[情報] Embiid左膝痠痛 休息一週

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2019-02-21 10:01:39
留言 31則留言 (18推 0噓 13→)

來源: USA Today 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y5xnav7l 76ers All-Star C Embiid out a week with sore left knee 76人全明星中鋒Embiid因左膝痠痛休息一週 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia 76ers All-Star center Joel Embiid will miss at least a week with a sore left knee. 費城76人全明星中鋒Joel Embiid因為左膝痠痛會休息至少一週。 Embiid underwent an MRI on Tuesday, which revealed no structural damage, and he will undergo physical therapy until he is evaluated again next week. Embiid星期二接受核磁共振檢查,沒有發現有結構性損傷,他將會接受物理治療後,下周 再接受評估。 The 24-year-old Embiid is averaging 27.3 points and 13.5 rebounds in 54 games for the Sixers. He had 10 points and 12 rebounds in 23 minutes in last Sunday's All-Star game. 24歲的Embiid本季為76人出場54場比賽,場均27.3分,13.5個籃板。在上周明星賽,他出 場23分鐘,拿下10分,12個籃板。 Embiid was the No. 3 overall pick of the 2014 draft and missed his first two seasons with multiple foot and knee injuries. Embiid是2014年選秀第三順位,在他頭兩季就有多次腳部及膝蓋傷勢。 "It's reached the stage where he just felt uncomfortable with it," Sixers coach Brett Brown said. "It's a little bit of tendinitis. It's stuff I think that's quite common, actually." 「他就是覺得那個地方怪怪不舒服,」76人教練Brett Brown說。「大概會是一些肌腱炎, 我認為那實際上很常見。」 Brown said he did not believe the injury was connected to the All-Star game. Brown說他不認為這傷勢跟明星賽有關係。 "Nobody needs to read into anything here," he said. "This is an NBA athlete that has some soreness in the knee, has had an MRI and we all should move on. We'll miss him, obviously, playing-wise. But it's not anything that isn't completely pointed toward keeping him ready and especially ready when it matters most at the end of the year." 「大家不需要太為此大作文章,」他說。「就是個NBA球員膝蓋有點酸,做了個核磁共振檢 查,我們會繼續向前行。我們當然在打球的時候會想他,但是最重要的是不是要把目標放 在讓他準備好,尤其現在是到了球季末段,那才是最重要的嗎?」 The Sixers are 37-21 and in fifth place in the Eastern Conference heading into Thursday's game against the Miami Heat. 76人目前戰績37-21,東區第五,星期四會面對熱火。 -- 休息是為了走更長遠的路 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1550714504.A.76B.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

ntusimmon : 剩三劍客 02/21 10:03

flylos : 痛起來痛起來 02/21 10:05

EviL1988 : 平時嘴砲太多,要業力引爆了? 02/21 10:07

Blazeleo819 : 痠痛好粒粒 02/21 10:09

martin310462: 其實鉛筆這季很健康了 58場只休4場 巨大進步 02/21 10:15

sho0975 : 還好啦 這季撐滿久的 02/21 10:15

Alipapa : 小心起見 02/21 10:19

JohnyDamon : 報應 02/21 10:19

joseph860112: 79人下去 76人起飛~ 02/21 10:21

compass1005 : 膝蓋酸痛叫報應?那一堆人全身酸痛什麼辦 02/21 10:21

Bainite : 3樓可憐 02/21 10:23

Wade98930 : 真的是小心為上 02/21 10:25

jack19931993: 其實他復出之後也沒有說很痛 還行 02/21 10:26

zelone : 正常啦!字母也偶爾會膝蓋酸痛休戰 02/21 10:30

freitaggg : 就是個NBA球員膝蓋有點酸XDD 這句話不知道為什麼很 02/21 10:32

freitaggg : 逗趣 02/21 10:32

Sammy0820 : 今年很可以了啊 02/21 10:34

yolowang : 酸中痛 02/21 10:56

Stellvia : 明星賽折返跑太多次了 02/21 11:10

CW4 : QQ 保重 02/21 11:25

jinzhu : 一直維持東區第五大概要一輪遊了 02/21 11:44

yuran : 3樓要小心了 02/21 11:48

tco : 要小心,千比的健康攸關是否又一輪由 02/21 11:52

tco : 健康真的太重要了,隊友們好好撐戰績吧 02/21 11:52

Alipapa : 沒有又喔 去年有二輪XD 02/21 11:57

kakain : 落地習慣太晚改 傷害已經造成了 02/21 12:29

w563822 : 鉛筆今年蠻操的 休息一下也好 02/21 13:24

ptadspt : 講錯話了呴 02/21 22:59
