[情報] 尼克新秀RJ Barrett簽約Puma

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作者 furuyahyde (梅林的鬍子啊)
時間 2019-08-29 20:14:03
留言 31則留言 (23推 0噓 8→)

消息來源:(網址或出處) https://tinyurl.com/y3wcy786 內容: New York Knicks rookie RJ Barrett has signed a multiyear footwear and apparel endorsement deal with Puma, linking the franchise's highest draft pick in over three decades with the brand's original endorser, Knicks Hall of Famer Walt "Clyde" Frazier. 尼克隊新秀RJ和Puma簽訂球鞋和球衣的合約 "We've had our eyes on him for a long time, going back to before last year," said Adam Petrick, Puma's global director of brand and marketing. Puma行銷總監Adam Petrick說:我們從去年就關注RJ很長一段時間了 Over the course of the year, Barrett emerged as a top target for the brand, with executives strongly believing that he'll become the best player from his draft class, while also drawn to the appeal of the New York marketplace. Puma signed five of the top-15 NBA draft picks a year ago in the days leading up to the 2018 draft, however, this year's timeline was more drawn out, with Barrett taking an extra two months to make his decision. "I waited for a long time, and I really just wanted to weigh my options," Barrett said. "I really looked at Nike and Adidas hard, but at the end of the day, it came down to Puma and I'm very happy and excited to be a part of the Puma family." Last season, the company also signed a Knicks rookie in No. 9 overall pick Kevin Knox, along with a mix of nearly a dozen rookies and veterans. 在這一年中,RJ成為Puma的首要目標,Puma高層相信他將成為選秀中最好的球員, 同時也號召整個紐約市場。 2018年選秀前幾天,Puma簽下了前15名NBA選秀中的5位球員,然而,今年的時間表更加 確定要簽下RJ “我等了很長的時間,我只想衡量我的選擇,”RJ說。“勾勾牌和三片葉子這兩家我 考慮很久,但最後我選擇Puma,我很高興能夠成為Puma的一員。” 上個賽季,Puma還簽下了尼克隊新秀Knox以及近十幾位新秀和老將。 短評或心得:Puma也開始動作了 狀元-Nike 探花-Puma 榜眼-Nike --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1567080846.A.CCA.html

andy06292 : Puma外型來講真的被其他兩家甩好幾條街 08/29 20:16

mojito : 榜眼-將門 08/29 20:18

chh1470 : 原來puma有做籃球鞋 08/29 20:19

ekid0228 : 榜眼簽nike了 08/29 20:20

thno : 我真心覺得Puma籃球鞋不醜阿 08/29 20:21

ahadears : RJ不好說 一半一半的機會會壞掉 08/29 20:22

f22313467 : 怎麼不找踢不爛 08/29 20:28

hwlxxx : 我覺得上一雙橘紫雙色長的不錯 08/29 20:28

sampsonlu919: Adidas今年前四順位都沒簽到 順位最高的的是第6順 08/29 20:46

sampsonlu919: 位的Culver 08/29 20:46

gm79227922 : 愛跌倒專心做潮鞋潮褲跟足球就好 08/29 20:54

qwer2411 : 簽約ㄆㄨㄚ、麻 08/29 21:15

jimmyjou2006: 我也覺得好看 但買不到啊 08/29 21:20

hydeless : ㄎㄎ,這裡的肥宅都不打球的啦,上次Zion才釣出一堆 08/29 22:05

Eelric : 最近puma的籃球鞋買的到了啊 前幾天DannyGreen和672 08/29 22:09

Eelric : 才來參加活動 08/29 22:09

xo1100 : Rose的adidas深植人心 08/29 22:18

swingingbear: puma的跑鞋很潮 籃球鞋沒概念 08/29 23:04

Nokia5269 : puma潮鞋很讚餒 籃球鞋就不知道了哈哈哈哈 08/29 23:46

tas60210 : 我還蠻想買一雙穿穿看的 08/30 01:14

starcry : puma這季出的籃球鞋很好看 有復古老爸潮鞋的味道 08/30 05:03

KOEI56 : 一直都有吧 只是好穿的可能都要回到AI Tmac那時代了 08/30 08:25

KOEI56 : 當時真的百家爭鳴 08/30 08:25

KOEI56 : And 1最可惜 平價好穿的品牌 可惜買不到了 08/30 08:26

JoelEmbiid : 乾 08/30 09:02

kanetakusan : K大,and 1鞋現在超爛喔,建議即便找到也不要買 08/30 11:11

kanetakusan : and1現在又重又容易壞。我從小到大都穿and1還買到 08/30 11:13

kanetakusan : 有金卡,大概兩三年前連壞兩雙,穿著打球腳又很痛 08/30 11:13

kanetakusan : 之後,改換飛人牌和勾勾牌,超輕超好穿 08/30 11:13

zsp9081a : 現在puma挺好看的啊 08/30 12:10

ck30929 : Yo u Tom t t 01/24 15:06
