN on Thursday morning. 一個撼動聯盟的決定:巫師全明星後衛,Bradley Beal同意了2年72m的頂薪延長協議, Priority Sports的經紀人Mark Bartelstein在週四早上告訴了ESPN這個消息。 Beal's extension, which begins with the 2021-22 season, includes a player option for 2022-23 that keeps him out of free agency for three more seasons -- and guarantees him nearly $130 million over four years. Beal的延長合約從2021-22賽季開始,包括了2022-23的球員選項,讓他可以有三季的時間 不用煩惱FA的問題,同時也保障了他四年可以拿到總額130m的薪水。 Assuming that Beal, 26, declines his player option upon reaching 10 years of service in 2022 to re-sign with Washington, he would be eligible to sign the largest contract in NBA history: five years for $266 million. 假設Beal在達到10年年資以後拒絕了他的球員選項,並且與巫師重簽合約的話,屆時他將 能簽下NBA史上最大合約:5年266m。 To leave Washington in three years, Beal could sign a four-year, $198 million deal with a new team. 若是三年後他打算離開華盛頓,Beal可以與新球隊簽下4年198m的合約。 For the scores of NBA teams who'd been intrigued by the idea of trading for Beal in his prime this year, the extension reshapes the landscape. Rival executives believed Beal could be the trade market's biggest difference-maker over the next year. Nevertheless, Beal's commitment to Washington dramatically dilutes the star-power that teams hoped could become available in the league's championship arms race. 對於那些想在Beal的巔峰期把他交易到手的球隊而言,這個續約重新改變了聯盟版圖,其 他隊的GM原本相信Beal將是交易市場上最具影響力的那條大魚。但是,Beal對巫師的承諾 沖淡了原本即將打響的總冠軍軍備競賽。 For Washington owner Ted Leonsis and new general manager Tommy Sheppard, Beal's decision represents a spectacular victory in the organization's months-long campaign to recruit Beal into a belief that the organization has a viable plan to rapidly redirect a course toward contention. 對於巫師的老闆,Ted Leonsis以及新任GM,Tommy Sheppard來說,Beal的決定象徵了球 團這幾個月來的努力獲得了巨大的勝利,成功讓Beal相信巫師端出了可行的計畫來讓球隊 重回競爭者的行列。 And for Beal, he has cemented himself as something of a modern NBA outlier. In an era marked with superstar movement and player empowerment, Beal -- in his prime -- is determined to steer the Wizards through an organizational and roster reboot that could leave Washington as one of the league's worst teams this season. 對Beal來說,他決心要當個現代NBA的特立獨行之人。在這個超級球星各種轉隊、球員擁 有主動權的年代,在巔峰期的Beal決心留下,要帶領巫師擺脫聯盟最差球隊之一的臭名。 Since the summer, Leonsis and Sheppard have been meeting regularly with Beal and Bartelstein discussing the franchise's future. Once Sheppard was promoted to interim GM in March -- and eventually to the permanent role in July -- his promise to Beal has been to surround him with talent and character, and never again allow Beal to feel swallowed up by past organizational dysfunction. 這個夏天,Leonsis和Sheppard與Beal經常的開會討論球隊的未來。從三月Sheppard被拔擢 為臨時總管(七月正式接任)起,他就對Beal承諾將會以他為中心來重組球隊,不會讓Beal 被當作是過去球團失職下的犧牲品。 "This was a long process that really covered the entire summer and fall, including numerous conversations and meetings among Ted, Tommy, myself and Brad," Bartelstein told ESPN. "This was probably going to be the most important decision that Brad was going to make in his career and we wanted to give Ted and Tommy every opportunity to present their vision for the franchise. And they've genuinely done a wonderful job of getting Brad excited about the future and how they plan to build the Wizards team around him. 「這是一個橫跨了夏天與秋天的漫長過程,包括了Ted、Tommy和我之間無數次的對話與 會議。」Bartelstein告訴ESPN:「這非常可能是Beal生涯中最重要的決定,我們給了Ted 和Tommy機會去闡述球團未來的願景,他們成功地讓Beal對於未來球團會如何圍繞著他打 造球隊而感到興奮。」 "Brad has always made it clear to me, that in a perfect world, he would never leave Washington. He has felt an obligation to be the focal point in turning the Wizards into an elite team. He's thrilled about all the resources that Ted is pouring into the franchise and thrilled how committed (Leonsis) and Tommy are to building something special." 「Beal對我說的非常清楚,在他的完美願景中,他從未離開過華盛頓。Beal認為他有義務 成為將巫師轉變成強隊的關鍵人物,對於Ted將投注給球團的資源感到興奮,也對Ted和 Tommy想打造的事物而感到興奮。」 Beal's deal includes a 15 percent trade bonus on the extension years, and 50 percent advance payment of the $34.5 million and $37.3 million (if he opts into the 2022-23 years) annual salaries. Beal的協議中包含了延長合約年15%的trade kicker和50%的事前支付。 The Wizards are awaiting the return of All-Star guard John Wall, who's expected to miss the entire season recovering from a ruptured Achilles. Wall has four years and $171 million left on his contract, a hurdle to the rebuild. Nevertheless, the Wizards and Beal have been excited over the development of young center Thomas Bryant and rookie forward Rui Hachimura. 巫師正在等待著全明星後衛John Wall的回歸,他因為阿基里斯腱斷裂的傷勢預計將缺席整 個賽季。Wall還有4年171m的合約,這是個重建路上的障礙。但是,巫師和Beal對於年輕中 鋒Thomas Bryant和新秀前鋒Rui Hachimura的成長十分期待。 Beal had his best statistical season for Washington, averaging career-highs with 25.6 points, 5.5 rebounds, 5.0 assists and 1.5 steals last season. The Wizards drafted Beal with the third overall pick out of Florida in 2012. He has been part of four playoff teams in Washington and has made two consecutive All-Star appearances. Beal上一季打出了他生涯目前最佳的數據,場均25.6分、5.5籃板、5助攻以及1.5抄截。 Beal是巫師2012年的探花,他在巫師期間有四年打進季後賽,兩年獲選全明星。 -- 就像文中所提的,Beal若是沒有和巫師達成這個延長協議的話,他很有可能會成為今年交 易市場上最大的那隻魚,Woj這則推特下面一堆熱火迷開始崩潰 XD 雖然可能單純是賺最多錢的選項,但是一個當打之年的球星要決心留在重組中的球團並不 簡單,希望巫師真的能夠跟Beal一起走到苦盡甘來的那天! --
我知道複製貼上沒有,只是想說中文打很久耶! 不過多看幾遍,中文的部分也沒多少,所以就算了吧 XD
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1571318364.A.6EF.html

