[花邊] 對國王戰 Doncic在場邊跟觀眾玩猜拳

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2019-03-28 09:49:24
留言 52則留言 (35推 1噓 16→)

來源: ClutchPoints 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y3xtb2me Mavs’ Luka Doncic caught on camera playing rock-paper-scissors with a fan during game with Kings 獨行俠Luka Doncic被拍到在面對國王比賽 在場邊跟粉絲玩猜拳 Dallas Mavericks rookie Luka Doncic had a light moment with a fan during their game against the Sacramento Kings on Tuesday. Doncic was caught in a video having fun with a spectator at the American Airlines Arena in Dallas. The Mavs star was seen playing rock-paper-scissors with a fan while he was on the bench. 達拉斯獨行俠菜鳥在星期二面對國王的比賽有一段輕鬆的畫面,他被拍到跟主場觀眾有著 有趣的互動,他坐在板凳休息時,跟粉絲玩猜拳。 It can be seen that the 20-year-old was not paying attention to the action inside the hardcourt, as was focused on winning his side game with a fan. 這樣的行為可以解釋成這20歲的球員對比賽不夠專注,但也可以說他專心在圈粉。 影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1111043252038316032 But while he was caught playing with a fan, Doncic was not fooling around against the Kings. While the Mavs took a 125-121 loss to the Kings, the 2018 third overall had a share of the spotlight. He ended up with a triple-double with 28 points to go along with 12 rebounds and 12 assists for the Mavericks. 雖然他被拍到在跟粉絲玩,他還是很認真的在打比賽。這場比賽雖然獨行俠以125-121輸給 國王,這2018年第三順位選上的Doncic表現不遑多讓,拿下28分,12個籃板,12次助攻的 大三元表現。 It was Doncic’s seventh triple-double of the season, which tied him with Magic Johnson for the third-most triple-double by a player in his rookie season. The Slovenian superstar also now holds the most triple-double by any player before turning 21 years old. 這次是Doncic本季第七次大三元,追平魔術強生在菜鳥年的紀錄,而他也是目前NBA紀錄 裡,未滿21歲擁有最多大三元紀錄的球員。 Doncic is having a solid rookie season, living up to the high expectations from him even before he was drafted last summer. The 6-foot-7 forward is averaging 21.1 points to go along with 7.6 rebounds and 5.9 assists. He is currently one of the two top contenders for the 2019 Rookie of the Year award. Doncic的菜鳥年表現傑出,達到去年在選秀前大家對他的期待。六呎七吋,場均21.1分, 7.6個籃板,5.9次助攻,目前他是兩位爭逐年度新人獎熱門人選的其中之一。 Doncic was tagged as a runaway favorite to bag the coveted award earlier in the season, but he is now in a close race with Atlanta Hawks rookie Trae Young, who has already earned the support of fellow players like Donovan Mitchell, Kyle Kuzma, and Blake Griffin. Doncic在本季初被認為是最有可能可以拿下年度新人獎的球員,不過現在似乎跟亞特蘭大 老鷹的Trae Young呈現拉鋸,尤其Trae Young現在得到像是Donovan Mitchell,Kyle Kuzma以及Blake Griffin的支持。 -- 年紀輕輕就這麼會圈粉 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 --

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1553737769.A.844.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

pippen2002 : 反觀球哥!....XXX 03/28 09:51

SwissMiniGun: 077少女心又發作了XD 03/28 09:54

allen12126 : 077將是未來十年最有人氣的巨星阿... 03/28 09:57

Aminoacid : 其實板凳上很多球員都會跟觀眾互動啊 03/28 09:58

jessica35354: 像喝他們的飲料、吃他們的爆米花? 03/28 10:00

kaga1991 : 莫忘老大在小牛主場數1~5 03/28 10:01

sq61372py : 友善被嘴冷漠也被嘴,公眾人物好可憐 03/28 10:02

freitaggg : 推77很萌 03/28 10:02

dakkk : 少女:帥哥 暈了 03/28 10:03

philip09227 : 7777777777777777777777 03/28 10:06

ljuber : 他好像有正妹女友?? 03/28 10:07

potterpig : 說個笑話 呈現拉鋸 03/28 10:11

eric050692 : 人生勝利組 可....可惡 03/28 10:11

tatata : 美國黑人當然支持自己人啊 03/28 10:12

tatata : 說實在這個大三元次數紀錄擺在那裡 要怎麼沒ROY 03/28 10:13

lunsanity : 比賽不夠專注 然後拿大三元?那認真起來不就連自己都 03/28 10:16

lunsanity : 會怕了xdd 03/28 10:16

HBarnes40 : 球迷 03/28 10:20

HBarnes40 : Up 03/28 10:21

aeio9875 : Ayton:我塑膠? 03/28 10:22

jardon : http://i.imgur.com/L1MefFJ.jpg 03/28 10:33

jardon : 看賭盤就知道,真的拉鋸,怕 03/28 10:33

BruceChen227: 長得帥球又打的好 我是男的都愛上他了 03/28 10:45

ejnfu : 1.01是什麼賠率... 03/28 10:52

DioEraclea : 黑白猜 男生女生猜 03/28 10:58

NightElf : 定存阿 03/28 11:02

monk2 : 獨行俠持續坦,老鷹最後拉尾盤連勝新人王就難說 。 03/28 11:15

alan15161718: 1.01 ....直接定存算了 03/28 11:20

b07130602 : He just a child 03/28 11:23

crownschou : 直接買10000了 還能賺100...(? 03/28 11:26

NerlensNoel3: 呈現拉鋸這種話也講的出來 說白了就是美國人挺自家 03/28 11:39

NerlensNoel3: 人罷了 03/28 11:39

atking : 年輕肉體 帥 球技好 03/28 12:12

feafow5221 : 老鷹全贏 小牛全輸不是頂多戰績一樣嗎?!?! 03/28 12:17

barlin : 神77 03/28 12:22

iamaq18c : 拉鋸XDDDDD 03/28 12:22

MidoriG : 拉鋸個屌,077是一整季都打得好審美疲勞了 03/28 12:22

feafow5221 : 講錯了 應該說老鷹剩下的場次對手要贏三場也不是這 03/28 12:23

feafow5221 : 麼容易吧 03/28 12:23

MidoriG : TY前季打得爛不說,偶爾爆發幾場就能摘下新人王了? 03/28 12:23

feafow5221 : 小牛還要打兩場灰熊和一場太陽呢 03/28 12:24

AppleMan : XD 03/28 12:27

zz740324 : 要是龜大三元輸球一定會被說刷數據 03/28 12:30

DeaGoo : 1.01跟15 還真拉鋸 03/28 12:36

leo255112 : 根本沒什麼懸念 03/28 12:42

SCLPAL : 暈了 03/28 13:04

ponguy : 趁機拿數據護航龜也不看比賽內容的還是洗洗睡吧 03/28 13:17

yeustream : 不是坐在旁邊,這是怎麼玩上的?! O_O?? 03/28 13:58

semajbg : 這場比賽雖然獨行俠以125-121輸給國王??? 03/28 18:36
