[情報] 在Game 4前 勇士本季延長賽戰績0勝6敗

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2019-05-21 14:11:51
留言 35則留言 (26推 3噓 6→)

來源: ClutchPoints 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y2dqx54n Game 4 is Warriors’ first overtime win of the season 西決Game 4是勇士本季第一次延長賽獲勝的比賽 The Golden State Warriors have advanced to the NBA Finals for the fifth consecutive season, and they did it in such a dominating fashion as they swept the Portland Trail Blazers in the Western Conference Finals series. 勇士連續第五年闖進NBA總冠,他們以壓倒性的方式在西決橫掃阿拓。 After blowing out the Blazers in Game 1, the Warriors saw themselves in a tug-of-war over the next three games. They barely escaped the Blazers in Game 2, erased a second-half lead to steal the victory in Game 3, and then carved out a 119-117 overtime win in Game 4 on Sunday night. 在Game 1大勝阿拓後,接下來三場比賽勇士跟阿拓的比賽就好像拔河比賽。Game 2險勝, Game 3是克服了上半場的落後偷走一勝,然後在今天的Game 4在延長賽後獲勝。 Remarkably, their Game 4 victory is the first time that the Warriors have won a game in overtime this season. 值得注意的,這場勝利是勇士本季以來第一次在延長賽拿下勝利。 The Athletic記者Anthony Slater推特連結: https://tinyurl.com/yyw4xugm "A necessary reminder: Warriors are 0-6 in overtime this season." 「勇士本季在延長賽的戰績是0勝6敗。」 The Warriors’ championship pedigree was in full display against the Blazers in the series-clinching win, as Stephen Curry and Draymond Green finished with triple-doubles. Despite missing the services of Kevin Durant through the entire series, Golden State was still too much for Portland to handle. 勇士的冠軍陣容在今天對阿拓的比賽完全展現,Stephen Curry跟Draymond Green都有大三 元的表現,儘管這個系列戰沒有KD在場上,對於阿拓來說,這樣的勇士已經讓他們撐不 住。 They now wait for the winner of the Milwaukee Bucks-Toronto Raptors series in the East. 現在勇士就等東決結果,看是公鹿還是暴龍出線了。 The Warriors are gunning for their third straight title, and it seems that they are peaking at just the right moment. After struggling to beat the Los Angeles Clippers in the first round, they took out the Houston Rockets in the second before making quick work of the Blazers in the conference finals. They have all the momentum they need heading into the NBA Finals this season. 勇士目標三連霸,而他們的狀況正在巔峰。在西區季後賽第一輪面對快艇時有所掙扎,第 二輪淘汰火箭後,他們迅速的擊敗阿拓。他們現在士氣正旺,準備前進NBA總冠。 At this point, it looks like there’s no stopping Golden State from winning their third championship in four years. 在現在,看起來似乎沒有甚麼隊伍可以阻擋勇士完成他們的四年三冠了。 -- 季賽輕鬆打 季後才是認真打 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1558419116.A.B43.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

Hsu1025 : 惹 讓 05/21 14:14

seanmom : 謝拓 05/21 14:14

c84627 : 勇士已經讓很大了 場上的curry手還是纏著繃帶的喔 05/21 14:15

hkahka : 先恭喜三連霸了,另外兩隊根本不是對手 05/21 14:16

liusim : 五年四冠..... 四年三冠是啥 05/21 14:16

ihx00 : 就是一個簡單的道理,籃球不只是數字上的統計 05/21 14:17

ATand : 原文這樣寫他照翻而已 05/21 14:17

Iver3on5566 : 4年3冠是去年的講法吧 今年達成是三連霸或是5年4冠 05/21 14:18

kelly790 : 今年奪冠的話 說四年三冠也是沒錯 只是一般不會降 05/21 14:21

kelly790 : 說 05/21 14:21

peanut910013: 阿銀不先出來頒獎嗎? 05/21 14:22

RuleAllWorld: 三連霸一定是五年三冠 05/21 14:23

devy : 勇士早就4年三冠... 05/21 14:33

alonelykid : 要嘛五年四冠要嘛三連霸 四年三冠早就有了 05/21 14:36

ikoe : 藏 05/21 14:36

eric922293 : 有個五年四亞的...我說去年 05/21 14:44

KobeNi : 禁區等著被阿塔塔坤博虐到哭吧 05/21 14:59

dollarshih : 差點5連霸…73勇真的不知道在輸什麼的… 05/21 15:02

Xinz : 73勇那次沒輸就不會有KD惹 05/21 15:06

bighead7987 : 73勇真的是天時地利人和騎士骰到六才輸掉 05/21 15:14

XCaper : 勿忘THE鏟 黑掉咖哩 05/21 15:26

bengowa : 73勇怎麼輸的 可以問問小雞 05/21 15:34

frank966705 : 小雞別烙賽三場 今年就有機會五連霸了 05/21 15:46

william7713 : 加上The跨 05/21 15:52

sublimate : 73勇是輸給自己喔~73勇哪可能輸給姆斯.小雞快領繩 05/21 16:19

sammy5062 : 早就四年三冠了 非洲線阿.. 05/21 16:40

yesido330 : 這種數據一點意義都沒有 05/21 16:44

Eddieoption : 5年4冠還真的蠻屌的 05/21 17:14

storyofwind : 的確沒有辦法阻止四年三冠啦,因為已經達成了 05/21 17:24

telescopy : 延長賽算是勇士為數不多的弱點之一 05/21 17:27

chi12345678 : 是不能十年十冠? 05/21 19:05

C00L : 不要再提小雞 05/21 19:11
