[外絮] Rozier講青賽球員: 太有才華,所以掙扎

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2019-01-16 10:00:22
留言 58則留言 (39推 6噓 13→)

來源: Bleacher Report 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y7ry9tpv Terry Rozier Says Celtics Are Struggling Because Roster Is 'Too Talented' Terry Rozier講到青賽掙扎的原因是因為球員"太有才華" Boston Celtics point guard Terry Rozier said the team's roster is "too talented," and the necessary adjustments to accommodate all of the star power caused the team to perform below expectations during the first half of the 2018-19 NBA season. 波士頓青賽控衛Terry Rozier說,因為青賽球員"太有才華"了,而為了讓這些才華洋溢球 員的能力都可以發揮到必須做到一些調整,所以才會在目前上半球季表現不如預期。 With the Celtics riding a three-game losing streak that dropped their record to 25-18, Vincent Goodwill of Yahoo Sports provided comments from Rozier on Tuesday. 青賽目前是三連敗,戰績25-18。所以星期二的時候,Yahoo Sport記者Vincent Goodwill 報導了Rozier的評論。 "I don't think we've all been on a team like this," he said. "Young guys who can play, guys who did things in their career, the group that was together last year, then you bring Kyrie [Irving] and [Gordon] Hayward back, it's a lot with it." 「我不認為我們大家以前都有待過像目前青賽的隊伍的經驗,」他說。「有能打的年輕球 員,有在他生涯有發光發熱過的球員,這些球員去年在一起打球,然後Kyrie跟Hayward回 來了,這有很大的改變。」 Boston posted the Eastern Conference's second-best record last season at 55-27 despite Hayward playing just five minutes in the opener before suffering a gruesome leg injury and Irving's season ending in March after undergoing a pair of knee surgeries. 儘管Hayward上個球季在開幕戰只打了五分鐘就受到嚴重腳傷,Irving在三月就因為接受膝 蓋手術在去年三月就宣告球季結束,青賽仍然在上個球季在東區以55-27戰績拿下第二名。 The Celtics still advanced to the Conference Finals and forced the LeBron James-led Cleveland Cavaliers to a seventh game thanks to strong play by Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown and Rozier. 青賽打進東冠賽,也在年輕球員優異表現下,包括Jayson Tatum,Jaylen Brown跟 Rozier,迫使LBJ所率領的騎士得要打到東冠賽第七戰。 So expectations were unsurprisingly sky high with Irving and Hayward returning to join a roster with those rising stars as well as veterans like Al Horford and Marcus Morris. 所以隨著Irving跟Hayward回來,加上開始嶄露頭角的新星,以及老將Al Horford跟Marcus Morris,大家對青賽有很高的期待是沒有甚麼好驚訝的。 "It's tough to win four straight and lose [three] straight," Morris told Goodwill. "I would be lying if I said we knew our identity because the identity of a good team don't do that. [Good teams] don't take steps back, being on the road or at home. Still searching, I guess." 「四連勝跟三連敗都是很困難的,」Morris說。「若我說我們知道我們隊伍的特性,那就 是我在唬爛,因為一支好的隊伍的特性是不會那樣的。好的隊伍不會退步,不管是在主場 或客場。我猜,或許我們還在找尋我們球隊的特性吧。」 Boston has been seemingly been stuck in neutral for most of the campaign leading to questions about whether a roster shake-up is necessary. 青賽最近在戰績上似乎停滯不前,這也產生了疑問: 球員名單是不是需要換一下了。 Celtics head coach Brad Stevens recently told reporters why he's hopeful the current group can eventually get back on track, though: 不過,青賽總教練Brad Stevens告訴記者為何他對於現在球員最終會回到正常狀況表示樂 觀: "You always have high expectations for your group. Last year, they may not have been what everybody else on the outside thought, once we had those injuries, but within the walls, we were super disappointed we didn't win that last game to go to the Finals. Ultimately it's about how you play and how you come together. How you do things together. It's about how you empower each other. It's about playing your best basketball. It takes a lot of teams a long time to get there. Some teams never get there. We'll see if this team does, from a consistent basis. But, we've shown that we have a chance, so that's good." 「對於自己的球隊總是會有很高的期望。去年,在有了那傷病球員之後,球員不是像外面 大家所想的那樣。在球隊裡面,大家對於沒贏下東冠賽第七戰非常的失望。但是,不管如 何,最終都是要看我們打的如何,大家怎樣團結在一起,大家如何互相激勵,如何打出最 好的籃球。很多隊伍得要花很長的時間才能走到那種境界,有些隊伍根本就達不到。我們 會持續觀察我們的球隊能不能走到那裡,但是,我們有展現過我們有那樣的機會,那很 讚。」 Boston gets another litmus test Wednesday night when they take on the NBA-leading Toronto Raptors and attempt to end their losing skid. 星期三會是青賽的另外一次測試,客場面對聯盟戰績第一的暴龍,然後想辦法結束連敗。 -- 天賦賽? -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 --
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1547604027.A.6F0.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