lens82801 : 幹,怎麼才105P?????? 10/17 21:20

w9 : 對巫師而言,36m/year很便宜了 10/17 21:21

s02180218 : 覺得之後Wall會出怪聲 跟他搶老大地位 10/17 21:21

dw1012 : https://i.imgur.com/J0mbSah.jpg 10/17 21:22

hyc0725zz : 英文是自己打的嗎?如果是複製貼上當然沒P 10/17 21:23

enterbenson : 五年266.. NBA現在真的發大財了 以前頂薪跟現在完全 10/17 21:26

enterbenson : 不能比 10/17 21:26

WLR : 中文要看輸入法,一個字一個字輸入的比較多 10/17 21:28

WLR : 一整句一起輸入的,P幣少 10/17 21:29

allenxyida : 一樓超爆笑,原 Po 辛苦啦 10/17 21:32

s24066774 : 5000萬的綽號要被取走了 10/17 21:45

magamanzero : XD 一樓要補給你嗎 ~~ 10/17 22:02

a11011788 : 小咖 頂約怕沒球隊端出來吧 跟沃克一樣 10/17 22:02

l5i9hbba : 國外熱火迷全崩XD 10/17 22:12

l5i9hbba : 不過也沒什麼好崩潰的 練Herro啊 10/17 22:13

Pixis : 他很辛苦啊 反觀夏洛特怎麼對待兩位隊史球星 10/17 22:19

jackytao : 巫師加油!!! 10/17 22:24

chi12345678 : 也沒賭盤了要P幣幹嘛 10/17 22:28

leffyiscome : 賭別的賭盤啊 10/17 22:48

whu904510 : 聯盟前幾sg 說是小咖... 我笑了 10/17 22:48

melodee : 推分享 10/17 22:56

Kreen : 真的蠻不錯的,球隊爛這麼久他還願意留下去給球隊機 10/17 22:57

Kreen : 會,真的是有心。 10/17 22:57

caesst85149 : Wall把薪資卡死 還會再爛好幾年 10/17 23:03

teruhyde12 : 現在約一張比一張大, 10/17 23:12

sampsonlu919: 恭喜Beal 看得出來巫師新總管Shepard的決心與潛力 10/17 23:13

sampsonlu919: (畢竟華盛頓也是大市場不能隨便坦) 不過我其實還是 10/17 23:14

sampsonlu919: 希望Beal能盡快換隊 10/17 23:14

smalldata : 組團時代 願意留下來很難得了 10/17 23:18

Acehole : Beal進自由市場根本一堆球,留下來真的有情有義 10/18 00:32

Acehole : 一堆球隊搶者要 10/18 00:32

BET365 : 完了 巫師要繼續爛下去啦! 10/18 00:37

angus : 巫師真一哥 10/18 00:53

josephpu : 真一哥,完全沒想到他會留下 10/18 01:13

u9596g12 : 巫師薪資基本沒救了 beal還願意留 真佛 10/18 07:33
