[外絮] R.Miller挑的東區明星賽候補名單

看板 NBA
作者 jackie0414 (哇哈哈)
時間 2019-01-25 13:57:49
留言 29則留言 (19推 0噓 10→)

https://reurl.cc/zrN6Q Reggie Miller lists Zion Williamson as an All-Star with Knicks Hall of Famer Reggie Miller will always be partly remembered for his innate ability to get under the skin of the entire New York Knicks fanbase and roster. 名人堂球星Miller用其天賦讓紐約尼克隊和其球迷恨得牙癢癢而聞名 The professional Knicks-irritator isn’t letting retirement from the league stop him from taking shots at his old rival, either. 即使已退休多年 卻不因此放過他的老對手尼克隊 During the TNT broadcast of the Washington Wizards and Golden State Warriors game on Thursday night, a graphic showcasing Miller’s picks for the Eastern Conference All-Star Game reserves was shown on screen. 在週四晚上巫師與勇士的比賽轉播中 一張圖秀出了Miller所挑的東區明星賽候補 No, that is not a type. Making a dig at the dysfunctional New York Knicks, Reggie Miller gave an honorable mention to Zion Williamson, whom Miller listed as a Knicks player. Miller將現在還在Duke打球的Zion Williamson列為尼克隊球員 這簡直是在目前遭遇極大困難的尼克隊傷口上灑鹽啊! In 14th place in the Eastern Conference, the Knicks are only one win ahead of being the worst team in the league with a 10-36 record. 尼克隊目前在東區排第14 10勝36敗也是全聯盟倒數第二的隊伍 Obviously, New York big man Kristaps Porzingis would likely be worthy of some All-Star buzz if he were healthy, but with sidelined since the start of the season, the Knicks are devoid entirely of All-Star talent. They are even one of the few teams in the league that doesn’t have a single player averaging at least 20 points a game. 顯然的 如果尼克隊的大個子Kristaps Porzingis有保持健康 也許值得獲得一些進明星賽的呼聲 但隨著他開季就受傷 尼克隊目前已經沒有任何具備明星賽天賦的球員了 尼克隊甚至是目前聯盟少數沒有任何球員場均超過20分的球隊 Despite their owner, James Dolan, claiming otherwise, it is apparent that this team is tanking. At least Reggie was kind enough to lend to the possibility that New York is able to land Duke sensation Zion Williamson in the upcoming NBA Draft. 雖然尼克老闆有不同的想法 但很顯然的這隻球隊正遭遇重大挫敗 至少Miller認為未來尼克隊有機會在選秀中選到Zion Williamson 已算是很仁慈了 Many believe Zion could be a once-a-generation type player, which is exactly what the Knicks need. Zion Williamson被認為是難得一見的優秀球員 正是目前尼克隊急需的 With only five playoff appearances in the 21st century, the return of winning basketball to Madison Square Garden is long overdue, and even Reggie knows it. 21世紀至今尼克只進了五次季後賽 即便是宿敵Miller也很清楚 尼克隊要重返常勝軍行列 似乎是遙遙無期 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1548395878.A.222.html

loserloser : MILLER 484看太陽騎士公牛老鷹很沒有? 01/25 13:58

arcss : 大嘴:阿,不小心撒了一下鹽 @[email protected]~ 01/25 13:59

JoelEmbiid21: 哈達威和假AI不算明星嗎 01/25 13:59

PeterHenson : 場均沒20分錯了嗎 當年14年馬刺也沒有一個場均20的 01/25 14:00

Kreen : XDDDDDDDD 01/25 14:00

SupHateSpurs: 這是GOOGLE翻譯嗎= = 01/25 14:02

cblade : 老米尼克粉 01/25 14:02

ac147963 : 別跟我騎搶 01/25 14:03

jyunwei : 標題跟內文怎麼在講不同事情的感覺 01/25 14:03

meipialoha : 樓上說估狗翻譯的自己來翻,別人花時間翻的被嫌以後 01/25 14:11

meipialoha : 大家都貼原文就好了 01/25 14:11

KKyosuke : 先幫尼克拿一隻前三順位的籤臭了嗎.. 01/25 14:11

LiamNeeson : 尼克要是拿得到Zion也很爽了好嗎XD 01/25 14:12

wx190 : 躺著賺哪有差 01/25 14:13

turnpoint : 騎士:你有先問過我嗎? 01/25 14:17

Aminoacid : 退休多久了 還是要嘴一下 01/25 14:26

chi12345678 : 標題大概是誤會意思了吧…如果原文是第一行 01/25 14:33

tommy910174 : Zion曾對媒體說過 最想去的NBA球隊就是紐約尼克 01/25 14:37

EriCartman : 看成回文 01/25 14:43

weather12 : 尼克明明暗爽 01/25 14:44

nkfcc : 結果尼克成功坦到爐主...抽到三號籤 Miller:爽! 01/25 15:08

KKyosuke : 爐主現在最低是四號還是五號簽? 01/25 15:36

TheOneisNEO : ZION如果可以去尼克 而且生涯不受傷 遇到適合的教練 01/25 16:02

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holyhelm : 有挑DLO耶 01/25 17:55

box2500 : Zion沒那樣說 是記者主動問想不想在尼克打球(那場 01/25 18:39

box2500 : 比賽在麥迪遜) 01/25 18:39

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vvnbear : 這樣尼克會感謝大嘴好嗎 01/26 03:54