Chanlin01 : 你最雷 01/16 10:00

NanaoNaru : 氣氛 01/16 10:01

toast1521 : 都4爛蘋果~~~ 01/16 10:01

tfoxboy : 爛到吐 01/16 10:01

live147222 : 但願你沒把自己算入其中 01/16 10:02

depo : 你好像打到沒交易價值了 01/16 10:02

linceass : 讓去年的騎士逼到第七場 根本大失敗好嗎 01/16 10:02

jack19931993: 有比12年熱火有才華嗎? 01/16 10:02

dwiee : 為什麼算失敗阿? 去年騎士很爛嗎 01/16 10:03

jms790607 : 你這季超雷.......命中率超慘 01/16 10:04

PanaS0Nic : so,吹蜜 01/16 10:04

Righto : 就你在雷 01/16 10:05

CMPunk : 單押x1 01/16 10:05

kuchibu : 噗 01/16 10:06

matsuwu : 今年墊底,去年騎士進總決,每場都是奇蹟呀! 01/16 10:06

Blazeleo819 : 原來是掙扎的部分啊 01/16 10:07

ericlin84 : 弱企鵝就你最弱 01/16 10:08

lee76413 : 少主們不滿兵權被削弱囉 01/16 10:09

love1500274 : 去年東冠2-14拖垮青賽 今年持續烙賽 01/16 10:09

ksk0516 : 最雷的出來講話了,你和星海哥半斤八兩 01/16 10:09

phoenician : 覺得自己比KI強就說嘛~ 01/16 10:10

CarisLeVert : LBJ+墊底球隊 >>> 賽隊 01/16 10:10

wei0111205 : 單押x1 01/16 10:10

rbki3 : 意思就是去年沒KI,他打的比較好~ 看樣子真的分兩派 01/16 10:12

dwiee : 672/JB都需要球權刷數據好換約 01/16 10:14

uppp : 荊州派卡益州派 01/16 10:14

rbki3 : 看哪邊可以拉到聰明這票 聰明哥靠誰 誰講話就大聲 01/16 10:15

CarisLeVert : 672去年g7也打超爛!! 01/16 10:15

ksk0516 : 星海應該不是KI這邊的齁,看上次最後一擊 01/16 10:16

vanson37 : 雷 01/16 10:17

DerLuna : 我太帥了所以沒有女友 01/16 10:20

pounil : 看誰是正宗綠血人 就解決了不是? 01/16 10:20

Pritfuss : 文學造詣真高 01/16 10:20

ccc5b683 : 單換豪神 01/16 10:22

danorken : 又一隊輸給自己 01/16 10:26

leehom309536: 摳逼遺毒,人人都想自乾吧 01/16 10:26

air801130 : 就你最爛 01/16 10:28

amare1015 : 72你還是安靜點兒吧XD 01/16 10:28

luckhunter : 這樣湖人也是太有才華~ 01/16 10:29

a9564208 : 帥到分手? 01/16 10:31

kuchibu : 怎麼好像三國演義 01/16 10:36

papapapapapa: 上一場沒ki, 你打得如何?還不是靠Wanamaker 01/16 10:36

papapapapapa: 早點把wana拉上來救火,說不定就逆轉了 01/16 10:36

tommy910174 : 羅濟而跟星海是最雷的 再來就是杰倫 01/16 10:40

cool34 : 帥到分手 安全感不夠 01/16 10:50

steven790303: 你跟GH就是最雷的 01/16 10:59

NewShiisDog : 還想先發啊爛咖 01/16 11:12

Tawara : 每個都來講一句 是要多氣氛啦 01/16 12:03

willy14 : 去年g7 01/16 12:06

WASIJLA : 你這季在雷什麼 01/16 12:44

timgjh : 因為太富裕了,所以沒錢吃飯 01/16 13:05

JOGIBA : 全隊都超哥伯夷,難怪怪聲不斷 01/16 14:02

silentsky555: 團隊氣氛很好 01/16 20:01

kgii : 最雷就是他,命中率連4成都沒,也沒防守,到底在幹 01/16 21:04

kgii : 嘛 01/16 21:04
