[外絮] Oubre signs with Converse & Nike

看板 NBA
作者 meipialoha (梅屁)
時間 2018-11-17 00:24:21
留言 47則留言 (34推 3噓 10→)

大概翻一下 As part of its re-emergence in basketball culture, Converse has signed Washington Wizards wing Kelly Oubre Jr. to a multi-year footwear and apparel endorsement deal. The shoe deal will be the first of its kind in the NBA, with Oubre expected to wear Nike basketball sneakers on court, while headlining its Nike Inc. subsidiary brand Converse casually. 這是nba沒看過的簽約方式,帥哥會在場上穿著Nike場下則穿著Converse的鞋子韓服裝 The partnership speaks to the growing attention paid to the league's arena entry fashion, with Oubre Jr. looking to lead and debut a variety of new Converse sneakers with his pregame arrival outfits throughout the season. 會簽下帥哥是因為他在比賽前都會穿各式不同花樣的Converse鞋 "Every game since my rookie year, I came in and just always wanted to look nice and always wanted to outdo myself," said Oubre. "[Style isn't] about anybody else, it's about how you feel in what you're wearing." 他說:自從我新人年開始我都盡可能想看起來體面,品味就是你自己對服裝的感覺 For the 22-year-old, whose rookie shoe deal with Adidas expired on Oct. 1, the sneaker free agency process saw him also receive interest and take pitches from Puma and New Balance. Converse, originally founded in 1908 with longtime roots in the NBA, presented a unique twist on the standard shoe deal. 帥哥今年22歲了,他新人年簽下的愛迪達合約已經在十月一號到期,他也分別得到Puma和New Balance的報價。Converse這個nba創始的品牌和近年霸佔nba的Nike於事有了這個奇怪的合約形式 "It's a different vibration when it comes to someone who is trying to reinvent t From the onset, he'll be featured in lifestyle campaigns and provide input and f "Basketball culture now permeates through all those dimensions that Converse has Converse CMO說:籃球文化影響了各個層面,Converse也已經從球鞋品牌轉變成一個潮牌。 我想這是一個好的時機來重振我們的品牌,而帥哥是我們認為很適合的人選。 During an evening photo shoot late Thursday in Washington, D.C. at the Banneker Converse looks at the signing as a way to connect with the merging of style and "The style angle of what a basketball game is has evolved," said Bambuck. "A few For Oubre's team, the deal provides him with a creative outlet and the opportuni While the off-court appeal ultimately engaged Converse, the brand plans for Oubr 雖然這是一個罕見的合約方式,但是我們想一起共事 For now, Oubre looks to break out vibrant vintage pairs from Kobe Bryant's Nike 而現在帥哥穿的是Kobe的鞋子,他喜歡低筒的設計。他在進入大學前就說過他除了Kobe的簽名鞋之外不會穿任何一種球鞋 Beginning tonight, he'll be wearing and leading the brand's approach to basketball primarily off the court, representing a new chapter for shoe deals and a shift in how the league's style is viewed. "It's the right time for us to take over the tunnel," said Bambuck. "They have dope canvases that a lot of people can make a dope creation on," said Oubre. "I just want to continue to create that legacy and that wave to make the brand look good." 帥哥說:他們有很屌的帆布鞋而且很多人都能在上面創作,我只是想創造這種形式同時讓這個品牌更好 ======================= 平常就有在發摟他的ig 他的品味跟穿搭真的 帥 http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/25291151/nba-kelly-oubre-jr-signs-converse-nike ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- --
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MrGae : 反正都同一家.... 11/17 00:25

meipialoha : 手機複製的時候不知道為什麼原文被吃了一些抱歉 11/17 00:27

i5234 : wavepapi 11/17 00:28

rhyhaven : 巫師到底要不要續約這隻阿 11/17 00:29

ccrr1234 : 看不是很懂是怎麼翻的@@ 11/17 00:29

lchun123 : 對他蠻有印象的 上一季很積極打球 11/17 00:33

jackal44748 : 巫師想續也沒空間了吧 11/17 00:35

bbbyes123 : 巫師20-21 那三隻的薪資就9xM了... 豪可怕 11/17 00:39

dwiee : 主要是wall的40m太可怕了 11/17 00:40

kameng : 還好啦 火箭21-22兩隻後場就88M了XD 11/17 00:43

johnson20524: 反正都同一間公司 不要分那麼細 11/17 00:46

toneyney : 聯盟最帥8+9 11/17 00:47

k960674 : Oubre真的是很狂的8+9 每次出事其他人是衝上去拉開 11/17 00:52

k960674 : 他是衝上去準備幹架 11/17 00:52

a86425380 : 可是代表他會很挺對有啊 11/17 00:53

a86425380 : 又不像巫師老大整天弄自己人 11/17 00:54

k960674 : 他那根本不是挺隊友的等級,而是有時候互瞪他就開始 11/17 00:57

k960674 : 衝上去推人了XD 不過我也覺得Oubre很帥 繼續保持 11/17 00:57

chaben : 有原民感的黑人 11/17 01:05

a86425380 : 巫師裡最帥的黑人吧 11/17 01:08

king45645 : 之前不是也戴supreme袖套 跟JR有得比 11/17 01:09

knowledge56 : 這隻灌籃tomhawk都蠻帥的 11/17 01:11

a60525025 : 還記得korver以前也都穿converse籃球鞋 11/17 01:24

touvictor : 巫師不知為何要砸那麼多錢續Porter, 根本不值,板凳 11/17 01:33

touvictor : 上還有這隻便宜更好用的 11/17 01:33

s95115260 : 我喜歡這隻,敢真的在場上幹架的球員不多了 11/17 01:40

jedfjeff8673: 說Oubre好用的真的有看比賽? 11/17 01:48

iloveben75 : 他超帥 11/17 01:50

King5566 : 屁孩8+9帥在哪? 11/17 01:54

honher : FA池大將軍 11/17 01:56

bruce21288 : oubre這季狂敗球還好用喔 11/17 02:00

aete36x : 帥 11/17 02:22

nancy0803 : 別的撇開不說,他真的很帥 11/17 02:23

swaggg : 他五官真的帥啊 可以看他ig 而且穿搭超騷 11/17 03:47

tomlee1130 : KO長得真的很帥,不過這季偏爛XD 11/17 04:02

SonoSion : 帥哥? 11/17 04:53

autechre : 就長的像骨感版的毒瓜ㄚ 很難懂嗎 11/17 05:03

takataka : 都豐泰的 11/17 06:55

CW4 : 真的很帥啊 11/17 07:13

cigarette032: 像南美洲的足球隊員 11/17 07:19

Kreen : NBA 版的人帥真好系列,ws、bpm 比瓜哥還低,ts 跟 11/17 07:23

Kreen : 瓜哥一樣,usg 還比瓜哥高的球員~ 11/17 07:24

CW4 : 人長得好看真的是可以為所欲為 11/17 07:37

Kreen : 我同意XDDDD 11/17 07:41

faithful : 全聯盟最帥的球員 11/17 07:52

chiuwey : 原來不只有我覺得他帥XD 11/17 09:38

ts012108 : 明明就巫師最P 但內建眼線 晚點推 11/17 13:28
