[外絮] Josh Richardson因丟鞋至觀眾席被逐出場

看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
時間 2018-11-19 20:25:08
留言 22則留言 (13推 2噓 7→)

來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9akzx2w Heat forward Josh Richardson ejected for throwing shoe into stands 熱火前鋒Josh Richardson因為把鞋子丟到觀眾席被逐出場 A moment of frustration got Josh Richardson ejected and left a fan with a cool souvenir and an interesting story. 因為一時的挫折不僅讓Josh Richardson被逐出場,也讓球迷拿到了一個蠻酷的紀念品,更 讓大家有個好戲可看。 Richardson was ejected from the Miami Heat's game Sunday night against the Los Angeles Lakers for throwing his shoe into the crowd. Richardson lost the shoe on a play in the fourth quarter, then appeared to get annoyed that he couldn't get it back on and launched it into the stands in frustration. Richardson在星期天熱火對戰湖人時因為把鞋丟到觀眾席被驅逐出場,他是因為在第四節 時因為一個動作弄掉了鞋子,之後似乎因為沒辦法把鞋子穿上,一怒就把鞋子丟到觀眾區 去了。 Midway through the fourth, Richardson missed a dunk attempt. The Heat forward lost his shoe and thought he was fouled on the play. After voicing his displeasure with the non-call, Richardson — with one shoe on — was whistled for a personal foul on the ensuing Lakers possession. 第四節的中段,Richardson灌籃沒灌進,他的一隻鞋子掉了,而且也以為他被犯規,但是 沒有,他很不高興講著他的不爽--一腳有穿鞋一腳沒穿--之後球權判給了湖人,他也被吹 了一個犯規。 Richardson walked to the Miami sideline and attempted to put the shoe back on, but appeared to have trouble untying the laces. When he couldn't, he tossed the shoe over his head into the crowd behind the Heat bench. He was assessed a technical foul and subsequently ejected. Richardson走到熱火球員區,嘗試著把鞋穿回去,但是似乎沒辦法把鞋帶解開,後來發現 打不開之後,他就把鞋子丟到熱火休息區後面的觀眾席,他也因此被吹了一個技術犯規並 且被驅逐出場。 影片支援: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1064327367991197696 "I just can't let that happen," Richardson said after the Heat lost for the fifth time in six games to fall to 6-10. 「我只是不能讓那發生,」Richardson說。熱火在近六場比賽輸了五場,戰績是目前是 6-10。 Richardson finished with 17 points in 25 minutes. LeBron James erupted for 51 points to lead the Lakers to a 113-97 win. Richardson上場25分鐘,拿下17分,LBJ則是大爆發拿下51分,率領湖人以113-97拿下勝 利。 -- 超中二 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽 開獎結果: 雙十 --
※ 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1542630316.A.D66.html

ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17

kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34

kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18

bobyacool : KI輸了 11/19 20:25

ksk0516 : 你家學長是丟別人的鞋不是丟自己的啦 11/19 20:27

x851221 : 球星丟鞋 觀眾嗨翻 綠葉丟鞋被驅逐 11/19 20:28

jason38152 : 被打到腦羞的咖 11/19 20:36

kkk1234 : 也要看時機吧 11/19 20:44

fack3170 : KI表示: 11/19 20:47

Acetoxy : LBJ牌子比較大不敢丟他球 只好丟自己的鞋子洩憤 11/19 20:59

SELEX : 熱火傳統?? 11/19 21:02

Nern : ㄏ 這邊不知還剩多少知道熱火球星丟別人鞋的事 11/19 21:17

TomBoHu : U R not jordan,笑死 11/19 21:41

ben0522 : 沒學到學長的精髓=="唉 11/19 21:52

king45645 : Wade:是教你ㄨ丟別人鞋子 11/19 22:02

s678902003 : 那雙應該是PG2 11/19 22:04

stone801118 : 話說他不是控球嗎? 11/19 23:13

stone801118 : 怎麼內文變前鋒... 11/19 23:13

ZALU : 這雙不是前幾天吉巴學長穿的絕殺拖鞋嗎 11/20 01:07

Tawara : Wade: 就像我教過你的..呃不是丟你的鞋! 11/20 02:45

jeff5221 : 廢誤中二的咖....在別隊就是爛咖 11/20 05:33

briankch : 熱火不意外 11/20 08:48
