[外絮] 德佬上節目談自己的髮型和KP復出

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作者 bigDwinsch (胸奴王)
時間 2019-06-17 15:28:19
留言 39則留言 (32推 0噓 7→)

Dirk Nowitzki chooses favorite hairstyle of his Mavs career, talks expectations for Kristaps Porzingis Mavericks legend Dirk Nowitzki recently stopped by the Dennis and Cowlishaw show on ESPN Dallas 103.3 [KESN-FM] to talk about his career and the future of the Mavericks. Here are some highlights, edited for clarity. 獨行俠巨星德佬最近在ESPN103.3他的生涯和獨行俠的未來,以下是整理: Do you feel like your career went by quickly or over a long period of time? 你覺得你的生涯過得很快還是很久? Nowitzki: "A little bit of both. When I look back at my last game, which was, what a little over two months ago, it seems like years ago. I'm so passed it, I'm so over it already. It was really time. But it feels like yesterday when I showed up with a bowl cut at the airport and they dragged me to the suit place to get a suit for the press conference and met (Steve) Nash for the first time. So it's a little bit of both. You guys know, if you have fun doing something the time flies. The season usually flies by and I usually, in my 20s, went home, worked out, competed for the national team, was traveling, so the years honestly flew by unfortunately." N:兩者都有一點,當我回去看我最後一場球時,大概兩個月前吧,感覺像過了一年, 我已經跨過了我的生涯,但當初理著平頭到美國機場,他們帶我到西裝店買合身的西裝, 開記者會、在那邊第一次遇到Nash,這好像昨天的事! 所以我的生涯有點長也有點短吧 ,我們都知道快樂的時光過得很快,球季總是來來去去,20多歲時我經常都是回家、訓練 、打國家隊,所以那些年很遺憾的過得很快 On his favorite look from over his career: 談生涯最好看的時候 Nowitzki: "I like the long hair. I gotta say, even though I'm now in my 40's, I don't want to be that guy running around with the long hair in their 40's, with people thinking, 'is there something wrong with him?' N:我喜歡長頭髮,但我必須說即使我現在40了,我不想當個有長髮的中年男人,人們會想: 這人有什麼毛病??? "I like the long hair in my 20's, it was a good look. That was probably my preferred look if I go back through all of them, but there were some funky ones. I took some heat for a couple of them from my teammates. I remember Ellen DeGeneres kept coming up with one of the haircuts. That was good times, always brought up the mood in the locker room for sure." N:我喜歡20幾歲的長頭髮,那不錯看,那可能是我最喜歡的造型,但我也有一些古怪的 造型過,我因此常被隊友無情的嘲諷,我記得Ellen DeGeneres在他的節目一直用我的頭髮 當梗... 那時候很棒,我總是替更衣室帶來愉快的氣氛 On if he will be interested in free agency this offseason and if he will be upset if the Mavs make a big signing: 談到小牛夏天會不會有大動作 Nowitzki: "No, I obviously want the best for this franchise, for the city, for this fan base that's been super loyal to me for so long, so I'll be a MFFL. I'll be watching what the guys are doing, I'll be coming to games hopefully next year when I'm around. We do plan to travel a bunch next year, but I do want to see how the Luka (Doncic) and (Kristaps Porzingis) thing is looking. So yeah, I'm anxious to see what the team will look like next year. N:為了達拉斯和球迷們我一定全力支持大咖來這裡,我對這裡超忠誠很久了,我是獨迷 ,我會注意球隊的人在做什麼,明年我在這時會去看比賽,明年我計畫很多旅行, 但我想要看看凍雞雞跟KP他們下季的表現,所以,是的我對球隊明年的戰績感到焦慮 "We've been through a little bit of a down phase just like when I first got here and we weren't very good and then we took for granted winning 50-plus games. Now we've gone through a little down time again, but honestly I think we're moving up. We have the core in place to be good for a long, long time and maybe getting a good veteran player here on a bigger deal might help and hopefully the playoffs are back in the Mavs' future. That's what I'm hoping for. I'll always pay attention to what the Mavs will be doing from here on out for sure." N:我們近年的表現有些低迷就像我剛來小牛的時候,但我們從no good team進步到年年 50勝,現在情況又有點不好但老實說我認為我們正在變好,我們有可以待很久的核心了 ,或許找來一個有經驗的明星可以讓我們進季後賽,這就是我盼望的,我總是關心我獨 的一切 On Porzingis returning after 20 months without game action: 談到KP需要20個月的維修保養 Nowitzki: "That's a long, long time and I was hoping he might get some action at the end of last year, but his body just wasn't quite ready yet for the season, for regular season games. We worked out with him obviously the last couple months, I mean he's going to be great. If stays healthy, he's super long, you don't even know on TV how long he really is, he's super skilled, he can shoot it anywhere, shoot it easy, shoot over anybody. It's going to take him some games, some preseason games, to kind of get his flow back, but he looked good, he looked skinny and ready to go. I think him and Luka should play well off each other." N:那是很長一段休養,我希望他能在上季末能夠上場活動他的身體,但是KP的狀況顯然還 不能上場打例行賽,前幾個月我們有一起訓練,我看的出來他將會變得很傑出,如果保持 健康的話他超級高的,你在電視上看不到他真正的球技:技巧卓越、可以在任何地方射籃、 輕鬆得分、可在任何人面前顏射,復健要花他一些時間,一些例賽跟季前賽才能讓他找回 原來的手感,但他看起來很好、很瘦,他準備得不錯,我認為KP跟凍雞雞可以有好的化學 反應 On getting a street named after him: 談到達拉斯街道以Nowitzki命名 Nowitzki: "That's almost a little embarrassing for me, it's almost too much. I came and I wanted to do my job every day, and that's entertaining people and winning and enjoying doing it, so I'm really appreciative and humbled that people enjoyed that and liked what they saw." N:那讓我覺得有點尷尬,這太恭維了,我只是每天做好自己的工作並且讓人們開心看球, 贏球並寫享受過程,所以我真的很感謝也很謙卑地讓球迷開心 https://reurl.cc/O8jpv <<<內有德佬各年髮型插畫 https://imgur.com/To2q89R.jpg
----- 大家覺得德佬的髮型如何? --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1560756503.A.8DD.html

TexasFlood : KP太強了吧 06/17 15:31

a3221715 : 接班人 06/17 15:32

ss1592xx : 顏射任何人XDDD 06/17 15:32

OracleMage : 2006 是被關出來的犯人喔 06/17 15:33

brunomarsfan: 一代傳奇巨星QQ 06/17 15:36

mike5520 : 凍雞雞,這個翻譯正常的嗎==! 06/17 15:38

dengjyun : 看到凍雞雞噴笑了 06/17 15:38

k960674 : 記得德佬還有戴過頭帶XD 06/17 15:40

Pinky555 : 08才是平頭阿,應該是打奧運剃的 06/17 15:41

ASAKU581 : 別怕年紀大,五十幾歲的基努李維留長頭髮還是很帥啊 06/17 15:42

nat7410 : 1998還有戴耳環,帥! 06/17 15:43

jj3414im : 凍雞雞 06/17 15:50

SEVEnMonth : 綜藝咖要開始專職yt了沒? 06/17 15:51

O3Ob : 我記得他早期都是季初短髮 季尾長髮 06/17 16:00

yaosian : 凍雞雞,顏射... 這篇 06/17 16:03

sam86716 : 我愛你 我的神 06/17 16:08

amimimi : 必推 06/17 16:12

paul5566 : 德佬下一季要在教練團工作惹沒?還是要繼續放假? 06/17 16:12

benson1212 : 當行銷長好了 拍片監督XD 06/17 16:17

woowooliuliu: 感覺會放個一季長假 後面慢慢來 只要心還在我牛就好 06/17 16:22

Andyjunior2 : 077進化成凍雞雞 06/17 16:23

zzzz5602 : 笑死 06/17 16:28

s210125 : 他不是有一季說勝率沒五成就不刮鬍子 那個時候超誇 06/17 16:36

s210125 : 張 06/17 16:36

Jaydavid : 獨行俠是中國的隊名嗎 06/17 16:39

armstrong6v : 我一直懷疑這隊是不是演藝事業為主 籃球副業 06/17 16:42

FengQQ : 凍雞雞,我一開始還愣一下xD 06/17 16:42

s210125 : 現在小牛已經改叫獨行俠了吧 台灣也這樣叫 06/17 16:44

tindy : 獨行俠是官方正名 06/17 16:45

ppnow : 喜歡Dirk 06/17 16:53

Yui5 : 凍雞雞記得還沒進聯盟時就有這個外號 06/17 17:09

yumin0987 : 希望哪天德老會來台灣玩 06/17 17:12

wayne0215 : 幹!德佬對明年077跟KP在的小牛戰績感到焦慮XDD 06/17 18:32

qazxswptt : 他應該學TD退休後變潮男 06/17 20:34

mhkt : 怎有凍雞雞啦XDDDD 06/17 20:47

tatata : 焦慮那邊翻的和原意差有點多... 06/17 21:51

barlin : 推我大司機 06/17 23:32

AppleMan : QQ 06/18 00:50

rain356 : 推 06/19 11:19
